Chapter 1659
Institutions such as the Zhengshitang are already packing their bags.

Before leaving, copies of various account books, classics, official letters, and documents were stored in Chang'an, and the originals were brought back to Luoyang.

The officials also seized the time of rest and bathing, sorting out various materials at home.

In the four capitals of the Great Xia, except for Nanjing, the saints in the other three capitals have stayed for a long time.

In order to facilitate migration, many officials tried to find ways to buy houses in various capitals, and arranged for trusted servants and even sons to stay behind.

Of course, Bai Juyi once said that "Changanju is not easy".

Officials may not be able to afford houses in the capital, and how much they can buy depends entirely on their respective strengths.

Anyway, high-ranking officials have houses provided by the imperial court, and they take them back after leaving office. Middle and low-level officials can only show their talents and find ways to rent or borrow houses.

Sometimes, we have to lament the powerlessness of human destiny in front of the times.

In the early Tang Dynasty, some people who didn’t necessarily have enough to eat had a house in Chang’an, but the court officials who were fifth-rank officials could not afford it.

In Daxia, the situation is still the same.

In the past, Zhang Quanyi restored the southeast corner of Luoyang and resettled the people.It is not uncommon for the houses of those common people to increase in value by ten times, dozens of times, or even a hundred times.

This is the dividend of the times, and there is no solution.

Zhao Guangfeng and Xiao Yun seized the last time and met in Zhongshu Province to confirm the final list of appointment and removal of officials, and then sent it to Menxia Province.

"As soon as this case is opened, some things are doomed." Zhao Guangfeng looked at the dense list and felt a little emotional.

There are a total of 140 reserve officials, and almost 110 people have been booked.

The remaining 30 people still need to wait for the actual vacancies, but their priority is relatively high. Generally speaking, they will be arranged one after another within a year.

What is amazing is that among these 30 people, 25 people are Jinshi, and only five people are from agricultural science. The level is relatively low, taking advantage of the fixed quota.

As for other miscellaneous subjects, it is actually not that difficult, because their places are basically fixed, and the number of people to be recruited is almost determined in advance.

For example, the three history departments admitted seven people, but there were actually three missing.According to the previous principles, only three people will be recruited this year, and then they will be sent to the History Museum and other yamen to replace the vacancies, which are "professional counterparts."

Four people were added this time, purely because the compilation of "Tongguang Quanshu" required some low-level officials of the history department to undertake heavy proofreading, transcription, and compilation work, so they enjoyed a bonus and entered the official establishment, and immediately There is a real shortage.

Officials with a background in the Three History Departments would not have much future, the highest would be the sixth or seventh grade, and there would be very few positions, so they would not attract the attention of big shots.But Nongke is different...

Xiao Yun took the list, looked it over carefully, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so she signed it.

In fact, the overall age of the court officials is not young.

This is a problem left over from history.In the past, a large number of warriors who were rewarded for their meritorious service entered the officialdom and took up civil positions. If there were no serious mistakes, they generally could not be dismissed. They had to wait for them to retire or die of old age.

This time is coming soon, after all, I am 62 years old today...

In the imperial examination three years later, a total of 190 people will be enrolled in the four subjects of Jinshi, Agriculture, Mingshu, and Mingfa, plus scattered miscellaneous subjects, about 200 people will be admitted.

Relying on these people alone is definitely not enough to fill all the official positions.

But Daxia, like the former Tang Dynasty, had multiple channels for selecting officials.

Those who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield and made great achievements, should they be given official places to protect their descendants?of course yes.

In the battle of the Alai Valley last year, the Persian nobles assembled thousands of private soldiers. After Gulam Duan, the enemy was well-armored, the formation was tidy, and there were priests to boost morale. It seemed quite resistant to battle.At the critical moment, Li Siyuan led 500 people straight to the enemy's line, took the lead, fought hard with his hammer, and killed several people from the Persian military academy in a row. Finally, he shook the enemy's morale and almost wiped out this group of elite soldiers.

