The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 273 Huang Zhi Tao, the system's response

Chapter 273 Huang Zhi Tao, the system's response

A deal!
Zhou Chen attributed the relationship between himself and Wang Yidi to a transaction.

As his secret lover, Wang Yidi relies on him for profit, and he gets satisfaction from Wang Yidi.

This has nothing to do with love. Wang Yidi may like him somewhat, but it is definitely not love, so this is more of a transaction.

I am really sorry for Qiao Yingzi for this kind of behavior, but to be honest, he really held back for too long.

He has never been a saint, nor has he flaunted himself. To use that famous saying, that is, he has made mistakes that men will make.

Zhou Chen has too many secrets in his heart, so it is not difficult for him to hide them. As long as Wang Yidi doesn't mess around, Qiao Yingzi will never know.

He has never had the idea of ​​wives and concubines living together, because it is absolutely impossible for women in this era, especially Qiao Yingzi, to allow this kind of thing to happen.

Zhou Chen didn't spend the night with Wang Yidi. After the fun, he thought of Qiao Yingzi and felt guilty, so he told Wang Yidi and left the hotel.

"On the road of the scumbag Neptune, he has really gone further and further."

Regarding what happened tonight, Zhou Chen expressed emotion. Men are indeed creatures that cannot withstand temptation. Maybe there are really dedicated men, but he is obviously not that type.

Back home, Qiao Yingzi was still asleep, leaning on the bedside and reading a book seriously.

"Honey, you're back and you're drinking again?"

Zhou Chen's complexion remained unchanged: "Well, I drank a little, but I didn't drink too much. Is my daughter asleep?"

"Well, I'm asleep. It's in my mother's room. Don't go and look."

Zhou Chen smiled helplessly: "We are parents, and we can't even see our daughter when we come back at night, alas."

Qiao Yingzi gave him a blank look, and snorted, "Someone is helping you take care of your daughter, and you're still depressed. Who told you to come back so late, the child will go to bed early to grow up."

"Okay, then I will try to come back as soon as possible."

"Husband, my mother said that she will take her to play with Auntie Tong tomorrow."

Qiao Yingzi said to Zhou Chen suddenly, which surprised Zhou Chen.

Song Qian and Qiao Weidong loved their daughter too much. Although she was one year old, she rarely left the community, because Song Qian watched closely, for fear that she might not get used to the outside world.

It's also fortunate that their villa complex is large enough and there are many places to play, otherwise the girl might really have to stay at home all the time.

Song Qian didn't have many friends, and Tong Wenjie was the best one, so when she went out, she basically went to find Tong Wenjie.

"Take it. According to me, Nannie can't stay at home all the time, so she should go out to play more. When you rest, we two will take her to the playground or the zoo."

Qiao Yingzi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Can you spare some time?"

Zhou Chen: "Now there are people in charge of everything in the group. I don't need to keep an eye on it like before. Of course I can spare time. The problem now is you. You spend all day in the research institute. It depends on how much you have. No time."

"Recently, I'm working on a new subject with my professor, and I'll be free when I'm done."

Although Zhou Chen's Institute of Astronomy could not create benefits for him, it was very famous in the academic circle. The research said that it published many papers on astronomy, which caused quite a stir in the astronomy circle.

Other companies make money, but institutes make fame.

"I see that you are busy all day long, even busier than me, the boss."

Zhou Chen shook his head and didn't say anything. A woman with a career is actually more attractive. Qiao Yingzi is busy with her career, so she won't think wildly, and her spirit will become better. Zhou Chen likes her current state very much.

"The class reunion is tomorrow?"

"Well, at noon tomorrow, that's how they arranged it."

"Then you should pay attention tomorrow, don't drink alcohol, and don't fool around with them."

Hearing Zhou Chen's instructions, Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes: "Where can I fool around? You should tell yourself this."

Zhou Chen showed embarrassment. Normally, he would have a clear conscience, but today, he really did something wrong.

"I'll take a shower first, and I'll sleep with you in my arms."

Zhou Chen walked into the bathroom, Qiao Yingzi picked up the book again, and read it seriously.

