The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 276 New World: Not as Good as You in the Spring Breeze

Chapter 276 New World: Ten Miles of Spring Breeze Is Not as Good as You

Zhou Chen woke up amid waves of bumps and applause.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was an army green shed above his head, somewhat similar to a car roof.

The unfamiliar Huanchen didn't make Zhou Chen flustered, he has already been used to various scenes after time travel.

To be honest, even if he traveled to the scene of murder and arson now, he would not be frightened.

Looking away from the roof of the car, Zhou Chen quickly glanced around, and then showed a surprised expression.

I saw that he was indeed in a car, but it was not a car, but a truck, surrounded by army green, a bit like a military truck.

He wasn't the only one in the car, there were many people sitting or lying around him, all wearing camouflage uniforms worn by troops or military training.

"I'm in the barracks, or?"

Zhou Chen guessed his identity, and at the same time, a memory appeared in his mind and quickly merged with him.

In just a moment, he figured out his current identity and basic situation.

But this time his identity shocked him like never before.

His name is still Zhou Chen. This year, he is not a soldier, but a college student who has just entered university and is preparing for military training.

The current location is Yanjing, but the time is 1992.

This surprised him. In the previous several time travels, he traveled to a few years, and he was relatively familiar with it during that time.

But today in 1992, compared to the reality, he has not yet been born. The things of this era only exist in listening to others or watching them in TV and movies.

Of course, this was not what shocked him the most. What shocked him the most was that he had parents in this world, and his parents were Zhou Zhiming and Li Congping.

Although it was decades earlier, his parents were the same as in the real world, except that he had no older sister in this world, and his parents were more than [-] years younger.

He in this world is different from the real world. In the real world, he can't be said to be a scumbag, but he is definitely not a good one, but in this world, he is actually a top student.

The university I was admitted to was Yanjing Renhe Medical College, and it was an eight-year undergraduate, master, and doctoral program, and I graduated with a doctorate.

In the real world, he only graduated after stumbling as an undergraduate.

However, Renhe Medical College made Zhou Chen a little confused. Does Yanjing have such a medical school?

He knew that there was a Xiehe, which was the overlord of the medical school, but which school was the Kerenhe Medical School?
But he quickly understood what this school was. According to the location of the school in his memory, it should be Xiehe in the real world. Perhaps because it was in the world of film and television dramas, the name changed.

Was admitted to the best medical school in the country, is he so amazing in this world?
He knew his identity and origin, and his situation, but he still hadn't guessed which world he had crossed into.

It's just a little familiar, but I don't know if it's because I watched too many movies and TV dramas, and I couldn't think of it for a while.

After communicating with the system, the system panel was opened.

The world I traveled through this time is a world with missions. Since I can't judge it by memory, I can guess it by looking at the system missions with a high probability.

Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 14
Constitution: 15
Spirit: 17
Agility: 14
Remaining points: 0
Money clears the way: ………

God-level Yuelao: ………

Voldemort (passive): ...

Master Builder: The firmness of the building built by the host will be greatly improved.

Martian language: It comes from a mysterious gift, enabling the host to understand the special language of 'babbling' spoken by infants.


Great doctor: To become an excellent doctor, one needs to establish a sufficient reputation in the industry.

Zhou Chen was a little surprised when he saw the tasks displayed on the system panel.

"Great doctor? The task is related to the profession, but this doesn't provide any clues?"

He is also a person who has traveled through several worlds, and he is very clear that the tasks in each world are related to the world he traveled through.

The task this time is to become a great doctor, so it means that the world he travels this time must be related to doctors, but this is obvious, after all, he went to medical school.

According to this task, he still couldn't guess which TV series or movie it was.

Zhou Chen has watched too many movies and TV dramas related to doctors, such as emergency doctors, surgeons, obstetricians, etc., there are countless.

I just don't know which one of these TV shows it is.

Since the current film and television world cannot be judged through memory and tasks, it can only be judged through the surrounding environment.

Zhou Chen turned his head and looked at the people around him. Like him, these people were all boys, wearing military training uniforms, they must be his classmates.

He just woke up and didn't know what happened, but he heard waves of applause.

I saw a student in the carriage singing happily, because his accent was so weird that the other people in the carriage laughed.

At this moment, a boy sitting at the back of the car said, "Everyone will be classmates from now on. Let's introduce ourselves first. I'll go first."

Suddenly, everyone in the car looked at him.

"My name is Qiushui, Autumn in Autumn, Water in Spring, a native of Yanjing, and my family lives in Weeping Willow. I originally wanted to take the exam for the Chinese Department of Peking University, but my mother held back me."

Speaking of this, he shook his head and sighed: "My mother despises literature, because my father graduated from Renhe, so I just..."

When Zhou Chen heard Qiushui's self-introduction, he had a strange expression, and he finally knew which TV series he had traveled to.

Military training, Renhe Medical College, Qiushui.

Ten miles of spring breeze, not as good as you!

"I didn't expect it to be this TV series."

After Zhou Chen knew the world he was in, he was a little surprised. He had watched this TV series, and it was a bloody love TV series with a medical school appearance.

In this TV series, there is very little content related to medicine, and the rest are love stories between the male and female protagonists, and they are also multi-angle relationships.

I remember when I first watched this drama, I was so depressed, I felt that the male lead was too scumbag and useless.

But now that I think about it, I seem to be able to understand Qiu Shui, because the men are all of the same type, eating Wanli's and looking at the pot.

The content of this drama is actually relatively lacking and empty. The whole story is about the male protagonist swaying from side to side, and finally killed several women.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, literary youth Qiushui was admitted to medical school according to his parents' wishes. He met Xiaohong and Zhao Yingman, who had completely different personalities but loved him equally.

Facing the pursuit of the two girls, although Qiushui chose Zhao Yingnan whom he thought he should like, Xiaohong always lived in his heart; during the seven years that Qiushui and Zhao Yingnan dated, Xiaohong still stayed by Qiushui's side.When he was about to graduate, Qiushui, who was obsessed with literature, was criticized by Zhao Yingnan for not doing his job properly, and the two gradually drifted away; but Xiaohong understood Qiushui, appreciated his literary talent, and was Qiushui's soul mate.

It's just that the world is impermanent. Because of various accidents, Qiushui missed Xiaohong several times. In the end, both Zhao Yingnan and Xiaohong left him, and he died alone.

how to say.

From Zhou Chen's point of view, Qiu Shui ended up in such an ending, he was to blame for it. In fact, he has always been aware of his own problems, but he dare not admit it and is hesitant. lifetime.

Not to mention the two women, Zhao Yingnan and Xiaohong, but they really have a deep affection for Qiushui. Perhaps there is also a struggle between the two women, but if they have no feelings for Qiushui, they will not persist until then. kind of degree.

Anyway, from Zhou Chen's own point of view, he doesn't like this TV series very much. When he first watched it, he just thought the military training part was interesting.

The later part of the medical school is really not interesting. Basically, it is fast-forwarded, mainly because I watched the ending part.

If judged by the five-star standard, Zhou Chen would give it two and a half stars at most, for the sake of Zhang Yishan, who he admires more.

(End of this chapter)

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