Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1292 Father and Son and Election

Chapter 1292 Father and Son and Election
On July [-]th of the fifth year of Jianji, the Baohua Hall of Linshuo Palace was completed, where Shao Shude and Zhao Yu hosted a banquet for Shao Siwu and Zhang Yueniang.

Inside the bamboo forest, there is a cool breeze and it is quite quiet.

Zhao Yu was radiant, smiling at Yan Yan, and warmly greeted the newlyweds for some snacks.

After eating and drinking, Shao Shude finally brought up today's topic. He only heard him say: "The unification of the Great Xia and the Northern Lands is just around the corner, and in the south, Sanchuan has already been included. In this world, there may not be any difficulties in the future." There is a war. The biggest obstacles to unification are mainly diseases, traffic and climate in the south. These can actually be overcome. Siwu, what do you think now?"

Shao Siwu paused in his heart, and looked up at his father.

Yueniang took his hand with concern and encouraged him with her eyes.She has lived in the palace for several years, and probably knows more than Shao Siwu who has been away all year round.It has been more than a month since we got married, and my husband has been restless, and sometimes he would be in a daze, which made her very worried-since she is married and a wife, of course she has to think about her husband.

"My son obeys my grandfather's order." Shao Siwu said.

Shao Shude nodded slightly.

This answer is quite satisfactory.Not as aggressive as before, but after going through so many things, it is reasonable to hide the sharpness.

"Don't look at the smooth progress of the offensive in various places, but there are still many hidden problems." Shao Shude said: "I also need your help as a father."

Just in the last few days, news came from Khitan: Liu Rengong was willing to submit to the imperial court, but he made a condition.

"Let's not talk about this." Shao Shude waved his hand and said, "Dalang, what do you think should be the next step after capturing Chengde and Hedong?"

"If Khan Shen Dejin dies, and the Eight Parts re-elect Khan, is there a high chance that A Baoji will be selected?" Shao Shude asked.

King Wei's resume is very solid. He has been a small official at the county level, and he has also worked as a county lieutenant and county magistrate. Now he is a lieutenant in the Pinghai Navy.The only disgraceful part is that it lacks military merits and cannot convince the public - the Ping Navy has only [-] people so far, can you still count on the navy to come ashore to help?
But if the sage thinks about it, it is not impossible to arrange for him to go south, make meritorious deeds, and cultivate cronies.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing her aunt handing over the child to the wet nurse and throwing it into Shao Shude's arms, Yu Lu said softly, "Isn't it more comfortable for the concubine to serve her than Chong Dun?"

Seeing that her aunt was breastfeeding her daughter, Yu Lu peeked at the memorial, pursed her lips and said nothing.

The sage didn't say anything, probably because King Qin hadn't come back yet.He is a cautious person, and he has been like this all his life. Although King Qin is getting closer and closer to the crown prince, as long as he has not made up his mind for a day, he will not block all retreats.

"What? Did you find a team for yourself in advance?" Shao Shude said, "You slave girl, what are you thinking about all day long? In two months, continue to give birth to my children."

She heard people say that once the sage made this gesture, it indicated that he was making an important decision.

"What if all the Khitans belong to us?" Shao Shude asked.

Shuluping attached great importance to these talents from the Han region, and after personally examining the schools, he entrusted them with official positions.

Li Keyong and Yang Xingmi were seriously ill one after another. Shao Sheng looked left and right, and it seemed that the world was invincible, so he could proceed to the next step.

Lu Huaizhong led the Wuwei army from Xingzhou to the north, Kebai Township, and approached Zhaozhou.

Shao Siwu hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said: "I think we can destroy Khitan first, collect all its tribes, and then drive them to attack Huainan and Jiangxi. If Wu Yue doesn't follow, we can also attack."

"Why? Don't you want to?" Shao Shude said with a half-smile: "Then I'll go to find Chong Dun. Her small mouth is slick, if I order her to serve, I'd be very willing."

Zhao Yu sighed slightly, and wiped the corners of his eyes with a silk handkerchief.

Everyone knows that Bohai is a piece of fat.

"Father, don't worry, my son has come to his senses, and he will definitely change his past mistakes and share the worries of the imperial court." Shao Siwu said loudly.