At the foot of the Alai Mountain, the enemy army once again gathered a broken force, intending to cover the retreat of the main force.Li Siyuan charged into the battle alone, captured a hundred commanders alive, and returned. Encouraged by his bravery, all members of the Great Xia Forbidden Army "ignited" and marched forward with a clamor, killing the Persians into an army, and countless people fell into the valley. Baggage, sheep and horses, treasures, and vehicles were abandoned all the way.

By virtue of these two battles, Li Siyuan obtained a shelter quota, which he gave to his son Li Congrong, who was also on the release list this time, and was directly awarded the Baima County Magistrate of Huazhou, which was higher than the official position initially conferred by Jinshi.

If you block this doorway, will people still be willing to work hard?Not to mention giving money, the incentive of money is not big enough.

He risked his life on the battlefield, beheaded the general to capture the flag, and turned the tide. His contribution to the court may not necessarily be smaller than yours!
Is it appropriate for such a character to only give money?

If you treat them harshly, you will pay the price sooner or later, and it is not impossible for the capital to make a mess of them.

On the contrary, if you recognize the dignity of military exploits, then more Li Siyuan will be encouraged to appear, and your troops will make people fearful.

In addition to military merit, there are several other channels.

Politics is actually the art of dividing the cake.Whoever you choose, whoever you give up, whose interests are reduced, whose interests are increased, the results will all be revealed.

"Jinshi is declining day by day..." After signing, Xiao Yun picked up the tea bowl, feeling a little pity.

Of course, it's not that bad.

These aristocratic families do not necessarily rely on imperial examinations to become officials.

Marriage with the royal family is one way.

It is also a way to train some people with both civil and military skills to make meritorious service in the frontier fortress.

Even in the imperial examination, they have great advantages.

This time, one of the Xiao family was awarded Jinshi, and the other was awarded Agricultural Science.Conscience of heaven and earth, Xiao Yun didn't say hello, and couldn't say hello, she passed the exam on her own ability.

In a big family with hundreds or thousands of people, there will always be a few smart people who will try their best to cultivate them. If they are lucky, they will pass the exam.

"Where is the prince?" Zhao Guangfeng asked suddenly.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and said: "I was on tour in Nanjing, and I heard that I went to the government office of Si Nong Temple. They cultivated melons and fruits on a small island in the middle of the river, and the prince was very interested."

Zhao Guangfeng cupped his hands.

A wise man speaks to the end.Enough said so much.

"Agricultural students who have been released from official positions must be judged carefully by the meritorious service officer Wailang." Zhao Guangfeng said to the provincial magistrate who came to pick up the list.

"As ordered." Ling Shi waited for a while, and seeing that Xiao Yun didn't say anything, he left.

The Kaogong Division is a subordinate institution of the Ministry of Officials.

In the middle of each year, Biejia or Changshi of Zhuzhou first convenes officials in the jurisdiction to read out everyone's merits and demerits in the previous year, discuss their merits and demerits, and evaluate their grades.

When it is read out to the public, if there is any objection, it can be raised on the spot, and then "public opinion".

The evaluation is divided into nine grades. After the evaluation is over, the governor will check and verify that there is no error, and the envoy of the court will take it to the capital and hand it over to Menxia Province.

The above are foreign officials.

The evaluation of the merits and demerits of officials in the Beijing Dynasty is the same, and the chief officials of each government office are responsible for submitting them to the provincial government.

Menxia Province forwarded it to the Ministry of Officials' examination of meritorious service.

Kaogongsi Langzhong finally determined the merits and demerits of officials in Beijing, and Yuanwailang was in charge of judging the merits and demerits of foreign officials in Daozhou.

The emperor appointed "two people with high official status in Beijing"—usually the prime minister—to review and review the judgments of these two people.

There is also a person from Qishizhong who supervises the evaluation and review process of Beijing officials, and a person from Zhongshushe who supervises the evaluation and review process of foreign officials and records them.

