The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 294 Classic sketch, satisfied chief

Chapter 294 Classic sketch, satisfied chief
Because of his high physique and spirit, Zhou Chen's energy is still very strong.

Even after a day of military training, he still has enough energy, and he only needs to sleep about six hours a day to be full of energy.

There is still some time before he goes to sleep, Zhou Chen didn't waste it, and continued to take out his notebook and start writing Zhu Xian.

Without a computer, I can only write by hand, which is really tiring and wasteful.

But fortunately, after more than half a month of training, he has gotten used to handwriting, and the speed of handwriting has also improved, but it is still much less efficient than using a computer to code words.

As for the program that Chief of Staff Zhao wanted, Zhou Chen was not in a hurry. For him, it only took a few days to get it out.

It may be ready, but it doesn't mean that it will be given to him immediately. He also wants to use this to make himself have free time at night, so it can be delayed as long as it is, as long as it is handed over to him within the specified time.

The fact that Zhou Chen did not go to evening self-study caused a huge reaction in the class of Renhe Medical College. Both men and women were envious. Some even wanted to follow Zhou Chen, but in the end they were all ruthlessly suppressed by the instructor.

The two instructors were actually quite dissatisfied with Zhou Chen's refusal to attend evening class, but knowing that it was an order from Chief of Staff Zhao, they could only accept it with their noses pinched.

In this way, Zhou Chen trained with everyone during the day, and went back to the dormitory to "create" at night, and his small life took off.

Zhou Chen's comfort made other people in the dormitory really jealous, but they had no choice but to complain sourly every time.

Naturally, Zhou Chen didn't bother to argue with them, and he wrote on his own. After a month, Zhu Xian had written more than 20,000 words, and Triple Gate had written more than [-] words.

It has been a month since he submitted the manuscript, but he has not received a reply until now, which makes Zhou Chen very depressed, and his efficiency is too low.

This is still around Yanjing, the reply is so slow, if it is sent to other cities, wouldn't it be even slower?
This made Zhou Chen very helpless, and also missed decades later. How could it be so troublesome to submit a manuscript at that time, and there would be a reply within a few days at the latest, instead of waiting anxiously like this.

Although there has been no reply to the submission, his novel has become popular in the military camp.

Because the manuscript that Gu Ming gave to Xiao Hong before was circulated, many girls from other schools went to Zhao Yingnan's dormitory to copy it.

One pass two, two pass three...

Slowly, the Triple Door written by Zhou Chen has become a big hit in the military camp. Countless students have read his book, and he has also become the object of admiration for countless students.

When walking on the road, there were always people saying hello to Zhou Chen, and many people even urged him to change face to face, which made Zhou Chen very uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter if he is urged to change online, but he is too embarrassed to be urged to change by so many people in reality.

During this period of time, Qiushui and Xiao Hong, the happy friends, never stopped. They fought and fought, and even secretly went to the studio to record songs at night. What's more, the two instructors who were inspected Find.

In order to cover Xiao Hong's departure, Qiushui himself was caught. This incident aroused the anger of the instructor and asked Qiushui to confess which girl he had a private meeting with.

Qiu Shui was not stupid, of course it was impossible to tell, so he took the responsibility alone.

In the end, Zhou Chen saw that he was pitiful and looked like he was about to be expelled from school, so he went to Zhao Yingnan for help, and asked Zhao Yingnan to intercede for Qiushui.

In the end, Instructor Dai and Instructor Sun did not give Qiushui a more severe punishment because of the face of the chief's daughter. They just asked him to do a self-criticism and review his mistakes in front of all the instructors and students.

For Qiu Shui, this is not a problem at all, and the review he wrote is also a full display of his literary background, and his lips are not right.

Zhou Chen came to Chief of Staff Zhao's office again. He knew that Chief of Staff Zhao came to ask him for a program, so he brought the program he had prepared.

To his surprise, besides Chief of Staff Zhao, there was another officer in the office that he had never seen before.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, one month has passed, how is the program creation going?"

Chief of Staff Zhao's first words when he saw Zhou Chen were about the show, which was enough to show how much he cared.

When Zhou Chen heard the title of Chief of Staff Zhao, he complained in his heart. He had already changed several names after meeting him a few times.

"Chief, during this period of time, I have worked hard and painstakingly on writing, and I am not satisfied with the few songs I have written, so I gave up."

"Not done?" Chief of Staff Zhao's tone suddenly changed.

Zhou Chen said unhurriedly: "There are no new songs, but I got inspired and wrote a sketch. I personally think it's very good, so I brought it here for the chief to review."

"I didn't write the song well, did I write a sketch?"

Chief of Staff Zhao was very surprised. In fact, his expectations for Zhou Chen were more that he hoped that Zhou Chen could write a good song, but in the end there was no song, but a sketch instead, which made him suspicious of Zhou Chen.

