Chapter 1293
After Pei Guan left Youzhou, he headed towards Liangxiang and Fanyang.

There are thirteen counties in Beiping, and Liangxiang is an old county. After the household registration movement and the relocation of Kansai immigrants, there are currently more than 5000 households and more than 2.6 people. Among them, there are about 1.5 "old Peiping people", and the rest are all New immigrants or newly settled Fanhu—strictly speaking, these are also "old Peiping people".

From the perspective of the entire Beiping Prefecture, there are about 7.7 households and 40 people in the thirteen counties.After more than ten years of war, only about [-]% of them are "old Pekingese", and the rest are newcomers and immigrants.

Pei Guan is from Guanzhong. From his heart, he certainly hopes that the more immigrants from Guanzhong, the better.

During the Huangchao Rebellion, the northern half of Jingzhao Mansion was relatively well preserved thanks to the saint's hard work.The sage was in Fuping, and beat Zhang Quanyi, Meng Kai, Li Xiang and others to the point of fleeing, defeating the Chao army's attempts to go north several times.

The people in the eight counties of Fuping are grateful for his kindness, and everyone praises him.As soon as the king of Lingwu County arrived, the people won food and followed.Young people who are familiar with bow and horse come to the tent one after another, begging for their lives.In Fuping, there is even a good story about the Feng sisters who are grateful for the righteous deeds of the saints and serve them with their own bodies.

The western half of Guanzhong was controlled by the imperial court.Especially Fengxiang Mansion, which was the headquarters of Zheng Tian, ​​the commander of all Taoist camps. In the battle of Longweipo, several generals of the Chao army were killed, and more than [-] ranks were beheaded, defeating his attempt to advance westward.

On the whole, the population preservation in Guanzhong is quite good, and it has been the main force of foreign immigrants in recent years.

Almost [-] to [-]% of the population in Henan Prefecture, Ruzhou, Mengzhou, and Huaizhou are Kansai immigrants who moved later.

Half of the people in Jinzhou, Jiangzhou, Xiangzhou, Zhengzhou and other places also came from Kansai.

"Oh? It turns out that General Liu used to shoot his spear in front of the horse?" Pei Guan asked in feigned surprise.

In fact, Li Keyong also knew about the rumor that Liu Fan just mentioned, and he had strictly prohibited it from talking about it.

It was also the first time for the three young men to meet the envoys of a great country, and they were all respectful and did not dare to exceed the rules.

At three o'clock in Haishi, the banquet ends.

The flying fox road is eighty or ninety miles long.

In fact, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the families of the soldiers of the Forbidden Army also lived near the barracks.Because the fields were scarce, and the court did not suppress mergers, they lived entirely on military pay.

Liu Fan suddenly realized, laughed and said: "It is rumored that the king of Jin used Hedong as a dowry to marry Princess Daxia for Yazi. Jin and Xia are indeed a family. General Liu is capable. He can serve as an errand in the Pinglu Army. The sage is generous and benevolent.”

Zhao Guo went out of Yanmen and merged with the land.However, Zhongshan is very strong. Taking advantage of the terrain of the mountains, he fought against Zhao for many years until Wuling King Hufu rode and shot, and his national power increased greatly.

There is a break in the mountain range between Dai State and Zhongshan State, forming the Xing Road, that is, Feihu Xing.

Uh, what's embarrassing is that when Liu Fan didn't make a fortune in the past, his family was poor, and An's family had remarried to Murong Saburo, a fellow villager, and had a son Murong Yanchao.After Liu Fan became famous, Murong Yanchao also followed, Liu Fan didn't mind, he was very kind to him.Liu Zhiyuan and Liu Chongyan also regarded him as a brother.

The northern section of the Taihang Mountains meanders eastward to Yanshan Mountains, stretching across from east to west, forming a barrier to north-south traffic.

It was nearly August, and the autumn harvest was just around the corner, and the countryside was booming.

"Hey, why do you say that?" Pei Guan laughed and said, "Xia and Jin are originally a family. The king of Jin and Jinshang Naiyi are brothers. I heard that Jinshang still intends to marry his brother-in-law. Why don't you go ashore?" Going ashore, we are all family."