"There are more than 100 million people in Bohai Sea. There are cities, post roads, farmland, commercial ports, and even academies and workshops. Why can't they occupy it?" Shao Shude asked back: "Do you think the Bohai Kingdom should still be Jiji?"

Shao Siwu was a little surprised.

"Yes, it should be to increase popularity and choose Khan." Yu Lu Jiangu said: "Last year the imperial court negotiated peace with Khitan, although many nobles supported the jurisdiction, but it was forced, in the final analysis, it was because of the imperial court's military might. "

"In your opinion, how long can Khan Shen Dejin live?" Shao Shude leaned on the throne and tapped the table with his right index finger.

"Father!" Shao Siwu's eyes were slightly red.

"That's right." Shao Shude said happily: "As before, sullen and unhappy, really not like a man. Seeing Yueniang, I'm afraid she will kick you out of bed."

Shao Shude didn't know whether Han Zhigu believed it or not, but he did take in Han Yanhui and others, and introduced them to Shuluping.

Yu Lu saw that Gu's body trembled.

"Crying and crying, you look like a bitch!" Shao Shude scolded with a smile: "Even if your second brother is surrounded by arrows, he has never seen him cry. Back then, I fought with a bow and a knife, and now this An inheritance. You are young and there are plenty of opportunities."

"Okay, I'll give you another ten days of leisure. When the autumn comes in August, you can visit Gui, Ru, and Ying for me to see how they are doing." Shao Shude ordered.

"You two..." Shao Shude laughed loudly. It was almost noon, and he was a little hungry. After he ate something, he continued to review the memorial.

The first step of the battle between Chengde and Germany went very smoothly.

In fact, Xiao Dilu recently sent back news.

The day before yesterday, the king of Wei sent two sturgeons. He said they were fishing in the sea. He knew that his father liked fish, so he sent someone to send them.

She now finds that this newborn little daughter is much cuter than her eldest daughter, so she puts all her heart and soul on her.

He sneaked into Shuluping's head Xiajun Prefecture, and sent back some information about Zimeng County.But the more valuable ones are gone.

"Liu Rengong only has a half-destroyed Fuyu Mansion, and the food and wages are not enough. How dare he want to separate the Bohai Sea?" Yu Lu asked strangely.

Shao Siwu smiled awkwardly, and Yueniang blushed.

"Khitan's big attack on the Bohai Sea, Liu Rengong also dispatched, and gained a lot. He should now have the land of four states, with one more state." Shao Shude said: "This time it was A Baoji's instigation, with people who supported him Noble Khitan, this guy is really restless."

"Fool, the world is big..." Shao Shude patted his son on the shoulder and sighed: "Stop thinking about it. The rumors outside are not true. You are the child of me and Yuniang, and I have high hopes for you. Don't be so shallow, look west, east, north, or even south, the world is very big. If you make meritorious deeds, it is not impossible to crack the soil and become a king."

"This guy, A Baoji, is really annoying." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Sooner or later, he will be captured and killed, once and for all."

At the end of June, the Ding Hui Department of the Youguo Army went straight into the city, defeated Chengde's reinforcements in a field battle, captured and beheaded more than [-] people, and then besieged the city.The Hubei Daozhou Bingtuan Regiment and Meng Zhixiang's bodyguards swarmed in, pulled out the city in ten days, and conquered it.

Of course, he has become a big trend now, and more and more people want to be his friends.

Shao Siwu said without hesitation: "When Grandpa attacks Khitan, the Bohai Kingdom may be rebellious, maybe we can take care of it together."

Zhang Yueniang obediently sat beside Zhao Yu, thinking of the sadness, she also shed tears.

Follow-up reinforcements are also continuing to follow up.

Struggling for half his life in this troubled world, he thought he already knew these warriors very well.But Liu Rengong's greed still made him amazed.

"Look——" Shao Shude pointed helplessly at Zhao Yu and his daughter-in-law, and said, "You are 22 years old, not a child. How can you be discouraged by a small setback and make your wife cry? A man is self-respecting, cheer up , establish a meritorious service for me and your mother, and build a foundation for Yueniang and your future child to pass on to the descendants, isn't it good?"

"What do you think of the Bohai Kingdom?" Shao Shude asked.

