Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1569 Soul Massage

Chapter 1569 Soul Massage
Satuk touched a map in front of him with a gentle expression, as if he was stroking his lover.

The Great Uighur Kingdom used to have an extremely vast territory.

The eastern territory takes Yanqi as the core, reaches Putao City (Ruoqiang) in the southeast, and connects to the Altai Mountains in the northeast.

The western territory is centered on Balasagon (near Tokmak), reaching the Xuandu Mountains (Hindu Kush Mountains) in the southwest and reaching the Aral Sea in the northwest.

On such a vast land, there lived Uygur, Tuqishi (a part of Turkic), Ge Luolu, Yangmo, Chuyue, Sogdian and other people of various colors.

Some of them graze, some farm, some do business, and some are scholars, craftsmen, monks...

What a big empire!
Sutuk's eyes wandered repeatedly on the map, and suddenly he frowned.Because a lot of ugly black lines were drawn on the map, a large area was isolated from the outside.

That is the lost land of the Great Uighur Kingdom!
As a child, Satuk witnessed this series of failures, deeply ashamed, and vowed to take it back.But he now faces obstacles, and that is the uncle who raised him.

The bull camel king (Ogulchak called himself Bogra Khan, which means bull camel) was old and frightened by the Persians. He only wanted to survive and had no intention of regaining the old land.

Such a performance, not to mention convincing his nephew, even the local nobles laughed at him a lot.After the Persians retreated, tribal leaders and warlords regained their lost ground. Although they still nominally surrendered to the Camel King, the Khan still had some prestige in their eyes. Perhaps only they knew it.

Shame, absolute shame!

Satuk is 29 years old, young and ambitious.Not only did he want to regain the lost ground, but he also wanted to deal with those rebellious nobles and leaders, so that the seemingly incongruous Great Uyghur Kingdom could once again be unified.

This is a difficult task, but he is confident to complete it, and has been working hard until the soldiers of the Central Plains Emperor arrived in Kucha.

To be honest, he has no bad feeling for Zhongyuan, and even has a lot of good feelings.He once thought that one day after he came to power, he would send envoys to the capitals of the great countries in the Central Plains to obtain a piece of paper, and do business with each other for business profits.

Datang's influence in this area has not completely faded.Legends of a prosperous Chang'an circulated in many tribes, and the ideal of many aspiring young people is to visit Chang'an and increase their knowledge.If there is a chance to meet Tian Khan and work for him, it will be a wonderful story.

Satuk was also influenced by these remarks when he was young.

He knew the origin of his family, and his old name Saruer Teqin had already explained everything.

The relationship between the Uyghur Empire and the Tang Dynasty was very good, so the relationship between the Great Uyghur Kingdom, whose capital was Karasa, and the New Dynasty of the Central Plains would naturally not be bad, and they could even help and promote each other.

But the Xia people chose Ogurchak, which made Satuk feel very regretful.

For his own ideals, he has done so many things that he even gave up the old name of Salur Teqin, and changed his name to Satuk, and his Christian name is Abdul Karim.

One of the two sons was named Musa and the other Suleiman, completely abandoning tradition...

After doing all of this, you tell me that idiot Dunyu wants to marry Princess Daxia and inherit the throne of Camel King?
Dun wants him to have a wife, okay?Although I don't know where I've been recently.

The news slowly spread in Karasa at the end of last year. Satuk was shocked when he heard about it, and was a little discouraged for a while. Fortunately, after the persuasion of Vice Khan, he gradually regained his confidence.

But—it's still very annoying, because this matter has affected the choice of many nobles' teams.

Abu Nasser Samani glanced at Satuk and said, "Worried about the nobles' choices?"

Satuk nodded and said: "After Altay returned to Karasa, the Gaochang Uyghurs who were blocking the way were preached everywhere. Once we marry Xia, the two countries will be able to do business on a large scale. Persians and big cannibals need Xia. China’s silk has great benefits, and many people are tempted.”

"I heard that too." Samani nodded, and said, "The brown earth is covered with green silk, and the Xia Kingdom caravan laid out the Karasa brocade."

"If there is no dust on the road of Xia Guo's caravan, where will the countless silks and satins come from?"

"It's a pity that Altai doesn't write poetry." Samani said with a faint smile.

"He called you 'Ajam' yesterday. If I have the chance, I will kill him." Satuk turned his head, watched Amani's expression carefully, and comforted him.

"Ajam" means donkey in the Dashi language, and this name alone is not so insulting.But Samani is Persian, which is different.

After Dashi conquered Persia, because the culture was relatively backward, a large number of Persians were selected as administrative, educational, craft and agricultural officials, and Persians were also employed as translators.

But the talents of the Persians made the cannibals deeply disturbed, so they oppressed them.

"Ajam" is a contemptuous name for the Persians by the big cannibal.The status quo of humiliation and the sorrow of subjugation awakened the national consciousness of the Persians, and they resisted and developed their own culture.

