The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 299 The class leader came out, and Instructor Dai was counseled

Chapter 299 The class leader came out, and Instructor Dai was counseled
"Instructor Dai."

"Zhao Yingnan, I know why you came to me, but this is between me and Zhou Chen. Although you are the chief's daughter, you still can't control me."

Dai Bingzhong thought that Zhao Yingnan was here to intercede with Zhou Chen, so he said in a very stiff tone.

Zhao Yingnan said coldly: "Dai Bingzhong, you are still as annoying as before. I can't control you, but if I want to do something to you, do you think you have room to resist?"

Instructor Dai's face flashed with anger. He was scolded by Zhou Chen just now, and now Zhao Yingnan mocked and despised him face to face, and felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Zhao Yingnan didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued to ask: "Dai Bingzhong, do you know why my dad didn't let you be his servant?"


The topic changed, but Dai Bingzhong didn't realize it for a moment.

"Because I don't like you."

If Dai Bingzhong was hit hard, his face became even uglier, and his heart became even more humiliated.

"I'm telling you this not to humiliate you, but to clarify a fact to you, just like your attitude towards Zhou Chen. Although you are an instructor, if there is a real fight, who do you think will be more serious?" Suffering?"

Dai Bingzhong poked his neck and said, "I never thought of conflicting with him. He was too arrogant and didn't take the instructor seriously. This is intolerable in the barracks."


Zhao Yingnan sneered, "Even my dad can keep Zhou Chen from going to study at night, why can't you tolerate it, not to mention what problems Zhou Chen had during military training, he was not the best every time, the reason why you target him is It's nothing more than he swept your face and made you feel embarrassed, so you want to take revenge when you get the chance."

"You don't need to deny it, anyone with a discerning eye can see that what I want to tell you, if you continue like this with Zhou Chen, you must be the one who suffers in the end."

Dai Bingzhong's face was gloomy. Sun Jianjun said the same thing to him just now, but he just couldn't be reconciled. The dignified instructor was humiliated repeatedly by a student. He really couldn't swallow it.

To put it nicely, he is called upright, but to put it bluntly, he is not flexible, and he is not good at being a human being.

"Zhou Chen is a college student in the medical school, and now he is valued by my dad. He is in charge of the military camp's evening show. Even if you don't admit it, it is a fact that Zhou Chen is more important than you. If the two of you really get into trouble At this point, Zhou Chen will be punished at most, and you, I am afraid that you will be demobilized and changed jobs immediately."

As soon as he heard that he was demobilized and changed jobs, Dai Bingzhong couldn't help showing a look of panic on his face.

He entered the military camp very early, and after a few years, to be honest, he knows nothing but being a soldier.

If he was transferred from another job, he couldn't imagine how he would live in the future, whether he would collapse.

"Zhao Yingnan, what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Yingnan breathed a sigh of relief, she guessed correctly, Dai Bingzhong's destiny is to change jobs, and when he mentioned this, he immediately gave up.

"What I mean is very simple. Don't target Zhou Chen anymore. I can intercede with my dad and let you stay in the army."

This proposal obviously moved Dai Bingzhong. In the world of adults, interests always come first. Even in the military camp, interests are very important.

"I don't need to target him, but he is a thorn, and I'm afraid he won't give in easily."

Zhao Yingnan said confidently: "He doesn't need to be subdued, I will persuade him to behave properly during military training and not to fight against you."

Dai Bingzhong pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, if you can do what you say, I can promise you, I don't want to change jobs."

Zhao Yingnan smiled: "You can rest assured on this point, as long as you keep yourself safe, after the military training is over, if there is my intercession, my dad will definitely pay attention to it."

Seeing that Dai Bingzhong acquiesced, Zhao Yingnan said again: "Instructor Dai, I have a word for you. Those who know current affairs are outstanding. I hope you can understand."

After Zhao Yingnan left, Sun Jianjun came over and asked, "Old Dai, what did Zhao Yingnan tell you?"

