Chapter 153 Two Ways (Part [-])

"You guys are moving too slowly, and General Zhe is a little upset. If you continue to behave like this in the future, you might as well go back to the mountains." On the east bank of the Yellow River, the cavalry army was riding Li Shaorong on horseback, facing a large group of Yi who were in a hurry. Said the sergeants.

Most of the Dangxiang sergeants could not understand Li Shaorong's words.However, judging from his expression, he knew that he probably didn't like it very much. A few people who believed in their bravery stepped forward, intending to teach this small cavalry school a lesson.They are treated well and equipped well, which makes the "second-class citizens" Yi Congjun envious, and the army has accumulated a lot of anger—or jealousy.

"Stop!" Ye Li Yulue rode over from behind on a horse and scolded him in party language.

Li Shaorong also put away his arrogance, got off his horse, saluted and said: "Yeli Lijun."

Ye Liyu snorted slightly, and said, "Our army is all infantry, and we have to transfer supplies, so of course we can't go fast."

Mentioning this matter, Ye Li Yulue was annoyed for a while.The 8000 soldiers of the Volunteer Army were divided into two halves, and the [-] infantry were taken away by Muzang Jieming, who followed the main force of the commander-in-chief. Command, take a detour to the north.

But Zhe Siyu was really outrageous. He directly took away the two thousand prairie cavalry under Yeli Yulue (commanded by Wei Mengbao), and together with the iron cavalry, the five thousand cavalry went northwest like a gust of wind, and then Crossed the river quietly and reached the west of the river.

As for Yeli Yulue, he was forced to be thrown to the east.With [-] infantry, they supervised the [-] Party Masters conscripted by Youzhou, camels and carriages, and marched towards the Yellow River ferry carrying a large amount of supplies.

This fellow Li Shaorong, who was left behind by the Cavalry Army at the Yellow River Ferry, even ran over to taunt them for their slow movements, which is really too much.

"Where is General Zhe?" Ye Li Yulue stopped to take out some water and asked while eating and drinking.

"According to the news that came in a few days ago, it is between Dingyuan Army and Xinbao." Li Shaorong replied.

Dingyuan Military City is near today's Pingluo County.During the reign of Jinglong, Zhang Renyuan built a city with 7000 troops and 500 horses.In Xiantian, Guo Yuanzhen resumed building the city, sent 2000 soldiers, and later abandoned it.Later, it was set up again, and there were about [-] Dingyuan troops.

A hundred miles to the south of the Dingyuan Army is Huaiyuan County, which is Yinchuan in later generations. At this time, the Yellow River has not yet diverted to the east, and Huaiyuan County is on the west bank of the Yellow River.Forty miles northwest of the county, there is Qianjinbao, which was later renamed Xinbao. It is a warehouse city with many troops stationed there.After Han Lang rebelled, he distributed the food in the city to the troops, and when he heard that the Dingnan Army was marching westward, he withdrew his troops and horses back to Lingzhou.

The Dingyuan army did not follow Han Lang's general order to retreat south to Lingzhou, so it seems that they are not direct descendants.Therefore, after thousands of cavalrymen arrived here, they only sent someone to contact them, and then surrendered. It can be seen that Han and Kang cannot grasp the situation in Lingzhou as a whole.Shao Shude's black complaint should have had some effect. If Han Lang has a name and will take over as Shuofang Jiedu envoy, the Dingyuan Army will be ordered.

Huaiyuan County has a large population, about ten thousand people, almost no less than Lingzhou.This place is adjacent to the Yellow River in the east and ninety miles away from Helan Mountain in the west. The soil is flat and fertile, and it has the advantage of a salt pond.Liziyuan was built during the Helianbo period, and it was an important military town.During the Northern Zhou Dynasty, [-] households were immigrated here, and Huaiyuan County and County were set up.

With such a good place, it is no wonder that later generations of Xixia will move their capital here.The dense network of irrigation canals built in the Helianxia, ​​Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties led to more farmland development, and even a lot of rice was planted.Such a fortress in the south of the Yangtze River is indeed qualified to be the ruling center of a separatist regime.

"Why don't you go south?" Yeli Yulue asked, "If all the counties in Hexi are taken, only Lingzhou is left, can it be defended?"

"People from Hexi Dangxiang appeared in the local area, and General Zhe is planning to deal with them."

"I'm afraid you have already done it?" Ye Li Yulue asked.

"It should be so." Li Shaorong was a little fascinated, but also a little regretful.

On the gentle hillside, Zhe Siyu got on his horse, and the soldiers quickly unfurled the letter flag: attack!
A cavalry soldier on the left hillside suddenly moved. The horn-hand blew the first horn, and the flag-bearer also unfurled the signal flag to reply.

The sound of the second horn sounded, and the cavalry on the hillside began to form a formation, and the cavalry on the hillside also began to mount their horses.

The sound of the third horn sounded, and the cavalry in the left wing at the foot of the mountain began to canter on their horses, rushing towards the enemy directly in front.

A total of [-] cavalry were divided into left and right hatchbacks, with [-] on each side.

