The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 291 Punishment, chapter title of the girls' dormitory

Chapter 291 Punishment, topic of girls' dormitory
Under the order of Instructor Dai, the other students entered the cafeteria to eat, leaving only Zhou Chen and the six of them, as well as Instructor Dai who supervised them.

Dai Bingzhong didn't ask Zhou Chen and the others to do any complicated actions, they simply stood at attention, took a rest, walked forward and so on.

Zhou Chen acted according to the instructions, and asked Zhao Yingnan in a low voice: "Zhao Yingnan, you are not feeling well, what can you do?"

Zhao Yingnan said: "You were punished for me, I can't just sit idly by."

Zhou Chen sighed. Zhao Yingnan is a principled person. Although he is not good at it, he is really not annoying.

It is said that it is 480 minutes, six people will share it equally, and each person will have 10 minutes. Dai Bingzhong also wants to execute it exactly.

But after less than an hour of training, Instructor Sun took the initiative to come over to smooth things over, liberated Zhou Chen and the others, and asked them to eat in the cafeteria.

"Eat, it's a fart, there's nothing left."

Qiu Shui looked at the clear soup with little water and white rice on the table, his face was very ugly.

The food in the military camp is actually not bad. It is impossible to have meat every meal, but there will still be a few dishes. After all, military training is required, and nutrition must keep up.

But they had already passed the meal time for an hour, and the food in the cafeteria had already been almost eaten. There was still rice, but the food was really gone, and even the soup was only water.

Zhou Chen said: "Don't smudge, it's good to eat something. I'll get you something to eat when I go back to the dormitory."

Qiu Shui and the others all had bright eyes, and asked, "Where do you still have delicious food? Where did you come from?"

Zhou Chen: "I bought it from the canteen in the military camp."

Zhao Yingnan: "You haven't started making money yet, where did you get so much money to buy things?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "It's very inconvenient to send money now, so when I came to Yanjing, my parents brought me all the living expenses for one semester. I know that military training will be very hard, so I bought it specially. I bought some food and put it in the dormitory."

Zhao Yingnan asked with concern: "You are paying living expenses in advance, what will you do when your living expenses are gone?"

Zhou Chen: "We will stay in the military camp for a year. We don't need to spend money on food and drink. Do you think we have other opportunities to spend money? Besides, I have already written a novel. When the novel is published and serialized, I will not Short of money."

"Are you so sure that your novel can make money?"

Xin Yi was very puzzled. Although he admitted that Zhou Chen's novel was well written, it didn't mean that if it was good, it would definitely be published, and if it could be published, it didn't guarantee how much money it would make.

"Of course you must have confidence in the novels you write. Ask Qiu Shui if he has confidence in the things he writes."

"You don't need to ask, of course, Zhou Chen, I believe in you, you will succeed, and when you succeed, you must take me with you."

For Qiushui, Wen Qing, writing novels is his dream, and for his own dream, he must also have confidence in Zhou Chen.

It was the first time Xiao Hong heard that Zhou Chen was writing novels, and asked in surprise, "Zhou Chen, you can still write novels, and are you planning to publish them?"

Gu Ming said anxiously: "Yes, Xiaohong, let me tell you, the novel written by Zhou Chen is very good-looking. I copied a copy, and I will bring it to you when I go back to the dormitory for you to read."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen's eyes widened.

"Fuck, Xiaobai, I said that when I asked you for it yesterday, you refused to give it to me. So you prepared it for classmate Xiaohong."

When helping Zhou Chen to copy the book yesterday, Gu Ming kept a copy for himself, because the quantity was enough, so Zhou Chen didn't care. He didn't expect that Gu Ming would take it out today and give it to Xiao Hong as a favor.

"Hey." Gu Ming smiled obsequiously.

"Everyone, hurry up and eat, and you can sleep for a while when you go back to the dormitory."

Naturally, military training does not last all day long, and there is also time for eating and resting at noon.

The six of them all devoured the white rice, packed up after eating, and rushed to the dormitory quickly.

