Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1235 Slave Department

"Your Majesty, the prey is back!" Yuan Xingqin rushed over excitedly.

"Canglang!" Shaluqi pulled out the knife and laid it in front of him.

Yuan Xingqin slowed down and stopped far away.

"Your Majesty, I have made a rash move." Yuan Xingqin said awkwardly.

"No problem." Shao Shude patted Xia Luqi on the shoulder, very satisfied in his heart, but he still stepped forward and said, "Yuanqing has a heart. The winter eclipse of the deer is the most beautiful life, and I will share the food with the soldiers after a while , you take it down and fix it first.”

Yuan Xingqin was holding a deer in his hand, which was just shot down by Shao Shude.He can speak so well, but his arm doesn't move at all. This arm strength is indeed very good.

"Of order." Yuan Xingqin glanced at Xia Luqi secretly, and left.Sharucci glared back at him.

"I heard that you fought against him?" Shao Shude asked suddenly. "Competition, there is no winner." Shaluqi replied.

"Oh? This person is so brave?" Shao Shude pretended to be surprised, "I don't want to be able to fight back and forth with you."

"Your Majesty, if it's an infantry fight, I will definitely kill this person. If it's a cavalry fight, it's useless." Sha Luqi blushed and defended himself.

Shao Shude smiled and said, "It's not bad."

Xia Luqi, one of the three hundred beheads in history, personally certified it, so this Yuan Xingqin has some skills.And how should this person say, he is much more loyal than the average person at this time.After taking refuge in Li Cunxu in history, he did his best and never avoided life and death on the battlefield. He rode into the enemy's encirclement alone, entered the sword with bare hands, killed the enemy soldiers, and rescued the lord.

When Li Cunxu was at the end of his life, he had already offended Li Siyuan to death, and it was impossible for him to take refuge in the past, so he spoke impassionedly, but in fact he was not very credible.After Zhuangzong's death, he also fled and was held by the villagers.But no matter what, he did not rebel, and whether it was with Liu Shouguang or Li Cunxu, he did his best. Although he was not a loyal and righteous man, he was definitely not a rebel, and he had his own ideas and values.

Observe and observe again, and you can slowly add burdens to him.

Well, Sharucci has already been burdened.Shao Shude is very satisfied with him, and has been promoted to deputy general, commanding a hundred silver-saddle straight warriors, after the palace guards, forming the last layer of guards around Shao Shude-these hundred people are also veterans of the Imperial Army Warts, step bows, long spears, horizontal knives, and heavy swords can be called killing machines. They are enough.

There are knights galloping in the distance. If you look carefully, they are all young men, while the old people have already dismounted. They seem to be chatting, but out of the corner of their eyes, they are all on Shao Shude's side.

Shao Shude sat on his classic limited edition tiger skin chair, carefully watched the performance of the young people, and commented a few words from time to time.

"A lot of good seedlings have come this year."

"Who is this man? Seven out of ten arrows are at the same level as He Basheng's back then."——He Basheng shot birds six out of ten. His archery skills cannot be said to be number one, but they are still top-notch.

"Haha, the children are showing off their riding skills in front of me. If you show off more, you will be rewarded."

"Prairie warriors, among other things, riding and archery are really top-notch. They are all my sons, good, good!" Shao Shude enjoyed the feeling of the warriors competing to perform in front of him, which made him a hero of the world All into my satisfaction.

What's more, the warriors of the prairie slaves are all from their own family, so it's even more joyful to watch.

"Sweating profusely." The old guys who were resting not far away finally couldn't help it, and came over one after another. "Sit down," Shao Shude ordered.

Chu Shenping asked someone to move the chair—well, the upgraded version of the chair appointed by Shao Sheng was no longer the rope bed before.

"Do you know why you were summoned this time?" Shao Shude asked.

In front of him, there were more than ten people sitting. Apart from the people from Xianyou Palace, the Sanquan inspection envoy Wang He and the cronies of Xi Wang Quzhu were also on the list. The leader of the power.

