Chapter 1669
In the next few days, Shao Shude will mainly be active in Guanfeng Hall of Shangyang Palace (going to court), Lichun Hall (writing books), Hehuan Hall (negotiation), and Longlin Palace of Shendu Garden (hunting). law.

He felt more and more that staying in Luoyang to dawdle was also a great contribution he had made to the country.Because all the plans he formulated are being steadily implemented, gradually increasing the strength of this country.

Sitting in the Guanfeng Hall, listening to the ministers' speeches, he seemed to see the gradual integration and assimilation of all kinds of messy ethnic groups in Liaodong—it was really a mess, Han people, Khitan people, Xi people, Qi people, Ugu people, Tatars, Shiwei people, Bohai people, Goguryeo people, Mohe people, Jurchen people, Uyghur people, Shatuo people, Dangxiang people, Annan people, and Tibetans from central Guizhou, Yunnan, and Jiannan, and even Gaochang Everyone has a small portion.

These ethnic groups can actually be subdivided.

For example, the Annan people who moved here, do you know that they are all the same?Obviously impossible.

The Tibetans in central Guizhou and Yunnan are even more complicated.Some civilizations are relatively advanced and have mastered relatively good farming techniques; some are relatively backward and are still in the stage of slash-and-burn farming; there are even more backward civilizations that have always lived on gathering and hunting.

Liaodong has almost become a museum of ethnology and ethnology, slowly merging and converging with each other, which has happened continuously in the past 20 years.

There was a man from Xi who married a woman from Annan.

There was a man from Mohe who married a woman from Shatuo.

There was a Wuman man who married a Khitan woman.


Up to now, the government is a little dumbfounded, not knowing how to register the ins and outs of the soldiers.

Shao Shude wanted to laugh when he heard about it.

Is it easier to assimilate an ethnic group in their original place of residence, or in a new place?The answer is obvious.

After emigrating, everyone came to a new place, whose environment, climate, and products were very different from those of their hometown, as well as their language and customs.At this time, the sense of psychological security and belonging is weakened to a certain extent, and the sense of ethnicity is greatly weakened.

What's more, when the government soldiers selected the trilogy, the government deliberately asked them to choose people who were not from the same place.

For example, someone has three trilogy, one may be a grassland shepherd, one is from Lizhou, Jiannan, and the other is from a county in Annan.It takes a lot of effort to find a group from your hometown, and in the end, you usually use the trilogy of a certain Fubing as your new identity. was re-divided.

In the long-term life and work, everyone interacts with each other, chooses "Haneryu" as the only common communication language, and the living customs converge with each other. You teach me this skill, and I teach you that skill. In the end, it is basically the same.

And because the trilogy put themselves in a lower position—in fact, the status is also very low—the master of the Fubing family is their heaven, so they consciously or unconsciously learn the living habits of the master’s family. In the time span of the unit, he gradually lost his original ethnic characteristics and cultural elements, and began to become more like a superior person like the Fubing master.

Of course, acculturation also exists.

Fubing will also unconsciously absorb their cultural elements, it's just a matter of how much.

It must be interesting to see what Liaodong will look like in dozens or hundreds of years—this is a large-scale "social experiment" artificially created by Shao Shude, but he can't see the results anymore.

He's certainly optimistic about it.

Even in Kyushu, China, there are differences in culture, customs, and habits.Later generations have the northern Han nationality and the southern Han nationality. In this time and space, there will be no Liaodong Han nationality?
When Shao Shude sat in the Lichun Hall and kept revising the manuscript, he seemed to see the steady implementation of the new dynasty's elegant government.

The crown prince traveled southward and reached Wenzhou as far as he could, and he was already on his way back to Luoyang.

It can be seen from the memorials sent back and forth that Erlang has gained a lot this time.

Why is the stupid son of the landlord's family easily deceived?Because the stupid son really has little experience and his vision is not broad enough. If his ears are softer and he is easy to trust others, it will be even worse.

Only a very small number of idiots who lack experience and vision, who are gifted and proficient in human nature, and who can provoke the masses to fight against the masses, can take the initiative.But this so-called initiative is just trying to maintain it. If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Even if you gain the upper hand, people will be afraid of you, and you are not sure in your heart that what you are doing must be correct.

Shao Chengjie toured Hebei and Liaodong, and then went to Jiangnan, and his horizons were broadened.And like his father, he likes not to follow the established route. He often takes his personal guards and gallops for tens of miles to inspect and investigate somewhere, so that he can get first-hand information.

Ministers must hate such a monarch very much.But Shao Er is a martial artist, with a proud and strong temper, no one can stop him, after some investigations, he gradually came to his own understanding.

Erlang believes that a family in the south has very little arable land, and there are many families with only a few mu, and ten mu is too much.In such a situation, we can only cultivate intensively to increase the yield.

Taking the Taihu Lake area as an example, he interviewed a family with only eight mu of land. They harvested two crops of rice a year, and they harvested more than two dendrobium per mu.

If in the north, a family has [-] mu of land, without intensive cultivation—there is too much land, and it is impossible to intensive cultivation—the final harvest of corn and wheat is about the same.

Because of the rise of tea, farmers in the south went to the tea farms to do odd jobs in their spare time, and they could earn a sum of income.

Because of the warm climate, the sericulture output is larger than that in the north, and the technical level has improved rapidly in the past ten years, and the income in this area is also quite large.

Erlang predicts that if the weather continues to get colder, sericulture production in the north will further decrease, tea will gradually disappear, and some fields that can barely produce three crops in two years may degenerate to one crop a year, and the overall income of farmers will gradually lag behind that in the south .

Shao Er only mentioned the phenomenon, not the solution, but this alone made Shao Shude very happy.

