Chapter 152 Two Ways ([-])

Wenchi County, during the Northern Wei Dynasty, was Bogulucang City, hoarding grain, horse fodder, and equipment to prepare soldiers.

This place is about 160 miles southwest of Yanzhou.Cangcheng has been abandoned, there is not half a grain of grain in it, the county seat is still there, originally there were hundreds of soldiers, and thousands of civilians were temporarily conscripted, and there are currently [-] soldiers in total.

Mu Zang Jieming, the deputy envoy of the Yi Cong Army, was the first general of the Ding Nan Army to arrive at the city.He has more than [-] soldiers on hand, all of whom are soldiers brought from the mountains, from all tribes, and their morale is very high.Before Feng Yin went to Hengshan to select soldiers, he sent a lot of ordnance to the Yeli Department and the No Zang Department, so the equipment of the Yi Cong Army is now better.

"Send someone to shout." Mei Zang Jieming glanced at a shogunate envoy who was following him, and ordered to his subordinates.

Soon, more than a dozen Dangxiang sergeants who spoke Chinese fluently stepped forward and shouted loudly: "A teacher of benevolence and righteousness will not insult women, will not kill innocent people, will not plunder property, and will not commit any crime in the past autumn. To disobey, the first arrow will require the officials to go out to meet them, the second arrow will require the gentry to surrender, and the third arrow will require the soldiers to abandon their weapons. If the city gates are closed tightly and they do not surrender, all officials and generals will be slaughtered on the day they break through. Do not stay."

The people on the top of the city looked at each other after hearing this.Of course they knew that outside the city were the envoys from the East camp, the envoy of the Dingnan army, and the king of Lingwu County, but what happened to the party members in Yishui?Could it be a fake?
"General Zhang..." The sergeants all turned their attention to Zhang Dao, the lieutenant general defending the city.

"Those who dare to surrender will be killed immediately! Han Liu will treat me with the kindness of knowing you, and today is the time to repay the kindness." Zhang Dao led his own soldiers with a fierce expression on his face. Dare to speak out.

"Whoosh!" The first arrow shot out of the city.

Zhang Dao stared fiercely at his sergeants, and said, "Prepare for battle!"

The second and third arrows were shot out one after the other.

"There will be reinforcements coming from Lingzhou, everyone, don't worry." Zhang Dao continued to boost morale, saying: "If they don't come, you can come and take the head of this general."

After the three arrows were shot, the gates of Wenchi County were closed tightly, and the city leaders were coming and going. This was determined not to surrender.

Wu Zang Jieming's face turned livid.The commander-in-chief ordered the nearest rebel army to capture Wenchi County to clear the way for the army. He didn't want to make any trouble.

"Siege the city!" Muzang Jieming ordered.

Party members also have the ability to attack cities.There were several times of chaos in the country, and most of the states and counties fell.Especially for the Hengshan Dangxiang, which mainly focuses on farming, if they want to go down the mountain to plunder, if they can't break through the forts or prefectural and county cities, then they are doomed to have limited gains.

Wuzang Jieming selected more than [-] people, divided them into two teams, and pushed the ladder up.Wenchi County is not high, and there is no moat. The difficulty of attacking is much smaller than that of big cities like Yuzhou and Suizhou, let alone the perverted Xiazhou City.

The ladders were made in Xiazhou, and there were not many of them. The Yi Congjun only got two.With big wood as the bottom, a large wheel is placed on the bottom, two ladders are erected on the top, and a rotating shaft is placed in the middle.The four sides of the car are shielded by raw cowhide, and the inside is pushed by people to reach the city. Then the ladder is lifted on the ladder to see the city, so it is called the ladder.

To put it simply, if the general decides to attack the city with ants, then he will dispatch a ladder car.There are six wooden wheels under the car. The outer layer is anti-arrow and fire-proof. The inner layer can stand people. These people push the ladder car forward.The upper part of the car is a foldable two-tier ladder, which is connected by a rotating shaft. When it is opened, the two ladders can be fully released. There is a hook at the front end of the ladder for hooking the city wall.

As for the ones in the movie that go up directly with a ladder on their shoulders, there are indeed, but they are too simple and not very responsible for the lives of soldiers.It is easy to be burned by the defenders, and it is also easy to be pushed down.Generally speaking, warlords with territory and the ability to manufacture ordnance will build such equipment, otherwise the big soldiers will feel unhappy, and mutiny before the battle will be miserable.

