On the tenth day of June, Shengjia left Jinyang and went south.

Stopped for a while while passing through Luzhou.

After the change of banner in Hedong, there was a sudden turmoil and chaos.It reached Shuozhou in the north, Luzhou in the south, Shizhou in the west, and Liaozhou in the east. The rebels went on and on and continued.

Zhang Wanjin of Luzhou rebelled against the city, and was finally wiped out by the surrendered Hedong soldiers.For this ending, Zhang Wanjin probably couldn't let go of it until his death. His own people beat his own people, and he died aggrieved.

Zelu and Lu prefectures are full of people who speak Kanxi accents.

This blame is mainly carried by Li Hanzhi.

Shao Shude once remembered that this guy and Zhang Quanyi had made an oath to form an alliance to deal with Sun Ru.Helpless, the combat effectiveness is too poor. From Guangzhou to Ruzhou, from Luoyang to Heyang, they were chased into the sky and into the ground, and they were in a panic.

After Sun Ru left, Zhang Quanyi took refuge in Zhu Quanzhong, Li Hanzhi took refuge in Li Keyong, and each settled down.

But these two brothers have completely different styles.

Zhang Quanyi recruited exiles in Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou, shared the land and granted land, and ruled the people with military law. Within two years, farming and mulberry gradually recovered.According to Li Hanzhi's two prefectures of Heyang, he tossed the already small population so much that Zhang Quanyi had to provide food and grass for the war.

It was inevitable that the two would part ways.

The people in Ze, Lu, Jin, and Jiang prefectures hated Li Hanzhi deeply.This guy's methods of harming people are top-notch. Once a mouse in Luzhou was fired for a high price of [-] yuan, which shows the hardship of the people.

After Li Hanzhi's death, Li Keyong took over the two places.

Of course, his governance ability is much better than Li Hanzhi's, but as a frontline military state, he has been exhausted for many years.

This is the helplessness brought about by the current situation.

The surviving people in the sixteen counties of Zelu Erzhou are all fierce and cruel, and they don't look like good people. Even bandits and bandits lose a little of their desperation.

In ancient times, when recruiting soldiers, generals like to recruit some desperadoes as frontmen or personal soldiers to deter ordinary soldiers.It can be seen that the desperadoes themselves are relatively rare.But in Zelu, there used to be desperadoes everywhere, so you don’t need to pick them deliberately. If you go to the village and pick them up, you are sure to bring back all of them.

Now, after the arrival of a large number of Kansai immigrants, the aura of arrogance has been slightly diluted, and at the same time, these two places have become the basic base of the new dynasty without making a fuss.

So, we can see a scene: where the holy car went, the people cheered enthusiastically-nonsense, you are allotted land, can you not be happy?

Shao Shude was riding on a horse. His four-wheeled carriage could not pass through some roads in the mountains, and he had already been transported back to Luoyang by boat via Yongji Canal.

At this time, I was very happy to see the people's support from the heart, and said: "Zelu has such a scene, and after a few years of development, it will be no different from Heyang, Shanguo, and Zhengzhou."

"Your Majesty, Luzhou was originally depleted of material resources and people's lives were in dire straits. This situation was due to the dedicated efforts of the officials. Don't drive Guo Chongtao, practice strict economy, encourage farming and mulberry, the wounds are gradually healed, and the treasury is full. It is really a capable official." Chen Cheng said from the side.

Shao Shude glanced at him, and said strangely: "Chen Qing has never recommended someone like this before."

In fact, Chen Cheng rarely recommends talents.Even if there was, it would not be so direct, so Shao Shude was very surprised, what kind of medicine did he take wrongly today, I don't know if the effect is not very good?

"It's the prime minister's job to recommend talented people," Chen Cheng said.

Shao Shude was silent for a while, and asked: "How is Guo Chongtao's character?"

"According to my observation, this person is not greedy for money, and loves the people, but he is a bit headstrong." Chen Cheng said.

"Let him be the governor of Luzhou first." Shao Shude said: "If he is still so narrow-minded in the future, then stop here."

"Yes." Chen Cheng replied.

Shao Shude looked at Chen Cheng's white hair and sighed secretly.

Guo Chongtao is over 40 years old, can he really get rid of his narrow-mindedness?If it wasn't for Chen Cheng's face today, he would not agree.

Of course, it was not entirely out of Chen Cheng's face.

In fact, the literati of the Hedong Department hadn't been appointed much yet, so promoting Guo Chongtao was considered a need for the United Front and gave Jin people some hope.

From now on, he will also observe Guo Chongtao's conduct and governance measures.If he can change his mind, he will be transferred to Liaodong, Western Regions or Wuguan to serve as a Taoist official.

The situation in these frontier areas is complicated, and neither civilian officials nor military personnel can manage it alone.It is best to be of the generation who allow Wen Wen and Wu Wu, so that it is possible to hold back.

Some people may think that the generation with both civil and military skills is a great threat to the royal family.This is a fact, undeniable.

But they are really convenient to use.

Familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, you will be able to govern the civil affairs, understand the people's conditions, and have various means.

Being able to control the army, go out hunting with the generals, enhance the relationship, and command the battle when necessary, the level is not low.

Since the Northern Dynasties, there have been many such people. Pure literati who can only solve problems, do not understand martial arts, and cannot manage the army cannot climb to high positions.

From the perspective of purely stabilizing the country, it is best to appoint a large number of literati who can only read.They lack the ability of "wu", even if the military power is handed over to them, they will not pose too much threat.Because they did not get the real recognition and respect of the warriors, the reason why they were able to command the army was entirely based on the endorsement of the imperial power, and they did not pose much threat to the Tian family.

