Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1070 Return Date

"Huh!" The heavy sword slashed fiercely, and the sawdust flew and fell into pieces.

Wang Pu shrank aside and hid.

It was freezing cold, but King Xia was still interested in practicing swords.Every warrior has the potential to be a little crazy, Wang Pu can understand it

"It's the twelfth lunar month." Shao Shude sighed softly and handed the epee to the third son, Mianren.

The 13-year-old Shao Mianren is not short in stature and has a strong physique, holding the epee firmly.

"One year, I spent it in the battle again." Shao Shude wiped his sweat with a towel, and said, "Fortunately, there is still half of the country to maintain peace."

The towel was slightly prickly.After the Dongzhang sheep, a better soft wool sheep has not been bred, which is a pity.

"The people of Longyou and Guannei have enjoyed peace for more than ten years." Wang Pu said with a smile: "I was in Chang'an in the past, and I heard people say that the people of Longyou have cultivated their fields for three years, and they have a year of accumulation. Three years after three years, it has been more than ten years without hearing the fire of war, and everyone feels the summer - the virtue of Shao Sheng.

Another flatterer!Shao Shude laughed secretly in his heart, and the literati licked it, which was much more comfortable than the rough man of Wufu.

"Guannei Dao is enough, Longyou Dao is still a little unstable." Shao Shude said: "In the north, there are Uighurs looting merchants and looting sand melons, and in the south there are Tubo barbarians attacking Kuozhou. The local state army can't be controlled, which makes people really worry. "

There are actually garrisons in Qingtang City, about 1 people, but like Bailaoguan in Xingyuan Mansion, they are all recruits from Lingzhou Academy and Shanzhou Academy

With the long-term peace of Kansai, the Kansai garrison, which once reached 4 to [-] in its heyday, has almost shrunk, and has changed from the original government army to training recruits, which undoubtedly reduces deterrence.

Shengfan remembers to eat but not to fight. After a long time, they forget the fear of being dominated by Shao Sheng. It seems that the formation of the frontier army will be accelerated.

"When will Wang Langzhong return to Luoyang?" Shao Shude asked.

"His Royal Highness, when I left the capital, the sage asked when the Grand Master could return to the capital..." Wang Pu said in a low voice.

"Is the saint in such a hurry to kill me?" Shao Shude's mouth showed a mocking smile.

In fact, the Li Tang royal family still has the last bit of people's hearts.At least he discovered that there were a few middle and lower-level officials in Dongdu Town, and through the relationship of roundabouts, they contacted the saints and were loyal to the court.

It's just that the army hasn't seen any that pop up yet, which is doomed that the saint can't come back.

"His Royal Highness is sure to win, and some things should be settled. Otherwise, the morale of the army and the people will be uneasy." Wang Pu replied.

The uneasy feeling of the army is because of uncertainty, that is, how exactly does King Xia reward him?Everyone is working hard with their heads, and they should get something, right?Either continue the old system and give official positions, then the phenomenon of warriors occupying palaces is bound to continue, and the largest official position occupied is Jiedushi.
But now there is no official position.

People's hearts are uneasy, also because of uncertainty.Zhili Dao has brought so many hardcore Xia Kings, and the atmosphere is set off here. Is it called an emperor or not?If you don't claim to be an emperor, it will be difficult to end, and we are still worried about being attacked by others.For example, if King Xia was a Tang official all his life, and after he passed away, someone from another power took over the world, and the life of the old officials, old generals, and even the people who came with his family would be sad.

In addition, the vested interest groups that have risen because of some of the new policies of King Xia are also a little uneasy.This kind of uncertainty is too torturous, and makes people afraid to invest heavily in the future - for example, those who study mathematics, Xia Wang likes these people very much, and is willing to reward and promote them, but what if they change people? …

Therefore, quickly proclaim the emperor to reassure the hearts of the people.

"On the day of Zhengdan, I will participate in the meeting." Shao Shude gave a clear answer.

Zhengdan is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and this day's meeting can be said to be the grandest and most important of the year.Shao Shude participates in person, it must be very eye-catching.

Wang Pu was overjoyed.

The brothers Mianren and Shao Guancheng also glanced at each other quietly, feeling joy in their hearts.

If the father becomes emperor, they can also be crowned kings, who doesn't like it?
"But before leaving, you always have to grab something, and you can't come back empty-handed." Shao Shude said.

The pressure was quickly placed on Lu Huaizhong in the west of Beizhou City.

Beizhou is a big city with a circumference of nearly [-] miles. It is the first-class city in the state. It is divided into two parts: the outer city and the inner city (Yacheng).

The army in the city (this chapter is not over!)
Chapter 68 Return Date
There are a lot of capital reserves, and it is reasonable to say that it is very suitable to stick to.But Xia Jun came too fast, and he surrounded the city almost in the blink of an eye. It has been three months now.

For three months, Wei Jun tried all kinds of methods, but he was unable to get through the connection with Beizhou City.The closest troops to them were probably Shi Renyu's troops in Linqing County, dozens of miles away, but they couldn't get in.

Because of this, Beizhou has no serious troops.Except for less than [-] state soldiers, most of them were villagers who were recruited on a temporary basis.After fighting for such a long time, the casualties were quite large, and the combined strength of all kinds of troops was only in the early [-]s. It was really difficult to defend such a large city. Therefore, after transporting a lot of materials, the defenders abandoned the outer city and retreated to the Yacheng. Do the last stubborn resistance.

Lu Huaizhong received Shao Shude's handwritten letter, and he did not dare to be negligent, and immediately put the troops that had just retired and rested into battle, and continued to storm Yacheng. It has almost become his destiny.

