Chapter 1398

On the first day of September in the eighth year of Jianji, the envoys from various ministries who came from Beihai did not see Shao Shude immediately.

Wanyanxiu was called over, and half an hour later, he returned to the small courtyard where they were arranged to live.

"How?" Everyone looked at him nervously.

"Cook first." He snorted, walked to the stone mill, and started to grind the wheat.

Others were stunned.

But they were really hungry, so they stepped forward to help shake the stone mill and the hand mill.

After the wheat is husked, a dustpan of half yellow and half white flour is obtained.Someone in the kitchen is already boiling water, and immediately cook the porridge—unlike the cakes made from flour in the Central Plains, porridge is one of the foods that Bohai people often eat.

Some people are preparing sunflower vegetables.It's already mid-autumn, and the grass is gradually withering, and many vegetables are about to disappear.As the "lord of all vegetables", sunflower, a vegetable that can be seen everywhere, is one of the favorites of the people in the Bohai Sea and even the northern Central Plains.

It can be seen that the meals are not rich.Longyuan Mansion only provided a few bags of wheat, a basket of wilted sunflowers, and a little seasoning, nothing else.

But the Mohe people were still very happy.

In the bitter cold land of Heishui, life is hard.How are you guys doing?Raising pigs, fishing, hunting, collecting wild fruits and vegetables.

The whole is definitely not enough to eat, but for each individual, the difference is very big.

Blackwater does not support idlers and the weak.If I am not capable and not strong enough, I will be hungry and unable to support my family. It is not unusual to die in any winter.

Those who can survive are all capable.

Or they are physically strong and extremely brave, and can go to the mountains to hunt large wild animals.

Or know how to do things, such as making simple daily necessities, exchanging food with people, such as collecting Beizhu, raising livestock and so on.

Or have a business mind, and can take the leather to the people of Bohai to exchange things.

Or they are ruthless enough to kill and steal goods, even if they go all the way to Silla or Japan to plunder, they will not hesitate.

In short, those who can live to the present have no shortage of food, and can even eat meat frequently.

But they are still relatively scarce on food.This thing tastes more delicious than meat...

"Today, I will enter the palace..." Wan Yanxiu drank a bowl of porridge in twos and twos, and after filling the second bowl, he was not in such a hurry and said slowly.

The crowd didn't stop, they were still drinking the porridge, but their expressions became serious, obviously listening.

"An Dong's soldiers have been sent home." Wan Yanxiu said.

Everyone looked happy.

"Shen, Xian, and Xia's soldiers are still there." Wan Yanxiu said again: "They stayed in Shangjing with the bodyguards, and the Tielin Army, Youguo Army, and Luoyan Army started to go north, heading for Meituo Lake."

Most of the government soldiers in Shen, Xian, and Xia states have not yet allocated land, and are still receiving military rewards for recruiting soldiers. It is not surprising that they did not leave.

The Tielin Army, the Youguo Army, and the Luoyan Army are pure recruits. Marching and fighting is their job. So they are heading north?
Everyone's faces fell again, and some even stood up.

"Are you in a hurry now?" Wan Yanxiu glanced at them and said, "Let me tell you another news, the Khitan people were beaten away."

This person, A Baoji, actually took advantage of this year, at least Fu Guzhi's subordinates were robbed by him, the cattle and sheep lost more than [-] yuan, and many people took refuge in the past.

I heard that Fu Gu was so angry that he couldn't afford to get sick, and his time was numbered.The imperial court sent people to visit, but saw that there were only less than 2 people left, and there was a shortage of cattle and sheep.So it was moved to Andong Mansion, and 2 people were allocated to the soldiers of the mansion as a part.

Counting this group of people, the number of Anton's soldiers has increased from more than [-] two years ago to around [-].There are [-] government soldiers left, and there are about two households per capita.

Abaoji was raging in the Seven Holy States, so the imperial court could not remain indifferent. Yin Anzhi, a bodyguard army, and Yingzhou Fanbu surrounded him. Abaoji fought for a long time to no avail. They instigated the rebellion in the Seven Holy States, so they retreated hastily.

Before retiring, I got news: In mid-August, Yue Liduo gave birth to a son in Shangjing. The Emperor Xia was overjoyed, and he was canonized as Jieyu. Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Seven Sacred States were given two pieces of silk.