After taking the notebook handed over by Zhou Chen, he read it seriously, and after a few minutes, he smiled.

"It's interesting."

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes, it's more than interesting, it's very interesting, okay?

The skit he produced was a classic among the classics. After a few years, it would be popular all over the country, but when it came to Chief of Staff Zhao, it turned out to be just interesting.

Chief of Staff Zhao handed the notebook to the officer next to him, and said, "Old Zhu, you are a professional, please come and give me an evaluation."

The officer known as Lao Zhu took the notebook with a smile. He is a member of the military art troupe and is definitely an expert in cultural performances. He doesn't think Zhou Chen, a student, can write any good works, but Staff Officer Zhao I have to give the long face,
I wanted to take a look at it casually and deal with it, but of course when I saw the content of the sketch written by Zhou Chen, my face suddenly became serious, and then I sat up straight, reading every word from the beginning to the end.

The whole process lasted for nearly 10 minutes, which made Lao Zhao a little impatient.

Zhou Chen looked at the officer curiously. Just now, Lao Zhao said that he is a professional. Could it be that this person is also engaged in entertainment?

"Okay, okay, it's really well written, it's so well written!"

Old Zhu suddenly yelled, startling both Zhou Chen and Chief of Staff Zhao.

Old Zhao even scolded, "Why are you so crazy, Old Zhu, be more serious."

Lao Zhu smiled awkwardly, then patted the notebook in his hand, and said, "Chief of Staff, this is a good notebook. If it is performed, it must be very good. It is unexpected that a college student can write such an excellent sketch." Works, little comrade, does your family do cultural work?"

Zhou Chen shook his head and replied: "No, it's just that I'm more interested in literature and I like to write stories. This is a work I've been thinking about and thinking about. Please help me correct it if it's not well written."

Old Zhu smiled and said: "If you are not excellent, then the other sketches are even worse. Chief of Staff, this book must be handed over to our art troupe for performance."

"piss off."

Lao Zhao didn't give any face to him, so he started scolding directly. If Lao Zhu was so excited, the sketch would definitely not be bad, how could he let it go.

"This is prepared by our military camp for the Spring Festival Gala. If you want to take it away, go and make your Spring and Autumn Dream."

As he said that, he grabbed the notebook, and said happily to Zhou Chen: "Comrade Xiao Zhou, you are fine, fine."

Zhou Chen would not let go of this good opportunity, and immediately said what he had prepared before he came.

"Chief, this skit has high requirements for actors. If an actor is selected, I hope to participate in it."

"It's a trivial matter, you wrote it, and the selection must go through you, no problem."

"Also, Chief, you also said before that a program may not be safe, so I think there is still time in the future, and try to create some more works."

Hearing this, Lao Zhao was even more delighted: "Okay, Comrade Xiao Zhou has a very high level of consciousness. Next, you don't have to worry about other things except military training, just be serious about creating."

Even the shows that Lao Zhu is scrambling to get are enough to show Zhou Chen's ability. He will never treat those who have ability badly.

On the contrary, Lao Zhu licked his face and said to Zhou Chen: "Little comrade, I am from the military art troupe. Look, can you write a similar sketch for our art troupe?"

He doesn't know how well Zhou Chen writes songs, but the level of writing sketches is here. He doesn't want to be able to write a sketch of the same level, as long as he can write half of the level, he will be satisfied.

Chief of Staff Zhao immediately said: "Fuck off, Comrade Xiao Zhou is my soldier, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Old Zhu: "Chief of Staff, I am also doing this for the troops."

The two argued for a while, and in the end Zhou Chen still agreed to create a sketch for Lao Zhu, only to be let go by the two bosses.

It is not difficult for Zhou Chen to have one more sketch, but on the contrary, it gives him more excuses not to go to evening class.

The most important thing is that Chief of Staff Zhao is satisfied, and with Chief of Staff Zhao, his life in the barracks will be much easier.

Two days later, a message came from the mail room, asking Zhou Chen to get the letter.

Upon hearing the news, Zhou Chen immediately knew the reason. It must be that the submission letters he sent had been answered, so he immediately prepared to go to the mail room.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the boys' dormitory, he met Zhao Yingnan.

"Zhou Chen, I heard that there is a letter from you in the mailroom. There must be a reply to your submission. Let's go and have a look."

In fact, she was also very nervous, because she hoped that Zhou Chen could succeed.

"Okay, let's go together."

Zhou Chen naturally would not refuse.

Although he is full of confidence in "his" novels, he really dare not guarantee whether there will be acclimatization in this era. He can only hope that those editors have vision and can take a fancy to "his" triple door .

(End of this chapter)

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