Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1161 Advancing into Yunzhou

Chapter 1161 Advancing into Yunzhou
September 24 was gloomy for the Datong Army.

The short [-]-mile post road from Yanchang City to Yunzhou became a road to death that they could not pass.

The 1 Datong Army, the more than [-] Tutuan peasants, and the thousands of Yan soldiers who had not withdrawn with Li Siyuan were followed all the way by the Xia Army, and the entire army collapsed.

On the post road, there are corpses everywhere.

In the cold amniotic fluid, an unknown number of dead souls were submerged.

On the mountains on both sides, the rout of soldiers like frightened birds can be seen everywhere.

Shi Shanyou, the Jiedu envoy of the Datong Army who abandoned the large army and fled, collided head-on with the state army led by Shi Shucong when he rushed to the north of Yunzhou for more than ten miles.

The Jin soldiers who had no way out fought a battle of trapped beasts.

The ending is obvious, most of hundreds of people were killed, and Shi Shanyou died under random arrows.

So far, the main force of the Datong Army, which had fought against the Xia Army for many years, was basically wiped out—marked by the death of Shi Shanyou.

After the battle, Shi Shucong walked to Shi Shanyou's body immediately.

"There is no begging to surrender." Shi Shucong looked at Shi Shanyou whose face was covered in blood, feeling a little emotional.

He actually understood Marshal Shi very well.

They are all warriors in troubled times, how can they easily admit defeat and give up before the last moment?
Yes, admitting defeat at the last moment may not end well.But so what?If you give up when you still have a chance and it seems that you still have a chance, it is impossible for this kind of person to stand out, because you are not ruthless enough, and you are not ruthless enough to yourself.

Shi Shanyou died in battle for his own foundation, and he died well, so he has nothing to complain about. This is the fate of warriors.

Shi Shucong had someone wrap Shi Shanyou's body in a straw mat and put it away.Then he led the army to the north, cleaning up and gathering the defeated Jin army all the way. In the middle of the night, Fang joined forces with Wang He, who was going south all the way.

"Shi Shanyou actually..." Wang He looked jealous.

He pursued madly all the way, without even having time to catch the captives, just to capture or kill Shi Shanyou alive, but was taken advantage of by Shi Shucong?He can't accept it.

Who is Shi Shucong?Liang Di surrendered.How can a descendant get such a feat?
He rolled his eyes, wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

Shi Shucong seemed to have never seen him.

If you change to someone with a high EQ, maybe you can change it and give up the credit.But in this era of martial arts, it is really rare to see high emotional intelligence, but there are a lot of perverts.

Why give up your own credit to others?
Shi Shucong smiled and said: "Wang Xunjian, the bandit commander has been awarded the head, now we should wipe out the defeated soldiers, so that the enemy will not be revived."

Wang He snorted coldly, and said: "General Liang will lead the army to the south, so I don't need to worry about this matter. Now we should think carefully about how to take down Yunzhou. If the city is not destroyed, it will be difficult to sleep and eat."

The existence of the two east and west cities in Yunzhou is indeed a huge threat to Xia Jun.

It exists objectively, just like that on the grassland.The city has high walls and thick walls, which can store a lot of food, grass, equipment, and garrison many soldiers and horses.The lines of communication extend in all directions, controlling key points, and the army can attack from here. The west can advance Shuozhou, the south can meet the army of Xin Dai and go north, the east can protect Wei, Xin, Yi, Wei and other states, and the north can go straight to the grasslands, burning, killing and looting— ——Just ask the people of Rouzhou, and they will know that even if troops are stationed in Yanchang City, can the Jin soldiers in Yunzhou go northward by detour and surprise them?
Now Daxia has established outposts in Rouzhou and other places, set up town soldiers, and at the same time, there are Tibetan soldiers from the Qibi tribe to help guard the frontier.If Yunzhou is in hand, with the local agricultural and animal husbandry conditions superior to those in Rou, Shen and other places, the military system can be restored and it will become an important military town and hub in northern Xinjiang.

Such an important place, who would not want to seize it?

"Wang Xunjian's words are very suitable for me. How about going south together, taking advantage of Shi Shanyou's leadership and the main force of the bandit army collapsed, to attack Yunzhou?" Shi Shucong asked.

"Forget it, let's go south together." Wang He nodded, and then stopped talking with Shi Shucong, and directly called the brothers to go south.

In late September, the sky was full of wind and sand at night, and it was extremely cold, but Wang He and Shi Shucong, who went south in a big way, felt satisfied and hot in their hearts.

It's at this time that a good man makes a contribution.

After dawn, the east and west cities of Yunzhou were plunged into gloom and gloom.

The enemy army in the east of the city is still there, but it seems that most of them have gone away—they set up suspicious formations in the camp and set up many banners, but everyone is old warriors, how can they not see the tricks?

During the day yesterday, Li Congzhang and Li Congke immediately used the silver guns and flying cavalry in front of the tent as the main force, and conscripted a group of young men from Yunzhou to invite them out of the city.

But the two didn't come back, they even went east with the army and ran away.

In the evening of that day, the two armies of Flying Cavalry and Cloud Cavalry also passed by here. After entering the city for a little supply, they also hurried eastward, and it is said that they went to pick up Li Siyuan.

Grass!Co-author only Li Siyuan is a human being, Shi Shuai has been diligently guarding the border for the King of Jin for many years, is he nothing?

It's a pity that their grievances were ignored.On the contrary, it drove many people to flee, and it was not until the guards sent people to strictly patrol the walls of the city that the trend was stopped.

The whole night was spent in this trembling situation.

