Chapter 1570 Taste
After the beginning of April, Li Shouxin kept inviting him in Shule City, having banquets everywhere, and having a great time.

Of course, this was exactly what he wanted, because it was a great opportunity to meet all kinds of people.

After a few days, he has become brothers with several people, received many gifts, and even a map of the Great Uyghur Kingdom—a gift from Dunyu, the son of Ogulchak.

This time made Li Shouxin a little suspicious, did Ogurchak and his son surrender on purpose?Sending a map is a big deal.

The author of the map is shocking: Samani, the deputy khan of the Great Uighur Kingdom.

He adopted the concept of a circular map, with Bala Sagon as the center, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there are no other cities in the mountains.

Talas is located on the periphery of the left mountain side of Balasagun.

Karasa is located on the outskirts of the right mountain of Balasagun.

According to visual inspection of the map, the distances between Talas, Karasa and Balasagun are about the same.

It turns out that in the eyes of the Uyghurs, Balasagon is the center of the world they live in, and Karasa and Talas are the second only accompanying capitals.

"Bala" is actually the opposite sound of "Peiluo", and "Shagun" means "general", so Balashagun also has another name: General Peiluo City.

Gu Li Pei Luo and Ge Luolu, the founders of the Uyghur Khanate, were the left and right guards of the Turks.After Guli Peiluo defeated his old master, Ashinashi of the Turkic Basimi Tribe, he called himself "Gudulu Vijaque Khan", and the Tang people called him "Guli Khan" because of his later generations. Turks served as "Pei Luo", also known as Guli Pei Luo Khan.

Pang Teqin, the founder of the Great Uighur Kingdom, was titled "Vijaque Kadir Khan" (canonized as Vijaque Huaijian Khan in the Tang Dynasty), and he was a descendant of Guli Peiluo, so this city was built to commemorate his ancestors. It also means a comeback.

After the city was built, it served as the capital of the Uighur Kingdom until it was captured by Saman Persia.Now that Persia has retreated, this place has been reduced to the pasture of the Geluolu people, but fortunately they still belong to the Great Uighur Kingdom in name.

"Shule, Suiye, and Taluosi, if you get these three places, this country is already in your pocket." Li Shouxin quietly put away the map, ready to take it back and dedicate it to the saint.

"Has there been any changes in Satuk recently?" Li Shouxin called Yang Ningshi and Wang Chongwen and asked.

Yang Ningshi is a Hanlin bachelor and serves as the deputy envoy of the mission.

Wang Chongwen was the guard general of the mission.

"Satuk's movement is actually not small." Yang Ningshi said: "Recently, he has been having banquets with people all night long. But the objects of the banquets are different. Within ten days, he has already contacted seven or eight people, isn't it? The tribal leader is a member of the royal family."

In the old Uyghur system, the members of the royal family were either Ye Hu or Secret Service, and they all held real power and commanded armed forces of different sizes.

"Altai thinks it's nothing, because Uighur customs are like this." Yang Ningshi added: "I'm not sure. But if in the Central Plains, such a blatant friendship with commanders and generals, it should have been won long ago. Ogulcha Ke is a bit stupid, but also a bit womanly."

Li Shouxin nodded, indicating that he understood.

It's not that Ogurchak is stupid.Doesn't he know his nephew's ambition?But why didn't he just kill his nephew after all these years?Because it can't be done.

His territory itself was inherited from his elder brother. If things were that simple, he wouldn't have to marry Daxia at all, and just pass the throne to his own son, wouldn't it be enough?In fact, doing so is extremely risky and may cause opposition from many people, so he hesitated and needed external forces to suppress opponents.

In short, Satuk also has a basic base. He is the spokesperson of the former ministry of his late father Aslan Khan, and many people automatically gather around him.

"Satuk hasn't left the city recently." Wang Chongwen said: "The Gulam guards have been training on the outskirts of the city, which is normal. But I suspect that he has other channels to contact the guards. The people who enter and leave the barracks are really There are too many, and it’s not easy for our people to hang around often, and Altai can’t tell whether the people who enter and leave the barracks are Satuk’s cronies, only that they don’t look like it.”