"It's not as conspicuous as other people's state soldiers..." Lao Lu said angrily, looking at the routed soldiers who were forced back by the enemy's arrow rain.

Ye Li Kecheng, Wang Jiao, Zhang Wen, and Dong Zhang attacked again and defeated the enemy again near Boping, capturing more than [-] people.

The enemy was Cangjing Lu Yanwei's men.The main general Zhou Sheng defeated and beheaded this group of state soldiers, and the rest of them collapsed into Qingping County, panicking.

Hearing this defeat, Chengde Ya's general Zheng Shoujing immediately returned his troops to Chanzhou, as if he didn't want to fight anymore.Unexpectedly, on the way to retreat, he was attacked by a part of the righteous army, and more than a thousand soldiers were lost.

These soldiers, in theory, are also soldiers and horses under Lu Huaizhong's tent.Their achievements are undoubtedly under the name of Lao Lu, but he will not deceive himself: the siege he personally commanded has not yet ended, but the juniors have won many times, so how can he feel?
"From today onwards, all of you will come to the front line to supervise the siege of the city." Lu Huaizhong ordered: "When the township is exhausted, the battalion is gone. When the battalion is exhausted, the pro-army goes up. When the pro-army is exhausted, I climb the ladder to attack the city in person. No one should be slack in fear of fighting, and those who violate the order will be executed without mercy."

The generals knew that this time it was a real move, and they all responded: "Follow the orders of the capital."

Lu Huaizhong took another look at Beizhou Yacheng, which was already somewhat broken. His always gentle and calm heart actually had the sinful idea of ​​slaughtering all the guards. …

War is what tortures people like that.

The battlefield is so boring and bloody.

In Jinyang City, Li Ke walked into He's house with a ghost.

Yes, that's right, this is the mansion built by He Gongya with huge sums of money by Hedong Ya. Later, Li Kan rewarded it to Shao Shude, but he didn't live for a few days at all, but he left behind a lifetime of hardships. Happy memories to forget.

After Shao Shude left, the place was empty.

The Princess of Jin, Liu Shi, "made a fool of yourself", and recruited some servants for the house, and they cleaned it from time to time, so it looked fairly neat.

It was the middle of winter, and the vegetation in the garden withered. Li Keyong sat behind the stone table for a long time, silent.

Gai Yu gave Li Xiji a wink.Li Huiyi immediately said: "Your Majesty, I just came back from Xindai and watched the drills of the sergeants of the next five battalions. The left battalion and the right battalion have already looked a bit like, and the middle battalion is also on the right track. The front battalion and the rear battalion are slightly It’s a little bit worse, but with time, it can definitely be practiced.”

"How about the people of Xing Luoci?" Li Keyong asked suddenly.

Er, Gai Yu and Li Xiji almost didn't respond to his question.Why did King Jin care about the livelihood of the people?This is so fresh.

Of course they also understand.When people are hit hard, they will seek change,
"Many have settled down, and there are no troublemakers." Li Xiji said: "Some tenants are still very grateful, because they have acquired a lot of land for nothing, which can be passed on as a family business.

"That's good." Li Keyong nodded and stopped talking.

Gai Yu and Li Xiji looked at each other, the King of Jin invited them to come here today, and they didn't speak when they arrived. What's the reason?
But they can also understand.Since Xing Luoci's defeat, King Jin's heart has not been smooth.The battle was too bad. In January, the entire army was defeated, and the three states fell. It was astonishingly fast.

To put it uglier, the performance is not as good as that of Wei Bo. People are passive and passive, but they have persisted until now.
Chapter 68 Return Date
Didn't lose the state city, didn't leave Jinjun BaTiaojie?
"The Khitan Khan's suicide note is here, willing to join hands with me to attack the Xia Thief, how about it?" Li Keyong suddenly got up and asked.

The Khitan messenger entered through Youzhou, and Gaiyu knew about it, and he was in charge of even the documents and reception.

There is only one appeal of the Khitan people.As for who the alliance is aimed at, I don't need to say much, I understand.

"Your Majesty, this matter should be dealt with." Gai Yu said without hesitation: "The Xia people have repeatedly attacked the Khitan. This is their serious mistake. We must take hold."

In Gai Yu's opinion, Shao Shude was too arrogant and arrogant.Fighting on multiple fronts and not putting heroes in the world in their eyes, this is their chance.

"Okay, you can write it back." Li Keyong nodded and said.

His changes are indeed huge, and he is even willing to reconcile with the Khitan who just fought against him a few years ago, but this awakening seems to have come too late.If we had been so pragmatic and sober 15 years ago, how could the situation in the world have come to this point?Maybe it is the Jin army that occupies Henan.

"As ordered." Gai Yu replied.

After forming an alliance with the Khitan, a lot of troops can be freed up.Youzhou elite soldiers can be transferred to other battlefields in large numbers, which can be said to be timely.
"Zhenzhou Wang Rong and Weizhou Luo Shaowei sent envoys to ask for help, how to reply?" Li Keyong asked again.

"Your Majesty, if there are too few soldiers, it's not a big deal, and if there are too many soldiers, it's not a good thing. We should wait until we swear with the Khitan and Yanzhen's soldiers and horses can be freed up." Gai Yu suggested.

"How many people can Li Cunzhang allocate?"

"There are always 3 to [-] people." Gai Yu said.

"Then reject them first, and wait until the elite soldiers of Youyan arrive." Li Ke let out a long sigh of relief.

When the green and yellow did not pick up, it was finally over.He now especially misses the glorious days when he led an army of [-] people and ran rampant in Guanzhong and Henan. It was too difficult.

Chapter 68 Return Date

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