Chapter 1449 Welcome
On the ninth day of the seventh month of the tenth year of Jianji, Luoyang Beibai Simaban was sunny.

Liu Yin was freed from labor.

There are many gardens in Shendu Garden, and many fruit trees are planted.Poor him, the majestic military governor of the Qing Dynasty, the first thing he did after he arrived at Shendu Garden was to play a guest role as a fruit farmer.Think about it carefully, sadness comes from it.

Now he doesn't think about it anymore, he let me go quickly, just be an ordinary Luoyang citizen, don't expect anything else, alas.

"Finally, I saw something to look forward to." Liu Tai walked over, not disliking the dirt on the ground, sat down directly, took out a piece of mustache from the bag, handed it to the eldest brother, and said: "Didn't the palace supervisor say that, After the sage returns to Luoyang, he will pardon us, and maybe give us an official."

"It has been ten years since Daxia established the country, how can there still be so many official vacancies?" Liu Yin shook his head and said, "Even if there are, they are still low-level officials of the eighth or ninth rank, which is not very interesting."

"Brother, it's not bad to have an eighth-rank official. There are a lot of people, sister-in-law, nephew, and niece. How can they support themselves without being an official?" Liu Tai asked.

Liu Yin was also a little tangled after hearing this.

He gave the court hundreds of thousands of coins, hundreds of thousands of pieces of silk, and various goods at home and abroad.
Liu Tai observed his elder brother's expression while eating the Hubing.

In fact, the palace supervisor Wang Chan had already said veiledly that the sage would reward them with their mansions and give them some small officials to do something about.Perhaps part of the confiscated family property can be returned, provided that you are honest and don’t speak strange words or blame others, otherwise no one will be able to protect you.

Fortunately, Liu Yin nodded after hearing this, and said: "The past is over, so we really shouldn't worry about it too much. Alas, I'm still a warrior anyway, and I don't care if I lose face. For the rest of my life, let's make do with it."

"Exactly." Liu Tai said happily: "In ancient times, the lords of the heroic conjectures caught the princes who surrendered, and often killed them all. Today, they basically leave a life, and even make people live a decent life."

If there is no beautiful woman in the family, Liu Tai silently added in his heart.

"It's hard to be decent. It's not easy to live in Luoyang." Liu Yin smiled wryly, and said, "Many officials still rent houses. Don't even think about sending people like us."

In the early Tang Dynasty, houses in Chang'an were in short supply.The prime minister still lives in a house provided by the government, and ordinary officials rent a lot of houses, even worse than ordinary people-many people in Chang'an have houses passed down from their ancestors, but the neighbors of the fifth-rank officials next door are renting houses.

Luoyang in the Xia Dynasty was similar.

The imperial court once issued the "Xu Gai Yu Yu Edict", which mobilized the people to clean up the ruins of Luoyang and build a number of houses.But that was many years ago. At least two-thirds of Luoyang's area was still in ruins and overgrown with weeds, which is not comparable to what it is today.

Although Liu Yin doesn't know what "historical opportunity" is, he also knows that there is no reason for this store after passing this village.The people who came early had houses, and the location and location were not bad, but the generals who came late did not necessarily have houses.

"Brother, you brought millions of money and silk for the court, why do you end up here." Liu Tai laughed.

Liu Yin also laughed.

If the court has a conscience, it will give him a "commission", if not, you have nothing to say.

However, it should be positive.If they are pardoned, they will send someone back to Guangzhou to take a look and focus on the matter of eating horses.If this is accomplished, rewards will definitely be indispensable.

Having said that, the two brothers were speechless, and concentrated on eating the pancakes with their heads down.

Liu Yin was also hungry, so he finished eating quickly and burped loudly, causing people nearby to turn their heads to look at each other.

He smiled awkwardly.

They were all ex-vassals, or at least their sons and nephews.

Qian Chuanguan, the son of Qian Liu, was a Gongsheng of the former Guozijian, and now he is the Chancellor of the Pingzhun Department of Taifu Temple.

Li Keyong's younger brother, Li Kerou, was ordered by the eunuch of Guanglu Temple.

A little further away, you can also see Wang Shiyue, Wang Shifan's younger brother, who is a judge of Dali Temple.

A group of Wang Shenzhi's nephews also came...

Damn, to what extent will Shao Shude's vanity inflate when he sees this kind of scene?
Ten years after the founding of his dynasty, all the princes entered the dynasty and bowed their heads to obey orders.

The small countries of the Fanbang were also cut off one by one, and the chieftains danced and danced.

At this point in life, there is nothing else to ask for, right?If it were me, I could build a Tongque Terrace, drink wine and beauties all day long, and then send people out to search for immortals and medicines. Life should not be too comfortable.

It's a pity, I don't want to live such a comfortable life today, and I have to blame myself.

But then again, maybe only someone as persistent as him can create such a big career.

Recalling what he saw and heard along the way, Liu Yin was very impressed.In this world, someone had to come out to clean up the mess, otherwise he doubted whether his sons would be able to stabilize the foundation after his death, and maybe it would only be passed on to the brothers in the end.Just like that, there is no telling what the end will be, alas.

"Come, come!" A Taichang official rode past, shouting all the way.

Brother Liu Yin got up immediately, dusted off the dust, and looked solemn.

