Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1658 Two Champions

Chapter 1658 Two Champions
Throughout April, Shao Mianren met friends in Luoyang.When I have free time, I write poems and paint at home, listen to music and watch dances, and relax a little.

Wang Zhenbai was sent out to Chang'an to inquire about the news.

At this time, Chang'an is in a very lively time period.

This year's imperial examinations have been announced.

108 people were admitted to the Jinshi Department, and the sage added a palace examination, and hand-picked Chen Ti, a native of Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian, as the number one scholar.

Chen Ti is 30 years old this year. He took part in the imperial examination for the first time in Jianji 13 years ago and failed.

In the first year of Tongguang, he took the exam again, but he still failed.

This year is the third time to take the exam, and finally won the Jinshi.In the subsequent additional examination, he was favored by the sage again, the top student in high school, and was awarded the title of Secretary Lang.

This is an official position from the sixth rank. Since the dynasty, it has always been exclusive to the number one scholar, and it is very important.

In the pre-Tang Dynasty, they were officials in charge of all kinds of books in Jingshiziji.If the sage needs to read it, he immediately finds it out according to the bibliography and presents it.There is another clerical work in this dynasty, drafting an edict for the saint and sending it to the outer court.

The content of their work is actually very critical, and they are often accompanied by saints, so their future is bright.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were four Secretary Lang, and there were only two people in the Guochao. At present, they are Cui Miao and Chen Ti.

The former is the champion of Jianji ten years, a native of Bianzhou, he was first awarded You Buque, and later served as Secretary Lang.

In the 19 years since the founding of Daxia, there have only been three champions, namely Cui Wei, Cui Miao, and Chen Ti. It can be said that they are all people with great luck—yes, they need a little luck, because the champions of the middle schools need to add palace examinations. Hosting in person, which doesn't happen every time.

Cui Yan is already the governor of Xizhou.

Cui Miao had just left Beijing to serve as governor of Meizhou.

Chen Ti took over the banner of the two seniors, and continued the tradition of the number one scholar entering the secretary province.

Of course, it makes sense for the number one scholar to be a secretary, but Xu Yin, No. 1 in Agricultural Sciences, also became a secretary, which is a bit intriguing.

Xu Yin is more interesting.

He comes from a traditional literati background, but he is highly motivated and has "black spots".

It is rumored that when Liang Wang was in Bian, Xu Yin once flattered Quanzhong with poems, but Shi Quanzhong was so devastated that he didn't pay much attention to him, so he left angrily.

Actually, he is pretty good in this time and space.

In history, in order to curry favor with Zhu Quanzhong, he often presented poems and prose, but he didn't know what went wrong, which made Zhu Quanzhong furious.

He was worried that he would not be able to escape, so he wrote "Ode to the Great Liang", in which there is a sentence "one glance at Hu Nu, and fear at the sight of Yingwei", which is obviously mocking Li Keyong and praising Zhu Quanzhong.

After escaping from Bianliang, Xu Yin returned to his hometown of Putian, Fujian, and was reused by Wang Shenzhi.He paid great attention to farming and suggested that Wang Shenzhi build seawalls to prevent backflow of seawater, and at the same time dig ditches and build ponds to irrigate fertile fields, so he has a good reputation in Fujian.

He was just like this, and lived his life in a normal way.But what happened next made him firmly recorded in the history books.

After Li Cunxu destroyed Liang, he asked, "Is Xu Yin here?"

After learning that he was under Wang Shenzhi's subordinates, he said to the Fujian envoy: "You return to Wang Shenzhi, and parents should not be in the same sky. Xu Yin accused the former emperor, and now I hear that he is among them. How can you tolerate him?"

Fortunately, Wang Shenzhi cherished Xu Yin's talent and kept him.

Xu Yin from this time and space was also hired by Wang Shenzhi to serve as an official in the shogunate.

But in theory, including Jiedu envoys, they are all temporary positions.After Fujian returned to obedience, Xu Yin lost his job and could only return to his hometown.Moreover, he has no fame yet, so he can only be a small official in Putian. Although his life is not bad, it is not very good.

Xu Yin is self-motivated.

