Chapter 283 Zhao Yingnan asks for help
"If it's just this news, how can I tell you seriously, what I want to tell you is some news that you don't know."

Wu Ruixiang glanced at Qiu Shui, and then said: "I heard that there is a rare beauty in this year of Beijing University."

"It's rare to see you in a hundred years?"

The boys present all looked at each other in blank dismay. The word used was a bit too exaggerated.

Xin Yi said disdainfully: "The rare beauty in a hundred years should be the goddess demon knife that describes me."

"Come on you."

Qiu Shui kicked Xin Yi, and asked Wu Ruixiang enthusiastically, "Come on, tell me how beautiful it is."

Zhou Chen glanced at Qiu Shui. This guy is really a scumbag. He just showed disdain. After hearing that it was a rare beauty, he immediately became interested.

Hopu said with disdain on his face: "Can there be Zhao Yingnan, the monitor of our class?"

Wu Ruixiang sneered and said: "I don't know much, it's scary. Zhao Yingnan is really good. He is handsome and has a good figure, but his appearance can only be regarded as average. Compared with the beauty I mentioned, there is still a big gap in appearance. , there is no comparison."

"Really, Wu Ruixiang, is it that exaggerated?"

"No exaggeration, you all know that we are a medical school. To be honest, there is a shortage of beautiful women who study medicine. Moreover, in our country, the influence of Beijing University and Huaqing University far exceeds that of our Renhe Medical School. Better than us, the chances of a beautiful woman appearing are naturally greater than our Renhe."

After hearing Wu Ruixiang's explanation, everyone who was originally skeptical felt that it made sense.

"Then don't keep it up, and talk about it in detail."

Listening to their discussion there, Zhou Chen continued to read after listening for a while.

Compared with the so-called big beauties, medical books are obviously more attractive to him. After a few worlds, he has seen too many beauties. Compared with this group of beginners, this topic is difficult to impress him.

Compared with beautiful women, apart from studying medicine, Zhou Chen thinks the most important thing is to make money.

No matter in which era, money is very important. Although studying medicine is not like other industries, it requires a certain amount of initial capital.

But because Zhou Chen has been used to a rich and lavish life after a few worlds, at this moment he is suddenly made to be diligent and thrifty.

So for Zhou Chen, the most urgent task now is how to make money.

This era is completely different from the era he lived in before, but if he wants to make money, he still has a way, but the problem is that now he is trapped in the barracks, and he can't get out of the barracks at all, so those ways of making money, he There is no use at all.

It is not an easy task to make money in the military camp.

After thinking about it for a few days, he has some ideas, but it is not easy to put it into action, and he is still thinking about how to start.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, do me a favor."

While Zhou Chen was thinking, someone suddenly touched him, and when he turned his head, it turned out to be Wu Ruixiang.

"What help?"

Wu Ruixiang said a little embarrassedly: "Help me write a love letter, something with style, preferably a love poem."

"love letter?"

Zhou Chen's voice was raised in vain, scaring Wu Ruixiang and hastened to whisper: "Hush your voice, my elder brother, keep your voice down."

But his reminder was too late, because other people in the dormitory had already heard it and quickly surrounded him.

"Love letter, I just heard the word love letter, Zhou Chen, Wu Ruixiang, which of you two wants to write a love letter?"

Zhou Chen sold Wu Ruixiang without hesitation, and pointed his finger at Wu Ruixiang.

Facing everyone's teasing eyes, Wu Ruixiang was embarrassed: "Uh, that, you misunderstood, I really want to ask Zhou Chen to write a love letter for me, but the person who really needs it is not me, but my friend, he wants I want to write a love letter to my sweetheart, I heard that Zhou Chen in our class can write love poems, so I asked Zhou Chen to write a love letter."


Everyone dragged their voices for a long time, and the ridicule contained in the tone made Wu Ruixiang even more embarrassed, but since he couldn't cover it up, he stopped defending.

"Zhou Chen, just tell me, can you write me a love poem?"

Before Zhou Chen could speak, Qiu Shui said, "No."


Wu Ruixiang was in a hurry: "You have such a good literary talent, writing a love poem shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

Zhou Chen: "It's not that I don't help, but that I really don't know how to write love poems. Besides, there's no need to write love poems when writing a love letter. You can just write out your inner thoughts. The more nasty the better, women like this. "

Wu Ruixiang looked at Zhou Chen suspiciously: "Really, do you really understand women?"

Not only Wu Ruixiang, but everyone else was also staring at Zhou Chen curiously. For this group of college students, women were too far away for them, but they were extremely longing for them.

I usually can't talk about this topic with others, but now that everyone is a boy, I don't feel embarrassed talking about this topic.

Zhou Chen closed the book and said, "Today I will talk to you, and I dare not say anything else. In this respect, I am absolutely stronger than you."

Qiu Shui snapped: "How much better are you than us? You're still a month younger than me. Is your county more open than our city?"

"Don't talk nonsense, listen to what you want to hear, and go aside if you don't want to hear it." Zhou Chen scolded impatiently.

The others also condemned Qiu Shui, they were all looking forward to what Zhou Chen would say, how could Qiu Shui interrupt him.

Zhou Chen didn't say anything esoteric either, he just talked about some knowledge about women, which is well-known after more than ten or twenty years, but in this relatively conservative era, it is definitely very avant-garde.

In less than 10 minutes, everyone in the dormitory was conquered by Zhou Chenge, and everyone looked at him as if they were idols.

Zhou Chen is not very interested in people from other schools, because usually he is very busy with military training, and after a year they go their separate ways, so there is no need for too much contact.

On this day, after the evening self-study was over, Zhou Chen was about to go back to the dormitory when Zhao Yingnan suddenly stopped him.

"Squad leader, what's the matter?"

Hopu, who was about to leave, stopped when he saw Zhao Yingnan calling Zhou Chen, and asked, "Student Zhao Yingnan, what's the matter with your name Zhou Chen?"

"Fuck your ass, hurry up and go."

Xin Yi walked over from behind, grabbed Magnolia and walked forward.

"Hey, I still have something to say, Xin Yi, why are you pushing me?"

"People have something to say, why do you insist on not leaving, don't delay their good deeds."

"Yes, squad leader, don't get in the way, go quickly."

Xin Yi and Qiu Shui forcibly pulled Hopu, who refused to leave, to leave. In the end, only Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan were left in the class.

Zhao Yingnan was a little embarrassed by what Qiu Shui and Xin Yi said, but Zhou Chen was very calm, and asked again: "Squad leader, what can you do with me?"

Zhao Yingnan organized the language, and then said: "National Day is coming soon, and the head of the army decided to hold a gala. Each school must have at least one program. I heard from the boys that you can compose poetry?"

"Uh, I know a little bit, but if it's a program, it would be too embarrassing."

Zhou Chen doesn't lack stage experience, he just recites poems on stage, he really has no experience at all, he would rather sing than poems.

Zhao Yingnan said: "It's okay, you can write a poem, and we will recite it together as a class."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said, "No, no, it's okay if you ask me to write songs and sing, but it's really impossible to recite poems."

"Can you still write and sing?"

Zhao Yingnan's eyes widened, and she looked at Zhou Chen in disbelief. If Zhou Chen only rapped and sang, she wouldn't be surprised, but Zhou Chen said that he could write songs, which made her feel too incredible.

Zhou Chen suddenly regretted it, and quickly grunted, saying that he can write songs. Seeing Zhao Yingnan's expression, it was even more difficult to evade it now, so he could only nod.

"A little bit, a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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