The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 297 Girls block the door, deal with it calmly

Chapter 297 Girls block the door, deal with it calmly

After Zhou Chen said these words, he started to work on his creation again, leaving only Qiu Shui and others still thinking about what he just said.

It's just that Zhou Chen never thought that this group of roommates would be so unreliable. After lunch in the cafeteria, he was surrounded by a few girls headed by Xiao Hong.

"Hey, Xiaohong, what are you doing, why are you stopping us?"

Xin Yi didn't know what happened, and asked the menacing Xiao Hong and others.

Xiao Hong said: "Xin Yi, Qiu Shui, it's none of your business, hurry up, we're here to settle accounts with Zhou Chen."

"What's the deal with Zhou Chen? Did he offend you?"

Xin Yi looked bewildered, but Qiu Shui reacted quickly. Without saying a word, he pulled Xin Yi and left, leaving only Zhou Chen alone.

Xiao Hong, Gu Xiaoman, You Yue, Liu Tingting, and two other girls, a total of six girls surrounded Zhou Chen.

Xiao Hong seemed to be the head of a big sister, and asked Zhou Chen, "Do you know why we blocked you?"

Zhou Chen asked indifferently: "Who told you?"

"What?" Xiao Hong and the others paused.

Zhou Chen: "You guys came to block me, isn't it because I evaluated you yesterday, and you think what I said was wrong, so you came to settle accounts with me, right?"

Xiao Hong frowned, and said loudly, "That's right, we're here to settle accounts with you."

Zhou Chen looked at Gu Xiaoman and asked, "Then why did you come with me? My evaluation of you is very positive."

Gu Xiaoman shrank her neck, and immediately realized that her momentum was weak, she raised her head again, and said, "You, you said that I am gossip, where am I gossip, where is the gossip?"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Chen's laughter made Gu Xiaoman's face flush.

"Zhou Chen, you are a big man, you only talk bad about our girls, are you embarrassed?" Xiao Hong asked again.

Zhou Chen: "Most of what I said were compliments, and they were all objective evaluations. Besides, who has no shortcomings? It's just that I said it. Didn't you girls mention us boys in the dormitory?"

The tone of Xiao Hong and the others was stagnant. How could it be possible that the girls' dormitory did not mention boys, and the number of times was not small.

"Zhou Chen, don't change the subject. Look at what you said about me. What do you mean I am only suitable for dating and not for marriage? Only your Zhao Yingnan is suitable for marriage, right? If you say that, what will others do if it spreads?" Look at me?"

Zhou Chen suddenly asked: "Do you still care about what others think of you?"

Xiao Hong was taken aback for a moment, that's right, what other people think of me is none of my business?
Zhou Chen said to them calmly: "If you want to be different from what I said, you should first change yourself instead of blocking me here. That's fine, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, he pushed Xiao Hong away and left quickly.

After a long time, Xiao Hong and the others hummed in dissatisfaction: "This guy is too shameless."

Before Zhou Chen returned to the dormitory, he was stopped by someone again. Seeing that it was Zhao Yingnan, his expression was a little embarrassed.

"Squad leader, I happened to have something to look for you."

Zhao Yingnan asked with a smile, "What do you want from me?"

"Didn't I sign a contract with someone? I prepaid part of the manuscript fee in advance. The first thought I got when I got the money was to invite you to dinner as soon as possible to express my gratitude."

"It's okay to eat, but when do you think we can go out in the military camp?"

"Well, even in the army, it's impossible to train all the time. There's always a time to rest. When we have a rest, we'll go out to eat."

"it is good."

When the two walked to the front of the dormitory, Zhao Yingnan suddenly stopped and asked, "Don't I understand romance?"

Zhou Chen stood awkwardly on the spot for an instant, and then Zhao Yingnan smiled playfully at him, and walked into the girls' dormitory.

"Sin, which dog said it?"

The evaluation he just made last night has already spread to everyone in half a day. Who speaks so fast?

Zhao Yingnan returned to the dormitory, sat on the chair in a daze for a while, saw Yaodao reciting English words, and asked, "Yaodao, let me ask you a question."

"What?" Yao Dao said in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the English words.

"I don't understand romance?"

Only then did Yaodao raise his head, and looked at Zhao Yingnan in surprise: "Do you really care about what Zhou Chen said?"

"Don't you care?"

Zhao Yingnan asked back, what Zhou Chen said, she is actually complicated, because Zhou Chen said that she is suitable for marriage, and that her advantages far outweigh her disadvantages, but she only said that she does not understand romance, which made her worry .

Yaodao said calmly: "I don't care, but I think his evaluation is still reasonable. At least my part is correct."

She is also a person who doesn't care about other people's opinions, and she is a bit ungrateful in her bones, so even if Zhou Chen said that she was not good, she was not angry.

"You can see it."

Zhao Yingnan shook his head, and Yaodao spoke again.

"Squad leader, I don't think you should think too much. Zhou Chen has evaluated so many girls, but you are the only one who has the highest evaluation. But that's right. Once a woman falls in love, she will become stupid. I can't blame you."


Zhao Yingnan gave Yaodao an angry look.

"Say, did you say it was leaked? It's only been a long time. Is this what you mean by tight mouth?"

Sitting on the stool, Zhou Chen asked other people in the dormitory, his eyes swept over each of them, and finally fell on Gu Ming who was dodging his eyes.

"Xiaobai, tell me, is that you?"

Gu Ming trembled suddenly, and quickly backed away, but Qiu Shui and others immediately rushed forward and controlled him.

"Okay, so you are a traitor, we really underestimated you."

"Fuck him!"

When a group of people go up, they are devastated.

After everyone finished the quarrel, Zhou Chen said to Gu Ming with a serious face: "Xiaobai, I don't know what your style is in the United States, but in China, you must abide by our rules. The dormitory is equivalent to a circle. You need to be able to tell the difference between what can be said and what cannot be said.”

"If everyone is like you and tells others what we are talking about, then who will dare to talk casually in the dormitory in the future, do you think it is the truth?"

Gu Ming apologized: "I'm sorry, everyone, this time it's my fault. I just talked too fast and couldn't help it. I promise there won't be a next time."

Xin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "As a brother, I won't be on your side this time. You see, I'm so loyal to Yaodao that I didn't say a word. You're better off. Just say it after a long time." Yes, the mouth is big enough."

Qiu Shui also said: "Xiaobai, you have to realize your mistakes."

Hopu stood up to smooth things over and said: "Okay, okay, everyone, please don't say a few words, Xiaobai realized the mistake, we have to give him a chance to correct it, so that the hygiene of the dormitory for the next week will be handed over to him Question?"

"No problem at all."

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished, and I agree."

"It would be even better if we could do the laundry for us."

"It's a good proposal. Americans help me with my laundry. It's more face-to-face when you say it."


Compared with Qiu Shui and Xin Yi who have sharp eyesight, Gu Ming, a foreigner from the United States, doesn't know much about many people in China, so he often makes these low-level mistakes.

Whether he said it to show off, or for some other reason, his behavior is really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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