He paid close attention to current affairs and tried his best to find out the news.After learning that Tongguang had to take the agricultural exam in four years, he devoted himself to research and prepared for a long time, and finally won the only place in Fujian Dao, which is also amazing.

Later, in the palace examination, the sage personally wrote a question: "Adjust measures to local conditions".

Xu Yin won the favor of the sage by virtue of his policy essay on the connection between the economy and sea trade in the mountainous areas of Fujian, and was promoted to the top name.

The No. 1 Jinshi Palace Examination is called No. 1 Scholar, and the No. [-] Agricultural Science Palace Examination has no official name yet, but this is not important anymore. Xu Yin is known as the "No. [-] Agricultural Scholar" in private, and he has gained real fame and benefits.

By the way, Yelu Quanzhong also passed the exam.

Lu Qi and Han Zhaoyin, who rented with him, were both named Luosun Shan.

Lv Qi sighed, bid farewell to Yelu Quanzhong, and went to Anxi, preparing to become a doctor of classics in the state.

Han Zhaoyin packed his bags and returned to his hometown, ready to fight again.

An imperial examination, according to all kinds of human conditions.

Someone jumped over the dragon gate with a carp and stepped into the ranks of officials.

Some people sighed, but they were determined to carry the exam to the end.

Some people have a great enlightenment, give up unrealistic thoughts, and re-plan the rest of their lives.

A person's life is actually spent in such constant choices.

The result of the choice determines the rest of your life, and the price is at your own risk.

On the tenth day of April, the sage followed the tradition and held a banquet in Qujiang Pond, entertaining a total of 140 Zhongju scholars.

In fact, the sage just attended for a while, drank a few cups and left, leaving space for these newly promoted officials who are "proud in the spring breeze and have horseshoe disease".

Yelu Quanzhong was sitting beside Xu Yin, drinking wine silently.

Without raising his head, he could feel the stabbing gazes of Jinshi from time to time—of course, they were not aimed at him, but Xu Yin who was sitting next to him.

Xu Yin is calm and composed, drinking, eating meat, and talking to others, there is nothing unusual.

"Mr. Yelu Lang's strategy is also good." After putting down the wine bottle, Xu Yin turned to look at Yelu Quanzhong, and said, "It's a bit of luck that I was able to win the No. [-] Scholar."

"The number one scholar is too modest." Yelu Quanzhong said.

Xu Yin shook his head, and said: "Just as the sage values ​​maritime trade, I connected the tea mountains and orchards in Fujian with it, and tickled the sage's itch, that's all."

What he said was mostly correct, but he was still a little humble.

Xu Yin himself came from a traditional literati background, with a high level of literary skills, beautiful handwriting, and the words used in the test paper are also very elegant, these are all bonus points.Coupled with its outstanding content, it is normal to be the number one scholar.

"Zhuangyuan Lang is...frank." Yelu Quanzhong cupped his hands and said with a smile.

After the palace examination was completed, everyone's policy essays were engraved and printed and compiled into a book.Yelu Quanzhong read Xu Yin's article, and indeed he has some knowledge.

Xu Yin believes that Fujian has many mountains and little land, so the few plains, river valleys, and intermountain basins should be properly utilized to grow food.

The mountainous areas that are inconvenient to grow grain can be investigated for their climate, or transformed into tea gardens, or built orchards, and so on.

Of course, if there are only these, it can't be said that it is very brilliant.

Xu Yin mentioned in the policy article that there were big food merchants buying tea in the Tang Dynasty, but the quantity was not much, and it has increased in recent years.

He keenly discovered this fact, so he proposed a possibility: first, let Hu merchants admire Daxia culture; second, publicize the benefits of tea.

Outsiders admire Da Xia, so they will subconsciously imitate Xia people's living habits.As the tea that the princes and nobles, as well as the traffickers and pawns must drink, it is easy to be favored by the Hu people. Here, he even cited the example of Tubo Zanpu buying tea from places such as Shuzhong and Jiangnan.

The second point is easier to understand. Publicizing the benefits of tea will make people buy more.

Xu Yin made a conclusion at the end. He believed that although Fujian produces tea, its scale and reputation are much inferior to those of Jiangnan and Sichuan, which is abnormal.