Two ladder cars slowly marched down the city.It can be seen that Wenchi County does not have strong troops guarding it, and the preparations are not very sufficient, but it is really courageous to actually plan to defend it like this.

"Kill!" Dozens of Kunfa mountain people rushed out from under the ladder car, with hideous expressions on their faces, and climbed up with their equipment.

Arrows rained down from the city's head.The shield hand rushing to the front desperately grabbed the edge of the ladder, leaning forward to counteract the impact of the arrow.Behind them, some mountain people who were not covered were shot, screaming and rolling down the ladder.At this height, it is not necessarily possible to fall to death, but there are still archers defending the city, and the survival rate lying on the ground is worrying.

"Kill!" The ladder cart kept shaking, it was the defenders trying to push the cart out.However, it is easy to expose the figure, so the defenders are constantly being shot by the rebel archers under the city, screaming again and again.

The mountain people who climbed the ladder in the first wave were all casualties before halfway through.But they also succeeded in attracting the defenders at the top of the city to expose, because whether it was pushing and chopping ladders, burning oil with fire, or stabbing with spears, it was inevitable that the upper body would be exposed.Wuzang Jieming specially selected [-] hunters with excellent archery skills to shoot at the exposed defenders.The city wall of Wenchi is not high, and the effect is not bad.

The second wave of mountain people rushed up without waiting for a moment.The rain of arrows was still fierce, and people kept screaming and falling down. The people behind lost their temper and no longer cared whether the shields were tightly covered. They just wanted to rush to the top of the wall and fight hard.

"Kill!" The first mountain folk who rushed near the top of the city didn't have time to be happy. The knife in his hand just swung halfway, and then hung down feebly.There were too many people at the top of the city, almost seven or eight spears pierced him in an instant.

The people behind ignored it and continued to rush upwards.It's all come to this point, if you go back, you will die, it's better to go up and fight, even if you are dying.

"Ah!" There was hot water pouring down from the top of the city, and the armor on his body couldn't resist it at all. The scalding hot water flowed to the body along the gaps. Even with the buffer of military uniforms, it still made many people scream.What's more, the one who had been poured over his head and face was so solid that he almost didn't have a good piece of meat on his body, and fell off the ladder in an instant.

Of course, they were not the worst. Some people were covered in fire and jumped directly from the ladder, rolling all over the ground trying to put out the flames on their bodies.There was no one around to help him, and the archers focused on shooting at the defenders at the top of the city. They didn't even have time to pay attention to the enemy's arrows.

"Kill!" A Kunfa mountain man in full armor rushed to the top of the city, relying on the protection on his body, roared and rushed forward.The big ax in his hand kept waving, killing and wounding every time he touched it, this man turned out to be a natural supernatural power.

"Uh..." As soon as he split a defender with a big axe, an arrow shot him in the throat.

Seven or eight defenders swarmed up, slashing down with knives and axes, and killed him on the spot.Soon, heads were thrown down to weaken the morale of the attacking side.

To be able to wear armor all over and be so brave, he must not be an ordinary mountain dweller!
Wuzang Jieming stared at the offensive and defensive battle near the city wall with a livid face. More than 200 people were filled in before and after, and it was only the first time they touched the city, but they were quickly driven down again, and a tribal leader died.

This siege battle is indeed cruel!
He remembered the battle of Zhaojue Temple that Judge Chen had told him before, Ma Lin Ma Taiwei went straight into the army, won the cards on both sides, and drove left and right, shaking the bandit army's position.At that time, I was quite fascinated and felt my heart was surging, but now I saw the cruel siege battle, and I realized again: If a peerless warrior like Ma Taiwei is allowed to attack the city with ants, I am afraid that he will also be angry on the spot. The biggest reason why the Marshal has always avoided attacking the city.

"Continue to attack! Dubao, lead someone to attack!" Wu Zang Jieming ordered.We have already reached this point, if the attack fails and the troops retreat, it will hurt morale.Moreover, he can see that the defenders are not strong, they should be soldiers from the county and town, and there are also a lot of civilians mixed in. If you work harder at this time, you might be able to take it down!
Wu Zangdu secured 200 people, and after a brief mobilization, he rushed up with a murderous look.

The party members at this time are indeed not as good at fighting as the later generations of Xixia.But they live together in a tribal form, with high internal cohesion. "When there is a battle, they will help each other with evil, pass arrows to each other, and they will follow like a stream", and they have the "bravery" common to barbarians all over the world, otherwise they would not It will be described by Du Mu as "born with the hostility of heaven and earth".