It's hard to say for a generation with both civil and military skills.Being a general and a prime minister, he can do anything, which poses a greater threat to the imperial power.

But Shao Shude was naturally not so stingy.

When he was alive, he didn't worry about someone's successful rebellion at all.If Erlang succeeds in the future, he doesn't think anyone can successfully rebel.

Two generations later, the system and atmosphere have changed drastically, and people like Gao Pian and Guo Chongtao will not get the chance to play their role, and can only serve the court honestly.

As for the later period of the dynasty?What are you doing so far away?Do you still want to live in the world for thousands of years?
Once you really have this idea, then what you do will be out of shape.Every founding emperor confidently believed that the dynasty he created was different, and that the country would be very long, and then began to painstakingly design various systems and policies, thinking that it would be difficult forever, and that would only be counterproductive.

Taking a [-]-step back, your policies can really work, so what?The world is big, you raise people like pigs, and imprison talents in cages, what about other countries?When the time comes, people will push you over when they see your ineffective appearance, can you resist it?
He remembered that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Japan sent spies all over China's provinces and came to a conclusion: not only the officials of the Qing Dynasty were corrupt, but the whole people were corrupt, and they were vulnerable to a single blow.

The corruption of the whole people refers not only to the corruption of money, but also to the corruption of all aspects such as physique, martial arts, thought, and art.In short, it's not on the same level anymore.

The Ze of a Gentleman, beheaded for five lifetimes, don't think too much.Anyway, my blood will be scattered everywhere in the future, so I am afraid that there will be no pig's head meat to eat?

On the first day of July, Shengjia left the mountains of Zelu and arrived in Huaizhou, Zhili Road.

Mengzhou and Huaizhou, because of the relationship between Sun Ru and Li Hanzhi, used to be a piece of white land, but after more than ten years of immigration and construction, they have become the bases of Kansai people.

Here, Shao Shude focused on inspecting the construction of water conservancy projects in the west section of Yongji Canal.

"In the Battle of Huaizhou, the soldiers pursued Pang Shigu. When it rained heavily, the soldiers rolled in the mud, which was extremely difficult." Shao Shude was full of emotion, and said: "But the mud in those days has now become ten thousand hectares of fertile land. There is also a canal leading to the Yellow River, a good place."

Hanoi County, can it be bad?

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the registered permanent residence of Hanoi surpassed that of Hedong.

In Tang Dynasty, Hedong surpassed Hanoi.

In the Xia Dynasty, Hanoi might surpass Hedong again.

The development of a place is closely related to policies, and the core sites will always receive various preferential treatment.

"Your Majesty, after years of treatment in the western section of Yongji Canal, the navigation conditions have been greatly improved." Zhao Guangfeng, the servant of the door, pointed to the front and said.

There is Qinshui, with sails dotted on the river, and they are transporting non-stop around the clock, transporting the "Heyang wheat" that has become a brand into Beijing.

On the west bank of Qinshui, ditches are densely packed like spider webs, sending gurgling water into the fields.

And in the endless fields, the heavy ears of wheat have already been dyed golden.In more than a month, the wheat in the field can be harvested.

On the east bank of Qinshui, a farm boy, Lang, was riding a horse and patrolling the fields.

Talk and laugh softly when meeting peers of similar age.

When they met a little lady carrying a fruit basket, they deliberately speeded up their horses to compete with each other.

As far as the common people are concerned, they would rather raise cattle than horses, because cattle have greater economic value and are easier to care for.But if life is not so embarrassing and there is a certain amount of spare time, it is not unacceptable to raise a horse.

"In the past, when you talked about people's lives in Shangshu, I would be skeptical." Shao Shude suddenly smiled and said, "But along the way, I found that many people have at least one horse. I believe it eighty percent. If the livelihood is difficult, the first The thing is to sell the useless and troublesome horse. Even the mule is more useful to the farmer than the horse."

Chen Cheng, Zhao Guangfeng and others laughed when they heard this.

It is really not easy to fool a saint.He has too much life experience, can speculate the whole picture from the details, and make his own judgment.

Chen Cheng still remembers that the sage once said that the recovery of the rural winemaking industry is a sign of the recovery and even prosperity of the people in this country.Think about it carefully, quite reasonable.

If it is an emperor who has been raised in the deep palace all year round, can he judge the lives of the people through various clues?

He can't, because he has no life experience, and officials don't even need to bother to fake it, and things may not be obvious to him when they are put in front of him.

Those who are not officials in prefectures and counties cannot be prime ministers.

The emperor who does not understand the feelings of the people can only play tricks.

Today there is no need to play tricks, and he generally does not play tricks, he is so straightforward, standing there, he can tell one, two, three, he really understands.

"Song Shilang has ruled Heyang for many years, and now he sees all this, so he should be very pleased." Shao Shude turned his head and looked south.

Song Le is also getting old, so he stays at home sick from time to time.

Shao Shude sighed, asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and wrote on the spot: "Song Le, the Minister of Zhongshu... persuades farmers to pay more attention to grain to prepare for famine, trains soldiers to prevent bandits and robbers. But practice frugality, and the government is not burdensome. If we save on banquets and entertainment, we will support the military supplies, and if we don’t pay the leftovers, we will use all the funds for public use, so that the exhausted will gradually rest and the treasury will be filled. To reduce my worries and diligence, to ease my worries...It is appropriate to add [-] households in the town of food."

After finishing writing, he got on his horse and said, "Go home."

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