Chapter 282 Excited Autumn Water
This is a modern poem with dozens of words. It is a poem that Zhou Chen saw in Xiao Huanxi's high school in the last world. It is a modern poem with a good popularity.

When Zhou Chen finished reading, Qiu Shui and the others all looked at him with astonishment.

"Damn, are you serious?" Xin Yi exclaimed in a fuss.

Originally, he thought that Zhou Chen would recite a poem casually, but he didn't expect Zhou Chen to recite such an excellent modern poem. Most importantly, he had never heard of it.

"I haven't read this poem, how about you?" Huang Qi asked the others.

Qiu Shui replied very positively: "Don't ask, I can guarantee that this is definitely not an existing modern poem."

It's a mixed bag, but he still has a bit of background, he can't create it himself, but he has read a lot of poems, and he still has the ability to distinguish.

"Niucha, Zhou Chen, you still have this ability."

No matter what era it is in, a person who can make good poems will make people look at him differently.

Useless is a scholar. Although there is some truth to this sentence, it still cannot stop everyone from valuing literati.

Xin Yi smiled and asked Hopu: "Squad leader, Zhou Chen's poem has been written, and you can also recite your poem. Let us all evaluate and see whose poem is better and more outstanding."

"Cough cough."

Hopu coughed twice, and said haha: "Clean up the housework, everyone hurry up to clean up the housework." After speaking, he hurried back to his bed.

"Look at how cowardly he is." Xin Yi snorted disdainfully.

Qiu Shui looked at Zhou Chen a little excitedly. He considered himself a literati and poet, so seeing that Zhou Chen could write such a good poem, he felt that he had found a bosom friend.

"Zhou Chen, your poem is really good, can you tell me about the origin of this poem and the deep meaning contained in it?"

Zhou Chen patted the medical books on the table and said, "Then the book I want?"

Qiu Shui immediately made a no-problem gesture: "I'll write a letter home right away and ask my dad to pack his medical books for me, and I'll give them all to you when the time comes."

"That's about the same. For the sake of your sincerity, I'll explain it to you."

Although Zhou Chen himself is not considered a poet, he has lived for so many years, and his life experience and other aspects are far superior to this group of peers.

What's more, he is also a person who has written novels. Even if it is not considered literary talent, he must know more than those who have not written novels.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Qiushui's teacher.

The day passed quickly.

The next morning, the training didn't start, because there was going to be a rectification this morning, and the targets were all the girls who participated in the military training.

Hair cut short!
Because the military training is not a few days, or a month, the military training lasts for a year, so long hair will greatly affect the military training of girls, so before the military training starts, the military camps start to mobilize girls with long hair to cut their hair short.

For boys, cutting their hair is a trivial matter, but for girls, cutting their hair is not a trivial matter.

It is very true that girls' long hair has been kept for many years to reach that level. Once it is cut off, it is impossible to grow it back in a few years.

Especially for those girls who love beauty, hair is more important than many things. You can make them skip food, drink water, or cut their hair, but they really can't accept it.

Zhou Chen followed everyone to the playground and watched the women's hair cut off mercilessly by the instructor.

That scene was a tragic one, crying and shouting, everything came.

But a military camp is a military camp, no matter how unwilling you are, you must obey orders, so in the end, those girls who did not want to have their hair cut off.

Long hair fluttering is no longer found in the barracks.

Zhou Chen also felt sorry for this group of girls, well, he actually likes girls with long hair, especially girls in white clothes.

When he was a child, his dream lover was Xiaolongnv. The fluttering white clothes and the fluttering three thousand black hair are really charming.

After finishing the cut, Zhou Chen looked at the long black hair all over the floor, and suddenly a strange thought popped up in his heart.

With so much hair, if you sell it, it seems that you can sell it for a lot of money, because there are not a few people with long hair in this era.

After the girl's hair problem was solved, military training began in the afternoon.

Zhou Chen also participated in military training several times, when he was in high school and college, but the longest military training was only half a month, and most of the people who trained him were not real soldiers.

And now, he is in a certain military camp in Yanjing. The unit number is not known for the time being, but depending on the size of the place and the students in military training, Huaqing, Peking University, Renhe, Minda and other famous universities are all training in this military camp. Got it?
For such a formal army, the training methods are naturally not comparable to his previous military training. Both the intensity and the requirements are more than one level higher.

But fortunately, Zhou Chen's physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people. After half a day of training, he sweated a lot and was tired, but it was still within his tolerance.

He was fine, but the others were different.

Anyway, when he arrived at the dormitory, except for him who was able to calmly study with medical books, the other eleven people in the dormitory were already limp on the bed.

"I'm exhausted, this is military training, it's hell."

"I went to college, not to be a soldier."

"It's too tiring, even more tiring than picking firewood to feed the pigs at home, and my whole body is sore."

"This is not how people live. This is the first day. When I think of the next year, I want to die."


Suddenly, Xin Yi sat up suddenly, looked at Zhou Chen who was sitting at the table reading a book, and asked, "Zhou Chen, we are all exhausted, why do you look like nothing happened?"

Zhou Chen glanced at him lightly, and said: "That's because you are too imaginary. With this strength, it's nothing to me at all."


Zhou Chen's words aroused the anger of everyone, and everyone condemned him.

A pair of eleven, Zhou Chen looked past them contemptuously, and then read the book calmly.

In the next few days, everyone slowly adapted to the intensity of the military training, and it was a little more relaxed than at the beginning, at least they would not be exhausted to the point of collapse.

The life in the military camp is boring and boring. Except for military training and three meals a day, most of the time is spent resting, and there is very little time for free activities.

Military training during the day and classes in the classroom at night, all of which are related to the army, but most of the time it is self-study.

Zhou Chen can be said to be the most relaxed of all the students in the military training. After the military training every day, he can still stroll around leisurely and read books.

"Oh, brothers, brothers."

Wu Ruixiang suddenly ran into the dormitory from outside, applauding vigorously, attracting everyone's attention.

"What did you find out again? Classmate Bai Xiaosheng."

Wu Ruixiang is one of Zhou Chen's classmates, because he likes to collect and inquire about information, and then share it with everyone, so Zhou Chen jokingly called him Bai Xiaosheng.

In this era, martial arts novels are still very popular, and the title of Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng in martial arts has also been unanimously recognized by everyone in the dormitory.

Ever since, after Gu Ming was nicknamed Xiaobai, another person had another nickname, Bai Xiaosheng.

Wu Ruixiang said: "According to my several days of investigation and understanding, I found that in this military camp, there are students from all famous universities in Yanjing receiving military training here, and they are all like me, basically they have been studying for eight years student."

The eight-year continuous study is not exclusive to Renhe Medical College. Now many famous schools in China have this kind of undergraduate, master and doctoral continuous study. Such eight-year continuous study students are regarded as the most important students of the school.

"Beijing University, Huaqing University, Minda University, and even universities in other cities. There are hundreds of people in the entire barracks, which are divided into several areas, and several companies are in charge of each."

Qiu Shui pouted, and said, "What kind of secret is this? I've heard it from my classmates a long time ago. Can you tell me something we don't know?"

He is a native of Yanjing. Some of his classmates have been admitted to Peking University and Minda University. He has met them before, so I know that they are also here for military training.

(End of this chapter)

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