The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 295 The novel is published and a consensus is reached

Chapter 295 The novel is published and a consensus is reached

Readers of this era and Youth Digest are relatively well-known magazines in China, but unfortunately, they don't seem to have serialized novels.

So when he first submitted his manuscripts, Zhou Chen did not submit his manuscripts to these two magazines he was more familiar with, but to the magazine publishing houses around Yanjing.

There were four replies, and Zhou Chen opened them one by one. Three of them told him that he had successfully submitted the manuscript. If he was interested, he could sign a contract with them to publish a book. The other letter replied that his novel did not fit the current environment. , if it is revised, it can be considered for publication.

Zhou Chen directly threw away the rejection letter, and then looked at the remaining three families.

He sent a total of nine letters, and now only four have been answered. He still doesn't know what the other five mean, so he wants to wait.

"Congratulations, Zhou Chen, you finally got your wish."

Zhao Yingnan was also happy for Zhou Chen when he saw that someone was willing to help Zhou Chen publish it.

Zhou Chen: "That's not counting. They just have intentions. Whether we can reach a cooperation or not is another matter."

He was happy that the novel was recognized, but he cared more about how much money he could make from this book. After all, he wrote this novel to make money.

These three magazine publishers are only intentional. After actual negotiations, whether they can reach a consensus or how much royalties he can get is hard to say.

Seeing Zhou Chen's embarrassed look, Zhao Yingnan suddenly said, "Why don't you ask Liu Tingting."

"Liu Tingting? Ask her why?" Zhou Chen looked puzzled, what does this have to do with Liu Tingting.

Zhao Yingnan said: "Liu Tingting and their family are related. I heard her say before that her father seems to know someone from the publishing house. If she is willing to help, it will definitely save you a lot of trouble."

Zhou Chen looked thoughtful, but quickly shook his head: "Forget it, there's no need to owe people favors for this kind of thing."

He knew that Liu Tingting was a rich second generation, and anyone who could go abroad casually in this day and age was definitely not an ordinary rich second generation.

Maybe Liu Tingting can save him a lot of trouble with just one word, but to be honest, he doesn't really want to deal with this kind of rich second generation, let alone owe her a favor.

The debt of favor is the hardest to repay.

Like Zhao Yingnan, who has helped so much, treat her to a meal and give her something, and the favor can be repaid.

But in the eyes of people like Liu Tingting, it might not be so easy.

What's more, he only wrote novels to earn some money so that he could spend the first two years of poor life. After leaving the military camp, he had plenty of time and methods to make money, and he didn't need to rely on others at all.

When Zhao Yingnan heard Zhou Chen's answer, the smile on his face became much brighter.

Although she made this proposal and sincerely wanted to help Zhou Chen find a way, but after hearing Zhou Chen's rejection, she was even happier in her heart.

She is a very smart and rational girl, she knows why she is happy, and at the same time has a better sense of Zhou Chen.

Although Zhou Chen wants to make money, he obviously has his own bottom line, not the kind of person who is willing to do anything for money.

Zhou Chen didn't know that Zhao Yingnan thought so much in a flash, and said to her with a smile: "Zhao Yingnan, if it goes well, it won't be long before I can treat you to dinner. You can think about it now, if you want to eat what."

"Now? Anything?"

Zhou Chen said: "Of course, as long as I can afford it, I can eat whatever I want."

Zhou Chen would never hold back when dealing with friends. Zhao Yingnan has helped him so much, let alone a meal, even if he invites him a few more times, it is nothing.

"Then I have to think about it." Zhao Yingnan laughed.

In the next few days, Zhou Chen received three more letters. This time, two letters were rejected, and only one was intended to sign a contract.

Out of the nine submission letters, only five have passed the manuscript and intend to publish, but all of them need to be interviewed.

For this reason, Zhou Chen went to ask the two instructors for leave, but Dai Bingzhong refused without hesitation, and Zhou Chen left without saying a word, and went to find Chief of Staff Zhao.

When Chief of Staff Zhao heard that Zhou Chen was publishing a novel, he was very surprised, and finally agreed to Zhou Chen's request for leave and gave Zhou Chen a week's vacation.