"Please tell the Khan clearly." Tuoba Jin, the supervisor of Xianyou Palace, said.

"How much food is left in your respective tribes?" Shao Shude said, "Have the horses lost weight?"

Winter and spring are generally the most difficult time for grassland tribes, because
For the grass stopped growing.Therefore, the ministries generally began to prepare hay for the winter in autumn, and slaughtered excess livestock to prepare for the harsh winter.

A tribe in winter, like a frozen snake, has no vitality.Whether it is humans or livestock, they are all "losing fat". Food and fodder are scarce, and there is really not much left.

"Great Khan, the grain and grain have long since disappeared, but the fodder is enough to last until May." Tuoba Jin replied: "The horses have lost weight, but according to the Khan's order, there are still more than a thousand horses that can be used at any time. The rest War horses can be kept alive and kicking once they are reared."

"Great Khan, my department is like Xianyou Palace." Qu Zhuhui said. "What about you?" Shao Shude looked at Wang He and asked.

"Great Khan, we can send out [-] knights and [-] horses at any time." Wang He replied loudly. "Oh?" Shao Shude was surprised and asked, "Why?"

"I've been guarding against Khitan thieves." Wang He said with a smile. "Well, not bad." Shao Shude said.

After finishing speaking, he pondered for a while, as if he wanted to announce something.

Tuoba Jin, Qu Zhu, and Wang He held their breath and waited quietly, for fear of missing any word.

"Two days later, you will go back to each department." Shao Shude said: "Slaughter the livestock and prepare the meat. Feed the horses quickly, so they don't look skinny. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month - Tuoba Jin, you take five people to ride to The area around the old city of Yanle; Wang He, you take ten thousand riders to the area around Ximi Yunshu; to go to Zhu, you take three thousand riders to the area around the Guangbian Army."

Guangbian Army, Ximiyun Garrison, and Yanle City all belong to the area behind the mountain in Youzhou Town.After they gave up, they were occupied by Khitan.But last year, during a great battle, Xia Jun chased him all the way, and the Khitan fled everywhere.After the Xia army withdrew, the Khitan people never came back, almost becoming a land without owner.

"You have to wait for ten days to arrive, no mistakes." Shao Shude emphasized again. "Of order." The three of them answered immediately without asking any questions.

Shao Shude was very satisfied.

In the grassland tribes, because of the loose relationship, it has almost become a habit for someone to chatter or even bargain when the leader gives an order.

Only when someone with very high prestige stands up and speaks up, no one dares to contradict him.Once such people appear on the grassland, it means that they have been integrated to a certain extent, and the power they can mobilize is very large, and they can often dispatch hundreds of thousands of horses.

When Shao Shude talks now, no one dares to babble.The tribes of Yinshan, Daibei, and Yanbei were either conquered by him or cultivated by him. Their prestige is very high, and no one dares to talk nonsense.

"Don't worry. I will send people to transfer some of the grain and grass to Ximiyun Garrison and other places, and you can send people to receive it." Shao Shude said: "I will also supply the slaughtered livestock and lost horses. You only have one task. , is to intercept the tribes that might flee north.”

"Of course." The three responded in unison.

Actually, it's not a difficult task.The fleeing tribes are generally in a state of panic and chaos.And they didn't know that there was an ambush behind the mountain, and under a sudden attack, collapse was a high probability event.This task can even be called easy.

"Okay, let the sons come over." Shao Shude said.

After hearing this, the three of them each ordered a few words.After a while, the warriors who were hunting stopped one after another, dismounted from their horses, and trotted all the way over.

"Meet the Great Khan." Hundreds of people knelt down on the ground. "Everyone get up." Shao Shude clapped his hands up.

The thousand households and the heads gave orders in their own nonsense, and hundreds of people cheered and got up.

Shao Shude knows several foreign languages.Dangxiang can be said to be proficient. Tubo can speak most of the conversations. I tried to learn Uyghur once, but I gave up and didn’t have so much energy. Dangxiang only has language but no writing, while Tubo and Uyghur both have writing. It's too cumbersome and takes up too much time.

