Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1059 Transformation

Chapter 1059 Transformation
After going straight down, Zhu Pu left Ziwei City, passed through Yingtianmen all the way, and headed towards the imperial city.

The imperial city is a common name.

It was called Taiwei City in the Sui Dynasty, but the Guochao did not change the name and still called it that way.

There is Yingtian Gate in the middle of the south of Ziwei City. Outside Yingtian Gate, there are four east-west side streets, which belong to the boundary of Taiwei City, and there are many government agencies in the middle.

Counting from north to south, between the first horizontal street and the second horizontal street, there is a very important institution: Zhongshu Waisheng.

This is the office of Zhongshu Province in Taiwei City (Imperial City), where middle and lower-level officials mainly deal with affairs.

Corresponding to other provinces, there is also Zhongshu Province in Ziwei City (Miyagi), sometimes called "introspection".

As we all know, the layout of the imperial palace is generally "the front court and the back sleep". In terms of the degree of connection, there is no small difference.

Therefore, the two ministers of Zhongshu both work in the inner provinces, while the outer provinces are some mid-level and lower-level officials such as Zhongshu Sheren, chief scribes, and principals.

Zhu Pu is the Minister of Zhongshu, and Xiao Yun is also the Minister of Zhongshu. The latter is supervising the development of Tang Deng and Xiangyang in other provinces today, so Zhu Pu came to him directly.

It's already straight down, but people from outside the province of Zhongshu are coming in and out, and they are very busy.When Zhu Pu entered the door, he almost bumped into a Lingshi——Lingshi, Shulingshi, etc. are all officials and have no rank.

"Xiao Xiang." After Zhu Pu came in, he waited quietly for a while, and then saluted.

"Zhu Xiang." Xiao Yun put down his pen and ordered tea.

"Xiao Xiang..." Zhu Pu wanted to say a few polite words, but because of the stiff relationship, he didn't know where to start.

Knowing his character, Xiao Yun laughed and said directly, "What happened to Prime Minister Zhu?"

"The matter of Guanbei and Zhili Road has been aroused in the court, and there are many discussions." Zhu Pu sat down and said, "Recently, some people came to me and asked about the specific divisions. I am really ashamed that I can't answer."

Xiao Yun knew who the people looking for Zhu Pu were, they were nothing more than "loyal ministers" today.Looking at it now, the loyalty of these people is also limited. It is also an anecdote that the new administrative division reform promoted by King Xia has caused both the enemy and us to temporarily put aside their differences and stare at them with burning eyes.

Of course, there are still a lot of people who only ask their standpoints and don't look at right or wrong. These people are Yumu heads, and Xiao Yun doesn't even bother to talk to them.

"How does Prime Minister Zhu feel about the establishment of the post of governor?" Xiao Yun asked.

"The governor's palm announces morality, appeases the people, revises the government and punishment, promotes the pros and cons of the revolution, and assesses the officials. Naturally, it is a great kindness." Zhu Pu said: "For many years, the warriors have occupied the official position, and the disaster has been serious. Now I have to see the sun, and I am deeply moved." Thousands."

Zhu Pu finally got to the point.

Why do his henchmen secretly care about this matter?Interest!

It's not that there are no civil servants in the feudal vassals and towns all over the world, but it's too disturbing for military officials to take over the officials, which greatly encroached on their interests.But at this time, the atmosphere is still martial and there are frequent battles. Even the Jiedu envoy has to keep the generals and sergeants under his command. What can the civil servants do?
King Xia's move was really a stroke of genius, and he immediately won the support of many civil officials.To put it bluntly, there will only be fewer and fewer people gathering around the emperor, and the foundation has disappeared.

Taking the newly established Zhili Road as an example, the highest official is the governor, who is designated as the third grade.You know, Zhongshu Shilang is also a third-rank official. As a prime minister, shouldn't he be promoted by one rank?Once the prime minister moves, a series of officials below will be promoted. How beneficial is this?

Under the governor's envoy, there is a transshipment envoy, who is in charge of a piece of wealth, and checks whether it is registered and consumed, so as to pay enough for the counties and counties.The Department of the Suixing Office inspects the savings and examines the accounts.The division is equipped with officials such as transfer envoys, transfer deputy envoys, and transfer judges.

There are also criminal and prison envoys who are in charge of the prison lawsuits of the department and straighten them out. They even interrogate the prisoners and check the case files in detail.He served as the prison envoy, deputy envoy, and judge.

There is also the post of academic administration, in charge of school decrees and annual examinations.Observe the merits of teachers and Confucians, the students are lazy, promote their sages and those who are capable, and reprimand them for not being handsome and teaching.

The commanders and envoys of the capital will not be discussed, and they will not belong to the governor, but will be directly managed by the Ministry of War.The military force that the governor can have is only a guard camp with a few hundred people.

Transit Envoy, Prison Envoy, Du Commander, and Xuezheng are all officials under the fourth rank, only lower than Fu Yin (from the third rank), Shangzhou Governor (upper the fourth rank), and Zhongzhou Governor (under the fourth rank) At the same level, it is quite a good position.

"Since that's the case, why turn against King Xia?" Xiao Yun asked: "If there were no King Xia, what would the situation in Kansai and Henan be like at this time? I'm afraid there would have been that vulgar warrior who killed Da Nei, don't It is said that the emperor will not be protected, but the civil and military officials will have to save their lives and family property?"

Zhu Pu was attracted by Xiao Yun's words, and subconsciously remembered it.