If they can be restrained and trained according to the Chinese law, and equipped with excellent weapons and equipment, they can indeed be called a powerful force when the first generation is not corrupted.This is like the Huangtai Jina Society of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties who conquered the Saurons every year and captured fish skin tartars to serve as dead soldiers.Those people were savage and fierce enough. Huang Taiji, armed with [-] Banners, did not dare to fight head-on against the [-] Saurons who had no armor and only had wooden spears and bows, which showed their combat effectiveness.

Wuzang Dubao is the leader of a branch of the Wuzang clan. The whole clan lives in hardship, but has also developed a habit of brutality.At this time, many elite defenders at the top of the city were killed and injured, and most of the boiling water, hot oil, torches, falling rocks, etc. were also consumed. When they were rushed by the 200 people from Wuzang Dubao, they were in a hurry.

On the top of the city, Zhang Dao repeatedly shot and killed seven or eight brave mountain people, choking his offensive.But soon, the mountain people rushed up again desperately, threw spears, knives and axes flew wildly, and opened a hole in the top of the city.

Zhang Dao's personal soldiers stepped forward desperately, more than a dozen people stabbed straight with spears, the mountain people didn't care, threw the spears in their hands, and after creating chaos, they rushed over with roars.

"Puff! Puff!" The spear pierced his stomach, and the mountain folk who rushed to the front screamed and fell down.But more and more people climbed up, and the city was almost crowded with people, and they couldn't use their spears. Change lives.

Wu Zang Dubao's face was covered with blood. He desperately hugged a defender officer, and the two sides were fighting on the ground.Throat choking, ear biting, eye piercing, forehead bumping, and so on.

There was also the murderous one, holding a knife and ax and slashing with a knife, almost smashing the opponent's head to pieces.

The brutal fight lasted for a long time, and the people in the city couldn't take it anymore.They were either businessmen or farmers who had never seen such a brutal fight. After resisting for a while, they collapsed.

Zhang Dao led his own soldiers to kill several people, but they couldn't stop them at all.He only has [-] county town soldiers. In order to defend the city, he put these people at the forefront.After the Dangxiang Mountain people rushed to the top of the city, these county soldiers stopped them immediately. At this time, the casualties were heavy, and even if the people ran away, they couldn't resist the enemy.This city is basically broken!
Under the city, Wuzang Jieming led a large group of people and marched towards the gate of the city.There are no arrows at the top of the city to stop them. After reaching the gate of the city, if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of killing behind the gate.The last strength of the defenders should have gathered near the gate of the city, but it was useless. They had too few soldiers to stop them at all.

"Why don't these people surrender? Hundreds of first-class soldiers from the state, relying on the strength of the people, dare to fight against my [-] army?" Wu Zang Jieming couldn't figure out this question.

Perhaps, Huang Chao didn't figure it out either. He brought 6 or [-] troops to attack Chenzhou, which has few troops. Why didn't they surrender?There are so many incomprehensible things in this world.

Not far away was a charred corpse.The flames had already been extinguished, and the body of the deceased was scorched black. His fingers and toes were fused together, and his stomach was ruptured. He could faintly see the blackened intestines.

I couldn't tell which side the sergeant was from, but it didn't matter.The siege of Wenchi County made the young Meizang Jieming see the cruelest side of war.

In the battle against Tuoba Sigong in Youzhou, if the city was forcibly attacked, the scene would probably be several times more tragic than this one, right?

The city gate creaked and was opened from the inside. The sergeants cheered and geared up, ready to rush in and kill.

"There is no deputy envoy, restrain the soldiers." The shogunate envoy rushed to his side, and said softly: "Only punish officials and generals, and don't harm the common people."

"You!" Wu Zang Jieming didn't expect this guy to come and say this.After watching the battle for a long time, don't you know how many people we died?Saying this at this time, aren't you afraid of death?

"I didn't hide the deputy envoy, so this is for your own good. If you indulge the sergeant, the king will be furious when he hears about it." The envoy didn't say much, and directly pointed out the consequences.

"Your Majesty is here to punish the people. If you do something like looting and massacring the people, what will outsiders think?" Having said this, the envoy lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty has great ambitions and has a bright future. My sister is very happy." Being favored by the king, if you give birth to an heir, it will definitely be very expensive if you don’t have a collector in the future, how can you lose the big because of the small? The general should check it out.”

Wu Zang Jieming was thoughtful.

 Yesterday, the two alliance leaders, both in pain and joy, finally made up their debts.

(End of this chapter)

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