Fujian is mountainous, the climate is suitable for the growth of tea trees, and it is close to the sea. If the tea produced in Fujian is transported to Quanzhou and other places to sell to foreign businessmen, the income of the country will increase.

It should be said, very insightful.

Shao Shude was also very surprised when he saw it.

The reason why the production and reputation of Fujian tea are not great is related to the degree of development of Fujian.

After the founding of the Great Xia, Fujian suffered from repeated turmoil, and the Dongman fought with the government and the army very happily. It was during this process that the Wang family made a fortune.

Along with the war, a lot of people will naturally be lost.Even if some people from the north move south, the first stop is Huainan, and the second stop is Jiangnan. After layers of "filtering", there are not many people who come to Fujian. The population that can make up for the loss of the war is already good, even It was irreparable at all - a large number of rebel Dongman were sent to Liaodong.

The entire Fujian province currently has a population of just over [-] registered households, probably the least populated province in the country.For this reason, some people raised objections when Fujian set up Taoism, thinking that it would be sufficient to merge the five states of Fujian into Jiangdong Road, which is evident.

Shao Shude very much agrees with Xu Yin's thinking, and believes that this will help develop Fujian's local economy and increase the population—this kind of population does not need official money to immigrate, they will go to Fujian by themselves driven by economic interests.

Moreover, with the development of the economy, there will be less resistance to registering households as Qimin.Dongman is not that hard-headed, and eventually under the double blow of the economy and the military, it will gradually surrender, and Fujian will be stable and become another place where development has been completed-this process may last for hundreds of years or even longer.

After reading the policy article, Shao Shude resolutely awarded Xu Yin the official position of Secretary Lang, making him and Chen Ti the only two Secretary Langs.

"Mr. Yelu Lang——" Xu Yin looked at Chen Ti, who was overwhelmed by the stars in the distance, and said with a smile: "There are 108 candidates in Jinshi, and only 32 in Agricultural Science. From now on, we will have to help each other. "

Yelu Quanzhong silently nodded.

Factional issues, regardless of dynasty, have never gone away.

For his future career, he also had to stand on the side of agriculture.

There are rumors in the square that most of the 108 Jinshi, except for a few court officials, went to various provinces to serve as nine-rank officials at the county level, that is, county magistrates, masters, and county lieutenants.

The few outstanding ones were directly awarded the post of county magistrate.

Except for Xu Yin, there is no county magistrate among the 32 scholars in agricultural science, all of them are second-ranking officials in the county.More precisely, the vast majority are county lieutenants.

The reason is that Zhao Guangfeng, the servant of Zhongshu, mentioned the duties of the county lieutenant in the memorial: "Professional affairs in person, division of judges, cutting off pursuit, and receiving class adjustments."

In short, in a county, the county magistrate is in charge of the overall situation.

The county magistrate is the deputy of the county magistrate. In terms of the scope of duties, it is similar to the county magistrate, but subordinate to the county magistrate.

The master book is responsible for county government documents, government orders, account books, cashiers, assessments, etc.

The county lieutenant is responsible for the specific implementation of various tasks in the county, which is a bit similar to the "executive deputy county magistrate".

Zhao Guangfeng believes that placing the agricultural examiners in the position of county lieutenants can better leverage their practical advantages.

The sage takes it for granted and plays it.

When the news got out, everyone hated Zhao Guangfeng, the "thief".

Take the following counties as an example, the county magistrate is at the ninth rank, the master book is at the ninth rank, and the county lieutenant is at the ninth rank, the lowest rank of official.

You start off a level or two lower than others, can you not hate it?
On the other hand, the county lieutenant is the hardest and easy to blame.Although it can exercise people, who wants this exercise?

Therefore, it was normal for Zhao Guangfeng to be hated by others.

"Haha, it seems that you understand." Xu Yin raised his glass and said, "We must be united."

Yelu Quanzhong also raised his wine glass in return.

As an official, you really need to help each other.Not only must the candidates for agricultural subjects be united, but when there are candidates for mathematics and law subjects in the future, they must also unite with them.Otherwise, all the benefits will be taken away by Jinshi, so what can I do?
(End of this chapter)

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