Assuming that there is no King Xia, and Han Jian is the largest army leader in the fourteen prefectures of Zhili Road, what would he do?Maybe he didn't dare to kill the emperor, but the prince dared to kill, even killing them all in one go without blinking an eye.Most civil and military officials are useless in his eyes. If he is in a good mood, he will be dismissed. If he is in a bad mood, he will be eliminated physically.

Of course you can scold him, but if you scold him day and night, can you scold these military leaders to death?The basis of their rule is not you literati, but the army, and he doesn't care about your opinion at all.

Everyone scolded King Xia for being kind-hearted, hypocritical, and caring about his feathers.But what is needed is his hypocrisy, which means that he still talks a little bit about the rules, and doesn't just do whatever he wants.

I am afraid of comparison in everything, and I will tell the difference when I compare.

"Let's put it this way." Xiao Yun stood up, leaned closer to Zhu Pu, and said softly, "If King Xia has something to do, the chaotic wars in the past 20 years since the Chaos Chaos will be in vain. It can't be said. The common people will have to suffer for decades. Zhu Xiangyi should think about the true meaning of this."

Zhu Pu was silent.

20 years of brutal war in vain?Zhu Pu can probably understand.Although the fight is not completely in vain, the second generation of overlords will always be easier than the first generation, but it is inevitable that the war will continue.In this process, will Henan, Hebei, Hedong and even Kansai, which has been stable for more than ten years, be smashed again?Almost inevitable.

"Zhu Xiang, someone wants to make an enemy of the scholars all over the world, what do you say?" Xiao Yun lowered his voice very low, but it sounded like thunder to Zhu Pu's ears.

The one who wants to be the enemy of the scholars in the world is none other than the current sage.How to do?Xiao Yun has even tied the interests of scholars and aristocratic families to King Xia, thinking that they are all prosperous and all will be harmed, what can you do?
Seeing that Zhu Pu was silent, Xiao Yun smiled and said no more.

Some corners cannot be turned in a short time.Many of the officials who surrounded the sage were not of low birth, and they clearly supported him without thinking that the sage did not represent their interests.Because people are not all rational, it is difficult to completely change the beliefs and values ​​of a lifetime.

There is no need to win over people who cannot be changed.

Those who can change should be talked about.

King Xia has come to this day, and he does not rely entirely on the butcher knife to suppress people with force.In fact, one of the words he talks about most often is "united front", and he has always liked to share benefits with others and form a community of interests.

Zhu Pu is a real person. He can restrain his likes and dislikes and treat people and things objectively. He is worth wooing.And once successful, the demonstration effect is obvious.

There is no doubt that Shao Shude intends to uproot the foundation of the saint.

After leaving the province of Zhongshu, Zhu Pu returned to his home in Jishanfang.

Jishan and Shangshan two workshops are on the south bank of Luoshui River, very close to Tianjin Bridge, across the bridge is Taiwei Imperial City, it can be said to be a prime location.

There used to be Taiwei Palace in Jishanfang.In the first month of the first year of Tianbao, the temple of Emperor Xuanyuan (Laozi) was built here. In the second year, it was changed to Taiwei Palace, which was later destroyed by war.

Taiwei Palace occupies a relatively large area. Feng Wei, who presided over the construction of Luoyang City, built three sets of residences on the original site, which were respectively given to the three prime ministers Zhu Pu, Pei Shu, and Pei Zhi to live in—of course, it was just a loan. returned.

Not surprisingly, there are already many people waiting at home.

They were arguing and arguing.Someone mentioned Wang Yong's tenure as Shaofu supervisor, and Wei said that he was the military supervisor, and he criticized it so much that the sour smell almost overflowed the door.

To be honest, these positions are usually not very important.But isn't it true that many people have come from Chang'an and are still unofficial? There are too many monks and too little porridge.

The skills of Shaofu mastering all kinds of crafts.That was before, and now there seems to be a lot more.It doesn't seem surprising that Wang Yong, as an official selected by Shao Shude, was appointed as Shaofu supervisor.

The full name of Military Weapons Supervision is "Beidu Military Weapons Supervision".

As the name suggests, it is located in Jinyang, the northern capital, and has two major institutions under its jurisdiction, the Jiafang Department and the Nufang Department. It is large in scale and has a high output-Li Ke started with a dream, not just talking.

Now this newly established Military Weapons Supervision is said to be located in Heyang.Wei Shuo was born in the Weicai Department of the Hetao Grassland, and people he knew called him "Eleventh Lang".

But such a foreigner with no fame has become a military supervisor of the fourth rank, it makes people angry to think about it.

Zhu Pu listened for a while, and he already understood, but he sighed even more, and the balance in his heart tilted a little bit again.

In fact, what else can we do?

In fact, he is now regarded as a thorn in the flesh by many people.The saint probably doesn't trust him at all, right?You must think that he is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and covets glory and wealth.

"I am willing to be rich, but I want to do the right thing more." Zhu Pu said silently in his heart.

Afterwards, looking at the group of party members, he said: "All of you who have been officials for many years, and who can follow you to Luoyang are all ministers who are worried about state affairs. I have been an official for half my life, and the only thing I care about in my heart is the ears of the common people. The matter has come to this point, and I also I will not hide this from you. The King of Xia acted in a clear manner, known for his strategy, and he was also brave and good at fighting.

Speaking of this, Zhu Pu seemed to hear a broken voice somewhere in his heart, only to hear him grit his teeth and continue: "It is for Allah!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole hall was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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