Chapter 316 Ganzhou
On the vast grassland, thousands of riders are running fast.

After paying a heavy price, the Garmer conquered Zendan Ridge.Afterwards, a large number of cavalry pawns rushed forward along the weak water system like a flood.

The Momo soon fell behind, for their horses had lost some weight.

The cavalry pursuit battle is not as simple as people imagined.

It is impossible for the chasing horses to eat all the grass, and they have to be fed with food, and it is best to eat all the food.The grassland lacks water, and it is necessary to march along a relatively fixed route, otherwise, the lack of drinking water may cause thirst to death on the way.

In addition, if you don't have one person, two horses or even three horses, you need to stop and go, because horses are easier to get tired than people!

The iron cavalry had one man and two horses, and the spare horses brought a lot of beans and water.He ate the water himself, and the beans were used to feed the horses, so he maintained a certain speed, and slowly caught up with the Uighur cavalry who fell behind.

Like cutting a cake, the iron cavalry rushed forward from time to time, intercepting a group of Uighur cavalry and separating it from the main force.

Their war horses don't have armor, but their people have armor, and they cooperate tacitly. Whether it is Tuqidu or Beiweidu, their strength is very strong.But in general, the Uighurs hate Beiweidu more, because their riding and shooting skills are very strong, and they strictly restrain themselves.

Yang Yue has now intercepted a group of Uighur cavalry, and there may be a small number of Liugu Tubo, about 500 people.

The Uyghurs kept beating their horses, then turned around and shot arrows.

The Tibetan cavalrymen with Tibetan spears wanted to get closer, but they couldn't. They were hung around like kites.

The grassland is vast and endless, and the tactics of the Uighurs are really disgusting.Firmly maintain the middle distance that is most suitable for their combat, and kill the enemy with bows and arrows.

However, the Fanbu cavalry still had someone to help.

Fan He, Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Xinquan Army, led nearly [-] cavalrymen, and went around in front of the Uighurs, trying to stop them.

The cavalry of the Tuoba tribe and the Baijia tribe also outflanked the two wings, relying on their superiority in numbers to slightly restrain the Uighur cavalry who were running around.

Once their space for movement is greatly squeezed, the value of riding and shooting tactics will be greatly reduced.

"Kill!" The two sides quickly engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Fan He held a saber and fought with a Uighur cavalry general.

The cavalry of the Luma tribe rushed to the periphery, abandoned their spears and used arrows, shooting down one person from time to time.

The equipment for melee combat is at a disadvantage, and they can't beat others. They are constantly being stolen from the periphery and shot arrows. The Uighur cavalry loses confidence as they fight.After dozens of people were killed, they ignored them and rushed to escape.

"Change horses!" The soldiers of Xinquan Army brought a lot of Tubo war horses collected from Haomen Valley and Yangfei Valley.

This kind of pursuit battle has lasted for two or three days.

Except that Shuofang's army was blocked a little at Zendan Ridge and wasted a lot of time.The rest of the time, they just kept chasing, chasing, chasing.

Every time you catch up with a share, you will eat a share through skilled cooperation and excellent equipment, and then continue to chase.

Accumulating small victories into big victories, this is what happened on Ganliang Road in the past few days.

No one has carefully counted, but the Uighurs should have lost more than a thousand horses, and it may even reach [-] horses.

The biggest one was caught by Yang Yue just now.After being wiped out, the record has increased by more than 400.

No, maybe more than that, because hundreds of Liugu Tubo cavalry rushed over suddenly, abandoned their weapons and surrendered, hoping to return to Liangzhou to reunite with their families.

Although Yang Yue was bloodthirsty, but he came to surrender on his own initiative, and it was not easy to do anything, so he held his nose and accepted it, but asked them to "take the crime and make meritorious service" first, and follow the large army to chase the Uighurs.

There are about [-] people in Ganzhou, both farming and animal husbandry.Among them, the Uighurs accounted for about half, and the rest were mainly Han, Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Longjia, as well as small tribes such as Sogdian, Dangxiang, and Tatar.

It is impossible for them all to live in the city, and most of them live scatteredly. If they don't make a surprise attack at this time, what are they waiting for?
It is impossible to rob goods, small mouths, cattle and sheep, so it will be the same as the original Umm Lord, waiting to be hunted down.

This battle focuses on killing and injuring the enemy, and the priority targets are the young men of the Uighur tribes.

Without a strong man, the old and the weak, women and children are still a dish?Clean up how you want.

Just do it when you think about it, Yang Yue is not a hesitant character, and he has no sympathy for Tubo, Uighur, Dangxiang and so on.With a greeting, plus the newly descended Liugu Tubo, a total of more than [-] riders rushed into the yellow sand and green grass like a strong wind.

Master Wumu is very speechless now.

As the saying goes, tail docking to survive, how many tails have been broken along the way?How many people are left to slow down Tang Jun's pursuit speed?But he was still slowly being chased up.

The brutal pursuit had cost him nearly two thousand people!Considering that there are still a lot of people who are separated, Lord Wumu doesn't know how many will be left after he really escapes.

Fortunately, it is not far from Zendan, but only a hundred miles away.Wangcheng has already received the news and will send a brigade to respond.