After the establishment of the Abbasid dynasty, the status of the Persians was greatly improved because of their meritorious service, so the name "Ajam" became less popular.

Altai called "Ajam" to Samani in public, which was very provocative, and he didn't pay attention to this deputy Khan at all. Satuk was worried that his guide would lose control of his emotions, so he spoke to comfort him.

Samani didn't show any expression, and just read a poem: "I am a descendant of a nobleman, born in a famous family; Koslow is my grandfather, and King Sassan is my father."

Satuk understood and immediately continued: "You can only talk to camels for a long time, so your language is vulgar and obscene, and your accent is unbearable."

The two each read a poem in the Pahlavi language, and after reading, they looked at each other and smiled.

Satuk is a sensitive person, he knows that his guide is not really relieved.

He, a down-and-out Persian prince, came from thousands of miles away. Although he was ranked as the Deputy Khan and seemed to have a respected status, he actually had no power.

But he is not a simple man.Even in such a situation, after a long time, he finally developed his own power.

This force is now controlled by Satuk. They have a common bond, are very united internally, and are growing stronger every day, enough to do earth-shattering events.

Satuk is very grateful for this.

There was a moment of silence in the room, and the two of them were thinking about their own thoughts, wandering off their minds.

What Samani thought of was the homeland he had left for a long time.

How is Bukhara?That's where he grew up.

Hearing that the young master had succeeded to the throne, there were endless rebellions in the country.In this regard, Samani is very indifferent. He has deep feelings for Bukhara, but it does not mean that he likes the people who rule Bukhara.

If Satuk can grow up, maybe he can fulfill his long-cherished wish?
What Satuk wants is to regain the old land.If there is a chance, capture Bukhara and destroy the Saman country.

At the moment of victory, because of Samani's relationship, he will treat the people of the newly conquered land with mercy and turn them into his subjects.

"Have you made up your mind?" After a long silence, Samani finally spoke first and asked.

Satuk grimaced and said, "I want to hear your opinion."

"Pray," Samani said.

Without further ado, Satuk knelt on the carpet and said, "Please use the grace of an ascetic monk to help me pray."

Samani glanced back, the servant left gently, and after a while, the music played.

Satuk prayed silently.

Samani looked at the lion on the prairie with an extremely satisfied expression.

He found him, he was his guide, he was his perfect work.

After praying, Satuk stood up and looked at Samani.

"A philosopher once said, 'Enjoying the taste of self-eating is better than obtaining gold and silver through flattery.' What's more, you have no room for flattery." Samani said: "Satuk, my friend, You have a high reputation among the people, you are generous and benevolent, you are brave and good at fighting, you live a simple life, and you only charge very light taxes to the people."

"Don't underestimate yourself, you are stronger than you think. The old nobles were extravagant and extravagant, oppressing the common people, arousing people's resentment. This is the fate of disrespecting righteousness and going astray."

"A tyrant must never be a king, and a wolf must never shepherd sheep. Just do it, Satuk, you have no way out. Ogurchak, Dunyu and his son were blinded by the promise of the Xia people. They have completely fallen Kill them, and you will be the new Camel King (Bogra Khan), the new Lion King (Aslan Khan), and the people will cheer for you."

"The descendants of Adam (Adam), no matter where they come from, are brothers. They are like brothers and sisters, and love like a family. The Gulam army is your solid backing, they will not betray you, they will only fight bravely for you , put you on the throne of glory, and receive the cheers of all the subjects who love you."

"I will succeed." Satuk nodded and said.

After the prayer ended, his body seemed to be filled with energy again.

He became optimistic about the future, and hated his uncle and the old-fashioned nobles even more.

As for the old Supreme Khan, he will be merciful - beheading him mercifully when he fails, and ending the great suffering he faced in his unprecedented defeat.

The Creator guides my progress, and I have nothing to fear, while those who do not respect orthodoxy will fall into confusion. Even if there are countless soldiers and horses, what is the use?
After the meeting, Satuk returned to his residence.

After nightfall, he secretly sent people out to contact various forces.

Yes, he is not dizzy yet.

Confidence is good, but two thousand Gulam troops alone can’t accomplish anything—it might have been possible before, because my uncle was defenseless, but since Muja Mizhida’s visit, his stupid uncle seems to have awakened, Gulam The Ram army was transferred out of the city, and they were not allowed to enter unless there was a military order, otherwise they would be punished as rebellion.

But this only delayed his uncle's downfall.

Those who gathered around him were all ignorant and old-fashioned nobles.They are extravagant, extravagant, cruel and tyrannical.Most importantly, older.

Most of the young royal and noble children of Karasa are on his side with Satuk. They are the rising sun and represent the future.

It is clear at a glance who wins and who loses.

(End of this chapter)

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