Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1568 New Journey

Chapter 1568 New Journey

The army started training again, and Shao Shude went down to the farmland to check the growth of the wheat.

Because of the unique environment, the agricultural solar terms in Turpan are somewhat different from those in the Central Plains.

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, if winter wheat was not planted, spring sowing of wheat in Gaochang area generally began in early February (the lunar calendar, and early March in the Gregorian calendar, the same below), and harvested in late July.

Barley is sown in mid to late February and harvested in May and June.Immediately after the harvest, a season of miscellaneous grains, such as corn, millet, and sorghum, is planted, and the harvest is in September.

If winter wheat is planted, it is generally sown in October of the previous year and harvested in April of the following year.After harvesting, you can plant miscellaneous grains for another season.

With the passage of time, at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the planting and harvesting time has been delayed, and there is generally a one-month deviation from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty.

Generally speaking, the soil quality in Gaochang is good. If there is enough agricultural water for irrigation, the yield is still quite good. Overall, there is no problem in achieving three crops in two years, which is not inferior to Henan and Hebei.

Among all food crops, winter wheat has the highest yield.But because there is no snow in Gaochang winter, wheat is vulnerable to low temperature, and if wheat aphids are more severe that year, barley yields the highest.

In Gaochang, many fields were sown with winter wheat last year, and the harvest will be ready by the end of April.And wait until June, there is still barley to be harvested, spring wheat and miscellaneous grains will be harvested in August, and another wave of miscellaneous grains will be harvested in September.

The sown area of ​​the land has also expanded, with an increase of one or two hundred hectares. The military settlement run by the guards, winter wheat and miscellaneous grains can provide about [-] hu of grain, which can only be said to be better than nothing.

However, after a winter of last year's rectification, the area sown in spring this year has increased by more than [-] hectares, and in autumn, there will be more than [-] more military rations.

The foundation is being consolidated bit by bit, although the speed is really slow.

"These wheat and barley in Gaochang, I suspect that they are unique local varieties." Shao Shude looked at the eared wheat and said, "Sinong Temple can send people over to see if the planting area of ​​Dahe can be expanded. Some. Wheat is still very water-intensive, and some fields that lack irrigation may be used to grow large crops to increase grain production.”

Dahe is sorghum.

According to the "Guangzhi" by Guo Yigong of the Western Jin Dynasty, "Dahe, more than ten feet high, and its seeds are like small beans, came out of Sogdia." Sogdia is not the place of origin either. Sorghum originated in Africa and was introduced through the Silk Road.

The crops in the Turpan Basin have also been proved to be early-maturing varieties adapted to the local climate in later generations.It can only be said that the natural world is very wonderful. Even if you import very common and standard crops from the outside world, different branches may evolve after hundreds of years-compared with animals, plants mutate faster , and artificial breeding has accelerated this process.

"The minister complies with the order." The former secretary Lang and now the governor of Xizhou, Cui Yan, immediately responded.

The current secretary, Lang Cui Miao, also responded, and he had to draft an order for this matter, and communicate with Zhongshu official letters.

After being transferred to Secretary Lang, he has been observing silently for the past few months.

The lord of the world and the emperor who commanded an army of [-], he was busy with farming most of the time.It sounds weird, but it's true.

This is what the invincible commander who knows how to win war does.

He knows where the focus of each war is, and devotes a lot of energy and resources to it.The result of winning or losing is often half decided at this time.

"Gaochang, that's all it is." After inspecting the farmland, Shao Shude looked to the west with anticipation.

It should be said that he was lucky compared to the Kang, Yong, and Qian dynasties during the Qing Dynasty.

After the war, there were still more than 8 people in Illinois, and more than [-] people in Western States after the replenishment of immigrants.The number of household registrations was only at the level during the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty, and it was the result of Lin Zexu and Zuo Zongtang who led the people to overhaul Karez.

The supply conditions have improved a lot, meaning he can do more, which is an advantage that cannot be ignored.

The Anshi Rebellion, in a sense, was really a turning point in Chinese history.

This rebellion directly smashed the Huanghuang Dynasty into pieces, and it has not been cleared up for 1000 years since then.

Was the population of Liaodong in the late Qing Dynasty as large as that of Bohai?Far worse.

Was the population of the Northwest in the late Qing Dynasty as large as in the Gaochang Uyghur and Khotan eras?Also far worse.

Not to mention the huge changes in the spirit of the people.

The importance of reshaping the spirit is no less important than dominating the world on the surface.

The virtues of self-confidence, tolerance, and humility cannot be lost from the spiritual world of the Chinese nation.

It has only been more than 100 years since the Anshi Rebellion, and the various forces in the Central Plains, Grasslands, and Western Regions are still in a period of refractory, and everything can still be saved.

On the eighth day of March, Shao Shude summoned Master Li Sheng in the palace.

"It's time for the mage to leave." Shao Shude said, looking at the chubby monk.

Compared with a few months ago, the mage has become much richer, which makes people laugh and cry.

The emperor of the Central Plains came over, and his attitude towards the monks was not very good, but Master Li Sheng just ate well and slept well, and the Dharma was indeed profound.

Lian poured a bowl of tea for Master Li Sheng.

The mage was flattered, this is the Empress Dowager Gaochang, with a distinguished status, so he immediately stood up and thanked her.

Lian returned the salute and sat back beside Shao Shude.

Master Li Sheng glanced at Empress Dowager Lian's swollen belly, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, as if remembering what kind of person the emperor in front of her was.

