Chapter 1397
The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs quickly got busy.

Many nearby tribes also sent people to help. Shao Shude kept his promise and provided food on a daily basis—the food was naturally paid by Longyuan Mansion.

When he stood on a high place and overlooked a busy construction site, he couldn't help feeling: If there were no wars here and there was peace everywhere, how much wealth would be created?

Well, Shao Shude, who has used troops continuously for 30 years and conquered countless feudal towns, is actually a pacifist.

Riverside wharf, processing plant, ground warehouse, underground ice cellar, office space, staff dormitory, canteen toilet...

Pieces of areas were planned out, and stacks of drawings were drawn.

Mathematics students hired by the Ministry of Internal Affairs tracked the entire fishing process, estimated production, and determined the amount of personnel and materials used.

The architects personally designed the design to ensure the lowest cost with the same quality.

Engineering students only at the state level have already begun to think about the production process: is it as good to dig ponds and large-scale cured hams as in Lingzhou, or to use the traditional wooden barrel curing process?
Shao Shude found that doing such things became more and more handy.The seeds sown in the early years are now bearing fruit one by one and starting to help.

These students are their own "tools", tools for painting on the paper of Jiangshan.

perfectly worked!

On August [-]th, Shao Shude left the mouth of the Tuomen River and returned to Yanzhou to inspect the shipyard.

If Bohai State has any valuable assets other than cities and fields, it is probably the shipbuilding workshops in Tokyo and Nanjing.

In addition to the workshop, there are also a large number of sailors and merchants who are proficient in navigation.In fact, this is also an asset, and its value is quite high.

Ma Wanpeng from the Shipyard Division came at the end of July, and after wandering around the workshop for [-] days, he gave a brief report: Longhepu Shipyard has more than [-] officials, craftsmen, and apprentices, and they have rich experience. Useful.

In addition, there are still three ships under construction in the shipyard, which are about to be completed.

"These three ships belong to the Bohai Mission?" Shao Shude asked.

"Exactly." Ma Wanpeng replied: "Next spring at the latest, they will send a 400-member mission to Japan."

"They are really embarrassing!" Shao Shude said with a sneer, "Is it interesting to put a hot face on a Japanese cold ass?"

Ma Wanpeng also laughed: "The Japanese always put on a show, winning face and losing face."

Bohai people are not always on an equal footing in their dealings with Japan, and they are indeed able to let go of their dignity and don't care about these "small details".

In the 34th year of King Wen Daxing (771), Bohai Qingshou doctor Yiwanfu led 325 people to visit Japan. The Japanese side thought that the statement of the King of Bohai was too rude and did not respect the Japanese emperor enough, so they questioned him and returned the credentials and tokens.Iwanfu "wept again to pay homage to the base", revised the form on the spot, apologized, and Japan was satisfied, and gave back a large amount of Japanese local silk—mainly Mino 絁.

In the 36th year of Daxing (773), Wufu, the envoy of the Bohai Kingdom, visited Japan. The Japanese side ordered him to "return to his hometown" because "the letter he entered was violating the rules and rudeness" and "not summoning the court".Also considering that "we have to be merciful when we come from afar across the sea", we gave them some property, money and food, and let them go home.

In the 39th year of Daxing (776), Shi Dumeng visited Japan to congratulate Emperor Guangren on his enthronement.They did not land according to the prescribed route, and were reprimanded by the Japanese side, but because they were congratulating the emperor on his enthronement, for the sake of sincerity, they pinched their noses and allowed them to land.

In the following years, Bohai often sent missions to Japan. The Japanese called him "Mushua's entry into the DPRK." They all gave a lot of gifts in return. Bohai people don't pay attention to face, so they got a lot of lizi and gained a lot.

The Bohai Sea has been in the country for 200 years, and there are official missions every six years on average, and there are even more private business groups. Their navigation skills are probably trained in this way.

"Are Bohai products very popular in Japan?" Shao Shude asked.

"Fur and medicinal materials are still very popular. There are also wild horses, which are very popular with the Japanese. However, the Bohai people are very cunning, and they rarely sell mares. Even male horses are castrated." Ma Wanpeng said.

"Bo Hai is a villain in vain." Shao Shude shook his head and said, "The Japanese don't have the awareness of breeding horses at all."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Trade relations with Japan and Silla should be maintained as much as possible, and the trade volume should be increased appropriately, and silver should be collected as much as possible to see how much things can be squeezed out of Japan."

"Your Majesty, I only focus on building ships." Ma Wanpeng muttered.

"Haha." Shao Shude patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's right, I will arrange this."

Japan's trade with China is generally in a state of deficit, which needs to be balanced by exporting precious metals.Shao Shude wanted to squeeze their potential and see how much silver they could produce.

If Japan's money in the market tightens due to a large loss of silver, they will find ways to find silver or close trade.

Shao Shude wanted to give it a try and see what choice they would make.If it's the former, great.

