Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1160 The Wind-like Man

After giving the order to retreat, Li Siyuan took as many troops as he could.

The infantry and the baggage chariots and horses left first, and the cavalry left behind. The camp was covered with banners, and there was nothing unusual about it.He even sent the sudden cavalry and the second army of the sudden formation to continue playing the boring game of cavalry fighting with the Xia people.

Of course, before leaving, he notified Shi Shanyou for the last time, whether he would listen to him or not.

On the mountain road covered with severe frost, Li Siyuan personally cut off the rear.

A group of Xia army rangers operating nearby spotted the retreating enemy army.After sending people to inform the main force of the army on the north bank of Yangshui, they found a way to contact the rangers operating nearby, gathered hundreds of riders, and launched an attack on the Jin army.

Li Siyuan led a hundred men to the battle, beheading a chieftain of the Xia army, and the rest of the army were defeated.

On September 24, another cavalry came after him. Li Siyuan charged again and captured Qibiyu, the nephew of Qibizhang's clan, alive.

After two ruthless blows, finally no one chased him desperately.

The army retreated all the way to the southeast along the winding mountain road.

Li Siyuan can run, but Shi Shanyou is not so easy.

He did not have the kind of military force that can be used to capture the enemy generals while riding alone. He also retreated southward on the large post road in an open area, so he was quickly caught up. There were constant battles, and the whole army was tense. , Anxiety, uneasiness, fear of emotion gradually.Gradually permeated, could not be restrained at all.

"After the Xia people retreat, they will definitely sue Li Siyuan severely. I don't believe that Li Siyuan can't be ruled." Just now he personally led the troops to fight back a group of pursuers, Shi Shanyou looked anxious and panting.

Kill one back, but more and more people are chasing after them.From the hundreds of cavalry encountered at the beginning, to hundreds of cavalry, and then to the two thousand cavalry that had just been repelled.There are more and more chasing soldiers, and it is becoming more and more difficult to resist.The most frightening thing is that some Xia army infantry are chasing after them, which means that their main force is not far away.

Li Siyuan once invited Shi Shanyou to walk the mountain road together, but he refused.

This is obvious.It was Yuzhou and even Daizhou that went on the mountain road, and he wanted to go back to Yunzhou, which meant that they would part ways and it was impossible to get together.

Li Siyuan is also a kind person.

Although there was a big quarrel, thousands of cavalry under his command stayed behind to cooperate with the retreat of the Datong Army.

The cavalry rushed to the battle repeatedly, killing the cavalry of the Xia people with heavy losses.But against the background of the overall retreat, don't expect them to do more.Especially the Yi'er Army, which has always been elite, didn't fight much at all. If the enemy didn't really pursue closely, they wouldn't work hard at all.

Why didn't King Jin come? If King Jin was here, who would dare to steal women like this?
Shi Shanyou roared silently, and quickly closed his mouth again.The north wind suddenly picked up, blowing dust and sand all over the sky, forcing Shi Shanyou to turn his back on the limelight.

The soldiers also felt the increasingly strong north wind, and their faces were all pale.

In winter and spring, there are more northwest winds, which is very common.But at this juncture, it's not a good thing.

"Quicken your pace!" Shi Shanyou also felt the urgency and ordered.

Without the officer's order, the warriors have consciously quickened their pace.All of a sudden, horses neighed, vehicles rumbled, and carapaces collided one after another. More than 2 people walked forward with heavy breathing. …

No one wants to die here.They are eager to return to Yunzhou and see their families.There are also many Tutuan villagers who are not from Yunzhou and Ding Zhuang from the Fan tribe, and they are even more anxious to return to Weizhou and Xin Dynasty.

Jin Wang and Xia Wang Naiyi recognize their brothers, even if they beat their lives to death today, they will sit together in the future, and they will drink and exchange wine and talk freely about their brotherhood.Even the foster sons of King Jin will not lose their wealth.But what do they have who can't even be counted as yamen soldiers or town soldiers? Warriors fight and get rewards, so what do they have?
Run! Run faster! Your life is your own. If you want to fight, you should let those professional warriors fight. It's none of our business.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, so Li Cunxian pointed his bow and arrows and faced north.

Countless sergeants flickered up and down in the gray dust, as if they had emerged from the ground.

"Whoosh!" The arrow flew out of the string, only flew for a short distance, and then crooked.

I don't know where to go.

"Let's go!" Without hesitation, Li Cunxian got on his horse and ran south along the post road.

Three thousand riders followed behind him without the slightest hesitation, heading south all the way.

They were Li Siyuan's soldiers, but they were only temporary. In the final analysis, they were King Jin's righteous army.To be able to stay until now is the utmost benevolence.The wind and sand are so big, how do you fight? Kill the thief against the wind? You can figure it out.

The Xia bandits cavalry are Dufan people, and they have no other skills. Riding and archery is their old profession.When Goguryeo fought Khitan in the past, there was a strong wind before the battle, and the arrows shot were blown back, and the Khitan defeated them.

Such a battle cannot be fought, even if it is stabbed in front of King Jin, they will not be wronged.

After Li Cunxian finished these psychological constructions, his sense of guilt disappeared long ago, and he ran away in a hurry.

The escape of the Yier Army also led to the escape of the Tuzhen, Tuqi and other troops.