Because Zhou Chen and the others had already been punished at noon, the two instructors did not put on small shoes for them in the afternoon and continued to train in an orderly manner.

After a day of military training, Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan went to the mail room of the military camp to send letters. The envelope and stamps were provided by Zhao Yingnan, and Zhou Chen filled out the rest by himself.

"Squad leader, thank you so much this time. When I earn money, I promise to be the first to treat you to a big meal and buy gifts to show my gratitude."

Zhou Chen sincerely thanked him. Without Zhao Yingnan's help, he would not have been able to send the letter so easily.

The stamps of those troops, etc., that is, Zhao Yingnan's relationship is strong enough to be able to get it easily, but it would not be so easy if it were him.

Zhao Yingnan: "I remember what you said. When you make money, you don't invite me to dinner or buy me gifts. I don't agree."

"A gentleman's word."

"It's hard to chase a horse."

When Zhao Yingnan returned to the dormitory, he happened to see the people in the dormitory gathered together, as if they were doing something, except Wang Xiuyu and Yaodao.

"Hey, what are you all doing together?"

Hearing the voice, the girls turned their heads and said to Zhao Yingnan: "Squad leader, it's so beautiful, the novel written by Zhou Chen is so beautiful."

It turned out that Xiao Hong got the handwritten novel from Gu Ming, and started to read it when he returned to the dormitory. After seeing it, other people surrounded him curiously.

Seeing this, this group of girls who had military training every day and had no leisure activities immediately became interested, and a group of people gathered together to read the novel.

"Oh, that's what you're looking at. I've read it. Zhou Chen's writing is really good. There's a good chance it will be seen in newspapers or magazines."

Zhao Yingnan said with a smile while taking off his military training uniform.

When sending manuscripts with Zhou Chen, she read Zhou Chen's novel. She personally thought it was good, and Zhou Chen also promised her that if it could be published as a book, he would give her a copy himself.

A novel is nothing to her, but Zhou Chen's kindness made her very happy.

"Really? Is there any chance for this novel to be published in newspapers and magazines? Then I wonder if it can be published?"

Gu Xiaoman asked in a fuss, her class is all medical students, and a novel author who is likely to publish a book suddenly appeared, of course it is worth a novelty, especially for a gossip like her.

"It can only be said that there is a chance." Zhao Yingnan was happy, but he didn't show it.

Liu Tingting suddenly said: "Zhou Chen should have told me. My dad knows someone from the publishing house. If he wants to, I can ask my dad to contact me. I will definitely publish a book."

After living together for a month, everyone has a certain understanding of Liu Tingting, knowing that Liu Tingting's family is very rich, but no one knows to what extent.

Gu Xiaoman suddenly pointed at Liu Tingting: "Tingting, to be honest, do you have any thoughts about Zhou Chen? I want to warn you, don't have any thoughts about Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen is our monitor, why don't you still think about Zhou Chen?" Are you arguing with the squad leader?"

Liu Tingting was blushed immediately, and she said shyly and coquettishly: "Gu Xiaoman, don't talk nonsense, I, I didn't treat Zhou Chen, I didn't mean that."

As she said that, she secretly glanced at Zhao Yingnan, wanting to see Zhao Yingnan's reaction.

Zhao Yingnan yelled at Gu Xiaoman expressionlessly: "Xiaoman, don't talk nonsense, Zhou Chen and I are ordinary classmates, not like what you said, besides, Tingting is kind, don't you Make fun of people."

Gu Xiaoman consciously said something wrong, and smirked twice: "Squad leader, don't mind, I'm just talking nonsense, don't mind."

Yaodao looked at the noisy dormitory and shook her head helplessly. She was so focused on learning English that she was not interested in what these people were talking about.

In the boys' dormitory, girls are often talked about, and in the girls' dormitory, it's almost the same, and most of the time it's boys.

If the boys in the girls' dormitory talked the most, they were definitely Qiu Shui and Zhou Chen.

Qiu Shui is funny and playful, while Zhou Chen is relatively calm, considerate and delicate.

Therefore, in the female group, these two people are mentioned the most times.

(End of this chapter)

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