Li Keyong actually gave some support.

In front of the hall, the Huangjia Army, the Silver Spear Rebel Army, the Dismantled Army, and the Khitan went straight down the mountain in turn. Although the scale was not large, the attack frequency was high, and they were flexible and flexible.

But success is also small, and failure is also small.The small scale means that it is impossible to penetrate into the Heyang and Xing Luoci states, so it will not have much influence, and it will kill the partial divisions that contain Xia Jun, and the main force will not pay attention to them.

But they are still very persistent and dedicated.From the middle sentence of November to the second sentence of December, for more than a month, I attacked nearly ten times. Facing the encirclement of Tianxiong and Jinglue Second Army, I only won three times and lost troops. Count dry.

Lu Huaizhong sat in the west of Beizhou City, motionless, urging all the troops to attack.

It was snowing heavily and it was freezing cold.The Tutuan villagers recruited from Heyang, Xuanwu and even Beizhou paid a lot of casualties. The two armies of the sudden generals and Wuwei also took turns to fight, and repeatedly attacked until December 24. More than half of the defenders in Jiecheng suffered casualties. Even the generals' servants and children have been incorporated, but there are still less than [-] soldiers, and their will has been shaken.

A new day has come.

There was a heavy snowfall last night, and the sergeants who were on the attack gathered from the streets with hot steam and creaky snow, and started a life-and-death attack.

Lu Huaizhong came to the wounded barracks as usual.

In fact, it is not very accurate to call the wounded barracks, because there is no centralized camp.Beizhou City was very large and there were many houses, so a large number of private houses were requisitioned for the use of Xia Jun.

"With Master Hua, we've gotten better and better in the past few years, and we've become more and more brave, making people look up to us." Lu Huaizhong expressed the same emotion as Shao Shude at the time.

Tonghua Erzhou and even the entire Guanzhong had a long period of peace before the Chaos Rebellion, and it was also an area under the direct control of the imperial court.So much so that the imperial court supplemented the Shence Army, either annexing and surrendering troops, or recruiting troops in Kandong and Helong. As for the result of recruiting people from Chang'an into the army, everyone can see.

But they are both shoulders and one head. Human beings are not so bad in essence.

After the common people of Tonghua moved to Heyang, they were often mobilized by the military, transporting supplies and going into battles very frequently. Coupled with the strict winter training and drills, they were far from the same level as before.

This is a process of rushing through the sand. Those who can't survive will either die from the enemy's blade or be slashed and killed by the supervising team. The remaining people can naturally get rid of all kinds of outdated traits on their bodies and develop in the direction of military machines.

"Master Xiangwei also played well." Lu Huaizhong stood in front of a wounded soldier with a Xiangzhou accent, pointed to the wound on his body, and said, "Three places on the chest and only one on the back, not bad."

There are new and old wounds, let's not talk about them for the time being.But there is a wound on the back, indicating that the collapse has escaped.As for why they were not killed after fleeing, it was probably because too many people escaped, and it was shocking to kill them all.

"Where did you get this injury?" Lu Huaizhong asked.

"Last year, there was a grass thief Lu Jun in Weizhou, and Song Shuai dispatched soldiers from various states to suppress them, and he was injured in two places. A few days ago, when the outer city of Beizhou was attacked, the commander of our township was shot by a stray arrow. Dongfang collapsed after that, and people came from behind." Xiang Yong didn't dare to hide it, and said directly. …

Xiangyong is generally divided into regions, and each has a commander.The commander is not an official, but to put it bluntly, he is a warrior in the countryside, bringing a group of local masters to battle.If the commander was shot to death by a stray arrow, Xiang Yong would indeed flee directly, and he could not expect too much from them.

Lu Huaizhong also heard about the rebellion of the grass thief Lu Jun.He was just a little military officer who had left the country. He had shrunk a group of ignorant villagers, echoing Hedong and Wei Bo's uprising. After the attack on the county seat failed, half of them had already dispersed.The remaining half began to loot merchants and wealthy households, and they became grass thieves and were soon wiped out.

"Are there still people in the countryside who want to make trouble?" Lu Huaizhong asked.

"There are many, but I am afraid of King Xia's soldiers and dare not rise up." Xiang Yong said directly.

The generals present had more or less points in their hearts, but this Xiang Yong said so frankly, it still made everyone feel a little unnatural.

"There are so many people who are greedy for profit, they are all bastards!" Lu Huaizhong was angry.

Seeing this, Xiang Yong did not dare to speak.

Lu Huaizhong (this chapter is not over!)
Chapter 69 roll

Packing up his mood, he said, "If you tell the truth, you should be rewarded. Come on, give him two silks."

Shao Shenjian immediately ordered his personal soldiers to take it.

"The king of Xia attacked Hebei, and he had to fight against you. It is true that some people are not good-looking, they are divided into one side, they are kings and hegemony, and they have to kill them. Have a good day." Lu Huaizhong comforted.

Xiangyong kept saying yes, but he didn't really believe it.When did the imperial court do good things in Hebei?Whether it is the new court or the old court, they are all the same.Otherwise, Wei Bo and Chengde didn't do it once or twice to fight against the world with one thing. Don't the local governments know the disparity in strength?Why support him?
Doing things for Xia Jun is also a last resort, alas.

Lu Huaizhong then visited some places, until news came to him from the front: Beizhou defender, prefect Cui Hong sent people to discuss, and.

"Let the messenger come over." Lu Huaizhong found a decent house, sat down, and ordered.

After a while, a scribe who described a dry draft was ushered in.