"Each person gets two bolts of silk and a pot of tea," Shao Shude said.

"Thank you Khan." Everyone knew that there would be a reward, and they were still very excited when they heard about it. "I am also very happy to see you." Shao Shude said with a smile, "There is a total—"

"Khan, there are four hundred and three people." Tuoba Jin whispered.

"Well, four hundred and three people, all of them will be incorporated into the palace guards." Shao Shu

De said.The leaders translated it again, everyone was overjoyed, thank you again.

One of the sources of the court guards is the grassland slave tribe.This time, some of the warriors brought by Qu Zhu and Wang He were also compiled in, and they were all touched.

In the early Tang Dynasty, the palace guards were mainly made up of military soldiers on duty, barbarians who surrendered, foreign protons and students, and most of them would be rotated regularly instead of fixed on duty for a long time.

The same goes for the Xia Dynasty.The palace guard is just a job, and after a few years, it will be transferred away, and a new group of people will come over.There are both advantages and disadvantages in doing so, but in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. At least since the Northern Dynasty, the effect has been good, at least it is much safer than using a fixed person.

Of course, the people in the Prairie Slave Department had to be rotated.Some of the people who are replaced may enter the military system and become members of the imperial army and state soldiers, and then eat the emperor's food;Even those who are sent back to the tribe can get a generous severance package, which is quite good.Therefore, I was very excited to hear that I could be a palace guard.

"New Year's Eve—" After waving the warriors to retreat, Shao Shude looked at Tuobajin again, and said, "Hongyuan, Yulin, Woyang, and Xianyou Four Palaces recruited 2 people to Youzhou, and none of your troops Exception. I have to train my sons well. The guards and the army have not assembled for a war for a long time. How can I rest assured if I don’t see blood.”

"Your Majesty is wise." Tuoba Jin said.

He knew that training was one thing, but the main reason for the Supreme Khan to order troops was to win over the soldiers of his own tribe.

The guards have a long history of fighting with Li Keyong and Zhu Quanzhong, but since then, the number of battles has been very small.Except for the Xianyou Gong tribe who often fought against the Khitans, the rest of the Sangong tribe was really at ease, and they hadn't seen Khan for a long time.This call-up is at the right time.

"Are there any suitable places to build a palace in the north of Yanshan Mountain?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

"Your Majesty, there is a place to the north of Yanle's old city. The mountains are elegant and beautiful, and the water and grass are lush. It can be used to build a palace." Tuoba Jin replied.

"Have you been there?" Shao Shude asked with a smile.

"When I was chasing Khitan, I came here. Liu Buxi used to graze here, but this year he was expelled." Tuoba Jin said.

"Okay, I understand." Shao Shude said.

He thought about it, the old city of Yanle is located in the area of ​​Longhua County in the later generations, but it is actually still in the Yanshan Mountains.These

The place can be used for grazing or farming, and it has always been in the seesaw of the Central Plains and grasslands in history.result

Even if the farmers can't live in peace, and the herders can't graze here for a long time, the human population has always been very sparse.

This is the hardship of the frontier fortress.Even if you have agricultural conditions that can be cultivated, you don't have a safe external environment, so you can only exist as a military stronghold, and the population cannot increase.

In this local practice palace, house slaves to graze, as the outer barrier of Youzhou, you can try it.And this, in fact, is also part of the defense system of the northern capital Youzhou that he has been conceiving recently.

As an important town connecting the grasslands and the Central Plains, Youzhou will obviously establish a complete defense system relying on the Yanshan Mountains.The periphery of this system is the vassal tribes and slaves of the Bashang grassland, the middle is the fortress garrisoned by a small number of soldiers in the tunnels of the Yanshan Mountains, and the last is the army stationed on the Youzhou Plain.

The place Tuoba Jin mentioned should be in Weichang County in later generations, and it is indeed a good pasture.Shao Shude felt that it could be built as a part of the third-level defense system, which was suitable for building a palace to house slaves.

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