The son saw the nature of the gradual shift in the economic center of gravity.He did not attribute it to the war in general, but analyzed it in detail, which is better than many people.

In fact, Shao Shude reviewed a memorial sent by Zhao Guangfeng yesterday.It is mentioned in the memorandum that the Qianjian of the Ministry of Household Mining minted no less than 20 silver dollars a year, and most of them were taken away by tea merchants from the south.

From this little incident, it can be seen that he tried his best to balance the economy of the north and the south, and let the northern woolen cloth be sold to the Yangtze River Basin on a large scale, but it was of no use in the end.

Where money "travels" says it all.

The decline of the tea and silk weaving industries in the north is inevitable, and even grain production may have to decline slowly.

His operations only delayed the process, but did not completely reverse the trend.

After all, manpower is no match for nature, there is no way.

In his last memorial, Shao Er praised Shao Shude's "foresight", thinking that as the sea trade became more and more developed, a large amount of commercial taxes could be collected in the south in the future to supplement the annual revenue.

Shao Shude really thought so.

Now the Yellow River and Huaihe River systems in the north are very stable and have not been messed up by people.The prosperous Hebei Great Plain is not on the front line of the war, so there is no need to construct the Great Water Wall or other means to artificially restrain its development.

With Hebei, food is safe, and the main shortage is cash, so we need to find a way in the south.

Erlang's understanding is in place and sober, which makes him very relieved.

On November 26, when Shao Shude sat in the Hehuan Hall, the negotiations with Persia had basically ended.

He took the time to meet Samani.

"Vice Khan, come and be safe." As the winner, Shao Shude sat on top, and Satuk's wife Adieshi knelt down at his feet like a docile kitten, beating his legs lightly.

Her two daughters held fans behind them, staring at Samani with wide eyes.

Samani's appearance is really not good now.In the entire Persian mission, probably no one really regarded him as a member, and he was strictly guarded along the way. After arriving in Luoyang, he didn't resist for a few days, and he was directly asked to leave by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

In such a situation, even if there is no intentional abuse, the person's spirit is not much better.

"The Camel King is already your puppet, and you dare not even ask if Kalasha is gone." Samani said mockingly, "The worst thing has happened. It's even worse, isn't it?"

"This is the end of the matter, and I don't bother to talk nonsense to you." Shao Shude's rough and wide palms rubbed Adie's face back and forth, as if he was playing with a work of art. He smiled and said: "You This person is actually relatively pure. Although it is rumored that you were ordered by Persia to instigate the Satuk rebellion as a deputy khan to make profits for Persia. But in fact, you probably just want to spread the glory of the Creator. I used to doubt it You have hooked up with Bukhara, now, most of the suspicions are gone, Bukhara really doesn't want to see you, so he will send you off as soon as he says."

Samani was silent for a long time, then suddenly sighed, and said: "I only hate the fools of Kalasha for not wanting to rise up and resist, allowing you to easily get this city. Their cowardice is worthy of the suffering they have suffered."

"Indeed, no one forced me. If there were, it was honor that forced me, forced me to plot plots, forced me to participate in deadly battles."

"You won, Supreme Khan, but it was only for a while."

"I did win." The smile on Shao Shude's face grew brighter.

His palm covered half of Adie's face, and his fingers went into her mouth.In order to please, Adieshi drooled and sucked softly.Her two daughters watched from behind, blushing slightly.

"I have won a lot." He continued: "Artush's temple has become the Tongguang Temple, the highest peak in the Alai Valley is named after me, and the Turkic and Yangmo tribes suppressed by you are becoming more and more powerful. Active, their leader prostrated at my feet, begging me for an official position. By the way, they believed in Nestorianism and Manichaeism, and in order to show their loyalty, they did many things that would make you feel heartbroken."

The highest peak in the Alai Valley was originally named Stalin Peak, named in 1932, and renamed Communist Peak after 1962, with an altitude of 7495 meters.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Tajikistan was named after the founding king of Saman Persia, Ismail Samani, in order to de-Russize.This time and space, it is called "Supreme Emperor Peak" - this is Shao Shude's evil taste, not for outsiders.

"Your motherland sent a huge mission to ask me for peace." Shao Shude continued: "They agreed to five of my seven demands, and they dare not violate any of them. You lost, and you lost completely, while I Not even at full strength."

"The war you waged is more brutal than any nomadic tribe. It will inevitably arouse everyone's resistance. You will be unable to move forward, and will eventually suffer a disgraceful defeat." Samani's face was a little ugly.

"Yesterday, someone also mentioned this matter." Shao Shude laughed loudly: "He wrote a poem in your language in front of me, enumerating my crimes."

"The blasphemous murderer entered the blessed land of heaven and wandered in the sky like an exiled ghost. The mountain peak is his incarnation. He acted recklessly and launched a bloody trial... This black crime has always made me unbearable..."

Who wrote the poem, needless to say?

Shao Shude is a pervert, the more the enemy hates him, the more excited he is, the more he feels that it is his supreme glory.

Negotiations with Persia have indeed been settled.

Of course, it is impossible for the Persians to cede territory clearly, but they have their own "strategic adjustments".

The princes of Tocharian have also won a little autonomy—in fact, some of them have come to Shule to express their respect, and there may be more and more such people in the future.

The Persians did not pay compensation, did not cede land, and did not lose momentum in the slightest, and let the supreme emperor "fall into the trap".

"Samani, you really gave me a 'surprise'." Shao Shude finally said: "As a pure respect for the pure respect in your heart, I decided to let you go decently. After you die, no one will know that you buried There, no one will disturb you, no one will come to pay respects, cry, or pay respects. No, you don’t need these. You are dead, you are dead, and there will be no trace of your existence in this world. Pull it down and send him on his way."

Shao Shude pulled out his hand, wiped Adie's chest, and said, "Western Region, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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