"It doesn't look like it?" Li Shouxin grinned.

At a time like this, how could it be possible to communicate with familiar faces?If Altai said it, he would treat it as a fart, which is of no use.

"How strong is this guard army?" he asked.

"It's interesting." At this point, Wang Chongwen's expression was a little dignified, and he said: "It looks more elite. The laws and regulations are prohibited, and the equipment is well-equipped. I heard that it has been on the battlefield many times, so it should be a strong team."

"General Wang said that it is a strong army, so it shouldn't be bad." Li Shouxin said: "If he uses this army to launch a mutiny, will it be successful?"

"If you're in the city, there's still a good chance of a sudden attack." After thinking about it, Wang Chongwen said, "But if you can't enter the city, it's useless. No matter how stupid Ogurchak is, he will watch The target of this army is too big, and it is not suitable to use this army to mutiny."

After listening, Li Shouxin leaned on the back of the bed, thinking silently.

According to his knowledge these days, there are more and more officials and leaders in the city who tend to cooperate with Daxia.Because to be honest, the current situation in the Uighur country is not very good.

From the perspective of the Persians, the Turkic, Geluolu, Yangmo and other tribes under the leadership of the Uighurs were their "border troubles".Therefore, they sent troops to attack, occupied part of the territory, and then retreated - a bit like the relationship between the Central Plains dynasty and the nomadic tribes of the grassland
Therefore, this degraded version of the Uighur Khanate actually has enemies and poses a great threat to them.Maybe one day the Persians will be in the mood to "sweep holes in the courtyard" again?

The city of Talas, where Ogulchak was once stationed, was broken by the Persian army in Liting, and 5000 people were captured.The Persians killed [-] of them, which greatly shocked the various tribes.

Just like the Khitan Dahe Alliance was defeated by the Tang army and suffered heavy losses, they turned to the Turks as backup.The Great Uyghur Kingdom now has a very strong urge to use Great Xia as aid to fight against Saman Persia, and this is the basis for cooperation between the two parties.As for marrying the princess, that is the icing on the cake to further stabilize the relationship.

Judging from what Sutuk has done, he should be a very smart person.The situation is changing bit by bit, and he will not turn a blind eye.

So what would he do?

"Send people to Kucha immediately, prepare more horses, and send the news back." Li Shouxin smelled something unusual, as if he saw the turbulent countercurrent under the calm lake, so he made a decisive decision and said, "I'm going to see Ao Gu Erchak and Dunyu father and son, there are some things, the more you hesitate, the worse it will be."

Most importantly, they are also very dangerous.If it wasn't for the heavy responsibility, he would have run away now and stayed away from this place of right and wrong.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Wang Chongwen said immediately.

The Uighurs did not prohibit their entry and exit, so it is not difficult to find a reason and send one or two envoys to leave.

I don't know where the saint is. If he is still in Gaochang, he may not be able to catch up with the changes here.

On the fifth day of April, Shao Shude arrived at Yanqi Mansion.

Accompanying him were more than 4 sergeants on horseback, [-] bodyguards, and [-] silver saddles, totaling more than [-] people.

Only about [-] troops remained in Yanqi, and most of them went to Kucha.However, [-] new veterans came to the local area. They were the government soldiers that Shao Shude ordered to recruit last year. After several months of trekking, almost all of them arrived.

"When I ordered to recruit 10,000 government soldiers out of [-]+ people, I was worried that no one would come. Now it seems that the soldiers are still happy to move." Looking at the magpie's nest and Jiuzhan, the soldiers of the government who lived in ready-made houses , Shao Shude laughed.

Can you not "happy move"?

If you don’t come to the Western Regions, you will be dispatched everywhere. This year you will be in Yunnan, next year you will go to Liaodong, and the next year you will be sent to the mountains in central Guizhou to conquer the barbarians who refused to accept Wang Hua.

