Chapter 1058 Dao

After Wei Weiqing Murong Fu read the secret order, his brows were frowned like Sichuan characters.

There are already more than 40 palace guards, including veterans over [-] years old who have retired from the army, sons of noble chieftains, and slave guards who are close to the army. The personnel are complex, but generally there is no problem.

The palace people are not complete yet.

Take the eunuchs as an example, some are the children of the eunuch family who came here, some are from the Tibetan teenagers captured in the Daibei grassland, and some are newly recruited.

Some of the palace ladies came from various tribes, some came from honorable families, and some were the families of captured enemy generals, which was also very complicated.

In Ziwei City, most of the palace people came from Chang'an, which belonged to the saints.

If the sage really doesn't care, it is still possible to do some "stupid things".But he seemed to have forgotten that when King Xia went to Daming Palace to face the saint, Xia Bing stood guard inside and outside the palace.When it comes to matters related to his own safety, King Xia doesn't care about his face at all, and he doesn't follow the rules at all. I'm afraid the saint is thinking too much--a martial artist, it's normal not to follow the rules.

He planned to go to Qiu Silian today and discuss how to keep his face down. On the day when the sage hosted a banquet in honor of King Xia, he changed the palace attendants. The sage's expression must be very exciting then.

In the afternoon, Murong Fu left the yamen of Weiwei Temple to inspect Shangyang Palace.

The construction sites of the Yongshou and Jiaofang Halls are in full swing, and the construction progress of the halls is quite fast.In the open space in front of the hall, a large group of palace guards were practicing archery, and Shao's Saburo and Shiro were here.

Murong Fu waited quietly for a while, seeing that the practice of the two princes had come to an end, he stepped forward to salute, and said with a smile: "The two princes' archery skills are quite advanced."

Shao Mianren's youthful heart, he was a little happy to hear Murong Fu's praise, and said: "Wei Wei is a little bit worse than an adult. Even the eldest brother and the second brother are much better than me."

Shao Guancheng was a little shy, and stood behind his brother without speaking.

"His Royal Highness summons, the two princes have to go early." Murong Fu said: "I have sent a hundred horsemen outside the gate of Tixiang, and they will escort the two princes to Weizhou."

How did Shao Sanlang and Shao Silang go to Weizhou? Of course they went on horseback. Could it be that they still took a carriage?Anyway, Murong Fu didn't receive any special orders, and keeping two gentle old horses was already the best care he could take.

"Wei Wei has a heart." Shao Mianren bowed and saluted, and then turned around and said, "Fourth brother, let's go, don't make your lord wait any longer. The son of the Shao family must go to the battle to sharpen his skills. The eldest and second brothers are already in charge of the army alone. I will also work hard.”

"Brother is right." Shao Guancheng also bowed to Murong Fu and said.

Murong Fu returned the salute and looked at the two with admiration.

It's a pity that the mother clan of Saburo and Shiro is not strong enough to provide much help.

Dalang married the Zhang family of the Guiyi Army and was married. The Zhang family sent many high-quality horses, armor, and weapons as dowry, as well as carefully selected Shazhou warriors as personal followers.

Needless to say, Erlang, the eldest son, received top-notch treatment, and the Zhe family also provided considerable help.

The Hezhong Feng family of Saburo's mother family seems to have a lot of influence, but it is limited to civil servants and cannot provide much help in the military.

Shiro is even worse.His mother, Zhuge, was originally the niece of King Xia, but she was taken home before she got married, and later gave birth to Shao Silang.If we talk about the background of the mother's family, theoretically there is an uncle Zhuge Zhongfang, who is also the Jiedushi of Shannan Xidao, but at this juncture, it may not be a good thing.

It just depends on which family they marry in the future.Only by marrying generals like Li Tangbin and Lu Huaizhong can they provide powerful help, otherwise it will be in vain.

Of course, these thoughts were only in his mind for a while, and it was absolutely impossible to express them.As the Supreme Khan's slave general, he will not have any inclinations on the surface, and will not make friends with any officials or nobles.Maybe in a few years, he will return to the grassland to manage the tribe, because the members of the slave tribe among the palace guards will change, and he may leave with him. It is not only taboo to make friends with current officials, but also meaningless.

For people like them, their wealth and glory are all in the Khan's mind, which is completely different from the Jinshi who has been admitted to the exam and the general with military exploits.To put it bluntly, they are similar to eunuchs, the difference is that one has eggs and the other has no eggs.

Shao Sanlang and Shao Silang left that day.

Murong Fu sighed, and continued to inspect the three palace complexes of Ziwei City, Shangyang Palace and Shendu Garden.

" will be rewarded when you see meritorious service, the special kindness of Han Gaozu; there is no doubt about the succession, the story of Deng Sikong. The former official material is marked down, the rhyme is clanging, and the self-proclaimed talisman has promoted political achievements. The high-ranking official... Erqi is beneficial to encourage loyalty and rules, and he is entrusted with the title, and he uses the good deeds of Deputy Liu Hong, and Li Guangzhi is hard to be have to know the governor of Zhili Road."

In the political affairs hall, Zhu Pu sighed deeply.

The governor of Ruzhou, Han Jian, should be one of Shao Shude's confidantes.The military leader who didn't know a single word had studied hard all these years and had extraordinary perseverance, but he was also proficient in writing.

Moreover, this person is quite capable. He obviously hasn't read a few books, and he hasn't learned how to manage the world, but he manages the local states and counties in an orderly manner.Wherever he handles, not to mention the roads and relics, at least the people don't look hungry, the local law and order are good, the summer and autumn taxes are collected, and there are not many cases where the tax collectors forced their families to be ruined.