The next day, Zhou Chen had a rest and didn't go to work. After playing with his daughter for a while early in the morning, Qiao Weidong and Song Qian took their daughter and left home for Fang's house.

Over the years, the Fang family has undergone great changes.

First of all, there is one more member, Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie's daughter, Fang Duoduo, who is already eight years old.

Unlike in the TV series, Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie did not buy Song Qian's Shuxiang Yayuan house, because it was only a two-bedroom house, which was not enough for their family.

The Fang family now includes Fang Duoduo, and there are five people in total. So after discussing with Tong Wenjie, Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie bought another three-bedroom apartment with a loan.

Tong Wenjie went back to work shortly after giving birth. It was because of Zhou Chen, who was entrusted to her. She worked as the financial director of a subsidiary of Chenying Group, and her income was very considerable.

In addition, Fang Yuan is doing well in the trading company now, and the wages of the two are not low, so they changed to a bigger house.

Usually, the two of them go to work, and the children are handed over to Fang Yuan's parents. Even if Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er come back, they can still live in a crowded place.

It was precisely because Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie both worked in Zhou Chen's company that Fang Yifan did not sign with Chenying Entertainment when he signed the contract with the entertainment company.

The main reason is that Fangyuan and the others felt that it was not easy to repay Zhou Chen's affection.

Qiao Yingzi didn't go to the research institute today either, she was going to a class reunion, and she was at home waiting for Huang Zhitao to come over.

After graduating from Peking University, Huang Zhitao was admitted to a master's degree as she wished, and now works in a tertiary hospital in Yanjing as a gynecologist.

In fact, Zhou Chen couldn't understand Huang Zhitao's choice.

Because Huang Zhitao's ideal is to become an excellent doctor like her parents. If so, why didn't she choose medical school after the college entrance examination, and insisted on choosing Peking University.

The name of Beijing University is very famous, but in the field of medicine, it is definitely not as good as Yanjing's top medical school.

Zhou Chen sat on the sofa with Qiao Yingzi and watched TV. At about ten o'clock, a tall woman with a ponytail walked in.



Seeing this woman, Qiao Yingzi rushed over happily and hugged her.

Zhou Chen and Huang Zhitao had only met each other not long ago, at the first birthday party of their daughter, two of the original group of six came during the first birthday party.

One is Huang Zhitao, and the other is Lin Leier.

After graduating from Mizuki University, Lin Leier was retained by the school because of her excellent grades. Now she is working as a teaching assistant at Mizuki University.

Huang Zhitao has also changed a lot compared to high school, but what impressed Zhou Chen the most is that Huang Zhitao seems to have always had a ponytail, and a ponytail is everywhere.

And I don't know if it's because of work or because of himself, Huang Zhitao seldom puts on makeup, and even if he does, it's just light makeup.

Qiao Yingzi doesn't have many friends, and Huang Zhitao is the best one. The difference is that Huang Zhitao is still single so far. Qiao Yingzi even heard that after graduation, he has never even talked about love.

It is difficult to find a female doctor, let alone an elite female doctor like Huang Zhitao who needs good looks and a good figure.

"Zhou Chen, didn't you go to work today?"

Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi walked to the sofa and sat down, put down their bags, and asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen said: "I have a rest today, and I was planning to go to your class reunion with Yingzi, but who knew that you didn't bring your family members with you at the reunion, it's a bad review."

"Ha ha."

Huang Zhitao pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "If you go, the class reunion will definitely change. I don't know how many people will change their ways to curry favor with you."

Although most of their high school sprint class graduates are elites, their elites are only relative to ordinary people. Compared with Zhou Chen, a business tycoon who controls more than tens of billions of assets, they are really little witches. See the big witch.

"No, when will you go there?"

Qiao Yingzi said: "Let's go there at eleven o'clock. If you go early, you will also chat. I haven't seen you for so many years, and I don't know what to talk about."

When Qiao Yingzi was in high school, from the first two months of high school to the first two months of high school, she was considered a cheerful type, and she could have fun with anyone.

But in the next few months, due to various things, she changed a lot, especially in the later stage of sprinting for the college entrance examination. There were basically no entertainment activities in the sprint class, and there were more exchanges and learning between each other.