A Baoji was not angry, and calmly directed the retreat of all the ministries, and there was no chaos at all.Because he knew very well that Yue Liduo was forced, and the love between the two of them was vivid in his memory, and he would reminisce about it every night, so that he even neglected the bride.

still have a chance!Lord Xia stays in Bohai for a day, and he still has a chance to snatch Yue Liduo back.

"Whether the Khitan escape or not is none of my business? The Khitan also robbed us and Shiwei before, so they are not good people." Someone said.

Everyone else looked at him like a fool.

This is not knowing the value of the united front.With the Khitan still alive, Lord Xia would be more polite to the Mohe people.Khitan was beaten away, would he still be so easy to talk about?

"That's not the point just now." Wan Yanxiu finished the second bowl of porridge, filled the third bowl, and continued: "The Holy Majesty is actually very busy. His old man heard about the things in the north and was very upset. He wanted to see him at first. Everyone, those who gave some rewards are gone now."

Everyone's expressions tightened, it seemed that something was wrong, could it be that they had to use strong means to solve it?

"The sage just said one sentence and asked me to take it back to the leaders." Wanyanxiu said.

"What?" someone asked.

"Are you convinced?" Wan Yanxiu let out a long sigh, and couldn't eat the porridge anymore.

"Seeing my aunt in Yulu, your skin is itchy again, aren't you?" Shao Shude shouted angrily inside the Changle Hall in Miyagi, Tokyo.

"My concubine is itching everywhere, Your Majesty, save me quickly." Yu Lu replied panting when she saw her aunt.

Shao Shude's scalp was numb.He can't handle this woman.

"If it had been 20 years earlier, I would have killed... you." After Shao Shude finished speaking, there was no sound for a long time.

After a long time, Yu Lu saw her aunt wrapped her arms around Shao Shude's neck, buried her face in his arms, and said in a weak voice, "Your Majesty, I feel very comfortable just now."

Shao Shude laughed at himself.

His current ability is limited to making a woman's belly bigger, as for the rest, he knows his own affairs, so that's all.

"I want to deal with business." Shao Shude pushed Yu Lu away to see his aunt, coughed and asked someone to bring an official letter.

Yu Lu saw Gu Ma get up quickly and prepared ginseng tea for him.

Shao Shude let out a long sigh, so lively, it can be seen that women are....

After turning his attention to government affairs, he regained his confidence.

Can't handle women, I can't handle men?
Yesterday he just issued a decree to establish Mengzhou with Tieli Mansion and Dongping Mansion.

Tie Li Mansion is the result of the Northern Strategy of the Bohai State and the former home of the Tie Li Department of Heishui Mohe.After the Bohai people settled here, they made great efforts to immigrate and reclaim wasteland, and achieved a lot of results.

But they just forgot one thing, that is, to break up the system of the Mohe tribe that was subject to them, and to organize households and people, and slowly digest them.

Now the consequences are showing.

When the tribes of Heishui moved southward in a big way, these inland tribes responded with one voice and rose up. The Bohai people were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.Coupled with the many years of fighting with Khitan, and the occasional autumn wind looting by the Shiwei people, Tie Li Mansion is already in dilapidated condition, with no one living in it.

The jurisdiction of the prefecture is quite broad, with Lingguang, Fen, Pu, Hai, Yi, and Gui six prefectures, and the prefecture is located near Yilan County, Heilongjiang today.

After being driven away by them, the Tie Li people fled westward and settled in the area north of the Songhua River, west of the Hulan River, and east of the Nen River in later generations.Yes, it is basically Daqing and Qiqihar, the standard Great Northern Wilderness.

To the east of Tieli Mansion is Dongping Mansion, which was once the land of the Fu Nie tribe of Heishui Mohe.After the conquest of Bohai people, five prefectures of Yi, Meng, Tuo, Hei and Bi were established here, and the prefecture of Yizhou was located in Mishan, Heilongjiang.

Mengzhou, which was formed by the merger of Tieli and Dongping, is Daxia Zhengzhou, which belongs to Liaodong Road.As soon as this decree came out, everyone must have known the intention of the court: where did the black water mole come from, and where did it go, don't worry about these lands.