This is a warrior who kills decisively and has no taboos!
Not satisfied with the unification of the Central Plains, he even sent troops to attack the four kingdoms of Khitan, Bohai, Changhe, and Gaochang, and now he has set his sights on the Great Uighur Kingdom.

"Where does Your Majesty want to go?" Master Li Sheng asked softly.

Shao Shude's eyes were a little erratic, as if he was recalling something.After a long time, he sighed and said, "I remembered an old friend."

"When he was in Lingzhou, he was the envoy of the Han family and came to my camp to beg for surrender." Shao Shude continued, "I don't remember some things clearly. But I still remember a word I said to him back then, mage Maybe it can be encouraged."

"Please show your Majesty." Master Li Sheng clasped his hands together and said.

"The bliss of the western sky, how could it be the land of Buddha..." Shao Shude said.

At that time, there was Longxing Temple in Lingzhou, and the abbot was a master of debate. He once went out of the city to be a lobbyist for Han Lang.

After Shao Shude seized Lingzhou, he gave Master Biancai two choices: [-]. Take the rich monks and go west with the trilogy; [-]. Go to the grassland to preach.This sentence is spoken against this background.

Master Biancai later chose to hand over Longxing Temple to his apprentice Zengren, and took a group of monks to Dijinze to preach the word, "dissolving the party's hostility", but he did not go west after all.

At this time Master Li Sheng heard this sentence, but he didn't react as much as Biancai, he just remained silent for a long time.

Shao Shude stopped looking at him and drank his tea leisurely.

Lian sat obediently by the side, thinking about things silently.

Her only son had been sent to Luoyang, but a new life was conceived in a 40-year-old body, and the feeling was so complicated that when she woke up in the middle of the night, it often felt unreal.

Montessori, who was in the same situation as her, gave birth to a daughter in the twelfth lunar month of last year.

If it is said that Montessori was still pretty before giving birth, after giving birth, his color suddenly changed a lot, which made Lian feel a little scared.

Compared with them, the daughter-in-law Xie is young and beautiful, with a pleasant appearance, which is really enviable.

But Xie is a bit brain-dead, and reading Han poetry and books is stupid.After being favored by the sage, he cried and washed his body, and said stupid things like pouring the water of the hot sea, but the poisonous juice in the body could not be washed away.

Be honest when you get pregnant!
"Pindao would like to follow His Majesty's will." After weighing for a long time, Master Li Sheng finally made up his mind, but there was a lot of helplessness in his expression, which made people want to laugh.

"It's great that the mage can figure it out." Shao Shude said: "The property here in Gaochang should be sold if it should be sold. The money you get can be used to buy more supplies and hire more people, and the court will have more money." Extra rewards. Let’s go to Qiuci, I will reward you with a piece of land to build a temple and a farm, so that in the future, you can enlighten all living beings and prevent them from going astray.”

"Please Your Majesty personally give the name of the temple." Master Li Sheng said.

"Oh?" Shao Shude became interested, and after thinking for a while, he said, "The name of the temple is 'Tongguang'. From now on, every prefecture in the Western Regions, as long as it is under the rule of Daxia, will build Tongguang Temple. Purdue all sentient beings. I give you the privilege of tax exemption and you can also raise your own songs, but you need to report to the monk for approval."

Li Sheng proclaimed the Buddha's name in a low voice, seemingly delighted.

"Remember, I support you guys. If you have any difficulties, just tell them directly, and if you can solve them, you will definitely solve them." Shao Shude said again: "Be sure to tighten the fence, and don't let dubious people in."

"Your Majesty means..." Master Li Sheng hesitated.

"Whoever treats you the most is the enemy." Shao Shude said cryptically.

Master Li Sheng knew it in his heart.

Today's remarks confirmed his guess last year, and he was indeed pushed to the front line.But he seemed to have no other choice. Even in Gaochang, he had heard about all the tragedies west of Congling.

Everyone else can surrender, and they all have a way out, but they have no way out!

"The decree is to use Fu Cunshen as Beiting's strategic envoy, Zhu Jin as deputy envoy, and Qingzhen as the reason, to recruit refugees, resettle immigrants, and reconcile rebels, so as to guard the Beiting flank for me."

"Establish Rehai Governor's Mansion and Rehai Prefecture, with Basaigan as the governor and Su Nong as the governor, hereditary without replacement."

"Establish the Kucha Economic and Strategic Envoy, with Yang Liang as the economic and strategic envoy and Li Siyuan as the deputy envoy, and stockpile food, grass and ordnance as soon as possible, waiting for the army to go south."

"Urge Shazhou to step up the transfer of grain and grass."

On March [-]th, a series of orders were issued from the Gaochang Palace and flew to various places.

Anyone who is familiar with it knows that after a whole winter of preparations, the Western Expedition Camp is about to enter a wartime state again.

Fu Cunshen is a veteran in the battlefield, with a rich business, and he has not lost a single defeat so far.He is the governor of Beiting military and political affairs, just to explain one thing, the focus of the saint's military deployment this year is in the south.

Yang Liang and Li Siyuan are both brave and diligent, which further proves this judgment. Back then, when a sage attacked Lanzhou, Yang Liang accidentally shot an arrow. He directly threatened not to pull out the arrow unless he killed the person who attacked him. He rushed and beat, and finally beheaded the thief, which shocked everyone present.

This is a lunatic, a desperate lunatic!
On March [-]th, Shao Shude took Xu Hao as Gaochang's stay, led the army westward, and headed for Yanqi Mansion, starting a new year's journey.

(End of this chapter)

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