The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 298 Who the idiot scolds, the gaffe Instructor Dai

Chapter 298 Who the idiot scolds, the gaffe Instructor Dai

"Zhou Chen, come out!"

An angry roar spread from the playground, and Dai Bingzhong pointed at Zhou Chen who came out and shouted: "What did I say, pay attention to the queue, pay attention to the queue, who told you to go so fast?"

Zhou Chen obeyed the order and walked out of the queue, but he frowned and looked at Dai Bingzhong coldly.

This is already the sixth time today, Dai Bingzhong seems to have taken a gunpowder today, specifically looking for trouble with him.

Take just now as an example, it was obvious that the people behind him walked slowly, but Dai Bingzhong acted as if he hadn't noticed it, so it must be said that he walked fast.

Dai Bingzhong yelled at Zhou Chen: "You haven't trained for a week, have you forgotten how to train? Look at your performance today, you are just like an idiot."

Zhou Chen was not the kind of person who would not fight back when he was bullied, he also shouted loudly: "Report to the instructor, who is the idiot scolding?"

"Idiot scolding you." Dai Bingzhong yelled again without turning the corner.

"Pfft hahaha..."

In an instant, there was laughter, and all the students roared with laughter.

Seeing that Dai Bingzhong was still in a daze, Zhou Chen suppressed a smile and said, "Report to the instructor, you are right, the idiot scolded me."

Now, no matter how dull Dai Bingzhong was, he had reacted, and saw that his already dark skin had turned black and red, which was extremely ugly.

"Zhou Chen, you..."

The furious Dai Bingzhong was about to go towards Zhou Chen, but Sun Jianjun, who was obviously wrong, ran over to stop him immediately.

"Old Dai, what do you want to do? Are you crazy? He is a student and you are an instructor. Don't forget your identity."

Dai Bingzhong, who was held back by Sun Jianjun, came to his senses. For a moment just now, he really wanted to beat Zhou Chen up. Fortunately, he was stopped, otherwise he would have made a big mistake.

"This kid is too rampant, too rampant, and he must not be spared lightly." Dai Bingzhong growled.

In fact, he was not impulsive at first, it was because Zhou Chen's actions made him very uncomfortable.

First, he didn't have evening class, and then he couldn't ask for leave from him, so he went to the chief to ask for leave, which made his face dull, so he kept holding his breath.

When Zhou Chen came back from vacation, he didn't like it no matter what, that's why he had just targeted him.

But he never expected that Zhou Chen would not look at him at all, and even humiliated him in front of so many people, which had a huge impact on his self-esteem, so much so that he almost lost his mind.

Sun Jianjun continued to persuade: "I know, but don't forget, you are a soldier and an instructor, and he is a student, or a student that the chief values. If you do anything to him, your life will be over."

This is not an exaggeration. If Dai Bingzhong really dared to do something, he would definitely be tainted. Not only would he not be able to stay in the army, he would be demobilized, and there would be no good results.

"This Zhou Chen is not easy to deal with, you calm down and leave it to me."

Although the two were considered to be in a competitive relationship, Sun Jianjun couldn't bear to see Dai Bingzhong really make a big mistake.

So he walked up to Zhou Chen and said in a low voice: "Zhou Chen, don't go too far, it's not good for you to fight against the instructor."

Zhou Chen sneered and said: "Instructor Sun, you have to figure it out, it's not me who is against him, it's him who is against me, you have seen what happened today, I didn't do anything, it was him who made trouble for me, I have already Having said that, I am not the kind of person who is bullied and does not fight back, he should have thought of the consequences if he did that."

Sun Jianjun said: "Old Dai is just acting on impulse."


Zhou Chen sneered again: "You can punish me at will on the spur of the moment? Instructor Sun, please tell him, if he still wants to make things difficult for me, I can accompany him. If it's a big deal, he will drop out of school. If I drop out, I can take the exam again next year, but What will happen to him, I think you should know best."


Sun Jianjun was so choked by Zhou Chen that he couldn't speak. From Zhou Chen's eyes, he could see that Zhou Chen might really mean what he said.

If a student who is willing to give up even college, really wants to fight against you, their instructors really can't handle it, especially if they are unreasonable.

"Everyone has, rest three 10 minutes."

There was no other way, Sun Jianjun could only stop the training first, and then went to persuade Dai Bingzhong. He couldn't say Zhou Chen, so he could only persuade Dai Bingzhong.

"Ah, Zhou Chen, the instructors have been turned over, they are simply my idols."

A group of boys surrounded Zhou Chen, vying for admiration. After a few months, they were all tortured enough. In their view, Zhou Chen was avenging them.

Zhou Chen didn't show any complacent expression, instead he frowned and said, "Stop talking about it, and don't spread it around."

"Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen looked over, it was Zhao Yingnan calling him, so he walked towards Zhao Yingnan.

Zhao Yingnan whispered: "Zhou Chen, it's not a problem if you continue to confront the instructor like this."

Zhou Chen spread his hands, and said with an innocent face: "You saw it today, I didn't do anything, it's all because of him looking for faults."

"I know."

Zhao Yingnan naturally saw the situation today clearly, and knew that Zhou Chen could not be blamed.

"I know Dai Bingzhong. He's just a stubborn ass, which makes people very annoying. In this case, I'll go and tell him to stop targeting you, and don't hold grudges against him."

Zhou Chen: "As long as he doesn't bother me, I won't bother to talk to him. We can only stay here for a year. Do you think it is necessary for me to fight him to the death? I still say the same thing, if people don't offend me, I won't." Prisoner."

"I know, you are also a stubborn temper, not subdued at all, I will take care of Dai Bingzhong, and you don't want to mess with me anymore."

Looking at Zhao Yingnan who rolled his eyes, Zhou Chen was suddenly in a trance.

From Zhao Yingnan's body, he seemed to see a trace of Qiao Yingzi's shadow. Every time Qiao Yingzi was coquettish, he was similar to Zhao Yingnan's current appearance.

"Hey, talking to you, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Zhou Chen staring at her without blinking, her eyes seemed to be full of emotion, which made her blushed unconsciously.

"look at you."

Zhou Chen said this sentence casually, and then realized that it was a bit abrupt, and then he said haha: "Just do as you say, as long as you can deal with Dai Bingzhong, I will not deliberately target him."

"That's right."

Zhao Yingnan nodded in satisfaction, and then went to find Dai Bingzhong.

Zhou Chen stared at Zhao Yingnan's back. He could naturally see this woman's concern for him, but he couldn't respond now.

Now he is very young, even if he has ideas in the future, he still has plenty of time.

When Zhao Yingnan found Dai Bingzhong, Sun Jianjun continued to persuade him, while Dai Bingzhong was still sulking.

As an instructor, to be scolded and threatened by a student is really embarrassing and thrown to grandma's house.

"Instructor Sun, Instructor Dai."

Seeing Zhao Yingnan coming, Sun Jianjun straightened his expression and asked, "Zhao Yingnan, why are you here?"

Zhao Yingnan said, "I have something to tell Instructor Dai."

Sun Jianjun is a fine individual, and after a little thought, he understood why Zhao Yingnan came.

Not only did the classmates know that Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan had an unusual relationship, but he, the instructor, also discovered that Zhao Yingnan looked at Zhou Chen differently.

In addition, Chief of Staff Zhao also seemed to value Zhou Chen very much, so Sun Jianjun did not target Zhou Chen like Dai Bingzhong did.

"I see, Zhao Yingnan, please persuade Lao Dai well, he, alas."

 If National Day is not polite, we will add more, but it should be at night!

(End of this chapter)

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