Chapter 279 Zhou Chen is a thorn

Seeing that Dai Bingzhong was in trouble, Instructor Sun, who was his partner, hurried over.

Instructor Sun and Instructor Dai are both partners and competitors, because their situations are similar, and they both need to fight for the chance to stay.

But the competition belongs to the competition, and he will definitely not make trouble at this time.

"Old Dai, calm down, don't talk nonsense, they are all college students, and you can't compare with them in the sharpness of their tongues."

"What you said just now is indeed a bit exaggerated. If they really report to the chief, saying that we have no human rights, even if the chief does not punish us, he will have a bad impression of us, thinking that we can't control these students."

Instructor Sun is much more tactful than Instructor Dai. He doesn't want to cause trouble on the first day of military training.

"What I'm talking about is the rules of the military camp. I'm not wrong. How can it be called nonsense?"

Instructor Dai didn't think what he just said. When they joined the army, the instructor told them the same thing. What did they say?How come these college students can't say it?
Instructor Sun said: "Can it be the same? Although they are our soldiers now, they are essentially college students and talents. They are much more precious than us big soldiers. We can't deal with them in the same way."

Instructor Dai frowned and said, "But..."

"Come on, leave it to me."

Instructor Sun just wanted to calm things down, so he passed Instructor Dai and said to Zhou Chen: "Okay, it's your first day of enlistment, and you don't understand many rules. What happened just now is over, and the four of you will return to the army immediately. .”

Zhou Chen saw that the two instructors calmed down and did not make progress, so he replied loudly: "Yes, instructor."

After finishing speaking, he quickly returned to the team, and although Qiu Shui and the others were a little slow to react, they quickly returned to the team happily.

"Ah, brother, I beat the coach on the first day of military training, I admire, I admire."

After Qiushui returned to the team, he murmured to Zhou Chen.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you still want to be punished?" Zhou Chen warned.

When Qiu Shui heard this, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Standing on Zhou Chen's left is a girl named Zhao Yingnan. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. She is in the prime of her life, with a handsome appearance, and there is a trace of heroism between her eyebrows, which makes her look more heroic than other girls. few.

Zhao Yingnan looked sideways at Zhou Chen. He was able to make the instructor feel embarrassed on the first day. This boy really made her look different.

As if feeling Zhao Yingnan's gaze, Zhou Chen suddenly turned his head to look at her. Scared, Zhao Yingnan hurriedly turned his head and stood at attention, but a blush appeared on his face unconsciously.

At this time, the late-coming girl in casual clothes was talking to the two instructors about the size of the military training uniform.

"Hey, do you think this woman is out of her mind?"

Qiu Shui was an impatient person. Seeing that the instructor didn't pay attention to him, he started talking again, this time talking about the girl he bumped into just now.

Xin Yi nodded in agreement: "Well, this woman really doesn't look normal."

Gu Ming: "No, on the contrary, I think she is so cute and beautiful."

Immediately, all the men around looked at him with strange eyes, but Gu Ming didn't care at all, just staring at the girl in front of him obsessively.

When Zhou Chen was bored, he was also looking at the girl. He knew that this girl was the heroine of TV, Xiao Hong.

According to the original plot in the TV series, Xiao Hong and Qiu Shui will stage a love story in which you chase after me, and you chase after me.

To be honest, from Zhou Chen's point of view, Xiao Hong is petite and has a pretty face, which can be regarded as pretty, especially when she smiles, it adds a bit of cuteness.

At least among the group of girls in their class, Xiao Hong can be regarded as one of the more outstanding ones.

The two instructors quickly settled the military training uniform for Xiao Hong, and then led Zhou Chen and the others to the classroom.

I just reported to the barracks today, and there was no formal training. I called everyone to the playground to get acquainted. Today's first task is actually to study, to learn the various rules and regulations in the barracks.

After arriving in the classroom, everyone sat down separately. Zhou Chen counted, and there were exactly 24 students in his class, twelve boys and twelve girls.

This should be the enrollment number stipulated by Renhe Medical College. I don't know whose position he has chosen for his appearance.

The two instructors stood in front of the podium, because Instructor Dai had just been targeted and was in a bad mood, so Instructor Sun took the initiative to speak.

"Hello, everyone. From today onwards, we will be your instructors. You can call me Instructor Sun. This is Instructor Dai. In the next year, we will fight side by side. I hope that all students can cooperate with us to complete This one-year military training..."

Instructor Sun's eloquence was much better than that of Instructor Dai, and he talked a lot without repeating himself.

"Okay, let's let the students introduce themselves and get familiar with each other. Let's start with the boys. Who will come first?"


As soon as Instructor Sun finished speaking, Hopu was the first to stand up, which made Instructor Sun stunned.

"Okay, then let this classmate come first."

Hopu walked to the general table, straightened his body, and said loudly: "My name is Hopu..."

"Hey, this grandson is quite pushy, look at him."

The boys had already known each other in the truck, so few of them listened carefully. Instead, Qiu Shui and Xin Yi discussed Hopu's performance.

"Wow wow..."

Applause rang out, and Hopu finished his self-introduction. His self-introduction was more detailed than the one on the car. He even told how many awards he had won and how many times he had passed the No. 1 exam. He said it for more than three minutes.

Xin Yi yawned: "Don't look at this grandson's lack of articulation, but he can really speak."

"Student Hopu introduced himself very well, which boy will come up next?"

The students felt that Hopu talked too much nonsense, but the two instructors were very satisfied, because Hopu followed their orders and explained in detail.

"I come."

Gu Ming immediately stood up, walked to the podium, and began to introduce himself. Because of his witty words, everyone in the class laughed.

Many girls even talked secretly, saying that Gu Ming is fair and handsome, and he is the most handsome boy in their class.

One after another, boys went up to introduce themselves, and Zhou Chen was the last one to go up. He found that since he stood up, Instructor Dai had been staring at him sternly, as if he had a grudge against him.

"Hi everyone, my name is Zhou Chen, from..., I am not pushy, but I also don't like being bullied. Ever since I have experienced certain things, I have followed a principle that anyone who dares to bully me must I have to hit hard and hit back hard, so that others will be afraid, shrink back, and dare not bully me again."

Instructor Dai, who was already dark-faced, turned darker when he heard Zhou Chen's meaningful words, and Instructor Sun also looked helpless.

This thorn head is not easy to do!
(End of this chapter)

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