Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1670 Strategic Transformation

Chapter 1670 Strategic Transformation
After entering the twelfth lunar month, everything is complicated, and many yamen will be sealed for holiday.

Shao Shude specially took the time to host a banquet for Elbrus and Tam.

"After going back, it's easy to talk." Shao Shude said: "Persia is also a big country. In the Tang Dynasty, a prince took refuge in the Central Plains. The business trips between the two countries are as frequent as crucian carp crossing the river. Even this meeting, there are five or six Persian ships coming every year. Guangzhou, that's good."

Elbrus and Tam were really convinced, and they didn't know what to say.

The supreme emperor spoke amiably, and what he said was completely intended to communicate and not to fight, but just such a person, because of a trivial matter, brazenly launched a war that lasted for several years.

Of course, in the mouth of the Supreme Emperor, it is not called a war, because the scale is not large enough.

The supreme emperor has his own logic: because you planned the coup d'état in Kalasha, I will punish you.

Because you continue to preach and try to incorporate the Turkic, Geluolu, Uighur, and Yangmo tribes to convert them to the Creator and expand their sphere of influence, so I want to punish you.

The purpose of punishment was to prevent the expansion of Persian power.

After the punishment is completed, we can still get along well and carry out a series of cultural, commercial, and technical exchanges.

Is this logic sound?It sounds so reasonable, but Elbrus and Tam didn't believe it.

What the Supreme Emperor said may be somewhat true, because he really did not expand the territory west of the Tianshan Mountains, but did more to support puppet forces, which is very different from the traditional county-based rule.It would be very easy for those so-called puppets to betray Xia Guo.

In addition, during the war, land commercial exchanges were greatly affected, and most of the business was earned by the Sogdians and Khazars, but it was not that there were no Persian merchants traveling eastward.Xia Guo did not embarrass these Persian businessmen, which confirmed the Supreme Khan's statement from the side.

But—he certainly didn't say the whole thing.

Yesterday, Elbrus mentioned the problem of the rapid increase in the population of Karasa.He believed that if they had not plundered Bahana and obtained a large amount of grain, cattle and sheep, it would be impossible for them to emigrate so quickly.

Furthermore, are the looted goods, gold and silver wares, dirhans, dinars and even slaves useless?Of course not.

They already knew about the slave market in Chang'an.It starts every two or three months, selling captive men and women from Persia.How much money they made, no one knows.But what is certain is that the money can hire more people to work in Kashasha and other places. Whether it is farming and grazing, or building reservoirs, it can play a big role.

The Supreme Emperor didn't mention these benefits, but Elbrus and Tam knew it well.

"I really want to have a good relationship with Persia." Shao Shude said: "You have your advantages, and we have ours. Some things are not easy to produce and develop here, and we need to communicate with you to make progress. Some of you Things are not easy to improve, you can learn from us. Every word I said, you can tell your emir and grand vizier after you go back. The land of Persia is already very large, there is no need to expand it. The glory of the Creator is also Enough is enough, there is no need to herd more sheep. The most important thing is to live in peace. We study together, do business together, exchange what we need, pursue the truth, and live this life quietly. Isn’t this in line with the teachings of the Creator? "

The two were still speechless.

After a long time, Elbrus said: "Your Majesty, since the discussion is over, when will you give your generals an order to stop hostilities?"

"After my request is satisfied, it will stop soon." Shao Shude said.

The two looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

fulfil requirements?The result of their negotiation will take more than half a year after they are brought back, and then the nobles and patriarchs will be convened for deliberation. I don’t know how long they will quarrel.

Elbrus thought with his toes and knew that there must be some people who objected, and there were quite a few.Especially those nobles whose territories are in Bahana, Talas and places close to these two places, they must have a very fierce opposition.

On the contrary, those nobles living in the wealthy Khorasan area were indifferent to this.In the eyes of those people, the capital city in Bukhara is not suitable at all, it is better to move back to Nishapuran (Nishapur)-this is also a famous city, bigger, better and richer than Bukhara, yes The capital of the Tahir dynasty and the Safar dynasty.

Therefore, there are still quarrels about this matter, and it is impossible for the dust to settle in a few months.

When the result of the quarrel came out, people were sent to Luoyang. The Supreme Emperor finally recognized the agreement between the two parties and ordered a truce. It may have been more than a year.

More than a year is too long, and there are too many variables.

True peace between the two parties may only finally come when one party can't stand it and can accept any conditions.And in this process, only the Creator knows how many cities will be destroyed and how many people will die in war and famine.

"When will His Majesty send someone to escort us out?" Tam asked.

"The envoys don't need to be impatient." Shao Shude said enthusiastically: "It's winter, and the road is not so easy to travel. Why don't you stay in Luoyang for a while to see the scenery of the great summer, and then leave Beijing in February and March , it’s convenient for everyone.”

"It's—okay." Tam didn't say anything, and Elbrus agreed.

"I will order Honglu Temple to allocate some money, and then send officials and interpreters to accompany you. If you feel that Luoyang has seen enough, you can go east. You can go to Zhengzhou, Bianzhou, Weizhou and other places. Constrained by time, you can leave later if you want." Shao Shude said: "Walk more, see more, and talk to your king, minister, and minister when you go back, and some decisions are easier to make."

"Thank you so much for Your Majesty's generosity," said the two.