Dai Bingzhong: "It's nothing, I'll go to the toilet, and the military training will continue after I get back."

"This old Dai has changed really fast enough. Zhao Yingnan must have said something to him." Sun Jianjun guessed.

"But no matter what, you need to have a little discernment in the future. Looking at the situation, Zhao Yingnan and this Zhou Chen, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Chen saw Zhao Yingnan walking over happily, and asked, "Solved?"

"Well, it's solved, but you have to pay attention in the future, don't mess with Instructor Dai again, it's not easy for him."

"I messed with him? Well, listen to you, just don't mess with him in the future."

A small storm was resolved by Zhao Yingnan, and Zhou Chen didn't struggle anymore. To him, it was just a trivial matter.

Soon, the training returned to normal. Instructor Dai didn't target Zhou Chen again, and Zhou Chen didn't bubble up again.

In the afternoon, the chief came to inspect the training, and the two instructors were out of their minds. In order to show off, they even asked Zhao Yingnan to lead the team.

As can be imagined, the two were severely scolded by Chief of Staff Zhao, and they were completely humiliated.

That night, everyone else rested, and Zhou Chen was still writing with a flashlight. He had already agreed with the people in the publishing house that the triple door would be on sale on January [-]st during the New Year's Day, so he had to change it. Hand over the full manuscript to the publisher as early as possible.


Suddenly a sound sounded, as if something hit the window, Zhou Chen happened to be sitting by the window, and he looked out of the window curiously.

"Zhao Yingnan?"

I saw a girl standing downstairs in the boys' dormitory, looking towards their dormitory, and Zhou Chen recognized it immediately.

Zhao Yingnan waved vigorously at Zhou Chen, signaling him to come down.

Zhou Chen didn't know why Zhao Yingnan came to him at night, but he put down his pen and went to find Zhao Yingnan.

"Zhou Chen, I came to you at this point because I have a very troublesome matter, and I want you to help me refer to it."

"What happened?"

When Zhou Chen saw Zhao Yingnan's expression, he knew something must have happened.

"My grandma is sick, and it seems to be quite serious. I want to go back to see her, but my dad, who is unselfish, will definitely not agree to my leave; so far, as far as I know, you are the only one who can let him Change, he granted you a week's leave before."

Zhao Yingnan knew his father better than anyone else. Even in this special situation, his father would probably not agree.

Zhou Chen said: "I have business to do. It just so happens that your father also has something to ask me to help, so he agreed. If I go to ask for leave for you, it will definitely not work."

If he went to intercede with Zhao Yingnan and asked for leave, Chief of Staff Zhao would definitely doubt their relationship, and the problem might be even bigger by then.

Zhou Chen remembered the method Qiushui thought of in the TV series, so he said, "We can ask the instructors for help, they can use the phone."

"No, they will definitely say that they need to ask my dad for instructions. When my dad finds out, it will still be troublesome."

Zhao Yingnan shook her head. She knew a lot about the soldiers under her father.

"If you really want to make a call, you can only go there secretly. As far as I know, there is a phone in the broadcasting room, and you can definitely make a call. How about we go there secretly?"

"Can it work?" Zhao Yingnan looked forward to it, but also worried.

Zhou Chen said: "Try it, family is the most important thing, if it were me, no matter how big the risk is, I will try it."

If it were his grandma who was seriously ill, he would be able to do it, let alone make a secret phone call, or even escape from the military camp secretly.

Having lived for so many years, he knows the importance of his family better than anyone else, and it is completely understandable to do impulsive things for his family.

Zhao Yingnan gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's try."

"Go now."

Zhou Chen took Zhao Yingnan, and the two quietly went to the broadcasting room.

Now the barracks was already resting, except for the patrolling people, basically everyone was resting, so the two avoided the patrolling team, and it didn't take long before they came outside the broadcasting room.

(End of this chapter)

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