So for Qiao Yingzi, there are not many friendships in the sprint class of the third year of high school, and there are not many friends who can talk to each other.

Huang Zhitao asked Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, I heard that Wang Yidi joined your Chenying Entertainment?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi's expressions changed slightly.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Zhou Chen unkindly, and asked, "Wang Yidi joined Chenying Entertainment, why didn't you tell me?"

Although Qiao Yingzi is Zhou Chen's wife, she never intervenes in Zhou Chen's affairs, but Zhou Chen often tells her about company affairs.

If it was other things, she would not care at all, but Wang Yidi was different.

In high school, Zhou Chen and her were a favored couple, but Wang Yidi used to keep chasing after Zhou Chen.

Even though nothing happened to them, but the long-standing memory was awakened at once, and Qiao Yingzi's nature as a woman raised her vigilance in an instant.

Zhou Chen looked helpless, and glanced at Huang Zhitao, only to see Huang Zhitao blinking at him with a malicious smile on his face.

"This girl did it on purpose."

Knowing that Huang Zhitao did it on purpose, he couldn't care less about what to say now, so he hurriedly explained to Qiao Yingzi.

"Yingzi, this is a trivial matter. Wang Yidi took the initiative to find the company and wants to join the company. Anyway, she is a classmate. I am sure it is not easy to refuse her. If it were you, if she came to you, would you refuse? ?”

Qiao Yingzi: "I can definitely refuse, I don't care about others, but Wang Yidi has evil intentions, who knows what is her purpose of joining the company?"

Zhou Chen showed embarrassment. In fact, he has many ways to solve Qiao Yingzi's suspicion, but now there is one more person here, which makes his methods useless.

"What purpose she has has nothing to do with me. You also know that I don't go to Chenying Entertainment very much. It's Lao Zhu who will take care of it."

"What's more, don't you still believe me? I'm with you every day, and I haven't seen Wang Yidi for so many years, and what happened in high school was just rumors, do you still take it seriously?"


Qiao Yingzi snorted coldly and didn't bother anymore. In fact, she still believed in Zhou Chen in her heart.

This trust is based on getting along with each other over the years.

Let’s just say that when he was in Jinling University, the young, rich and handsome Zhou Chen was definitely a man of the day in Jinling University. I don’t know how many girls wanted to pry the wall.

But without exception, no one can succeed. This is not because she is too close, but because Zhou Chen is very conscious.

After graduating from university, Zhou Chen experienced even greater temptations, but Zhou Chen never stayed overnight, unless he was on a business trip, but even if he was on a business trip, the two of them would maintain a video call at night.

So from Qiao Yingzi's point of view, Zhou Chen would not betray her.

The reason why she was nervous when she heard Wang Yidi's name was because Wang Yidi was her biggest rival in love back then.

Qiao Yingzi asked Huang Zhitao, "Tao Zi, how do you know that Wang Yidi joined Chenying?"

Huang Zhitao said: "Because I have Wang Yidi's prestige, she announced the news on Moments and Weibo."

"It's really high-profile, but it also fits her character."

Qiao Yingzi showed disdain, she and Wang Yidi didn't deal with each other very much, let alone Zhou Chen was inserted in the middle.

Zhou Chen took the opportunity to change the subject and asked Huang Zhitao, "Tao Zi, speaking of it, why haven't you been in a relationship until now? Are you still waiting for Ji Yangyang?"

Sure enough, Qiao Yingzi's attention was immediately diverted, and he also asked Huang Zhitao: "Yes, Tao Zi, you have never been in love for so many years, are you really still waiting for Ji Yangyang, but he has already There has been no news for several years, right?"

In the original group of six, in the first year, everyone chatted frequently in the prestige group, but from the second year onwards, the news gradually decreased, especially Ji Yangyang, who almost stopped sending messages later, and also Just occasionally chatting with Huang Zhitao.

In the current group of six, the other five members still chat frequently, and even meet each other in Yanjing, but Ji Yangyang has not heard from him for several years.

Huang Zhitao said: "I haven't been in touch with Ji Yangyang for a long time, you all misunderstood, in fact, I didn't fall in love with him at all."