The Daozhou army in Guannei marched westward from Jizhou, pressing on step by step.

When Yu Lu saw that Gu saw it, her heart skipped a beat.

"I just got A Baoji down, and he's going to come up again? Or is it a one-step job, and just become a khan?" Shao Shude was a little unhappy, and said: "It seems that there is a reason for this thief to attack Bohai this year."

Judging from the current situation, the possibility of sending troops to rescue from Hedong is getting smaller and smaller.Then everything is not so complicated. Now, with the field advantage, Wang Rong is in a hurry, dare not attack, and falls into a passive state, and then wipe out Jizhou, Zhaozhou, Shenzhou and other places one by one.

After the establishment of the Xingzhou camp, the deployment of troops and generals began immediately.

After painting big cakes for his son and injecting spiritual energy, Shao Shude began to conceive of his plans and transformations for the world.

"I'm afraid I won't live long." Yu Lu Jiangu said, "It's hard to say whether I can survive this winter."

"Your Majesty, not everyone in the Yelu family supports A Baoji, so I hope..." Yu Lu Jiangu said pitifully.

Zhao Yu gently put down the tea bowl.Neither of them said anything about what was discussed in the Linbo Pavilion that day.

The great tribal shaman is not only a magic stick, but also a part-time doctor.Although in Shao Shude's view, Yu Lu's aunt's nonsense medical skills are purely a fool, but the ignorant prairie shepherd can't believe it.She had really seen Khan Khan, so her judgment was professional and close to the truth.

"I don't dare to speak nonsense. But Bohai has been the kingdom for 200 years, so I'm afraid it won't be that easy to give in. Once it gets in touch with Khitan, it may cause big trouble." Shao Siwu said.

A Baoji took the nobles who supported him and conquered cities and territories in the Bohai Sea, invincible.And now with the help of Liu Rengong, they will also attack the city, and the gains will be even greater than before.

Shao Shude smiled.He could tell that Da Lang was really surprised.

Han Yanhui Nabo people also got in touch with Han Zhigu.They did not reveal their identities, but only said that Youzhou was captured by the Xia army, and they hated the Xia people, so they had no choice but to run away and seek refuge.

When they returned to the tribe with a large number of slaves, food, livestock, and treasures, those who did not go would be very jealous, and then they would fall down and beat their breasts, regretting endlessly.It can be said that in the contest with Yeluhadi, Abaoji won back a victory.

She didn't say it because she didn't want to cause the saint to misunderstand.

If Shao Siwu realized something, he still couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what it means!" Shao Shude put down his pen.

"Grandpa wants to completely occupy Bohai? Abandon the feudal clan and set up the county?" Shao Siwu was a little shocked.

As the saying goes, all things are forewarned, and nothing is foregone. He always likes to plan ahead, plant seeds, and then be a friend of time.

"Then, is it possible to intimidate the Khitan again by means of a large army? So that Abaoji can't be selected?" Shao Shude asked.

"Jiadi will definitely not be selected." Yu Lujian first ruled out the current Khitan Babu Yilijin, and then continued: "If we continue to let people from the Yaoren clan become khans according to tradition, we must first let People from the Yelu family will not show up. In the current situation, the younger generation of the Yao Nian family are not very good, and they are not popular at all. If Shi Lu or A Baoji come out to choose, the possibility of being selected is very high."

This courage is indeed good, if it is not for the "loyalty" of Han Yanhui and others, it is estimated that they were really won over by Khitan.

"Your Majesty can try it, but the outcome is hard to tell." Yu Lu Jiangu said.

"Liu Rengong is willing to help me fight Khitan, but he actually wants to separate the Bohai Sea." Shao Shude sneered.

"You have been in Liaodong for four years, it seems that you have worked hard." Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction, and said: "It is easy to defeat them, but if you want to completely control them, do you have a good strategy?"

Throughout Henan, the second batch of 1 state soldiers from Guannei Road has arrived in Heyang.

More than 2 soldiers from the three states of Zhili, Henan, and Huaihai also marched northward one after another.

This wave is to train these local troops well.After passing through this village, there is probably no such shop.

Shao Shude suddenly regretted that once Chengde and Hedong were defeated, where would his invincible imperial army go to find the enemy to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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