A week's vacation seems very long, but it takes a long time to go back and forth, so Zhou Chen didn't dare to delay for a moment, and went to Yanjing City as quickly as possible, and negotiated with several magazine publishers that he had agreed with.

The negotiation process is the most difficult, but for Zhou Chen, who has been a business tycoon several times, this little matter can't help him at all.

Not surprisingly, the prices offered by several publishing houses were not high, and the lowest one even offered a buyout price of five yuan per thousand characters.

At that time, when Zhou Chen heard the price, he almost threw a glass of water over him, Nima, where are you going to send the beggar?
The triple door has only 21 characters in total, and if a thousand characters are five yuan, you can only get 1000 yuan. Even in this era, 1000 yuan is not a small amount, but for Zhou Chen, this is basically a free gift. You can’t look down on our boss Han’s novels. .

Zhou Chen's ideal price is not a buyout, what he wants is a share of royalties. Since he wants to publish, he naturally wants to maximize his profits. If it is not for the royalties, he would rather not publish it and leave it in his hands. When he has money in the future, self-published.

However, there is a powerful publishing house, after knowing that the novel has 21 words, it gave a good price, [-] words for [-] words.

It seems to be very little, and it cannot be compared with later generations, but the other party's statement is also tenable.

First of all, Zhou Chen is a newcomer and has no reputation at all. The price of [-] words for a thousand characters is not something newcomers can get. Secondly, they really fell in love with this triple door and wanted to publish it exclusively, so they gave this price .

In the end, they also put forward a condition, if Zhou Chen's future novels were still willing to sign with them, they could raise the price even higher.

This was mainly because they saw Zhou Chen's potential and wanted to make a bundled contract.

This is already the best family. Zhou Chen thought about it for a long time, but still refused, and then put forward his own idea.

Hearing that Zhou Chen didn't want to buy out a thousand words, but wanted to share the royalties, the other party was also surprised, but he didn't refuse on the spot, but said that he would discuss it again.

Zhou Chen talked with them for three days before finally reaching an agreement.

The result was not exactly what he thought, but the two parties reached a consensus that it was okay to ask for royalties, but it had to be linked to the sales of the novel.

In other words, there will be royalties only after a certain sales volume is reached, and if it is not reached, it will be bought out at fifty thousand words, and the next book must also be signed by the publishing house.

If the scheduled sales volume is reached, you can participate in the share, and every time you reach a certain sales volume, you can also increase the royalties, the upper limit is 12.00%.

In the end, the two parties signed a contract, which made Zhou Chen heave a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't because he couldn't get out of the military camp, he wouldn't even think about writing novels, because it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive.

His task this time is to become a great doctor, not to become a novel writer. Studying medicine is his job.

Before he formally studied medicine, he didn't know what his medical talent was.

If his medical talent is poor, it must take an astonishing amount of time to become a great doctor, so for him, time is very precious.

He knew all the words in the medical books that Qiushui gave him, but although he knew the names of medicines and professional terms, most of them couldn't understand them.

This also made him understand that it is really taken for granted that he wants to understand medicine by reading a few medical books.

He returned to the military camp at the last deadline, and when he returned to the dormitory, the military training had not yet ended, so Zhou Chen was typing in the dormitory alone.

He had already promised the publishing house that he would hand over the remaining manuscripts to them within a month, so the time was still very urgent, and he had to speed up.

When Qiu Shui and others came back and learned that Zhou Chen's novel was going to be published, they were all shocked.

In fact, in their dormitory, they were not very optimistic about whether Zhou Chen's novel would be published, even Qiu Shui was no exception.

But the final result was good. While they were shocked, they immediately congratulated Zhou Chen.

Especially Qiu Shui, who was more excited than anyone else, kept asking Zhou Chen about the process of negotiating with others, and even became cruel, starting to write novels from now on, and asked Zhou Chen to help recommend recommendations after his novels were finished.

Zhou Chen dismissed Qiu Shui with a few words, but Qiu Shui didn't care, and still talked around him, telling everything that happened during the week he left.

In fact, there is nothing to say, every day is training except for training, at most, Qiu Shui will fight with the instructor again.

(End of this chapter)

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