Liu Zhi's eldest son, Liu Zhiyuan, and his second son, Liu Chongyan, both 11 years old, were born to his wife An.

Yes, tribal chieftains both oppressed them and protected them at the same time.

It is also because of this that Shao Shude will rotate the soldiers, fight for a year or two, and then return to the garrison for half a year to reassure the soldiers.

"Sun Dalang, your whole family has settled down in Liangxiang, why worry so much?" Pei Guan scolded with a smile: "Where the Feilong Army will be placed in the future, the imperial court will make its own arrangements."

If you can make some merits before being abolished, it is not difficult to get a title.As for the separatist regime, it is estimated that it is impossible.Besides, Liu Fan's current status is not high, and he didn't think so far.

Sun Dalang was speechless now.He dared to oppose the imperial court or the saint, so he could only mutter: "The Yan people are not trustworthy, and the capital is important, but it is still reliable to be filled with our own people."

"Pei Suishi, will the sage place our Flying Dragon Army in Beiping Mansion? I think this place is very good, with mountains, waters and fields, it should be very comfortable to live in." The speaker was Baishui Lizheng, Fuye Township, Liangxiang County. , a former Feilong army officer, just retired from old age, and his family moved to Liangxiang County.

"This——I don't want to speculate on the holy will." Pei Guan smiled and said, "What? When I supervised the army in Rouzhou, weren't you satisfied with it?"

As one of the cavalry of the Imperial Army (Flying Dragon, Golden Knife, Black Horse, Iron Cavalry, Silver Spear, Dingnan, Flying Bear, Silver Saddle), it is human nature for the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army to want to find a good place to live.

He stayed in Weizhou for several days, comforting the soldiers and civilians on behalf of the saints.

Pei Guan was too aware of the virtues of these warriors, they were arrogant and domineering, they acted recklessly, and they didn't know what to say, so he changed the saying: "Everything in the imperial court is decided by a sage."

But correspondingly, they also ensure the interests of their descendants through the so-called nobility of blood, strict hierarchy, and harsh tribal lynching.The resources consumed by extravagance come from the offerings of the tribesmen.

Pei Guan knew it all at once.When the two families were at war, when had they been so polite?
Li Siyuan may not have explained what the guard will do, most of them are doing it on their own, which is very interesting.

From the perspective of distribution, they are basically the places where Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan, Sun Ru, and Li Hanzhi have harmed.The sage moved to the landless and poor people in Kansai, or the Qiang and Hu slaves in Helong, and gave them farmland and gardens.For more than ten years, dilapidated counties and townships have slowly returned to life. In the eyes of many people, these states and counties are Kansai iron pans, which belong to the external extension of Kansai military and political forces.

After the toast, Liu Fan introduced Pei Guan's family again.

The general of Pingxingguan Town heard that the envoys from Xia Kingdom had come, as well as the daughter and son-in-law of King Jin, so he did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent messengers to Daizhou, asking Li Siyuan to make a decision, and invited Pei Guan and his party of more than ten people into the pass.

There are no soldiers, no generals, and no city walls. It is barren.

But they have no choice.One by one, they were distributed and resettled, and their household registration and registration were registered, and they were given land by dictation and became kings.

The chieftains united the people, resisted the shogunate's excessive expropriation, resisted their unreasonable conscription requirements, and guaranteed the interests of the people to a certain extent.

After all, toast again and again.

"It's really good to have a house, a field, and a pasture. But seeing the prosperity of the metropolis, I feel that the place in Jozhou is not decent." Li Zheng smiled and said: "Let's not talk about us, the town soldiers from Chen Xu think that Rouzhou can’t do it, I’ll try my best to get rewards for meritorious service, so I can return to Henan. Forbidden troops gather around Luoyang, so we won’t join in the fun, and Beiping Prefecture still needs elite soldiers to guard it. Once the Flying Dragon Army arrives, there will be no way to hide.”

Liu Fan didn't dare to say it before, but this will happen. Since the news of King Jin's serious illness came, many people have subconsciously relaxed, and no one cares about the gossip.

Pei Guan secretly laughed in his heart.As far as your military discipline is concerned, if you don't strictly rectify it, if you come to Beiping Mansion, there will be chaos.

