Chapter 300 Sensitive girl Wang Xiuyu

"The door is locked."

Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan came to the door of the broadcasting room and found that the door was locked.

"What should I do?" Zhao Yingnan was a little anxious and a little nervous.

Zhou Chen said: "Just leave it to me, there are windows here that you can turn in."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"A piece of cake."

With a sudden jump, Zhou Chen grabbed the edge of the top of the door, then stepped on the door and kicked hard, his body kicked up, easily opened the window, and climbed in through the window on top of the door.

Opening the door from the inside, Zhou Chen pulled Zhao Yingnan in, and quickly closed the door.

"Call quickly."

Zhao Yingnan didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed to the phone and started calling.

In the TV series, Qiu Shui and Zhao Yingnan called, and after the call was over, they insisted on playing music desperately, making the entire military camp uneasy.

If it weren't for Zhao Yingnan's strong relationship, Qiushui would have been fired long ago.

This time when Zhou Chen came over, he wouldn't do that kind of deadly thing.

Zhou Chen stood at the door and listened to the voice. After a few minutes, Zhao Yingnan ended the call, and then happily said to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, thank you so much this time, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to talk to grandma call."

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "You helped me so much, and I only helped you once. The one who should really thank me should be me."

"I'm done calling, let's go, it will be troublesome if I'm found out."

"Okay, let's go."

Zhou Chen was about to open the door when he heard footsteps and hurriedly grabbed Zhao Yingnan.

"Someone is coming, squat down."

With that said, he pressed Zhao Yingnan's shoulders and squatted down.

The sound of footsteps and voices approached slowly, and then slowly moved away.

"Zhou Chen, can you let me go now?"


Zhou Chen looked down and saw that he was holding Zhao Yingnan's shoulders, and the two were squatting close together, looking very close.

"Sorry, it's urgent, I didn't notice it, sorry."

"I don't blame you."

Zhao Yingnan's ears were red. This was the first time he had such intimate contact with a boy, and he felt very shy.

Zhou Chen didn't know what to say, so he could only change the subject and said, "The patrolling people are gone, let's take the opportunity to leave."


Zhao Yingnan, the capable and straightforward squad leader, has completely turned into a shy woman at this moment, and Zhou Chen can do whatever he wants.

The two escaped from the building and walked side by side on the road, but compared with when they went, the atmosphere became a bit awkward, and only the sound of footsteps could be heard.

"I have arrived."

"Oh, I'm here too."

The two stopped almost at the same time.

Zhou Chen said to Zhao Yingnan: "Then you go in quickly, it's already late, and you have to train tomorrow, go back and rest quickly."

"Well, you go back and rest early."

"it is good."

The awkward atmosphere kept the two of them from talking too much, they said goodbye to each other, and then walked back to their dormitory.

Time flies, and the days pass day by day, but the barracks is still as lively as ever.

Zhou Chen's life didn't change much either. Except for his classmates, he rarely had contact with students from other schools.

Even if someone admires him because of his novels, he is very humble and knows many people, but they are just acquaintances.

On this day, Gu Ming suddenly started to ask others about his mother, dragging others to talk about his mother. Even Zhou Chen was entangled by him for a long time, and finally he had to tell him something about himself and his mother before giving up. Gu Ming's curiosity was aroused.

After this incident, everyone finally understood why Gu Ming came to China to find his mother.

And who can say anything to a man who wants to find his mother?

After the triple door was finished, Zhou Chen sent it to the publishing house through the mail room, and now the publishing house has started printing and is preparing to sell it.

Because it is a newcomer, the publishing house did not advertise too much, so it is impossible to sell well at the beginning. You can only wait for the sales to increase word of mouth, and the sales volume will increase significantly.

Zhu Xian Zhou Chen also wrote tens of thousands of words, but he has not yet sent it to the publishing house. He is going to look at the sales of Triple Gate after finishing the first volume, and finally discuss Zhu Xian's copyright royalties and the like.

Anyway, with the guaranteed income of the triple door, he will not be short of money during the time he is in the barracks.

As for the tasks assigned by Chief of Staff Zhao, Zhou Chen also completed them as scheduled, and gave him and Lao Zhu a program respectively.

