The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 277 Barracks, Military Training

Chapter 277 Barracks, Military Training

After confirming that the world is not as good as yours, Zhou Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

This time his mission is to become a great doctor, and Renhe Medical College in this world is the best medical school in China, and he is still studying the best clinical medicine major in eight years of undergraduate, master and doctoral studies.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he can graduate from Renhe Medical College, more than [-]% of them can become excellent doctors.

The difficulty is that it is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time if one wants to establish a sufficient reputation in the medical profession.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task. Zhou Chen believes that with his current ability and the best medical school in the country, as long as he is willing to spend time and effort to become a great doctor judged by the system, the problem should be solved. Not too big.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen felt relieved a lot. Now that he is young, he has plenty of time to study, and for a person whose spirit has reached 17, studying is not a problem.

Just being an excellent doctor, theoretical knowledge alone is useless. For a doctor, the most important thing is practical ability.

Regarding his practical ability, Zhou Chen didn't dare to make a judgment before he had contact with it.

Qiu Shui's appearance is not considered handsome, but his appearance is a bit ruffian, and his speaking is gentle, which adds a bit of strange charm to him.

As soon as Qiushui finished introducing himself, the boy wearing the hat sitting opposite him started to take over.

"Hi everyone, my name is Gu Ming, everyone calls me Mike Gu, I am from New York, USA, and my dad also graduated from Renhe."

When Qiu Shui heard it, he immediately became interested, pointed at Gu Ming with a smile and said, "Then we will have something to talk about in the future."

After Gu Ming finished his introduction, a short-haired boy with glasses sitting next to Qiushui waved to everyone and started introducing himself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xinyi, the Xinyi of Xinyi flower. My family lives in Anshan, Liao Province. My parents are both doctors. So in the future, please take care of me, take care of me."

Xin Yi had a good-looking smile, very sincere, and his appearance was even more pleasing, causing everyone to applaud enthusiastically.

"Hello everyone, my name is Houpu, I'm kind and simple, I live in Maocun, Tongshan County, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. My family has my parents, four older sisters, and an old scalper."

Hopu has a crew cut, glasses, and a simple and honest face. He has the characteristics of rural people in this era, but he looks more confident than ordinary rural people. Even in the face of the city people around him, he does not show timidity. , talking and laughingly introducing his origins.

"Hi everyone, my name is Du Zhong, I live in..."

"Hi everyone, my name is Huangqi, and I come from..."

"Hello everyone, my name is……"


Zhou Chen was sitting in the back seat, and now it was finally his turn to introduce himself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Zhou Chen, and I'm from Huai City, Jiangsu Province. Speaking of which, I was admitted to Renhe for no reason, and then became classmates with everyone. Please take care of me in the future."

"Student Zhou Chen, you are also from Suzhou Province, we are fellow villagers."

When Hopu heard that Zhou Chen was from the same province as him, and the location was very close, he immediately shouted in surprise.

Zhou Chen smiled at Hopu, "Yes, it's a coincidence."

Ten Miles of Spring Breeze is not as good as your TV series. Zhou Chen hasn't watched it recently, so although he can remember the general plot, he can't remember the specifics.

But Hopu, he knows, has the simplicity of a countryman, but also has his own cunning, is good at management, and will have extraordinary achievements in the future.

Qiu Shui laughed and said: "Students, classmates, have you seen it? This is called, when a fellow meets a fellow, tears flow."


There was a burst of laughter all around.

Hopu was a little overwhelmed by everyone's laughter, but Zhou Chen was very calm. Not to mention that these students were not laughing, even if they were really laughing, they still couldn't shake his emotions.

Soon, all the students in this compartment had been introduced. There were 12 people in total, all of whom were boys.

A boy named Chen Chong next to Zhou Chen approached him and said with a smile: "Brother, your inexplicable admission to Renhe hurt me a lot. He spent a whole year without sleeping and eating before he was admitted to Renhe Medical College."

"In that case, I seem to be too." Another boy said.

Immediately, the topic was opened, and everyone complained about how hard and painful life in high school was.

Amidst everyone's complaints, the car finally arrived at its destination.

Zhou Chen observed all the way and found that the car drove them into a military camp, which should be the military camp in the TV series.

From Zhou Chen's observation, he found that the barracks looked very good, and the building was relatively new, but he didn't know which army barracks it was.

With Dongfeng brand military trucks driving into the barracks, it represented the official start of their university career.

Zhou Chen has learned from his memory that they will spend the next year in this barracks.

Taking one year for military training is unimaginable after the 21st century. There are only a few years in college, so how can you spend a whole year for military training?
But for the current era, especially for students who have been studying for eight years of undergraduate, master, and doctoral studies, it is really not surprising to spend one year in military training.

Compared with the future, we pay more attention to grades. In this era, we also pay attention to the quality of students, including physical fitness, discipline quality and so on.

Soldiers, in this era, are very respected, far more respected than after the 21st century.

Other students were extremely resistant to military training, but Zhou Chen was full of interest.

The military camp has a mature training system, which is of great benefit to him who wants to exercise his physical fitness.

And thinking that he might get access to a real gun in the near future, he looked forward to it even more.

He has lived for several worlds, but he has not come into contact with live ammunition once.

"Get off, get off!"

As soon as the military truck stopped, there was a loud shout from outside, and then someone put down the tailgate at the back of the truck, and Zhou Chen and the others quickly got out of the car one by one.

"Everyone, take your things and gather at the playground."

Facing the surrounding soldiers in military uniform, no one dared to delay, picked up the things they brought, and walked behind the instructor.

Zhou Chen was also carrying bags and water bottles, etc. These were all assigned to them by the army after they got on the military car, and all the items in it were items he brought from home.

There are clothes, food, drink, money, a few books, and some other daily necessities.

As for the backpacks they originally brought, or the items in the boxes, they have been taken away by the troops, and they will be returned to them after their military training is over.

With his bag on his back, Zhou Chen followed the big troops to the playground.

As soon as we arrived at the playground, two soldiers in military uniform came over and shouted loudly: "Students of Renhe Medical College, come with us."

Immediately, Zhou Chen and his twelve boys and a group of girls followed the two soldiers one after another.

These two are the instructors of Renhe Medical College, and they will conduct military training for the students of Renhe Medical College in the next year.

"Everyone, separate men and women, and stand in two rows."

There were more than 20 boys and girls in total, but because they were meeting each other for the first time and they were not familiar with each other, it took dozens of seconds to barely line up the queue.

(End of this chapter)

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