After the cavalrymen in the left wing were dispatched, it seemed as if there were continuous muffled thunder from the sky.Ten thousand horseshoes trampled on the flat grass, and at an increasing speed, they charged straight at the oncoming enemy cavalry.

The enemy only has a few hundred cavalry, and there are a large group of infantry behind them who are rushing to form.Looking at their hair accessories and attire, there is no doubt that this is the Hexi party item!

More than [-] cavalry from both sides quickly collided head-on, with arrows flying wildly, swords and spears intersecting each other, almost every moment someone fell off their horse, almost every moment someone screamed, but they were all drowned in the thunder that shook the sky. Is it the body or the voice.

The hundreds of enemy cavalry were like a piece of solid ice taken out of an ice cellar. After passing through the hot summer sun on the left side of the iron cavalry army, it quickly melted away, leaving only a pitiful small piece.

In the end, before they could turn their horses and turn back to fight again, the [-] riders on the right had charged down from the hillside with great momentum, quickly submerging them in the boundless sea.

The solid ice melted completely, and there was no trace of it anymore.

The party infantry were a little panicked, but the deadly battle of their own cavalry bought them time. They hurriedly set up their formations, like hedgehogs, holding their sharp spears in front, and their archers nervously holding their long arrows, waiting for the cavalry brigade to charge into the formation Moment.

But the left and right hatchbacks of the cavalry bypassed their strict formation and returned to the previous starting point.Some riders got off their horses to rest, appease the horses, and bandage the battle wounds, while some riders were still lined up on the side, ready to attack again at any time.

As a pure cavalry unit under the Dingnan Army, Shao Shude has only two requirements for them: [-]. Capture the enemy cavalry and destroy them as much as possible; [-]. Use mobility to constantly harass the enemy infantry or plunder Its logistics supply line.

Especially the second point, mobility, mobility or mobility.Shao Shude did not require them to charge into battle, to cooperate with the infantry in combat, or to cover their own troops. The only thing that Shao Shude asked them to do was to use their mobility to run for hundreds of miles, plunder the enemy's rear, rob the enemy's food and grass, and intercept and kill their messengers and scouts. , harassing its supply lines.

Cavalry is a soldier of clutches, so it is natural to maximize its mobility.Otherwise, what is the use of configuring one man and two horses for you?In the future, there may still be three horses with one man, isn't it just to let you serve the war with excellent mobility?

The enemy's infantry is elite and well formed, don't worry!Let it go!Eliminate their cavalry first, intercept messengers and scouts, and harass their supply lines.Then it is divided into three parts, one is resting, one is on standby, and the other is staring at the enemy infantry closely, with high-intensity harassment, preventing them from getting a good rest, eating well, and being nervous all day long, and accumulating advantages little by little.

As long as the enemy infantry has spare strength, don't take the initiative to attack and continue to harass.People are not made of iron, they will always be tired, flustered, and collapsed. That is when the cavalry reaps the final fruits.

"Keep an eye on them. If they set up camp, leave one to harass and monitor. The others find a place to rest, relax their horses, and check the horseshoes." Zhe Siyu ordered.

"Obey!" Naturally, there are soldiers and generals to assign such tasks.

The Dingyuan army has surrendered, and they have obtained some supplies of grain, beans and fodder.Although it is also possible to obtain these things by plundering the people, the commander-in-chief does not allow them, or when it is absolutely necessary, they are not allowed to distribute donations.

The western expedition to Lingzhou was not only about military affairs, but also about politics.

I don't know where this gang of Hexi party members came from. Could it be that they were invited by Han Lang and Kang Yuancheng to go south at this time?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where you come from, I will definitely eat you guys!
Zhe Siyu calculated the remaining supplies.The horse's appetite was astonishing. If it was not enough, he still had to go to the nearby villages to collect some food and grass, and rely on the part of the Dingyuan Army's reserves.It would be great if Yeli Yulue and others who were still on the east bank of the river could come as soon as possible, then their mobility would be more durable.

"General, those people are still standing there stupidly." A soldier came over and said with a smile.

"I won't be able to stand still for a while. It's already noon, and I have to rest." Zhe Siyu said: "Send people to expand the search area and check if there is a supply convoy. There are thousands of them, and there is not much luggage. It won't take long to eat, and we will definitely have to transport food, or go to Huaiyuan County to eat."

The competition of patience continued into the afternoon.Under the watchful eye of the Cavalry Army, the infantry of Hexi Dangxiang carefully rotated their formations, replacing some of them to the supply camp to rest and recover their strength.But their training was obviously not that strict. There was a small problem in the process, and the cavalry army caught the opportunity, bit off a small formation, beheaded more than two hundred people, and their morale was affected.

At Shenshi, the enemy finally couldn't bear it, and tried to dig trenches, camp and stop, and the formation was a little chaotic.

At this time, nearly five thousand cavalry cavalry from the left and right sides, one front and one rear, one left and one right, got on their horses, jogged, accelerated, and killed them like thunder.

It is now possible to achieve the greatest victory at the least cost.

 There will be a lot of things on Monday tomorrow, when will Chapter 2 be updated, depending on the time, it may be at night.

(End of this chapter)

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