"Long live my emperor!" As soon as the holy car appeared, the drums and music blared, and the officials and guards fell to the ground one after another.

Shao Shude and the queen got off the carriage and accepted the worship of the crowd.

"Long live my emperor!" The shouts spread all the way to Beiman Mountain in the distance, and thousands of people fell to the ground in unison. The scene was extremely shocking.

Shao Shude felt it quietly, his heart was surging.

This is where power is intoxicating.

He spent 30 years fighting for the world with a knife and a gun. When the officials who bowed to the ground shouted "Long live", their true feelings should be a little bit more.

How could such a country be willing to leave, how could he be willing to let go so easily?

"Sir, please get up quickly." After a short period of swelling, Shao Shude quickly came to his senses, stepped forward quickly, and helped Zhongshu servant Song Le up.

"Your Majesty is finally back." Song Le said with a smile: "The old man is really looking forward to it, and sends people to Heyang Ferry to visit every day."

Only Song Le can say such witty words.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, took Song Le's hand and moved forward.

Most of those staying in Luoyang were middle and low-level officials.Shao Shude looked over one by one and found many new faces.

Feeling Song Le's thin hand like a dead tree, I felt emotional again: Great Xia has been established for ten years, and the replacement of the old and the new is also progressing steadily. Each generation has a mission, and if it succeeds, it will retreat. The following We must rely on the wisdom of future generations.

"Everyone get up." Shao Shude raised his hands and said, "I'm fortunate that the civil and military officials in Luoyang, as well as Chinese and foreign deacons, have all respected their duties in the northern capital. I am very relieved. It is the same as usual, and the rewards are poor."

After the words were finished, the guards conveyed them one by one.

In an instant, the cheers reappeared: "Thank you, Your Majesty Long En."

Shao Shude smiled and pulled Song Le into the carriage.

Song Le made some excuses, then agreed.It is a great honor to ride in the same car with the empress, and it is also an affirmation of his achievements.

Others have seen it, and naturally have their own opinions in their hearts: a saint, after all, is a person who values ​​love and sex.Yuan Cong's elders have official titles and wealth, as well as the extra favors they get inadvertently, and new investors also have meeting gifts.Working under my subordinates today is comfortable, comfortable and comfortable.

Shengjia left Baisi Maban and walked south slowly along the first-class national highway.

Shao Shude was a little moved when he heard the sound of "Long Live" still coming from outside the window.

Those were the common people who came after hearing the news, and were stopped far away by the guards. They still remembered the kindness that Shao Sheng bestowed on the garden and fields back then, and they were also excited for the emperor who came from Kansai.

A careful comparison shows that although the Beiping Mansion also vigorously relocated the people of Kansai to the past, the foundation is still shallow after all.Regarding this point, Shao Shude hadn't felt much at first, but when he returned to Henan Mansion, he felt a clear gap in the overwhelming enthusiasm.

This is the real basic disk!

"In the past, I personally commanded the attack on Luoyang. The army built the city at Baisi Maban, which cut off the connection between Luoyang and the southern city of Heyang. This was the winner. In that battle, the Liang people fought stubbornly. Huo Cun, Huo Yanwei and his son both died in battle. Heyang, Gongxian, Heyin, Sishui and other places are almost a piece of white land." Shao Shude opened the curtain, looked at the flat farmland, orchard, and pasture outside, and said: "More than ten years have passed, and seeing the scars gradually recovering, The people are at peace, and suddenly feel that everything is worth it.”

"Zhu Liangcheng is His Majesty's most formidable opponent." Song Le agreed, and then asked: "Your Majesty, fortunately, the Northern Capital has changed a lot in the past few years, and the Eastern Capital has also changed a lot. Do you want to inspect it?"

Shao Shude was a little moved, and Xuan said again: "Go back to Ziwei City first, and rest for a few days before talking about it."

He was indeed tired, not physically but mentally.

When he returned to Luoyang, he suddenly realized that when he was outside, his nerves were always tense.

He never felt that he was under any pressure, as if no matter how serious and difficult things were, he could deal with them calmly and calmly.But at this moment, he faintly felt that it wasn't that there was no pressure, but that he had firmly suppressed these negative emotions in his heart, and there was still a little bit of uneasiness in his subconscious, which made him sleep less comfortably and live less comfortably. Even if there are familiar people around.

At the meeting in Meituo Lake, I was talking and laughing with so many savage leaders. Are you really not worried?
During Longquan Mansion, news of rebellion was everywhere, isn't it bothersome?

Even when I was in Beiping Mansion, I always felt that the Yan people were still ruthless and ready to move.

He knew that he thought too much, did too much, and worried too much. Even though he was not hunting and fishing, or venting on women, he seemed to be enjoying himself, but he couldn't really relax.

No wonder the king won't leave his lair easily after he conquers the world. No lair is comfortable anywhere.When the mind is relaxed, the life expectancy can be longer.

On the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, Shengjia entered the city through the upper east gate in the midst of everyone's attention.

Even with sergeants maintaining order, the streets and alleys of Luoyang were still crowded.

Almost all the yamen servants in Luoyang and Henan counties went into battle, and with the cooperation of the state soldiers, they cleared a road.

The carriage slowly drove through Tianjie, entered Ziwei City, and finally stopped outside Taoguang Garden.

After leaving Beijing for several years, I finally came back.

(End of this chapter)

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