"Your Majesty, drink some ginseng tea to nourish your body." Seeing that Gu was completely naked, Yu Lu knelt in front of him and offered ginseng tea with both hands.

Shao Shude's gaze was condescending, and he could see everything from her delicate face to her silky buttocks.But such an alluring scene, he didn't feel much.

Take it easy.

"Put on your clothes." Shao Shude reprimanded and continued to review the official letter.

"I obey." Yu Lu saw Gu get up, stepped on the place where she was kneeling just now, and wiped off the white stains on the blanket with her feet.

"What do you think should be done about the matter of Heishui Mohe?" After drinking two sips of ginseng tea, perhaps because of psychological hints, Shao Shude only felt warm and refreshed.

"Your Majesty will deal with Heishui Mohe the same way you deal with Khitan." Yu Lu said seeing his aunt put on her clothes and sitting beside Shao Shude neatly, rubbing ink for him.

"This is what is worrying." Shao Shude said: "Before I left, A Baoji dared to come and harass the Seven Sacred States. If I left, he would not be able to go to heaven? The same is true for Heishui Mohe, they treat the old land It is understandable to have obsession and want to take it back."

The name Tie Li Mansion already tells you that this was originally the home of the Tie Li Department.

You were severely beaten, and you suffered numerous casualties. Some were forced to surrender and were enslaved, while some fled in a panic and slipped into the unshitty Great Northern Wilderness to live on. If it were you, would you like to come back?
This is even more so at Xingkai Lake.

The Mohe people were fishing and hunting happily here, but suddenly the Bohai army came and killed them, and they were forced to flee northward to the colder banks of the Black Water.Now that you have the opportunity, don't you want to go back to your hometown?

"Your Majesty, in today's world, people don't talk about right and wrong, they only recognize strength." Yu Lu Jiangu said, "Really, Tie Li Mansion wasn't originally from Heishui Mohe. What since ancient times? Since ancient times to when? I can’t tell. Your Majesty is the strongest man in the world, you defeated Khitan, killed Xiao Shilu, captured me back, and enjoyed it as I wished. I am willing because you won.”

Yu Lu's eyes became watery again as Aunt Yu talked.

Shao Shude's scalp was numb, and he said, "Sit there and talk carefully, don't move your hands or feet."

Seeing Aunt sitting back, Yu Lu said: "Your Majesty must not be soft-hearted at this time. Whoever dares to rebel, he will kill him. Even if he wants to show kindness, it is not this time."

"Shi Jiantang has already killed three or four thousand Heishui Mohe soldiers." Shao Shude said, "It is true that this matter can no longer be done well. What I am worried about is that after the army returned to the south, the Mohe people rebelled again."

"Your Majesty, there are some things that cannot be achieved overnight." Yu Lu said to her aunt, "Immigrating to the real border and relocating government soldiers are all the right ways. I have also read some history books. The emperors in ancient times have not had such good conditions as Your Majesty." ah."

"Why?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's hard to say about other places. The area of ​​Meituo Lake alone has been operated by Bohai people for a hundred years, and it is densely populated. I heard that the rice planted is more than two dendrobium per mu, and the capital relies on it." Yu Lu Jiangu said: "Counting forward In 1000, there were savages on the side of Meituo Lake, no matter what dynasty or generation, so that the kings of the Central Plains were not interested in coming here. Today, there are towns, government offices, rice fields, and people that have been operating for a century in Bohai. Why hesitate? ?”

"You woman, it's very useful to be serious. From now on..." Shao Shude coughed, and said, "Let's not talk about it. You are right, I will never let the area of ​​Meituo Lake go out. On the immigrant side, the most important thing I lack is manpower. I have enough time here in Tokyo, and I will return to Beijing tomorrow. If I have time, I will go to Meituo Lake to meet these ghosts and monsters, and see which one is not satisfied."

"Your Majesty..." Seeing that my aunt was getting tired of coming over again, Yu Lu said softly, "This is the hero who sees the world with tigers. We grassland women can't stand such a hero. Compared with Your Majesty, Xiao Shilu is as good as he is. Not a man."

Shao Shude didn't push her away this time, because this flattery really tickled his itch.

(End of this chapter)

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