After getting the accurate information, the two generals Yuan Jianfeng (the envoy of the sudden cavalry) and Li Sien (the envoy of the sudden army) did not hesitate too much, and disappeared into the vast wind and sand with their troops and spare horses.

The cavalry retreated first, and the consequences were disastrous.

The horses, irons, and spears that frightened the cavalry of the Xia army and the Fan tribe disappeared, so no one could stop their pursuit.

A few months ago, Wang Heyi, who had been chased by the Khitans in a panic, took the lead. He selected more than 3000 Tibetan cavalry, spared no effort in horsepower, and traveled all the way south.

And behind them, there are more than [-] members of the Flying Dragon Army riding on horseback.These people brought pack horses, armor, equipment, and water, and their speed was a little slower, but their fighting power was amazing and their destructive power was also very powerful-for the common people.

"Shoot!" Wang He shot an arrow first.

This seemed to be a signal, and the large group of cavalry dispersed, galloping and shooting.With the help of the wind, the howling arrows fell on the soldiers of Datong.

At that time, the north wind was howling, and wind and sand, which is rare in winter, were blowing up. The officer leading the team drew out his horizontal knife, and just wanted to say a few words to boost morale, but the oncoming wind and sand made him unable to open his mouth and straightened his throat, so he could only shut up.

"God is against us, bad luck!" A sense of enlightenment rose in everyone's hearts, and this made their morale drop to the bottom.

Wang He noticed this person.I saw him coming out more and more, slapping the horse straight up, and firing two arrows in succession.It's a pity that the north wind can make their arrows shoot farther and more powerful, but it also interferes with the aim.An arrow fell through the air and stuck in the ground, and the arrow accidentally hit a person next to the officer, who fell to the ground screaming. …

The rest of the knights also rushed up, and after a round of head-on shooting, they circled around and retreated.

The arrow had lost its aim, and it was completely covering the shot, but it also caused a lot of casualties.

After the first team retreated, the second team of cavalry rushed up and fired again.

Then came the third round, the fourth round
Datong soldiers couldn't hold on anymore.Even with the protection of armor and large shields, after these few rounds, more than [-] people lay down directly.Seeing that Xia Jun's horsepower and arrows were sufficient, they were desperate. Almost instantly, everyone yelled, turned around and scattered.

"Catch up, kill the thief!" Wang He was overjoyed.God help, if this opportunity is not seized, when will it be?
It's not that easy to kill these gangsters who have been fighting old wars on weekdays. Sometimes they are pushed back directly by the other party, making you unable to cry.

What about today--haha, this is called God is going to kill you, you can't do it if you don't die!
Thousands of riders got off their bows like tigers descending the mountain, and armed with iron maces, spears, sabers, irons and other messy weapons, they caught up with the fleeing Jin soldiers and rushed to kill them wantonly.

The scene was tragic. The Jin soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit were nothing but a dish in front of the cavalry.Only a few sergeants who gathered together cooperated with each other and stabbed with guns, only to kill a few Xia soldiers who rushed too high.But as the wind and sand rose all over the sky, they couldn't hold on any longer, turned around and continued running.

The cavalry continued to chase, hacking and killing along the way.But they did not love to fight, did not stay too long, but continued to move forward.These losses
Jin people who have lost their organizational system and fighting spirit don't need to pay too much attention to it, and they have their own Paoze Cuisine to keep up.Their target is still the main force of the bandit army, they must be caught and they cannot be made to run back.

Wang He led hundreds of people to rush the fastest, and quickly broke through the rout formation, all the way to the south, went straight for more than ten li, and saw the long dragon-like bandit army again.

The enemy army panicked when they saw them rushing.There were more than 3000 people in the rear, neither stopped the pursuers, nor sent envoys to report, so one can imagine what happened.And wouldn't it be shocking for Xia Jun to be able to deal with more than [-] people so simply and neatly?
"Om!" When the first wave of arrows fell, the Jin army was in chaos.

The wind and sand were too strong to see clearly, and the arrows they shot were blown away by the strong wind and fell into the mountains.Even if it fell among the Xia army's horses, it seemed to be weak, causing only minor casualties.

There is no chance of winning such a battle, and the Jin soldiers were blown up all at once.Seeing that the Xia army cavalry had rushed forward, the long spears shining with a cold light, the morale was depressed, and the whole army retreated.

Shi Shanyou received the bad news from the scouts far away, and his expression was full of panic.

In fact, he had already expected this when the wind and sand suddenly started.But I didn't expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly. The troops behind the break didn't even resist a single face-to-face, and they were directly killed and rushed to the front.

Where did Li Cunxian go? Where is Yuan Jianfeng? Li Sien is gone too?
He was a little hesitant, and even more desolate.

There was a violent uproar in the north.Shi Shanyou hurriedly boarded a hillside and looked carefully, but saw the rout soldiers rushing southward like a mountain torrent.

Well, he was still hesitating whether to lead the team to fight back and save the crisis, but now he doesn't think about anything.There is no way to save, it is important to escape!
He hurried down the hillside, gathered a group of cronies, ignored everything, got on his horse and fled south.Its speed is as fast as a man like the wind.

At this time, in the north of Yunzhou City, there are thousands of pacers speeding up and attacking north.They passed the flying dragon army that was camping and digging ditches, their morale was high and their chests were filled with murderous aura.

The leader was Shu Cong, the Commander of Guanbei Road.

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