How crooked this man is!
He is now appointed as the governor of Zhili Road, in charge of the civil affairs of the fourteen prefectures of Luo, Ru, Zheng, Meng, Huai, Shan, Guo, Tang, Deng, Sui, Xiang, Jun, Fang, and Shang.

The post of governor actually appeared long ago.Zhu Pu is familiar with history books, how can he not know?
But is the governor of the Northern Dynasty the same as the governor of this dynasty?
And the division of Zhili Road is also very interesting.Zhu Pu asked someone to bring a map and examine it carefully.

Obviously, this so-called Zhili Road is viewed from the perspective of Luoyang as the center.

Menghuai prefectures in Hebei Province, Shangzhou in Guannei Province, Tang Deng Suixiang Junfang in Shannan Province, and Luoru, Zhengshan and Shanguo in Henan Province are actually very meaningful.

Basically, they are the prefectures and counties that Shao Shude has made great efforts to rectify or will immigrate to reclamation.He distributes land to people, rents cattle and sheep, rents farm tools, and installs veterans as township officials. The prefecture and county levels are also his people, and the family members of the various troops are also arranged in these places as much as possible...

In other words, most of the so-called fourteen prefectures of Zhili Road are Shao Shude's "iron plate", which is the place where his ruling foundation is very solid.

In addition, from the perspective of mountain and river geography, it is also very interesting.

In ancient times, Hanoi defended the northern border of Luoyang, Hongnong defended the Xiaohan Valley Road, and Zhengzhou shielded the east side. Nanyang and Xiangyang were the southern hinterland of Luoyang, and Shang, Jun, and Fang prefectures in mountainous areas were also included, which could be accessed through waterways. Eastern Plains.

The Zhili Road is very carefully divided.Shao Shude did put a lot of thought into running his Luoyang lair.

Alas, how can Li Keyong, Luo Shaowei, and Wang Rong deal with such a person?
The location of Zhili Road is not in Henan Province, but in Liliang County, Ruzhou Prefecture.Han Jian was appointed as the first governor of Zhili Province, and He Yu, the commander of the Henan Fuzhou Army, was promoted to the "Commander of Zhili Province"-this Commander of Hedu was also one of Shao Shude's confidantes, and he was a martial arts student. , was a general in the Tianxiong Army, and after being injured, he went to the state army system to guard more than [-] counties in Henan Prefecture for him, and he was reassigned to the Tiande Army to serve as the left wing soldier and horse envoy, which shows his trust.

After reading the map, Zhu Pu returned to his seat silently, thinking carefully.

On the surface, this reform was jointly proposed by Prime Minister Xiao Qu and Pei Shu, but everyone in the government and the public knew who inspired it.

There are more than ten roads in the country, but that is only a geographical division. There are occasional interview envoys and supervisory responsibilities, and they are not permanent.Since the hardships, Dao has existed in name only. The whole country is actually a three-level management system of feudal towns, prefectures, and counties. Feudal towns have Jiedu envoys, observation envoys, and capital defense envoys, who are in charge of military and political power. States have governors, counties have orders, and each performs its duties. .

Shao Shude's new way is actually to merge several feudal towns together and centralize them, but the military and government are separated, and each has its own officials.

To be honest, he appreciates the change because it gives them a chance.

It's a pity that this is a military leader who is about to commit treason, alas!

On the one hand, Zhu Pu hated Shao Shude's usurpation of the throne, on the other hand, he was deeply attracted by his grand blueprint, and his heart was full of conflicts, and his mood was so messed up that it was hard to describe.

Zhili Road is not the last one. In fact, according to the news Zhu Pu got, Guanbei Road will also be established soon, governing Xia, Sui, Yin, You, Ling, Yan, Hui, Feng, Sheng, Lin, and Shenzhou. It is basically the area under the jurisdiction of Dashuofang Town in the heyday of the Kingdom Dynasty.

Zhu Pu is from Xiangyang, so he has never been to this place, but I heard that it is doing well, the household registration has been greatly increased, the cattle and sheep have been wilded, and it is even a bit better than that of Tianbao. After all, it is the place where Shao Shude started.

It is heard that Huang Tao, the governor of Puzhou, will be the governor of Guanbei Road to govern Lingzhou.The commander of the capital is likely to be Shu Cong, the general of Liang Jun. He had been at home most of the time before, and now he is going to take up his post to command the state soldiers of the eleven states in Guanbei.

"If King Xia can continue to carry it out, it can be said to be an act to bring order out of chaos." Zhu Pu slapped the case table, and the bureaucrats and bureaucrats were so surprised that they all looked over.

"Nothing." He waved his hand and said.

The assistants continued to work, but Zhu Pu sighed again.

When Xiao Yun and Pei Shu proposed this reform, some court officials who were hostile to King Xia thoughtlessly opposed it, but he did not. For this reason, some people have already regarded him as a traitor.

In this regard, Zhu Pu is also very helpless.I just want to do something that is beneficial to the country, but the atmosphere in the DPRK and China is very bad, and they look at people and things completely from their standpoints, which makes him in a dilemma.

"Forget it, there are some things that are mediocre. I can walk upright and sit upright, and I don't care about those gossips!" Zhu Pu thought to himself: "If I really can't continue, I will put on my old face and ask King Xia for a governor. It can also benefit the people of one side. This smoky center is really annoying."

(End of this chapter)

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