The north wind howled outside the city, but there was quite a lot of movement.From time to time, there was the sound of horseshoes, which lasted all night, and it was unknown which side was passing the troops.

In the early morning of the 25th, a brigade of cavalry appeared outside the north gate, shouting loudly and showing off their might.

At noon, another group of infantry arrived, this time bringing more shocking news: Shi Shanyou, the Jiedu envoy of the Datong Army, was dead, and more than [-] troops were destroyed by the amniotic fluid.

This almost lowered the morale of the defenders to the bottom.

Shi Shanyou has been in Yunzhou for many years. When he went north, he also took away the main force. The elite soldiers wiped out the whole army. Can the remaining crooked melons and dates be able to withstand the brutal Xia soldiers?
But they still have one last chance: maybe the Xia people are deceiving them?This kind of thing is not uncommon in ancient times.

The defenders tried their best to muster up Yu Yong, and decided to bite the bullet and wait to see the situation.

At three o'clock in Shenshi, just as the sky was getting dark, another group of Xia soldiers came down from the north to the south.Along with him, there were hundreds of Datong Army prisoners.

Driven by swords and guns, they walked slowly to a stone's throw away, crying loudly.

This time, everyone lost their luck. The news of Shi Shuai's death and the annihilation of the entire army gradually spread in the city. The officers killed dozens of people in a row, but they still couldn't stop the "rumors" from spreading wildly.

At the beginning of the unitary hour, the south gate of the east city of Yunzhou was opened, and a large group of soldiers ran southward, disappearing in the boundless wind and sand.

Wang He sent some people to chase after it symbolically, but his main energy was still focused on Yunzhou City.

The cavalrymen of the Ministry of Tibetan Talents circled around the East and West cities.

It has been two days and one night of fighting, and everyone is very tired.But seeing that success is imminent, everyone cheered up and prepared to reap the sweetest fruits.

At this critical moment, even if you urge them to go back to rest, no one will.

This kind of intense hunger for victory can only appear in the victor who is triumphant and has high morale.

Once upon a time, the Jin army was such a force.Heavy snow fell, and on the ground several feet deep on the ground, the Jin army was not afraid of the severe cold and danger, and fought bravely, chasing Huang Chao into the sky and falling into the ground, beating Tuyuhun to throw away his helmet and armor, and killing Li Kuangwei and Li Kuangchou brothers to flee in embarrassment.

But they have lost that spirit now.

The long-term disadvantaged battle situation has worn down the fighting spirit of many people. The bravest and toughest group of people also suffered huge casualties in the long-term war, and their overall strength was greatly weakened. And closely related to spirit.

After Shi Shucong heard that the enemy army was fleeing in the south of the city, he made a decisive decision and asked people to build a batch of simple ladders, and then selected the elite to attack the city.

The brave general You Kunlun took the lead, wearing two layers of heavy armor, brandishing a long spear that had been stabbed by a long lance, and was the first to ascend the city.

The defenders rushed over like a conditioned reflex, stabbing straight with their guns, almost muscle memory.

You Kunlun dodged a shot and stabbed a person down with a lance. At the same time, the armor on his body made a harsh metal friction sound.

With a loud roar, he advanced instead of retreating, swept his heavy rifle sideways, and said angrily: "Shi Shanyou is dead, tens of thousands of troops have been wiped out, how long will you be obsessed with not realizing it?"

After being yelled at by him, the defender's movements subconsciously paused.

It was this opportunity that You Kunlun was waiting for.He stood against the enemy's long spear, danced like a dragon, swept, stabbed, and smashed. More than a dozen Jin soldiers could not do anything to him, and they were killed and retreated steadily.

"Look at how many people are still resisting?" You Kunlun stabbed one person and reprimanded loudly: "The others have run away, but you are still fighting here. When the city is broken, your family members and relatives will be slaughtered, silly Not stupid?"

Depend on!Don't tell me, You Kunlun's physical attack is already very powerful, but the mental attack seems to be more effective.With his two-pronged approach, the defenders' will to resist became weaker and weaker.Not long after, someone turned around and fled down the city wall, and then the second, and the third...

"The wise man ran away long ago, but the fool is still taking the place of the dead." You Kunlun strode forward, stabbing repeatedly, and the Jin soldiers at the top of the city were routed and fled for their lives.

You Kunlun chased their buttocks and rushed into the city.Behind him, one after another Xia Bing climbed to the top of the city and marched bravely.

The impregnable Yunzhou City, which had been besieged many times by Xia Bing, was already in jeopardy, and the city could only be broken in an instant.

The battle finally ended at dawn.

Wang He's cavalry circled outside the city in the middle of the night, eating all the dirt and freezing.Just in the middle of the night, a large group of defenders opened the city gate and fled in swarms. They attacked decisively, intercepted some of them, and gained some credit.

However, the infantry of the state army under Shi Shucong bravely climbed to the top of the city, and took down the east city of Yunzhou, and won the first prize.

The first warrior, You Kunlun, stood on the top of the city leaning on a big spear, accepting the worship of everyone like a god.

On the 26th, thousands of people from the Flying Dragon Army rushed to take advantage of the favorable opportunity when the East City was breached and the Jin army's morale was unstable, and launched a fierce attack.After half a day of fierce fighting, the west city of Yunzhou was conquered.

Few of the defeated soldiers of the Jin army surrendered, and most of them fled out of the city. They were chased and killed by Wang He's cavalry.

Since Yang Yue sent troops to attack Yunzhou for the first time in the fifth year of Qianning (898), it took five years for this majestic city standing on the grassland to finally fall into the hands of Shao Shude.

I'm afraid tens of thousands of soldiers were buried here before and after, but now that they have been found, it should be clear.

(End of this chapter)

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