The warriors are not fools either. After being tortured like this, there are basically only two ways: rebel or go home.

I don't dare to rebel.

I also don’t want to go home, the income is low, and the people are tired. The most important thing is that after being a soldier for so many years, I am really not good at farming, and there may not be land for you to plant.

It just so happens that the Western Regions are recruiting government soldiers, so go and supervise the trilogy farming, is it better than farming the land yourself?Although the environment in the Western Regions is a little bit worse.

As a result, recruitment was quickly completed.Two thousand government soldiers packed their bags and brought their families with them. A total of more than [-] households arrived in Yanqi Prefecture in two batches. "(Bosten Lake) and places near the Kongque River that are irrigated by canals are considered a kind of preferential treatment.

And the household registration of the four counties of Yanqi is also almost counted. There are [-] households and more than [-] people. Not to mention an irony.

With these 10 households plus the [-] households of Fubing and its tribes, the total population of the four counties of Yanqi Prefecture is close to [-].In the future, some officials, craftsmen, businessmen, monks, scholars, etc. will come, and Yanqi Prefecture may become a major town in the Western Regions with a population of [-].

But it is still not as large as the population of Yanqi in the Northern Dynasties, even less than half of that at that time, which makes people quite helpless.At the same time, it also shows from the side that since the Tang Dynasty, this place has never been really peaceful. Even before the Anshi Rebellion, Yanqi fell several times and was repeatedly attacked by war.

"Your Majesty." Zang Dubao, who has been staying here since the beginning of winter last year, came over to salute.

"Zang Qing has worked hard." Shao Shude said, "Can the people of Yanqi still obey?"

"Those who disobeyed died or left, and those who remained were obedient," Zang Dubao said.

After speaking, he briefly explained.

Those who are disobedient and have different intentions are almost killed by the Long family.Or run west or south, such as those who ran to Atami before.

"How many months can the wheat be harvested?" Shao Shude asked.

"Wheat will be harvested next month, but only less than a thousand hectares of overwintering wheat have been planted. In addition to the war, the people have lost a lot of property, and people are panicking. Some corn, wheat and miscellaneous grains can be harvested in June at the earliest, and in August at the latest. These grains are only enough for the people in the prefecture and the new immigrants to chew and eat, and cannot be used for military supplies." Zang Dubao told the truth.

"I know." Shao Shude said.

In fact, it is not completely unable to supply military supplies.For example, the surplus food in the hands of the people can be collected first to supply the army.After the military rations from the rear are delivered, they will be returned to the people—of course, they can not be returned, or people will starve to death.

This is the inconvenience of fighting in the Western Regions, and this is also the main reason why Shao Shude didn't bring all the troops here.

Wait a few more months, when the pastures in the sea, the Kongque River and other places with rich water and grass have considerable reserves, and after another batch of cattle and sheep are sent from the direction of Beiting, the difficult supply situation can be alleviated and more can be mobilized. More troops went south.

It's just that there may not be such a time.

Shao Shude stayed in Yanqi Mansion for about ten days, checking the people's situation and talking with the family members of the soldiers who had recently immigrated. It was not until April [-]th that the envoy from the direction of Qiuci came to tell Chen Shule's situation. There was a smell of war.

"Decree, Xizhou Dafa Conscripts, step up the transfer of grain and grass, and send all of them to Kucha."

"The governor and governor of Rehai Prefecture, come to have an audience immediately."

"Using Ma Sixun, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Heilong Army, as the envoy of the Qing Dynasty to kill the sword, and led more than [-] people from the headquarters to go south first."

"Zang Dubao led the headquarters to stay in Yanqi, guarding the back road, and supervising the transportation of grain and grass."

"The rest of the ministries will follow me to the south of Kucha, and there must be no mistakes."

"The minister obeys the order." All the generals present responded one after another.

The south wind suddenly picked up, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Shule, as if a big battle was inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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