Chapter 290 Against the Instructor
After being scolded by Instructor Sun, the sleepy Hopu and others lifted their spirits. A class of [-] boys began to stand under the scorching sun.

The 10 minutes standing penalty was really a piece of cake for Zhou Chen and the others, and it passed quickly.

Then under the leadership of Instructor Sun, the training continued.

While Zhou Chen and the others were training, something was wrong with the girls' team.

Zhao Yingnan's face was pale, his eyes were dim, and he didn't even stand in a standard military posture, trembling slightly, as if he was not feeling well.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhao Yingnan was not like this, but after two or three hours of training, he became like this.

Instructor Dai naturally saw something wrong with Zhao Yingnan. He had been training these female soldiers for a month, and he knew exactly who was capable.

Zhao Yingnan is definitely the one with the best physique and the best training completion among all female soldiers.

But today, before the whole morning had passed, Zhao Yingnan's face was already pale, and his steps were sloppy, which made Instructor Dai, a straight man, very puzzled.

You Yue, who was standing behind Zhao Yingnan, asked Zhao Yingnan in a low voice: "Squad leader, is it still hurting?"

Zhao Yingnan didn't speak, just gritted her teeth and shook her head. She, who has always been strong, was unwilling to stop training even if she was not feeling well.

"Squad leader, you can't do this, you..."

You Yue wanted to say more, but suddenly saw Instructor Dai walking over, she was too frightened to speak.

Instructor Dai walked up to You Yue and asked, "What are you talking about?"

You Yue didn't dare to hide anything, and immediately replied: "Squad leader, she has a stomachache."

So Instructor Dai walked up to Zhao Yingnan and asked, "Student Zhao Yingnan, are you feeling well?"

"Report to the instructor, no, it will be fine in a while."

Zhao Yingnan is stubborn, even if he is uncomfortable, he is unwilling to admit it.

Instructor Dai is still worried. After all, Zhao Yingnan is the daughter of the chief of staff. If something goes wrong with his training, he will be in big trouble.

He walked to Zhao Yingnan and said in a low voice, "Zhao Yingnan, if you're not feeling well, you can go to rest."

He was kind, but Zhao Yingnan didn't appreciate it, and replied firmly: "No need."

Instructor Dai had no choice but to let Zhao Yingnan go, but he didn't see Yaodao standing next to Zhao Yingnan, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Report to the instructor, I'm not feeling well, can I go to rest for a while?"

Instructor Dai looked at Yaodao, but he couldn't speak, because he had just told Zhao Yingnan that he could take a break, and now Yaodao said he was uncomfortable. If he didn't agree to rest, it would definitely make people think he was partial.

Yaodao is the type that hits a snake with a stick. Without waiting for Instructor Dai to answer, she said loudly, "Thank you, Instructor." Then she ran to the side and sat down to rest.

Although Instructor Dai was angry, he could only suffer from this sullen loss and was unhappy.

"Everyone has it, keep training."

It was just because Zhao Yingnan was in poor health and could not train normally, and made mistakes during the training process, so that Xiao Hong was implicated later.

Instructor Dai, who was being annoyed by the demon knife, immediately pointed the finger at Xiao Hong.

boys queue.

Because they are not far from the girls' queue, they can see what happened on the girls' queue.

Qiu Shui whispered to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, something is wrong with Zhao Yingnan in your family. The surname Dai is inhumane. Why don't you help her?"

Zhou Chen frowned slightly, he didn't care about Qiu Shui's teasing, but looked at Zhao Yingnan not far away.

For this squad leader, he has a good impression, after all, the other party helped him and treated him very well.

The friend came from another place, and Zhao Yingnan treated him well, so he couldn't just accept it with peace of mind.

It's just that he also knows that Zhao Yingnan has a stubborn personality, and it is impossible for her to give up training with ordinary methods, so if he wants to let her rest, he must take a slant.

Before Zhao Yingnan's matter was resolved, Xiao Hong was punished by Instructor Dai again, which made Gu Ming and Qiushui anxious again.

"Zhou Chen, Qiu Shui, think of a way." Gu Ming urged.

Qiu Shui said: "I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking about it, don't rush."

Xin Yi said: "Keep your voice down."

But Xin Yi's reminder was too late. Instructor Sun had noticed them and shouted loudly: "Zhou Chen, Qiu Shui, Gu Ming, Xin Yi, what are you four talking about?"

Zhou Chen shouted loudly: "Report to the instructor, Qiu Shui said that he has a stomachache and wants to take a shit."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the boys' queue burst into laughter, even the girls' queue not far away, as well as the students from other schools, also burst into laughter.

Qiu Shui and Instructor Sun's faces turned black immediately, but one was resentful and the other was angry.

"Zhou Chen. Qiu Shui comes out!"

Zhou Chen and Qiu Shui walked out of the queue, and Instructor Sun asked loudly, "Qiu Shui, tell me."

Qiu Shui had no choice but to beat his brother at this time, so he said with a bitter face: "Report to the instructor, I have a bad stomach for the past two days, and I drank cold water, so I have a little diarrhea. I have been training for almost three hours. I can't control it anymore."

"To shut up."

Instructor Sun is much smarter than Instructor Dai. How can he not see that this is Zhou Chen and Qiushui's trick.

