Chapter 274 New Skill: Martian

Zhou Chen originally planned to stay in Xiaohuanxi World until he was old, but he never expected that in the tenth year, the system would take the initiative to respond.

The information conveyed by the system is that he can stay in this world until he is old and then leave, or he can leave within three days.

The difference is that if he stays all the time and leaves after he gets old, he won't be rewarded by the system.

And if he chooses to leave now, he will be rewarded by the system.

Zhou Chen was very surprised by this news. He thought that this little happy world was a world without tasks, so there would be no rewards.

But the system gave him another surprise. Even in the life world without tasks, it seems that he can get rewards, but whether he can get them depends on what choices he will make.

All of a sudden, Zhou Chen fell into a tangle.

Originally, he had planned to stay in this world until he was old, to leave at the end of his life, or to accompany Qiao Yingzi to the end.

But now the system suddenly came in such a way, which directly disrupted his plan.

So far, he has traveled through several worlds, and the rewards in each world are good. Although there are no missions in this world, since the system has said, there will be rewards if you leave now. No matter what it is, it is definitely better than nothing. good.

But if he left now, he would feel sorry for Qiao Yingzi again, and he would be reluctant to part with him.

The only consolation is that if he leaves, there will still be a chance to travel back in the future. Although he doesn't know what this opportunity is yet, he is sure that he will be able to.

Zhou Chen thought about it for a long time, but in the end reason overcame sensibility. The system's reward is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

After making a decision, Zhou Chen didn't hesitate anymore. For the next three days, he asked Qiao Yingzi to ask for leave, and the family of three went to play around.

When the deadline came, he communicated with the system and decided to leave.

"Wait for me, I'll be back as soon as possible."


Zhou Chen slowly opened his eyes, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar house in front of him, his consciousness soon came to him.

"I'm back again, over there, I don't know when I can go back again."

The first thing Zhou Chen did after he came back was to think of his wife and daughter in Xiaohuanxi. Can find a way to wear it back as soon as possible.

Putting aside these sad things for the time being, Zhou Chen communicated with the system and opened the panel.

Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 14
Constitution: 15
Spirit: 17
Agility: 14
Remaining points: 0
Money clears the way: When the host actively uses money to do something, the success rate of this thing can be increased by 50.00%; cooldown: main world: one month; film and television world: only once per world.

God-level Yuelao: When the host takes the initiative to set up a bridge for the target’s love and marriage, the chances of the target’s successful holding hands will be greatly increased; cooldown: seven days.

Voldemort (passive): When the host has a blood-related sister in the film and television world, the host's sister must be Voldemort.

Master Builder: The firmness of the building built by the host will be greatly improved.

Martian language: It comes from a mysterious gift, enabling the host to understand the special language of 'babbling' spoken by infants.

In the ten years in Xiaohuanxi World, Zhou Chen has never stopped exercising. Coupled with the original four attributes, his current four basic attributes have been improved.

It's just that now Zhou Chen feels more and more how difficult it is to improve through exercise, especially in terms of physical fitness and spirit. It is almost difficult to improve without adding some points.

Of course, it is also possible that the training method he has mastered is wrong, but because he travels through urban dramas and generally has no combat power, so he didn't force it too much.

It was the system's reward this time that made Zhou Chen a little confused.

It's fine if you don't have any attribute points, the skill rewarded is called Martian language, which turns out to be the language of infants and young children.

Martian Zhou Chen knows that it is the meteor language on the Internet. In short, it is a language composed of various strange characters. Anyway, it is incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

However, the Martian language skill he obtained is completely different from this one, and it is related to infants and young children, describing the language of those infants who cannot speak yet.

Anyone who has been in contact with infants and young children knows that before children learn, they will also express their ideas through some languages ​​​​that are exclusive to them.

These languages ​​are more complicated, some children shout, some children babble, some children cry and so on.

They want to express their needs and ideas, but they can't speak, so they can only speak this kind of Martian language that cannot be understood by adults.

And the Martian language skill that Zhou Chen has acquired now is to allow him to understand the language of infants and young children.

"But does that count as language?"

Zhou Chen couldn't understand it. Children's language is related to cognition and understanding. Before they learn the language, they will only express it according to their needs and emotions. To be precise, this is not a real language at all.

But since the system gave him this skill, he can only think that it is a language exclusively for children.

At first glance, this skill does not seem to be very useful, but after careful consideration, you will understand that this skill is definitely a very powerful skill.

To put it in the simplest terms, he can understand the language of children, so taking care of children is definitely a god-level daddy skill that surpasses all parenting experts in the world.

With this skill, if he were to be a nanny to take care of children, other nanny would be exhausted, he dared to yell confidently.

"I want to bring ten!"

His skills are great, but Zhou Chen always finds it weird. His majestic iron-blooded man, his father-level skills, don't seem to match his style.

For Zhou Chen, being able to get a good skill after spending time in a world without missions is already considered a pleasant surprise.

After taking a break as usual, Zhou Chen picked up the phone and opened the memo.

This is what he prepared before crossing, recording all the important things to do next.

After all, once he crosses, he will experience many things. When he comes back, he may not be able to remember the previous things for a while, so he wrote them down before crossing.

After flipping through the memo, Zhou Chen quickly remembered those things, but there was nothing important about them.

There is nothing to do today, so Zhou Chen fell on the bed and began to rest.

Zhou Chen slept for more than ten hours, he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

It was his father who called. When he heard what was going on, his whole body shivered and he woke up instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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