After inspecting the shipyard, he left Yanzhou and returned to Gyeongju Palace to handle government affairs.

The people of Bohai took the old place of Huiyu as Longyuan Prefecture, led the four prefectures of Qing, Yan, Mu and He, and governed Qingzhou.

In other words, Tokyo is actually the "Land of Prosperity" of the Goguryeo people.The people of Balhae set it as Tokyo, which is meaningful, and may have the purpose of suppressing and integrating the descendants of Goguryeo—of course, it is only one of the purposes, and the greater purpose is for maritime trade with Japan and Silla.

The scale of Tokyo City is not large, with a circumference of less than six miles. There is a moat outside the city and a palace inside the city.

From the perspective of the ground, the city of Tokyo is located on a plain, surrounded by distant mountains. The Tuomen River flows several miles west of the city, and the muddy water (Hunchun River) flows more than ten miles east of the city, and merges into Tuomen in the south of Tokyo city. river.

There are three palaces in Miyagi, Tokyo, and Irijo is the largest one.Same as Shangjing, the name of the temple is "Tai Chi", and Shao Shude is sitting in it at this time, reviewing the memorials - most of the prime ministers have dealt with it themselves, but there are still some that need him to make the final decision.

After Li Siyuan led the Tiancheng Army to Raozhou, he fought successive battles with the Wei brothers and repeatedly defeated the bandit army.

At the end of July, in the Battle of Yushui, Wei Quantong and Wei Zaichang ran away with their heads in their arms, beheading nearly ten thousand people and taking more than eighty thousand prisoners.

Wei Quan satirically fled back to Fuzhou with his own soldiers in embarrassment.When Xia Jun's soldiers approached the city, they had no choice but to surrender.

Wei Zaichang rode away alone and fled to Jiangdong. It is said that he has been taken in by Qian Liu.

In mid-August, the army conquered the empty Shinshu.

After this battle, Li Siyuan became famous in Jiangxi, and his power shook all directions.

Peng Gan, the governor of Jizhou, was terrified, and secretly hooked up with Ma Yin, intending to protect himself.

Lu Guangchou, the governor of Qianzhou, and Liu Yan of Chaozhou stopped the battle, repaired the city, and accumulated soldiers.Regardless of previous suspicions, Liu Yan sent [-] Chaozhou soldiers to help in the battle.

Peng Yanzhang, the governor of Yuanzhou, was Zhong Kuangshi's confidant, and he repeatedly sent envoys to Hongzhou to ask how to deal with it.

Zhong Kuangshi now also found that although he repelled Yang Wu's attack, he attracted a bigger tiger, which was really a headache.

He actually kind of wanted to surrender.

Lord Xia is kind.The matter has come to this point, and as a Jiedu envoy, he surrendered the land of the two states without losing the position of honored guest.

Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan were too fierce.Especially the latter, with [-] Jin soldiers, defeated the [-] coalition forces of Xinzhou and Fuzhou. Is this still human?
After Shao Shude finished reading it, he ordered Li Siyuan to move to Fuzhou, serving as the defense envoy of Fuzhou, and waited for the opportunity to enter the two prefectures of Douji and Qian.He also ordered Zhou Dewei to go south from Jiangzhou to put pressure on Zhong Kuangshi and cooperate with the Department of Public Security in persuading him to surrender.

In fact, compared to winning the battle, Zhou Dewei and Li Siyuan were more pleased that they have withstood the test.

Jiangxi has not fought a war for many years. In the past 30 years, it has accepted a large number of immigrants from Henan and Huainan, and its household registration has increased greatly. After it was taken down, the imperial court also had an additional tax source.

Very good, very good!
He played well in the south, but he was more comfortable in the northeast.

It's the end of August, and the prefectures in Bohai Sea are ushering in the harvest season.

The people who had just got rid of the war didn't care about anything, and started harvesting rice, wheat, and millet with a dull head.

When Wanyanxiu and others came to Longyuan Mansion, what they saw was such a lively scene.

"It's really a fertile land." The Mohe man greedily looked at everything in front of him, almost unable to suppress the impulse in his heart.

To be honest, who wants to fish and hunt when there is a way to farm?

But the Bohai people are too hateful, they are driven all the way to the banks of the Black Water, and it is not easy to raise pigs, let alone farm.

"Lord Xia asked us to retreat, but didn't give us any benefits, how can this work?"

"At first, I didn't have any ideas, but along the way, I was dazzled by seeing such good places as Shangjing, Zhongjing, and Tokyo. I have to give us one no matter what?"

"That Shatuo man is the worst. He beheaded my nephew in Tie Li Mansion and accused him of causing chaos. Bah! The chaos we caused by the Bohai people has nothing to do with Xia people!"

"Shatuo Shi Jiantang, I have long since disliked him. Fighting like a woman, first send the old and the weak as bait in front, and then launch an ambush. I hate this kind of person the most, and I don't fight well in war."

