It is only a few days before the Chinese New Year. All civil and military officials, imperial concubines, accompanying craftsmen and other things have already been escorted by the palace guards and a part of the Tiande Army to the north, but Zhengdan should not be able to catch up with it.

Shao Shude took the time to inspect the surrounding areas of Youzhou and issued a series of orders.

"The country is based on the people, and the people depend on food. I have heard that there are many idle fields in the capital of Lulong Prefecture, and there are many wormwood fields in the sky. The chief officials of the various roads in Huaihai recruited the poor and sent them to Youzhou to encourage farming. The seedlings collected were used to prepare for floods and droughts and to serve as military rations." - "Recruitment of Idle Land System".

This book was issued after repeated discussions with Chen Cheng, Xiao Yun and others, and after consulting Song Le who was staying in Luoyang, it was sent to Guannei, Guanbei, Henan, and Huaihai after everything was in order.

Immigration is an extremely tedious job.Leaving aside the distance of the distance and the cost of supplies along the way, the matter of recruiting the poor alone will take a long time.

First you have to get the word out, which takes a lot of time.Really, this is not something you can just post a notice at the gate of the city. There are only a few people who can read and write, and they have neither the obligation nor the interest to tell those mud legs.

In the final analysis, it still depends on the strong mobilization and organizational capabilities left over from the feudal town era.

This is not a joke. During the time of Emperor Xianzong, the prime minister reported to the emperor. There are 99 professional warriors in the country. How can they afford it?One is the new tax system that taxes property instead of head, so that the tax base has expanded sharply, and many rich and powerful people have to pay taxes; second, you have to have someone to supervise and implement tax collection. There are tentacles that penetrate into every corner of the town, that is Wufu.

As with taxation, so with military mobilization.

After the Great Xia was established, this ability could still be maintained, because many veterans settled in the localities and became grassroots officials such as Lizheng, Xiangzuo, Township Chief, and Township Commander.They are the vested interests of the new dynasty, they also have a good impression of Shao Sheng, and are willing to carry out the orders of the court.

But it is probably only this generation, at most two generations, and then they will evolve into local gentry, and their buttocks will no longer sit on the court's side.

When a batch of immigrants is recruited, they will send a batch.It is conceivable that the finances of Guolu Prefecture and County are going to explode again. Shao Shude has been wanting to reform the tax sharing system for a long time, but he just can't do it. The reason is that the finances are in a mess.

But it is also necessary.

Shao Sheng has already tasted the benefits of immigration, it's really delicious!

Especially the western half of Henan that Huang Chao and Qin Zongquan had physically cleared, he persevered in immigrating, and has successfully turned Menghuailuo, Ruzheng, Shanguo, Tang, Deng Suixiang and other prefectures into places with Kansai characteristics.

Don't have a basic disk?Then I will create a basic disk.Kansai's colony in Kanto is as simple as that.After a large number of Kansai immigrants arrived in Youzhou, they set up households to reclaim wasteland, which not only changed the customs of this place, but also diluted the "ambition" of the people here—don't think about rebellion all day long.

"The founding of the country is called the capital, and its system is renewed. The prefecture is promoted to the capital, and the city is established as the capital. It is the real state. The old place of Fanyang, Shanggu Xiongzhou, the key point to control Yanshan, the old place of Zhongshan, is the great vassal of Hebei, and the real state. Juping. The nine counties of Ji, Youdu, Guangping, Lu, Wuqing, Yongqing, Anci, Liangxiang, and Changping belong to Beiping Prefecture, the northern capital, and they are still promoted to Ji County."—"Shengyouzhou Beiping Prefecture system".

This document was also issued after the collegiality of the prime ministers.

Why did the courts of the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song Dynasty like to set up several capital cities?One of the reasons is that the government is directly under the central government, not under the jurisdiction of first-level administrative agencies such as feudal towns and roads. In fact, it is to strengthen the power of the central government and weaken the local power.

But Shao Sheng is not so "superficial".The reasons for the establishment of the Northern Capital in the new dynasty are very complicated, including political reasons, military reasons, and factors that bridge the long-standing differences between Hebei and the central government.

First of all, Hebei no longer collects heavy taxes.

This matter itself is outrageous. Since the Later Zhou Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty, the tax in Hebei has been heavier than that in other places.As far as the tax system is concerned, don't talk about leveling a bowl of water.

In the previous Tang Dynasty, for example, there were the most soldiers in Guanzhong, followed by Hedong, followed by Henan, and the number of soldiers in the densely populated Hebei Road was pitifully time

Hebei is the heaviest, with a large population, a large silk production, and rich money.

Demilitarize it for you, and then charge you heavy taxes. There is blatant discrimination there. What does the Chang'an court think of Hebei?

Daxia removed these discriminatory policies, and the whole country played a game of chess.At the same time, Youzhou was promoted to Beiping Prefecture, the northern capital, making it one of the three capitals of Daxia, and its political status was also greatly improved.

Military factors are of course also important.

Shao Shude knows the context of historical development.With the inevitable decline of the Kansai region, the economy and culture of the Kanto region are becoming more and more prosperous, and the key areas of communication between the grassland peoples and the Central Plains have also changed from the northwest to the northeast. It will start to rise rapidly, and steadily overwhelm the barbarians in the northwest, and the key areas of border troubles have also moved from the northwest to the northeast.

