The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 289 Happy Chief, Dormitory Relationship

Chapter 289 Happy Chief, Dormitory Relationship
"Xingchen, you are the first recruit I bring."

When Zhou Chen sang the first sentence, the great hall fell silent, and his voice was carried far away, echoing in the great hall.

This song is different from the real military song. It was not passionate at the beginning, but it will become more and more passionate when it is sung slowly.


"It's so quiet tonight..."


As Zhou Chen sang, his voice slowly rose, and the lyrics became more and more passionate, until he sang the climax, and he roared loudly.

"Xiao Hong!"


Xiao Hong used all his strength and roared loudly.

"Autumn Water!"


"Wu Ruixiang!"



"Zhao Yingnan!"


A total of twelve people were called by their names, all of them were students of Renhe Medical College. At this moment, their names echoed in the entire hall and were known by everyone.

"According to the Military Service Law of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, you will retire from active service and salute the military flag!"

In an instant, including Zhou Chen, a total of thirteen people saluted the military flag on the stage with solemn expressions.

Soon, in Zhou Chen's deep voice, the song Goodbye Veterans came to an end.

"Not bad, not bad, very good singing, very military-like."

Chief of Staff Zhao clapped his hands vigorously and smiled very happily. Today's programs were all good, but this program surprised him the most, because it was a celebration of soldiers.

The group leader and others are also accompanying.

"Yes, the chief is right, this is indeed a good song, especially for those veterans, it is even more sad."

"Well, you're right, veteran, it's not easy. By the way, what's the name of this student?"

"Zhouchen, Zhou around, Chen of the stars."

"Yes, yes, he is a good boy, he looks like a soldier, and he is a malleable talent."

After Zhou Chen's show ended, there were two more shows to come, and it was finally the end of the party.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock that all the students participating in the military training finally had dinner.

Because Qiushui didn't steal the cans, there was no subsequent conflict, so although Xiao Hong's brain was in a mess, it didn't explode during the meal.

It can be said that Zhou Chen single-handedly prevented this conflict from happening. If it wasn't for him, today's barracks might not be peaceful.

After dinner, everyone hurried to the dormitory. It was already past ten o'clock, and tomorrow they had to get up early for training, so everyone didn't want to delay any time. Go back to the dormitory to wash up early so that you can rest early.

Zhou Chen was planning to go with everyone, but Zhao Yingnan asked him to wait a while in a low voice, so he sent Qiushui and the others away and stayed with Zhao Yingnan.

"Zhou Chen, your singing today is really great. I think your show is the best among all the shows."

Zhao Yingnan's expression was very serious. She was telling the truth. When performing at the party, because there was no background music, Zhou Chen could only sing with all his strength.

But anyone with sharp eyesight could tell that Zhou Chen sang very well. Even someone as arrogant as Zhao Yingnan was fascinated by Zhou Chen's heroic appearance at that time.

She found more and more that among all the boys in the class, Zhou Chen might not be the most handsome, but he was definitely the most mature and attractive one.

Zhou Chen said modestly: "It's average, but you have a very powerful and imposing voice. A few decades ago, you were definitely a heroine."

Zhao Yingnan was a little embarrassed by the exaggeration: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, I, I'm just an ordinary girl."

The two walked towards the dormitory side by side, chatting while walking.

"Zhou Chen, I've already inquired about sending letters for you. You can send them. Recently, I found stamps for you. If you want to send them somewhere, just tell me and I'll send them for you."

"That's great. It just so happens that I have already written a small part of my novel, so I can try to submit it first."

"Then the military training ends tomorrow, and after dinner, shall we send it together?"

"Okay, then it's settled. When I go back tonight, I will sort out the novel first and make a few extra copies."

Even though he has confidence in the novel he 'created', he can't guarantee that it will be valued due to the different ages, so he decided to vote for a few more companies. Another good newspaper or publishing house.

As soon as Zhou Chen returned to the dormitory, he heard Qiu Shui and others making strange noises.

"Student Zhou Chen, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"Yo, yo, listen, it's so meaty, hey."

Listening to their strange voices, Zhou Chen's expression was indifferent. Ever since Zhao Yingnan looked for him alone last time, in the eyes of this group of people, they have already decided that there is something wrong with the two of them.

The next few contacts made them affirmed and confirmed that Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan were definitely in love.

Zhou Chen didn't refute either, he knew it was useless to explain to these hormonally erupting animals, the more you explained, the more they would think there was a problem.

"Okay, let's start working after laughing enough. I have something to ask for your help today."