When she was in high school, she had a crush on Ji Yangyang, but since Ji Yangyang went abroad, it didn't take long before they didn't contact each other again. As for falling in love, there was no way to talk about it.

It is really easy to forget the hazy feelings of high school.

"It's not because of Ji Yangyang, then why haven't you been in love for so many years?"

Qiao Yingzi was even more curious. Huang Zhitao's qualifications were even better than hers, a proper goddess level.

He looks good, has a good job, and has a good personality. It's really strange that he hasn't been in a relationship yet in his late thirties.

"How many times have you asked this question. Didn't I say that I didn't meet the right one, and I don't like to make ends meet, so I didn't worry about it. If it's a big deal, I won't get married in the future. It's not right for us women to leave men. Can't make it through."

Huang Zhitao replied calmly, she was in a very good state of mind, as if she had already seen through the little things between men and women.

Zhou Chen couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. If Huang Zhitao had rich experience, he could say these words.

But the problem is, Huang Zhitao hasn't even talked about a serious relationship so far, how can she see the relationship between a man and a woman, she is just deceiving herself.

"You can't say that."

As a married person, Qiao Yingzi still has a say.

"Tao Zi, how about I ask Zhou Chen to help you find someone. He has seen a lot of people, so he must know a lot of high-quality men."

Huang Zhitao joked, "Is there a man as handsome and rich as your Zhou Chen?"

After she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong, but her face remained unchanged, and she still looked at Qiao Yingzi with a smile.

Qiao Yingzi was relatively simple, didn't feel Huang Zhitao's strangeness, and said with a smile: "Then I dare not promise you, Zhou Chen, what do you think?"

"Ah, me?"

Zhou Chen froze for a moment, then looked at Huang Zhitao, met Huang Zhitao's gaze, and said, "Most of the successful people I know are married or middle-aged men. The conditions are good, but Tao Zi probably can't see it." on these people."

Qiao Yingzi was dissatisfied and said, "You haven't even introduced him, how do you know that Tao Zi doesn't like it?"

"Okay, okay, let me introduce, Tao Zi, just tell me which one you want, and I'll introduce it for you."

Facing his wife's acting like a baby, Zhou Chen had no choice but to ask Huang Zhitao.

Huang Zhitao looked helpless: "Aren't you two free and have nothing to do? If you insist on introducing someone to me, let me tell you, don't bother. Even if you introduce me, I won't go to see it. If I want to find, I also want to find what I like, not through blind dates."

"Okay, stop talking, it's almost time, Yingzi, we can go."

Qiao Yingzi looked at the time and found that it was almost time, so he said to Zhou Chen, "Husband, then Tao Zi and I will go first."

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Go ahead, if you need anything, you can call me."

"Okay, my husband, goodbye."

Huang Zhitao also greeted Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, then we will leave first."

After they left, Zhou Chen sat on the sofa alone, thinking of the way Huang Zhitao looked at him just now, he always felt a little strange.

"Probably not?"

Before, he always thought that Huang Zhitao's refusal to fall in love should be because he had reached a consensus with Ji Yangyang, but Huang Zhitao's answer just now did not seem to be lying.

That means Huang Zhitao has really lost contact with Ji Yangyang.

It wasn't that he was being affectionate, it was because Huang Zhitao looked at him strangely just now.

"Master, do you have any special dishes for lunch?"

Chen Ma's voice interrupted Zhou Chen's thoughts, and Zhou Chen replied reflexively: "Let's add tofu soup and braised pork."

"Okay, sir."

I don't know if it was because the class reunion was too lively, or it was hard to refuse, but Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao didn't come back until after dinner.

Qiao Yingzi was fine, but something was wrong with Huang Zhitao, he was drunk, and he knew he had drunk too much.

Because Huang Zhitao lived alone, Qiao Yingzi was worried that she would be alone at home, so she simply took Huang Zhitao home.

Qiao Yingzi and Zhou Chen had been busy for a long time before they settled Huang Zhitao in the guest room.

On the day of Zhou Chen's tenth anniversary in this world, the system that had been silent for a long time finally responded again.

(End of this chapter)

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