On New Year's Eve, Shao Shude was still at work, and Zhao Guangfeng, Xiao Yun, and Wang Yong were not allowed to rest. They were dragged to Guanfeng Hall for questioning. From the number of times he was summoned, Wang Yong, who was the servant of the door, was almost the same as Wang Yong. The fact that the two ministers of Zhongshu are equal is already a good example, and they are destined to have considerable influence.

"Yanqi Mansion is an important node in Anxi Zhuzhou." Shao Shude said: "A lot of children from the imperial army have gone, but there are not enough craftsmen. The three of you should think of a way."

"I obey the order." The three prime ministers responded in unison.

After a pause, Zhao Guangfeng asked: "Your Majesty just said that if you don't want to destroy Persia, what is your strategy in the Western Regions?"

Shao Shude pondered for a while.

What Zhao Guangfeng meant was that even if the war won't end for a while, the trend of turning is already very obvious. You must have an overall strategy, right?
"It's not a good thing to build a car behind closed doors." Shao Shude said: "I can't perish Persia, but I don't want to. Persia is still there, and I can still restrain those ghosts and monsters. After Persia is gone, those tribes have no restraint, which is not a good thing. Therefore, maintaining a weak Persia is the best result. As for the future, there will be a mission for each generation, and I can only reach this level in my life."

If you don't care about the consequences and launch the war machine with all your strength, it is actually possible to destroy Persia, but what can you get?
The land cannot be occupied, and the local people must rule themselves, or be ruled by those nomadic tribes, such as the Oghuz, or the Persian nobles in the Khorasan area moving eastward, etc. There are many possibilities.

Anxi Dao Zhuzhou, I haven't digested it yet, so there is no need to make too much land, and I can't chew too much.

Each generation has its mission.It would be great if the sons and grandchildren had the lofty ambition to go westward after digesting the Western Regions, but this has nothing to do with Shao Shude.

Preserving a weak Samanid dynasty makes sense at this stage.

Because Bukhara can restrain the fanatical believers of the Creator and prevent them from preaching eastward.

If no one restrains you, it will be really hard to guard against, because you don’t even have a conversation partner, and the decentralized missionary system is blooming everywhere, which is even more troublesome.

Don't overestimate the capabilities of the bureaucracy.It is possible that the church has been secretly spreading in a certain tribe for more than ten years, and they don't know it yet...

Bukhara can also trade with the Western Regions, inflowing a large amount of gold and silver, promoting the development of the Western Regions, and attracting more people from the Central Plains to immigrate spontaneously.

Trade requires a stable environment, that is, order.Saman Persia can restrain various tribes, provide a generally stable environment, promote trade, and become a cash machine for Daxia.

Because of different cultures, systems and modes of thinking, the existence of Bukhara can also carry out cultural collisions with the Central Plains, generate more sparks, and promote the development of science, which is also very important.

Shao Shude is not sure whether the new government will change its shape in the future, so it is also good to blow in some fresh air from time to time.As traditional Confucian scholars, Shao Shude felt that they might change and evolve themselves, but if they couldn't do that, he didn't mind using foreigners.

To put it bluntly, it is competition.

Daxia's new faction doesn't hate Persia so much, and even has a lot of common languages.For example, Mingshu scientists naturally like to communicate with mathematicians in Bukhara.The positive significance of this exchange is obvious. Persian scholars may come to the Central Plains to settle, live, and do academic research. If there are outstanding ones, they may even be awarded official positions.

If Confucianism does not change, I will use talents from all over the world, not necessarily you, it's as simple as that.

Shao Shude said it briefly, and the three prime ministers were a little happy.

From their point of view, of course they are opposed to continuing the Western Expedition.In Longyou, some masters have already fled and rebelled. Although they were easily suppressed by the state soldiers, this is a very bad sign.

The money collected by the imperial court from all over the country flowed into Longyou, Hexi, and Anxi like water, and was spent on the long journey.These fiscal revenues could have done more things, but ended up being used for war and immigration. Is it reasonable?

On the other hand, warriors continue to make meritorious service through wars, and they are very "proud" in the court. Should they be suppressed-it is purely a competition for resources, not against people.

From a gloomy point of view, almost 20 years have passed since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Forbidden Army is still continuously participating in battles. Before that, there were conquests against Shiwei and Abaoji, and then there was a five-year war with Persia. After that, the recruits gradually came out of training, and the overall combat effectiveness was still quite strong, which is not a good thing...

The stronger the warrior is, the more he wants to fight and make meritorious service.

If he can't fight anymore, even if you let him go to the battle, he won't be ashamed, and he doesn't want to lose face and take responsibility for the defeat.

Therefore, Zhengshitang definitely does not want to fight, there is no doubt about it.

"Understood?" Shao Shude glanced at the three of them, and said, "It's good to understand. The war won't be over for a while, but we must be prepared for a change. The Western Regions need people, everyone. I heard that exile There are still a few prisoners who are sent to Liaodong. Let’s stop and send them all to the Yili River Valley. In Henan and Hebei states, the household registration in some places has increased too fast, and more people have emigrated. If they don’t want to, let the state soldiers supervise them. Bitter I will recite the name of the poor people. After 100 years, they will be grateful to me."

"Follow the order." The three prime ministers responded.

There is no doubt that the immigrants of the Great Xia Dynasty were relatively "excessive".In some places, it has been 30 years since the peace, and the population growth is extremely slow, and even decreased.

How many times has Wei Bo been in turmoil because of immigration?The state soldiers and the imperial army killed their knives so hard that they barely suppressed them.

How many people died on the way to immigrant people?It is not easy to count.

This is the "New Dynasty Elegant Politics", with bitterness and sweetness, knowing the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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