Zhou Chen said: "Report to the instructor, Qiu Shui is right, you have already trained for three hours, you should take a break and let everyone solve the physical problems."

Instructor Sun shouted: "Didn't I give you time? When I gave you time, you didn't go, but now you are making a fuss to go, what do you think this is? This is a military camp, a place with iron discipline, and you are not allowed to go." Take a break, even if you pull your crotch, you must persevere."

Zhou Chen said: "Report to the instructor, if Qiu Shui pulls his crotch, you can stand the smell, but we can't stand the smell."

"Pfft!" There was another burst of laughter.

Instructor Sun's face turned blue again. He was helpless when he met this kind of student.

At this moment, Instructor Dai suddenly yelled at Instructor Sun. Instructor Sun gave Zhou Chen a fierce look, and then walked over.

The two instructors discussed for a while, and finally decided to rest for half an hour, still concerned about Zhao Yingnan's identity.

As soon as they heard that they could rest, everyone cheered, and then scattered around to find a shade to sit down.

With the support of his classmates, Zhao Yingnan sat under the shade of a tree, and Zhou Chen walked towards Zhao Yingnan.

"Zhao Yingnan, are you okay?"

Zhao Yingnan raised his head and said, "I'm fine, thank you just now, Zhou Chen."

"It's nothing, we wanted to rest too." Zhou Chen smiled slightly.

Zhao Yingnan's face was pale, she naturally knew that Zhou Chen was evading, this kind of training was nothing to Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen and the others did that just to let her rest.

"Zhao Yingnan, take a good rest, I'll go first."

As soon as Zhou Chen left, Gu Xiaoman and other gossips who surrounded Zhao Yingnan started.

"Squad leader, did you see that, tsk tsk, and said that you are okay. For you, I would rather offend the instructor. This is true love."

"Yes, monitor, Zhou Chen is handsome and talented. I think you two are a perfect match."

"I also agree. Zhou Chen is more mature than the other boys in the class. In ancient times, he would have been a brilliant genius. Squad leader, I think he is interested in you."


Zhao Yingnan was already uncomfortable, but when he heard the gossip around him, he felt his mind buzzing.

"Okay, stop talking, let me rest quietly for a while, okay?"

Gu Xiaoman and the others suddenly didn't dare to say anything, and carefully hid aside.

There wasn't much time in the morning. After a few hours of training and half an hour of rest, it was soon time to eat.

But when Zhou Chen and the others were going to eat, they were stopped by two instructors. Instructor Dai made a shocking request.

Because I took a break for three 10 minutes, and exercised for half an hour less than other teams, I planned to make up for it from everyone's meal time. After training for another 10 minutes, everyone was allowed to go to the cafeteria to eat.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar immediately, everyone in the class was talking about it, they had been training for so long, and no one wanted to go hungry.

Zhou Chen had already anticipated this situation, so after Instructor Dai said it, he responded immediately.

"Reporting to the instructor, I was the one who just proposed to take a break. If there is any need for additional training, I am willing to take it."

Dai Bingzhong's eyes lit up immediately. The grievance between him and Zhou Chen had been settled as early as the first day. During this period of time, because Zhou Chen did a good job, he saw it, so he didn't wear small shoes for Zhou Chen, but It doesn't mean that Zhou Chen is pleasing to his eyes.

Now Zhou Chen jumped out on his own initiative, just as he wanted.

"Can you bear the extra training for a class by yourself?"

"Report to the instructor, no problem."

Immediately, everyone looked at Zhou Chen, some moved, some disdainful, some admired, and some were obsessed...

"Okay, you are worthy of being a man. Since you are willing to bear it alone, then I will give it to you. There are 24 people in our class, and each of them takes 10 minutes. How many minutes do you calculate in total?"

Before Zhou Chen could speak, Qiu Shui suddenly said loudly: "Report to the instructor, a total of 480 minutes. I also have a share in what happened just now. I am willing to share with Zhou Chen."

Instructor Dai was even more angry: "Okay, classmate friendship, brotherhood, right? Then you two will be together."

"Report to the instructor, and me, I am willing to share for them, and Xin Yi, he is also willing."

Gu Ming shouted loudly, and pulled Xin Yi up as well.

Xin Yi had no choice but to shout with a bitter face: "Report to the instructor, I am also willing."

Instructor Dai said angrily: "Very well, since you want to be heroes, then..."

"Report to the instructor, and I am willing to share for them."

Instructor Dai pointed at Xiao Hong and shouted, "Why are you everywhere?"

Xiao Hong said with a smile: "Reporting to the instructor, just like what you said just now, the friendship between classmates and the deep brotherhood."

"Well, since you..."

"Report to the instructor, and I am willing to share the burden for them." Zhao Yingnan also suddenly shouted.

Instructor Dai felt that his chest was about to explode, and was interrupted one after another.

"You all want to be heroes, don't you? No problem, you can. Then the six of you can practice hard. When you finish training, when you eat, the others go to eat now."

"Oh, old Dai."

When Instructor Sun saw that Instructor Dai wanted to punish Zhao Yingnan, he immediately stopped him, but the angry Instructor Dai was so angry that he didn't listen to anyone, so he wanted to punish him.

"Didn't you hear? Everyone else, go to eat now, and you six, practice more here."

(End of this chapter)

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