After joking for a while, everyone calmed down. When they heard Zhou Chen's words, they immediately asked in puzzlement, "It's so late at night, what do you need our help for? Could it be that we are asking you to make room for you?"

"Fuck, Qiu Shui, you are so shameless."

"Thank you, thank you. Compared to Zhou Chen, I'm still willing to bow down."

"Hehe, Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan are very hot, don't you also have a love affair with Xiao Honglang?"

"Ah, ah, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Xiao Hong, Xiaobai, don't listen to their nonsense, they are trying to provoke our brotherhood."

Gu Ming kept silent, he wasn't really stupid, how could he fail to see that Xiao Hong was interested in Qiushui, but they didn't make it public for a day, so he felt that he still had a chance.

"Qiu Shui, Xin Yi, stop talking nonsense. I will submit a manuscript to major newspapers and magazines tomorrow. I need to prepare a few more manuscripts. Please copy a few more for me."

Zhou Chen's words instantly quieted the noise in the dormitory.

"Zhou Chen, are you really ready to contribute?"

"Well, I made an agreement with Zhao Yingnan. I will mail the letter after the military training tomorrow, so I don't have time. Everyone, please help me. Stay up late today and get some more for me."

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Shui was the first to respond.

"No problem, I just have a spare notebook, I'll copy it for you."

Xin Yi and Gu Ming also said very loyally: "It's okay to copy novels, but it's just the socks for that month?"

Zhou Chen waved his hand: "No problem, you don't need to wash it."

"It's almost there."

Xin Yi and Gu Ming immediately smiled. The two of them washed Zhou Chen's socks for a few days, and they were finally relieved.

"Hey, squad leader, where are you going?"

Seeing Hopu tiptoely preparing to go to bed, Zhou Chen said sadly: "As a class leader, now that students are in trouble, shouldn't they come forward?"

Hopu smiled twice: "I'm really a little tired today, I think..., okay, okay, no problem, my handwriting looks the best."

Du Zhong, Huang Qi, Wu Ruixiang, and two other classmates, Chen Chong and Qin Xin, also expressed their willingness to help.

There were two other classmates in the dormitory, but they both silently returned to their beds and began to sleep.

Zhou Chen didn't force it either. Although everyone belonged to the same dormitory, it was impossible for everyone to have a good relationship with him. These two people had a normal relationship with him. If they didn't help, Zhou Chen wouldn't say anything.

This night, the big guy has been busy until one o'clock.

"Don't worry, everyone, I promise I won't let everyone help for nothing. When I earn the manuscript fee, I will reward you brothers well."


Hopu yawned and said, "Let's talk about it after you earn money, but you have to support me with all your strength if there is anything in the class in the future."

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes: "Understood, I promise, in the eight years of college, as long as I choose the monitor, I will definitely choose you."

"Hey, that's about it."

"No, I'm going to sleep, otherwise I won't be able to train tomorrow."

Everyone is exhausted. Copying novels may seem simple, but it is actually exhausting, not to mention copying in the middle of the night.

"Okay, thank you brothers, go to bed quickly, and I will arrange the first team building activity in our dormitory in the future."

"Team building activities, what are team building activities?"

Zhou Chen explained: "Team building activities, in simple terms, are activities for a group to go out to play, and I will arrange them when the time comes."

"Sounds interesting and makes me look forward to it a bit."

After hearing this, Xin Yi found it very interesting.

The next day, another new day began. Most of the boys in Zhou Chen's dormitory were yawning and gathered at the playground with dark circles under their eyes.

"I'm so sleepy, it's unreasonable. Military training so early every day has tortured people to death."

Today, even the squad leader, Hopu, is not as energetic as before, and he seems to be in a daze, with no energy.

When walking forward, Qiu Shui and Wu Ruixiang bumped into each other several times in a row, which made Instructor Sun furious.

"Did you go to be thieves last night? Everyone was listless. Do you still want to train? If you don't want to train, just stand there for me."

"Hopu, tell me, what's going on with you?"

Hopu shivered immediately, straightened his body upright, and replied loudly: "Report to the instructor, because the party ended very late last night, so we didn't have a good rest last night."

"This is all an excuse. This is a military camp. Even if you haven't slept all night, you should cheer me up during military training, not like you. Just like you, if the enemy comes, the whole army will definitely be wiped out."

Sun Jianjun showed no mercy, pointing at the twelve boys in the class and angrily reprimanded them.

"Give me some energy, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"I didn't hear it, speak up."

"I understand!"

"It's not bad, the training continues, let me stand for 10 minutes to wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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