A song and a sketch are all high-quality products above the standard.

Then it became, Zhou Chen had military training during the day and rehearsed with the troops at night, and his life was very nourishing.

The military training ended that day, and Zhao Yingnan approached Zhou Chen as usual.

After a few months, the relationship between Zhou Chen and Zhao Yingnan has long been taken for granted.

Although the two of them did not fall in love, in the eyes of others, the two of them have become a couple.

"Zhou Chen, there is something that has troubled me for a long time, and I want to ask you for advice."

During these months of getting along with each other, everyone in the class knew about Zhou Chen's abilities.

Whether it is military training or learning ability, they are all outstanding. Whenever Zhao Yingnan encounters something he can't understand, he will ask Zhou Chen for advice.

The same is true today.

"what's up?"

"It's about our girls' dormitory. You know Wang Xiuyu in our class. She has a very sensitive personality. She is always laughed at by others in the dormitory. Recently, she had a conflict with the demon knife. Now she has been treated differently by other people in the dormitory. , I feel that her mood has become more and more depressed recently."

"Do you have any good ways to untie her? If this continues, I feel that she will become more and more depressed and extreme."

"Wang Xiuyu?"

Zhou Chen frowned. To be honest, Wang Xiuyu's presence in the class was very low, because she usually didn't make a sound at all, and huddled together like a quail.

"Wang Xiuyu's personality is very sensitive, and she is particularly strong. It is difficult to persuade such a person, because if she fails to persuade her, it may have a counterproductive effect, and the situation may become more serious at that time."

If it was someone else, he wouldn't mind helping out, but Wang Xiuyu was different. This girl was very sensitive and high-minded, so she couldn't tolerate others talking about her.

If you get along with each other for a long time, you may be able to change it, but it is impossible to make much difference with just one or two persuasion.

Zhao Yingnan: "Then let her go?"

Zhou Chen said: "Since we can't change her, we can change other people. Tell the other girls in the dormitory, try not to say bad things to her, let alone laugh at her."

"But if you don't communicate with her, will it make her feel isolated?"

"Then find a few people who can play well with her to persuade her. I think Xiao Hong is fine. If you are heartless, you should be able to get along well with her. If you pay attention to it in normal times, let her feel that she still has friends. , maybe it will be better."

"Compared to this, I am more worried about another thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yingnan asked.

Zhou Chen said: "I don't know if you have noticed the problem between Wang Xiuyu and Dai Bingzhong."

Zhao Yingnan frowned and said, "You mean that Instructor Dai takes special care of Wang Xiuyu?"

The whole class can see that Instructor Dai is taking care of Wang Xiuyu. What kind of problem is this?
"It's a serious problem."

Zhou Chen's expression was serious: "Didn't you realize that Wang Xiuyu's feelings for Dai Bingzhong are no longer the same as the feelings of students for instructors?"

Zhao Yingnan's face was horrified: "You mean, Wang Xiuyu fell in love with Instructor Dai?"


Zhou Chen said: "It's not wrong to like someone, but the problem is that in the military camp now, if something happens to the college students and the instructors, it will definitely have a huge impact. It is not something Wang Xiuyu and Dai Bingzhong can bear. Will sit idly by."

"If something irreparable happened to them, with Wang Xiuyu's personality, it's probably not surprising that they would seek death and life."

Zhao Yingnan's face became more and more solemn: "If something really happened to them and people knew about it, Wang Xiuyu, who has a strong self-esteem, might indeed do something extreme."

"Zhou Chen, what should we do then?"

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "The best way is to let them stop contacting, but this is impossible, and you and I can't do something to report in private, so we can only find a way to keep an eye on Wang Xiuyu and tell her not to do it." stupid thing
I can't do this, only you can do it, as long as you pass the military training and don't see Dai Bingzhong anymore, there won't be any big problems. "

Although Wang Xiuyu's personality is a bit extreme, she is not a bad person. Now that she knows about the tragedy, he will naturally try her best to stop it.

Zhao Yingnan hesitated: "Then I can only try, after all, I can't keep an eye on her all the time."

"Do your best, as long as you try your best, you will have no regrets."

Zhou Chen persuaded, they are human beings, not gods, and it is impossible to control everything.

(End of this chapter)

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