The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 281 Military training begins, writing poems

Chapter 281 Military training begins, writing poems
"Goddess? Xin Yi, who is your goddess?"

Huang Qi asked Xin Yi very curiously, everyone has their own standards, but it is still very curious to be called a goddess.

Qiu Shui sneered and said, "Who else is that girl standing under the tree reading a book, a famous female top student in No. [-] Middle School, who can memorize the historical records in the legend, and can write articles easily. Her surname is Yang, her name is Yue, and her name is Yaodao."

"It's so powerful, there are still words?"

Students who heard it for the first time were all amazed.

Xin Yi said proudly: "Of course it's amazing, that's my goddess."

Gu Ming suddenly yelled: "Look, the denim skirt."

Everyone looked in the direction of Gu Ming's finger, and saw Xiao Hong wearing a white shirt and denim skirt, jumping out of the girls' dormitory building.

Under the sunshine, Xiao Hong looked particularly fair, especially the exposed legs, which were so white and flawless that people could imagine.

"It's so beautiful, I like her." Gu Ming was obsessed again.

Du Zhong swallowed, and said, "I like her too." He was completely attracted by those white legs.

Others stared salivatingly, mainly because Xiao Hong's dress was too contrasting and seductive compared to other girls' attire.

Qiu Shui rolled his eyes and glanced at the group of people behind him, showing disdain. He admitted that Xiao Hong was good, but thinking of the situation on the playground before, he felt a little unhappy.

Gu Ming yelled at everyone: "She is mine, no one is allowed to rob me, and whoever robs me, I will turn against anyone."

"No one is robbing you, Xiaobai."

"Girls wearing their own clothes are indeed more attractive than wearing military training uniforms. It's a pity that such a scene may not be seen a few times in this year."

"Where did you get so many emotions? Isn't it just a year? I'm full of hope for the future."

Amidst the boys' discussions, the girls below had already stood in line under the leadership of Zhao Yingnan and started to move forward.

The girls saw the boys on the second floor looking at them, and they all looked in the direction of the boys' dormitory curiously.

Just such a simple pair of eyes will determine many things in the future, as well as the future of many people.

Hopu woke up from his trance, and realized that as the squad leader, he had to take the lead, so he shouted.

"Okay, okay, don't even look at it, and go to clean up the housework,"

Some people listened to his words and left, while others still lingered in front of the window. Hopu could only reach out and pull, forcing everyone to leave.

Zhou Chen had already sat on the stool, opened the medical book and read it carefully.

Hopu pulled Qiushui hard, causing Qiushui to lie down on the ground. Angrily, Qiushui stood up and asked him to settle accounts. A group of people surrounded Hopu.

Although Hopu was the squad leader, facing the angry Qiu Shui and the crowd all of a sudden, he was under tremendous pressure psychologically and backed away in fright.

"Zhou Chen, save me, save me."

Zhou Chen glanced lightly, and didn't care about it at all. He and Hopu came from the same province, but they weren't familiar with each other, and Hopu was indeed too nosy sometimes, using chicken feathers as arrows It is also a good thing to let Qiushui and the others teach him a lesson.

After all, we are all classmates, and no one wants to be ridden on the head by other classmates, let alone just a monitor.

"How about it, Zhou Chen, do you understand?"

Xin Yi sat next to Zhou Chen, looked at Zhou Chen who was reading seriously, and asked.

Zhou Chen said: "I know all the characters, but when they are linked together, I can only understand one or two out of ten."

"That's right."

Xin Yi's face should be like this: "Let me tell you, medical books are definitely one of the most difficult books in the world, especially getting started. My parents are doctors, and I have lived with them for more than ten years. You don’t even dare to say that your medical skills are basic, you haven’t had much contact with medicine before, so how can you understand it.”

"If you can understand it by reading the book, what kind of Renhe Medical College will you use?"

Zhou Chen nodded. What Xin Yi said was indeed the truth, and medicine was indeed extensive and profound. For a person like him who had never been in contact with medicine except for illness, it would be impossible to study medicine without someone to guide him.

This has nothing to do with whether he is smart or not, or whether he works hard or not.

Qiu Shui said: "Xin Yi, don't worry about him, he's just pretending to be serious and reading medical books, I'll see what he can see."

Zhou Chen: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."


Qiu Shui rolled his eyes, crossed his thighs, and said leisurely: "Our family seems to have hundreds of medical books, from introductory to intensive, next time I have to ask my mother to send some."

After finishing speaking, he squinted at Zhou Chen with his eyes, the meaning was obvious.

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes, how could he be threatened by Qiu Shui.

"I wrote a few modern poems some time ago, and I don't know which newspaper or magazine I should publish them in. Alas, my literary talent is too good, so I can't help it."

When Qiu Shui heard that Zhou Chen said that he had written some modern poems, his face was full of disbelief, but he still stood up and quickly rushed to Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, do you really know how to write poems? What have you written? Recite them for us to appreciate."

Zhou Chen squinted at him, "Then, medical books?"

Qiu Shui's complexion changed, and he was threatened instead of threatening. He saw Zhou Chen's confident appearance, and his heart itched unbearably.

"There is no problem with medical books, but if you talk nonsense, or the poems written by predecessors, I don't agree with it."

"Guaranteed to be something that has never appeared in this world, my 'original'."

As for modern poetry, Zhou Chen didn't dabble much, but he did know a little bit. It's only 92 years old, and it may not be possible to make money with poetry, but there is still no problem with pretending.

"Let's hear it." Qiu Shui looked at Zhou Chen expectantly.

At this time, the other students who heard the excitement also quickly surrounded them.

"Zhou Chen, can you still compose poetry?"

"You can't come up with a doggerel?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm inexplicably looking forward to it."

Hopu pushed his eyes, and said seriously: "I also wrote poems when I was in high school, Zhou Chen, recite your poems, and let me see how they compare with mine."

"Hey, squad leader, you can also compose poems? Why don't you read your poems first and let everyone evaluate them?"

Xin Yi had a look of disbelief, and Zhou Chen's expression made him unable to tell the truth from the fake, but like Hopu, he didn't think Hopu could really write any good poems.

Hopu waved his hand, and said, "No, let's listen to Zhou Chen's poem first, I can't overwhelm the other."

"Ha ha."

Everyone immediately laughed.

Although I have only known Hopu for less than a day, the appearance of Hopu holding a chicken feather as an arrow made many students dissatisfied with him.


Zhou Chen cleared his throat and began to recite.


(End of this chapter)

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