Is it a gain or a loss for sending troops this time?Lord Wumu glanced at the dejected Zhe Nian beside him, and felt that he was at a loss.The one who died was the Uighur Jingqi, and the one brought back was the bereaved dog of Liugu Tubo.

I hope that Ye Luo He Mo Chuo can succeed.

On the tenth day of April, under the support of thousands of cavalry sent by Zendan Wangcheng, Lord Wumu finally escaped back.And the part of the Iron Cavalry that had chased the farthest also stopped wisely, waiting for the gathering of large troops.

The war is about to enter the second phase.

"Khan!" General Zhou Yiyan came over and helped Lord Wumu off the horse with his own hands.

Lord Wumu looked gloomy, sighed, and said: "General Zhou, I regret not listening to you. I have lost many people in Liangzhou by getting involved in the chaos in Liangzhou."

"Khan, there will be people coming back one after another." Zhou Yiyan is very young, only in his twenties, at this time he only heard him say in relief: "Our people are familiar with every plant and tree in Ganzhou, and they are not foreigners. Shuofang's army is comparable."

"It's only you who can speak." Lord Wumu sighed: "Master Mani, you keep trying to persuade me to make peace with Thief Shao, and it doesn't matter if I surrender temporarily."

Zhou Yiyan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know how to persuade him about this matter, but he quickly changed the subject and said, "There is news from Chang'an, and the emperor has agreed to canonize Yingyi Khan. The angel has already left Beijing. Coming to Ganzhou. Since Shao thief is the king of Datang County, maybe he will..."

"Is it possible?" Master Wumu sneered, and said, "If I don't go to Liangzhou, according to the habits of Shao thieves, I will probably find a way to restrain them. But now the Shuofang army has chased Zendan Ridge all the way, and the forward cavalry left. The king's capital is only a few tens of miles away, so how can we stop so easily."

Zhou Yiyan frowned and remained silent.

"That's all, let's send someone to contact Shao thief first, and see what he thinks." Lord Wumu sighed again.

Sending troops this time is really a steal!

Lord Umm boarded the tower of Zendan.

This city is newly built and is still under construction. It imitates the royal city of the Uyghur Khanate in history and absorbs the technology of the Tang people.

The urban area is large, but only the inner city has walls.The scale of the outer city is several times that of the inner city, and there are many people living in it, and it is much more lively than the inner city, but there is no city wall yet.

According to Lord Umm's idea, the outer city wall must be built, and there are some other things, such as water diversion wheels, main canals, and so on.

Maybe it will be many years, and I may not be able to see it in my life.

Of course Lord Umm didn't know that Zendan King City was finally completed when his younger brother was a profuse khan, and it happened that a great food writer came here and recorded it.

The man's name was Ibn Muhalhil.He saw the huge scale of Zendan King City, and once thought it was the capital of Datang.

"This city is located near a river valley, and the scenery is the most beautiful in the world. The city is so magnificent that it takes a day's journey to cross it. There are sixty streets in the city, and each street extends to the government office. The city wall is ninety arms high and thick. , There is a big river inside the wall, which is divided into sixty branches, each of which flows to a sluice, drives a wind wheel, and then rolls the water to the ground, half of which flows out of the wall to irrigate the fields, and half leads to the city to supply the residents.

There are two canals on each street, one forward and one reverse.The canals that flow from the outside of the city to the inside of the city are used for drinking, and those that flow from the inside of the city to the outside of the city carry away the filth.

There is a temple in the country, which is bigger than the church in Jerusalem, and there is an idol in it, which is a big Buddha. "

At this time, the Zendan King City was not as large as it would be decades later. After all, it had not been many years since the Uyghurs robbed the Silk Road, and the city had only been built for less than 30 years. Account, this is the beginning of Ganzhou Uighur.

Lord Um still has feelings for this city, and has been giving various instructions to the craftsmen in recent years, letting them build the city according to their own intentions.

It had always made him proud.But when he thought of the thousands of artisans looted from all over the place, as well as the mountains of treasures from the Central Plains, Western Regions, Dashi, Persia, and even Daqin, it was likely that the Shao thief would be cheaper—if he couldn’t defeat Shuofang who was chasing him army, then they can only hope to make them retreat through bribery!

Thinking of this, Master Wumu came to the treasure house in the inner city by some strange and unexpected circumstances.

Jade, golden Buddha, Persian brocade, Goryeo brocade, Shu brocade, pearls, Daqin silver cups, silver plates, silver bowls, gold flowers and silver vases, weapons from various countries, Persian armor, Daqin armor, Dashi books...

Most of these things were accumulated by successive Khans, and there was almost no cost-even because the robbery was too ruthless, many Hu merchants switched to the northern grasslands.

Lord Umm originally planned to use his treasures to recruit more craftsmen to build the royal city and make weapons, but now it seems that most of them cannot be kept.

No, maybe there is still a chance!

Most of the cavalry brought to Liangzhou have returned, and there are still a large number of infantry inside and outside the city.Although many tribes have already started to run away upon hearing the news, they can still gather some tribesmen with the prestige accumulated over the years, and it is not a problem to gather [-] paces.

Maybe, we can fight another battle with Shao Bandit's soldiers and horses.If you win, you don't have to pay anything.If you lose, think of another way.

Shao thief's soldiers and horses are not many, and opportunities still exist.

 I recommend a friend's book "Traveling through the early Tang Dynasty from Hanging", if you are interested, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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