"The Shatuo people can pull out tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. They are big men anyway. Why do you listen to Lord Xia's words? If I have [-] elite soldiers, I dare to go to Luoyang."

A group of people were making a lot of noise, Wanyanxiu got dizzy hearing it.

Lord Xia asked him to go back and summon the leaders of various ministries to meet him in Longyuan Mansion.He rushed back to Dongping Mansion on the same day, only to find that Xia Bing came faster than him, Shatuo people were everywhere, quickly quelled the rebellion in Tie Li Mansion, and then sent troops to Dongping to kill them wantonly.

When the people of Bohai saw them, they opened the gates of the city one after another, provided supplies, and even recruited young men to follow them to suppress the rebellious tribes in their jurisdiction.

The Xia people seem to be a little bit measured, mainly targeting the rebellious inland tribes.But when they were able to kill, it was inevitable that they couldn't hold back, and even the five "friendly troops" Heishui fought together, causing certain casualties.

After being provoked in this way, the Blackwater tribes fled after hearing the news, and gathered in the Beihai (Meituo Lake) area, planning to form a group to fight against the Xia people and ask for an explanation.

When Wan Yanxiu arrived in Meizhou, Anyuan Prefecture, to be honest, he was a little disheartened and was criticized by many people.

They felt that Wan Yanxiu became an official in the Xia Kingdom and looked down on his old brother, creating a estrangement.

Others were more straightforward, thinking that he had betrayed his old brother and wanted to kill him.

Even, even his own clan, many people do not understand.

If it wasn't for the prestige he still had in the past, this time he really would have returned without success—to put it bluntly, among the thirty surnames in Heishui, only a dozen or so surnames sent envoys to go south with him to see what Lord Xia had to say.

The situation is a bit grim!Wanyanxiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, seeing that the horse had almost rested, he prepared to call everyone to continue on the road.

"Look! Who is that?" Someone pointed to a group of people coming towards him on the post road and asked in surprise.

Wanyanxiu was stunned for a moment, and when he looked around, he saw thousands of men, women and children stumbling along the road with their hands bound.Judging by their appearance and attire, they are inland tribes.

Things are going to go wrong!Wanyanxiu had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, the envoys who came with him gradually began to breathe heavily.Anyone who sees his own family being treated like this will be furious in his heart.

"Whoosh!" An arrow landed a few steps ahead of them, and the arrow feathers trembled endlessly.

"Don't act rashly, or you will be arrested together." Yiqi came running from a distance, warning with a strong Kansai accent.

Wan Yanxiu stopped the rest of the rest, stepped forward alone, and said: "I am the deputy general of the Luoyan Army, dare to ask this brother, where are you taking so many people?"

"Falling Goose Army? Uighurs?" The knight said in surprise, "It's not like that!"

The predecessor of the Falling Goose Army was the Shan Army, and later incorporated a large number of cooked and raw Tibetans recruited by the Bohai Kingdom, and even some Khitan and Xi people, but overall most of them were Uyghurs from the Shulu Department—they were Uyghurs, but They have been married to the Diela tribe of Khitan for generations, and it is difficult to say whether it is the Uighur or the Khitan.

"They rebelled in Longyuan Mansion, and they have been defeated by Yin An. The saint has an order. The prisoners, together with their families, will be sent to Shenzhou and demoted to the trilogy." The knight glanced at Wanyan Xiu vigilantly, not sure if he was The Mohe people are still the Uyghurs, and it is uncertain whether he will help these people out.

"How many people were arrested in total?" Wan Yanxiu asked.

"Ten to twenty thousand are still available." The knight said, "Those who did not participate in the rebellion are still common people."

As he spoke, he took a few steps back and secretly gestured towards his comrade in the distance.

Soon, two hundred infantry rushed up from behind, holding infantry bows, watching them from a distance.

"Don't act rashly!" Wan Yanxiu emphasized again in Mohe dialect, and then led everyone away from the road.

The escort team passed slowly.

Every passing Xia Bing subconsciously glanced at them.

Wanyanxiu looked at them as calmly as possible, and at the same time explained in local language: "They are all soldiers of the Imperial Army who kill people without blinking an eye. The Bohai Kingdom has let them perish, everyone, don't mess around."

The crowd was silent.

After a long time, someone couldn't help but said: "If decades ago, Bohai soldiers could still look at it, but now they can't. Defeating Bohai doesn't mean anything!"

Not surprisingly, his words were supported by many people.

Wanyan Xiu let out a long sigh, and said, "You will regret it. The Central Plains has been killing for 150 years, and I'm afraid it's even stronger than Tang Jun back then. Do you think Tang Jun is stronger?"

"How about Tang Jun, I haven't seen him before."

"How many years has it been? The bones and dregs of Tang Jun from back then are gone, and the living can still be frightened by the dead?"

Wanyanxiu frowned and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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