The system is strict, some people judge, some people review, some people supervise, and there are written records.But in actual operation, the opinion of the prime minister is the most important.

Zhao Guangfeng told the examination department to be "cautious", in a rather cryptic way, but in fact, he told them not to do bad things on purpose.

No one knows the attitude of a saint.

The bureaucrats with Jinshi gathered together, don't mess around, if things go badly, the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang will also be implicated, so I would like to remind you a little.

Seeing that nothing happened, Xiao Yun planned to get up and leave.

Zhao Guangfeng hurriedly stopped him and said, "What does Minister Xiao think about the matter of the Yalong Valley?"

"How else can you see it?" Speaking of this, Xiao Yun wanted to laugh a little, but he was a professionally trained person, so he said solemnly: "The holy will canonize Yansun as King Zhongyong Yalong, and there is no one in Tubo." Against it, I would like to support my grandson as the master. As far as the imperial court is concerned, it is beneficial but not costly, so why not?"

Of course, there is nothing ridiculous about this alone.

Tubo was torn apart, and the separatist regimes were in endless wars.But to this day, only a very small number of new nobles transformed from the leaders of the serf uprising ruled over the king, and the vast majority of officials, generals, and nobles still regarded themselves as subordinates of Zanpu and did not stand on their own.

This is a bit unbelievable in the Central Plains where "princes and generals have kindness", but it is normal for Tubo to have its own national conditions.

The envoys who came from the Yalong Valley had already met with Yansun, and the process was relatively smooth, and finally decided to embrace Yansun as Zanpu.Now it is only necessary to send someone back to inform the generals in the rear to distribute the benefits, and Yansun can go back to be a Zanpu - a "little Zanpu" confined in the Yalong Valley.

There is nothing wrong with the sage's decision on this matter, and the prime ministers and privy envoys have no objections.

What is there to be dissatisfied with without spending a single penny and issuing an imperial edict, in name of gaining a vassal?
What Xiao Yun wanted to laugh at was the fact that the sage bestowed a Chinese name on brother Tie's second son.

At first, he planned to give the name "Shao Zhifu", but Xiao Yun who was present at the time hurriedly dissuaded him secretly.

Those who are familiar with Daxia know that those who are given names by sages and those who get the word "Zhi" are generally not that simple.

It's fine if you give the character "Zhi", but what does it mean to be named "Zhifu"?Too obvious, right?

Fortunately, the sage finally listened to his persuasion and named him "Zhigui".

Yansun's only son was named "Shao Zhifei" in Chinese. At that time, Xiao Yun had the urge to persuade the sage to change.

You "used" someone else's wife, gave birth to a child, and even planned to let this child inherit the big position, and you even took this name, which is a bit too much.

"Xiao Shilang's words are very true." Zhao Guangfeng nodded and said: "Then it's settled, let's hurry up and handle it before leaving Beijing."

After the canonization of King Zhongyong Yalong is completed, Yansun can go back to be his Zanpu, but his wife and children stay in Beijing as hostages, which is the rule of Daxia.

After he left, only Xiangxiong was left, so there was no big problem.In the second half of the year, Brother Tie should be able to go back and be a "little Zanpu".

If the two brothers engage in it, the huge Tubo may never be unified again.

For Daxia, this is not a bad thing.

The more divided and weak you are, the easier it is for "Zanpu the Lion of Han Dynasty", "Zanpu the Classical Emperor" and "Zanpu the Little Incarnation of Confucius" to exert influence.

Unknowingly, this world is so vast.

In terms of land alone, many places have been taken without much effort-at least in name.

Before and after the founding of the country, Wang Shi attacked Erzhu, Wang Shifan, and Hebei towns, and the fight was a stalemate.

After the fight, the territory did not expand too much.

But in the past ten years, Daxia's expansion of territory can be described as "whale swallowing".

Such a big change can only be described as coming naturally.

Zhao Guangfeng and Xiao Yun raised their heads almost at the same time, looked at the map hanging in the center of the main hall, then met their eyes and smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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