"Liu Xun is already Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Pinglu Army." Pei Guan said.

Pei Guan knew a thing or two about the situation of Liu Fan's family, so he didn't have the nerve to ask An's if Liu Fan had snatched her back. He just praised the young man a few times and was polite.

In the pre-Qin period, Dai State and Zhongshan State were established in the north and south of the mountain range, neither of which were Chinese people.

The south entrance is in Heishi Ridge, which belongs to Feihu County, Weizhou. Pei Guan arrived here on the first day of August.

"That's really a coincidence." Pei Guan stroked his beard and said, "Li Cunjin is now the deputy envoy of the Hengye Army, guarding Yingzhou, and he is the country's general."

Not to mention that, that night, the town general Liu Fan also organized a private banquet for Pei Guan, Wang Yu and others.

When Liu Fan heard it, he was a little envious, and said, "Li Cunjin has just landed."

On the eighth day of August, a group of people arrived at the Pingxing Pass in the northeast of Daizhou, and sent envoys into the pass with a stated purpose.

Most of the followers are palace guards, but they are not as interested as him.I just kept looking at the nearby terrain to see if there were any thieves hiding.

Moreover, their vision is relatively high.For the forbidden army, it is best to place them in the important places in Gyeonggi.Beiping Mansion is the northern capital, and the conditions in all aspects are reasonable. The whole Feilong Army is still willing to live here.

The Feilong Army, like many warriors since ancient times, lived with their families near the barracks when they were guarding the border, and did not register with the local household registration.The Feilong army has been fighting in Rouzhou for a long time. His family is scattered around the barracks in Sheng, Can and Rouzhou.

He was a little scared, if one day the saint collapsed, where would he find another ruthless person to suppress these warriors?

However, after the rectification by the imperial court, the families of the officers and soldiers of the imperial army stationed in the counties and counties around Luoyang were settled in the localities and distributed the fields, which can be regarded as settled down.

It's really hard to say which is good and which is bad.

"The north wind withers the white grass, and the horses are day-to-day. King Wuling of Zhao joined the land and conquered Zhongshan, and finally became a generation of heroes. If Tang Suzong could use Li Mi's words, he would go east from Yunzhou, take Wei and Wei, and enter Fanyang If it is really determined, then great things can be accomplished." Pei Guan looked at the scene of white clouds and yellow grass here, and the literati burst into emotion.

The Yokono Army might not be the Custodian, but so what?Even if they are abolished in the future, these generals will make arrangements, at least they will be the governor of a state - isn't Li Si'en the governor of Huazhou?That place is so rich that I don't know how much money it can make in a year.

Daiguo occupies the Sanggan River Valley at the northern foot, and the capital is Daicheng.Zhongshan State occupies the southern foot, and its capital is Zhongshan.

The trauma of the Bianhu Rebellion gradually healed, and the Fanhu tribe, who had not been king for a long time, paid food to the court for the first time.Judging from his face, it seems that there is nothing dissatisfied, except for a little bit of confusion-is there a big difference between paying the headman and paying the court?
The only source of anxiety may be that there is no longer a tribal chief who can shield him from the wind and rain, the organization has been broken up, and he feels a little helpless.

There is no going back.

Pei Guan smiled perfunctorily.

Pei Guan also laughed loudly, he would not refuse anyone who came, and drank all of them in one gulp.

"In the past, Li Cunjin was the envoy of the army, and I was the deputy envoy. Later, when he committed a crime, he was expelled from the front of the horse, and became the general of the town at Zongxingguan." Liu Yan said with no intention of hiding anything.

After Pei Guan sighed, he did not enter Xingdao, but went west through Shimen Pass and entered Weizhou.

"Bah! The imperial court understands—" Sun Dalang just stopped speaking under Pei Guan's eyes.

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Seeing that King Xia—uh, the sage is about to rule the Northland, he just doesn't know that I'm waiting..."

After leaving the banquet hall, Pei Guan and Wang Yu looked at each other and nodded.

The situation is good!

Through Liu Fan's every move, Pei Guan had a certain understanding of what the generals in Hedong were thinking.

There is still a chance in the future, observe and observe more along the way, I hope this Liu Fan is not an exception.

(End of this chapter)

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