Therefore, it is very important in the future to vigorously improve the political status of Youzhou, enrich its household registration, and develop its economy.Coupled with the in-depth development of Anton Mansion, the economic circle around the Bohai Sea is becoming more and more important, and it is inevitable for Youzhou to be promoted to Mansion.This will be the future hotspot of the empire, and Shao Shude has many plans to implement.Therefore, even though the attitudes of the prime ministers were ambiguous, and even faintly inclined to disapprove, he still tried his best to push forward with force, prompting the prime ministers to pass the proposal and issue the book.

"Feng Heng, the governor of Ganzhou, was a talented man who managed the state. Zhengde slaughtered things and obtained the art of camping and farming. He had a plan to prepare for the invaders. The open land was more than mu of food, and there was no barrier to open. From Pingyang to Jiuquan, benevolence The sound carries the road, and the public opinion is high. It can be granted to Beiping Yin." - "Conferring Heng Beiping Yin System".

Feng Heng is a member of the Feng family in Hezhong. He served as the governor of Jinzhou ten years ago, and later transferred to various positions.During his tenure, he had quite a political voice and performed very well. This time, he was promoted to Beiping Yin, which is also a matter of course.

Of course, Feng Heng was not the only one who went to Beiping Mansion to take up his post, but also a large number of people from Guanbei, Guannei, and Longyou.

A student from a government school.

Following Shao Sheng, there are officials and money to be made. This has been the iron law of the Kansai military and political group for 20 years.

Shao Shude is the leader of this group.According to the current situation in the world, even if there is a change in the artifact, most of them can only decide a new "talker" within the Kansai Group, just like in history the Hedong Group created the Later Tang Dynasty, the Later Jin Dynasty, the Later Han Dynasty, and the Later Zhou Dynasty. , even the Northern Song Dynasty was actually from this group.

Therefore, it is not in the Kanto, Hebei or other groups that can threaten the Shao family, but within the Kansai group.

Of course, then again, there is no second person whose prestige is close to Shao Sheng's.In the short term, the "bird position" is still quite stable.

In addition to the three books, there are other imperial edicts that are not particularly noticeable.

There is a book to pardon the disbanded soldiers, there is a deed to exempt the people of Lulong and Cangjing two towns who have owed them over the years, and there is an imperial edict to release prisoners who are not guilty of serious crimes, etc., which are dazzling.

The impact of these imperial edicts was extremely huge, and the people of insight in Youzhou lost their voices for a while, trying to slowly digest the information.

And Shao Shude came to Shunzhou to inspect the people's conditions.Well, the inspection scene is relatively large, with more than [-] guards.

Shunzhou governs Huairou County, which was established during Li Keyong's period, and the first governor was Li Siyuan.

There is nothing else in this state except that there are many tribes. After all, it used to be called Guishun State.Most of the Fanhus living here are Khitan and Xi people. Shao Shude thought they had nothing to do with the Eight Khitan Clans. After all, there is a difference of one and a half centuries between the Dahe Clan Alliance and the Yao Nian Clan Alliance. Who knows whom?But he still opened his eyes, "You said your name is Brother Yelu Hua?" Shao Shude asked in surprise as he sat in the shunzhou government office and looked at the trembling couple.

"Your Majesty." Yelv Huage pulled the woman beside him and knelt down together, and said fearfully, "Please take me in, Your Majesty."

The woman next to Brother Yelu Hua is Hua Gu, the concubine of his father Yelu Shilu. The two had been having an affair for a long time, but they were discovered unexpectedly, and they fled in a panic with a few cronies.

Shi Lu was very angry, threatened to kill him, and sent cavalry to chase him down, but for some reason, the traces left by Brother Hua and others were very obvious, but they still failed to catch them, and finally let them escape to Shunzhou

And this was before Shao Shengbing came to Youzhou.

"Li Siyi, why didn't you report the escaped Khitans since you took them in?" Shao Shude asked, looking at Li Siyi, one of the Khitan leaders in Shunzhou.

"Your Majesty." Li Siyi knelt down, kowtowed, and said, "I didn't intend to hide it, but I forgot."

Those who followed Shao Shude all laughed.Li Siyi's face was also flushed, and she couldn't help but kowtow.

"Overreach." Shao Shude gave Li Si another cold look, then looked at Brother Hua again, and said, "I can take you in, but what ability do you have? It doesn't matter if you don't have ability, what's the value? If it's useless at all .
"Your Majesty!" Brother Yeluhua was very anxious and said quickly, "I know the inside story of Khitan, if your majesty asks you, you will know everything."

"It's still useful." Shao Shude said with a smile, "So, what can you tell me now?"

"Your Majesty, after the spring of next year, the Eight Khitan Clans will make a large-scale southern expedition to attack Liaoyang, Xincheng, and Fushun." Brother Yeluhua said, "This year's expedition to the Bohai Sea will bring a lot of gains, and we will also get 20 mouths of the Bohai Sea. Abaoji himself One hundred thousand were left, and the rest were divided among the seven ministries, and they were ordered to organize and train infantry as a plan for attacking the city."

"A Baoji is dating Zhenmao." Shao Shude clapped the table and said, "The thief is really hateful."

"Yes, Abaoji has no talent or virtue, and is narrow-minded." Brother Hua took a peek at Shao Shude and said, "His wife, Yue Liduo, is beautiful and charming. I only took a few more glances, but he bewitched my father and wanted to kill him." I will die. Such thieves should be punished."

Shao Shude's expression changed, and he said: "As soon as you know the inside story, you go and discuss it with the people in the supervision department." After speaking, he got up, gave Li Siyi a cold look, and said, "You come with me."

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