"Sima Chenye of Beizhou sees General Lu." The scribe bowed and saluted.

"What did Cui Hong send you to? If he knew the opportunity, he would have bound himself out of the city, or there was still a way to survive." Lu Huaizhong slapped the table a few times and asked.

Hot-tempered, good at comforting the military, and brave in style.Lu Huaizhong's performance is in line with Wei Bo's consistent perception of him.

The literati did not panic when he saw it, and said, "General Lu has hundreds of thousands of people, and he has no success for a long time, so he is not afraid of King Xia's doubts and rebukes?"

"Cang!" Before Lu Huaizhong could speak, the swords of the personal soldiers and generals in the house were half unsheathed.

This guy's words are too sinister.

He has been besieging Beizhou with an army of [-] troops for three or four months.If you were the head coach, would you have any doubts in your heart?

Don't underestimate this simple and mindless provocation.It may not be fatal at other times, but in today's era of inferiority and superiority, it has to be carefully scrutinized by the superior.

"If that's what you want to say, then you can get out." Lu Huaizhong said with a blank face: "Our army has many soldiers and sufficient food and grass, so it doesn't matter if we attack for another three or five months, but I don't know if Cui Shijun will return. Can we wait for reinforcements? Once the city is destroyed, it will be too late to say anything, and the family will be destroyed in an instant.”…

When the messenger heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately smiled: "Just now, I played with the general."

"What are you? Playing with me?" Lu Huaizhong slapped the table again and scolded.

Shao Shenjian walked to the messenger's side, holding the heavy sword in his hand, as if he would chop off at any time.

The messenger's face changed again and said: "This matter"

"Speak straight!" Lu Huaizhong said angrily: "Mother-in-law, you are hesitating, like a woman, not easy."


The messenger took a deep breath and said, "My envoy would like to come down, but..."

"Speak!" Lu Huaizhong stared at him, gritted his teeth.Looking at him, he seemed to be suppressing his anger.

Yes, he is a short-tempered person, and he often fights with people when he is young.After the dignitaries, leading troops to fight, they are also fiercely fighting.

The generals and colonels who were ineffective in combat were prone to committing crimes and beheading them.The soldiers who cannot enter the patrol are like killing chickens and dogs.

What's the point of playing with this idiot?Chen Ye sighed inwardly, lowered his expectations slightly, and said, "My family's envoy lives in Beizhou, and most of the guards and soldiers are from Beizhou. Town, it descended."

He originally wanted to propose that Cui Hong should still be the prefect of Beizhou, and the sergeants would be reorganized on the spot as Beizhou soldiers to serve the King of Xia.

This was the request of Inspector Cui Hong before his departure.But he also thought that Xia Jun was afraid that it would be difficult to agree to this condition, so he did not make a rigid requirement, but just let Chen Ye give it a try.But seeing the tense atmosphere in the hall, Chen Ye didn't dare to talk nonsense, worried that Lu Huaizhong would be stimulated, so that his anger would be detrimental to his party.

"I still don't like the ragged generals under Cui Hong. If they were to be dismissed, would there be any objection?" Lu Huaizhong asked.

"General Lu, this is a life-threatening thing," Chen Ye complained bitterly.

"Fuck off!" Lu Huaizhong stood up suddenly, and ordered Shao Shenjian to put on his armor. It seemed that he was going to the front line to supervise the battle and cut people.

"Wait a minute (this chapter isn't over!)
Chapter 69 roll

Seeing a few burly men approaching his side, Chen Ye said quickly, "As long as we don't hurt our lives, don't loot the whole city, and don't force us to move to other counties, it's okay to surrender." "

"It's a matter of earning a living," Lu Huaizhong said with a frown.

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Yeqiang said with a smile: "In the city, there were no yamen or town soldiers. After months of fierce fighting, there were not many state soldiers left. They were all recruited villagers, and they sent a sum of money to disperse them. That's enough. Actually, it's okay not to give money."

Lu Huaizhong reluctantly sat back.

Shao Shenjian glanced at him, and immediately remonstrated: "Doutou, Your Highness once said that the Wei people are arrogant, it is better to kill them all, and then promised their wealth to the brothers. What did you promise them to do? , and then went to attack the city, and the next cadre of Cui Hong will be executed and the officials will be wiped out. Cui Hong and Chen Ye's generation, it is not a pity to die, they hang their heads on the city gate to serve as an example. Their wives and daughters are dedicated to serving King Xia and his old man. Wouldn't it be beautiful to share a share of the goods?"

"I'm afraid that two battalions are not enough." Lu Huaizhong pondered for a while, and said, "I'll give you two thousand soldiers. You can choose whoever you want, and you have enough equipment, can you be sure?"

"General Lu!" Chen Ye said urgently.

Lu Huaizhong glanced at Chen Ye, and hesitated again: "Your Highness tasted the words, it's not good to stand by one's faith. I just promised Chen Sima.

Chen Ye was a little pity, what did Lu Huaizhong promise?Why didn't I hear it?
But he couldn't help thinking about it. He only heard Lu Huaizhong take the case for the third time and said, "That's it! Go back now and tell Cui Hong that Shi Renyu was beaten by me and turned into a tortoise, so he didn't dare to hide in Linqing. Go north. Chengde is also a coward. My [-]-strong army is waiting for him to go south, and I am anxious, but there is no sign of Zhao soldiers. Before sunset today, if we do not surrender to the city, there will be no chance. "

Chen Ye wanted to say something else, but Lu Huaizhong scolded directly, "Don't get out!"

Several personal soldiers stepped forward and directly took the person out.

Chapter 69 roll

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