Chapter 278 Instructor, obey orders

When the students of Renhe Medical College lined up independently, the two instructors did not speak, but just watched blankly.

It wasn't until the queue was lined up that they finally moved.

Zhou Chen stood in the middle of the line. On his right were Qiushui, Xin Yi and the others, and on the left was the girls' line. He was the first to stand still, and everyone else followed him.

"Everyone has it, take it easy."

Under the instructor's order, everyone took a rest quickly. Although none of them had ever been a soldier, they were naturally no strangers to the simple action of taking a rest.

"Stand at attention, look to the right, look forward."

After some movement, the team finally became much more organized.

After Zhou Chen and the others stood up, the two instructors in front, the one on the right with a serious face, began to lecture.

"In the barracks, you must strictly follow the rules and regulations in the barracks to regulate yourself. If the following situations occur, you will be severely criticized."


Next, there is a series of rules and regulations. This instructor can tell at a glance that he is a serious and rigorous person. Even when he speaks loudly, he is word for word, always expressionless.

At the beginning, everyone was still listening carefully, but slowly, as more and more things were said, they became a little impatient and began to lose their minds.

Zhou Chen listened with gusto. After living for so many years, it was the first time he entered the military camp, so he was very curious about everything in the military camp. Even when he heard the instructor recite the rules and regulations, he didn't feel irritated.

But other people don't have such patience as him, especially Qiushui who is a prickly head, he is more than just distracted.

Qiu Shui's eyes were dull, and he murmured, "He is a perfect husband, he would never pick up anything on the ground..."

His voice is not low, at least the people around can hear it.

Hearing Qiu Shui's muttering, Zhou Chen knew that this kid was going to start acting like a monster, so he glanced sideways at him. This kid was obviously distracted, and he pretended to be serious.

Xin Yi next to him couldn't stand it anymore, he frowned and asked Qiushui, "What are you doing?"

Qiu Shui replied: "My mind is wandering, and I am going to use this method to spend this boring military training life."

"I don't understand, please explain clearly."

"It is to develop full association and imagination."

Xin Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Isn't that Yiyin?"

As soon as these words came out, several people around immediately laughed, and Zhou Chen couldn't help laughing. To be honest, Qiu Shui alone is really not funny, but with Xin Yi as a fan, the effect has been improved several times. times.

Naturally, the strangeness here cannot be hidden from the instructor, he walked over quickly, dissatisfied and asked the happiest Gu Ming who was smiling: "What are you doing?"

The honest man Gu Ming sank into his dantian, and replied loudly: "Instructor, we are laughing."

Everyone who was already honest, burst into laughter in an instant. When they met Gu Ming, the best, they couldn't control it even if they wanted to.

The instructor shouted angrily: "Be serious."

Then he asked Gu Ming, Xin Yi and Qiu Shui, "I ask you, what did I just say?"

Gu Ming, the honest man again: "Instructor, I don't know."

"I don't know why you answered so confidently, right? Very good, you four, come out."

Pointing at the four of them, Qiu Shui, Xin Yi and Gu Ming could only walk out honestly, only Zhou Chen looked confused.


"What are you doing standing there stupidly? It's you, come out."

Zhou Chen opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but seeing the stern eyes of the other party, he knew that it would be no good to fight against him in the barracks, so he walked out obediently.

The instructor continued: "What I just said is that in the queue, you are not allowed to whisper. You have violated the rules and regulations, and you must accept punishment. There are [-] leapfrogs."

Although Gu Ming didn't know what leapfrog was, under the order of the instructor, he followed Zhou Chen, Qiushui and Xin Yi obediently to learn leapfrog.

"Around the queue, start!"

Because Zhou Chen was on the far left, he jumped first. With his current physical fitness, a hundred leapfrogs was nothing to him, so he jumped first.

Qiu Shui, Xin Yi and Gu Ming followed behind Zhou Chen, dancing like a model.

"Qiu Shui, you are really a disaster, and you have been implicated."

Xin Yi complained while dancing.

Qiu Shui snorted, "How can you blame me? You asked me first. Besides, Zhou Chen and Gu Ming haven't complained yet, so it's not your turn, right?"

Zhou Chen pretended he didn't hear it. He had suffered an indiscriminate disaster because he was standing next to Qiu Shui. He knew very well that Qiu Shui was a disaster, and if he didn't want to be troubled in the future, he had to stay away from him.

While leaping, Zhou Chen didn't forget to look ahead. If he remembered correctly, the heroine in this film and television drama was about to appear.

Sure enough, when they jumped to the fourth lap, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Zhou Chen, who had been prepared for a long time, stood up suddenly and hid aside. Qiu Shui behind him didn't have time to react. With a leapfrog, he jumped in front of the opponent. When he bumped into the opponent, he fell to his knees in fright.

Xin Yi and Gu Ming behind Qiushui naturally had no time to dodge, and bumped into each other one after another, and the three of them collided into a ball.


Because Zhou Chen stood up, he clearly saw the appearance of the person coming.

I saw that the person who came was a girl with long hair. Unlike everyone who was wearing military training uniforms, she was wearing a white shirt and an orange knitted vest.

The girl is not tall, but has a pretty face, sweet and lovely. She squinted her eyes and smiled silly.

"Oh, it's not Chinese New Year or festival, why are you giving me such a big gift? Hurry up and get flat."

Qiu Shui was terrified, and was about to speak, when suddenly the instructor yelled, "What are you doing? Who told you to stop, keep jumping, and you, who told you to stand up?"

Zhou Chen, who was pointed at, looked helpless, "If I don't stand up, I will bump into someone."

The instructor yelled: "This is a military camp, the instructor's orders must be obeyed, not to mention bumping into someone, even if you are going to die, you must obey the order, do you understand?"

Zhou Chen frowned slightly, he wasn't angry that the other party scolded him, what he said was right, but the instructor was a little too serious.

Zhou Chen didn't want to cause trouble, but he also didn't want to be treated as a target for the new officials.

So he plucked up his strength and shouted: "The instructor is right. In the military camp, we don't have any human rights. If the instructor wants us to die, we have to die."

Because of the loud voice and the sensitive content of what he said, it immediately attracted other queues around the playground to look over.

Dai Bingzhong's face turned black instantly, and the gazes around him made him feel sharp.

As a non-commissioned officer who is about to be demobilized, Dai Bingzhong's dream is to stay in the army, because he doesn't know what else he can survive after he leaves the barracks.

More importantly, if he stayed in the barracks, he would have the opportunity to take root in Yanjing without going back to his poor hometown.

People go to high places, water flows to low places, and Dai Bingzhong is no exception.

At first, he thought that there was no hope, but who knew that not long ago, he received the task of military training college students, and he had already received the news.

If he performed well in this military training, not only would he not have to be demobilized, but he could also be promoted and continue to stay in Yanjing.

So he mustered up his energy and prepared to perform well in this military training and strive for credit.

Meeting the students for the first time today, what he thought of was the three fires of the new official taking office, first to calm down these recruits.

This method is a common method used by military camps, and it is basically invincible.

But who knows, during the lecture just now, some people dared to commit crimes against the wind and whispered, which made his anger burst into flames.

For his own future, he had to frighten these college students, so he immediately imposed corporal punishment. This kind of corporal punishment was the most common in the military camp.

It's just that before the corporal punishment was over, a bigger thorn appeared again, and the words he said were even more cruel, so that he, who was not educated, didn't know how to answer for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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