Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 317 My Conditions

Chapter 317 My Conditions
With his mind set, Master Wumu didn't want to waste any more time, so he quickly found Mani.

"Master Mani, there is something I need you to do." Master Wumu said after a long sigh.

Monk Mani had just fled back with the army, and his ass was almost rotten. Hearing that Khan asked him to go out again, he felt a little reluctant.But the Dharma is as profound as his, so how could he refuse on the spot, only to hear him ask: "What Khan wants to do must be very important, and the poor will obey."

"Very good." Lord Wumu was a little moved, and said: "I want you to go on an envoy to meet Shao Shude and talk about peace. If he is willing, he can send some of the goods."

"Shuge stopped the army, Khan's move is very kind." Master Mani respected him, and said: "This is a matter of morality."

"If that's the case, let's go immediately. If Shao thief doesn't respond, we can only fight to the death with him." Lord Wumu said eagerly.

Master Mani looked at Khan, and felt that he didn't know Khan.

How many people were lost?Do you have four thousand?Lost confidence?A few years ago, he killed the Khan and usurped power. What happened to him?
The white falcon on the grassland can travel thousands of miles with the wind, so it doesn't look strong.Only those who can soar against the wind and remain unmoved despite the storm are the true pride of heaven.

Mani soon left the city under the escort of a hundred cavalry.

The atmosphere outside the city was tense, with undercurrents surging.

The Han and Tubo people who farmed have been recruited to transport grain and fodder to the city.But how many things can be stored in a small inner city?

A prairie khan was beaten into a city by a Han Jiedu envoy. No matter how you think about it, you don't think it's right. It's completely upside down, right?
When passing through the grassland of the Longjia tribe, there was no one there, and they didn't know where they went.This gave Master Mani a bad idea. Could it be that the Long family in Suzhou made a move to secretly link up with the Long family tribe in Ganzhou, which would be detrimental to Khan?

And the movement of the Long family tribe, will it attract other tribes to follow suit?

Master Mani walked forward worryingly, with no hope for the future of Ganzhou in his heart.Now, what is most needed is actually a victory.Only victory can unite people's hearts and boost morale. Khan wants to bribe Shao thief to retreat, but in fact he has lost confidence.

This battle cannot be won!
After walking eastward for two days, I met several groups of people on the road.There were the Gamo people, the cavalry of the Shuofang army, and other small tribes. It seemed that the morale was good.He even saw a group of Uighur cavalry who were alone surrendered directly after being cut off their way back.

On April [-]th, Master Mani and his party arrived at Zendan Ridge, where they met Shao Shude who stayed overnight at Zendan Post.

"Master Mani may not know that in the battle in the south of the city, a thousand or two hundred people were beheaded. In the north of Liugu, hundreds of people were beheaded. After several days of pursuit, more than a thousand people were beheaded. Another thousand horsemen surrendered to me. They said that they were Tuyuhun in Ganzhou. , the tribe was annexed by the Lord Wumu, and now I want to serve as my master, and we will take back the Um.” Shao Shude looked at the dark night outside the ridge, and smiled gently: “The Lord Wumu sent you to make peace, what qualifications does he have? Come to beg for peace? I know he still has soldiers, let him gather troops to fight, if he can win, if not, I will retreat."

"The Khan wants to offer five thousand pieces of brocade from Fan, Persia, Korea, and Sichuan, one thousand pieces of gold and silverware, five hundred horses, one hundred pairs of exquisite armor from various countries, and ten bags of pearls." Monk Mani said: " There are also several dancers, all red-haired and blond-haired orchids from other regions, with national beauty, the Khan loves them, and now they want to part with them in exchange for the retreat of the Lingwu County King."

Shao Shude laughed loudly: "Master Mani is an outsider, and he doesn't change his face when talking about Meiji, but I underestimate it. For peace negotiations, these alone are not enough."

"What is the condition of the king of Lingwu County? Pindao can go back and tell the Khan. If the Khan agrees, a military disaster can be eliminated. This is a good thing."

"First, go to the title of Khan and surrender to me, and you can get a patrol envoy to sue; second, send your relatives to Xiazhou as a hostage; third, I will choose five thousand Uighur elite soldiers, and bring them back to the soul together with their families. Xia; [-]. The affairs of Ganzhou will be decided by the governor. All the tribes that have been annexed will be released. times." Shao Shude said.

Master Mani chanted the Buddha's name, his face ashen.

Is it possible to agree to this condition?impossible!Therefore, a war is inevitable.

On April [-]th, more than ten miles east of Zendan.

The morning mist gradually dissipated.

The white falcon flitted across the weak water like a jade belt at low altitude, as if suddenly frightened, it flapped its wings again and soared back to the high sky.

On the lush green land, banners and flags are hunting, and swords and guns are like forests.

The knights led their horses, leaving the camp one after another, and stood in line in the open space.

The auxiliary soldiers carried the long horse lance and handed it over to the knight who was turning on the horse.

These are the Tianzhu Army, Feng'an Army, and Jinglue Army with less than two thousand cavalry soldiers.

The sun rises slowly.

Where the silver light shone, the soldiers of the Leopard Cavalry Capital were putting on their armor.

The auxiliary soldiers moved nimbly, helped the armored iron kites onto the backs of the horses, and lifted the heavy special horse lances, and settled them in the soft grass.

They didn't leave, because they had to assist the iron kite to take out the horse in a while, and charged after holding it.

The breeze blows across the earth.

A large group of riders holding Tibetan spears lined up left and right.

Amidst people shouting and neighing, they have completed the whole team, this is the people from the tribes of Longyou and Tubo who descended to Liugu.

Tuqidu, Beiweidu, and Yanmo ministries were prepared one by one, and the atmosphere was awe-inspiring.

Today is sunny and sunny.

This is a day carefully chosen by both sides, a tacit decisive battle that coincides with each other.

The Uyghurs have a royal city, so it is difficult to give birth to the idea of ​​fleeing elsewhere.

Shuofang Jun was confident, so he naturally thought of once and for all.

After Lord Umm received the reply, he stopped looking forward and backward.He couldn't accept any of Shao Shude's conditions.Then there is nothing to say, let's fight to the death today.

He raised his right hand high.

The Uighur knight also got on his horse.With the capital behind them, it was difficult for them to disperse and use the skills of the prairie people.They can only go head-to-head with the Shuofang army, which is not good for them.

"Da da..." More than ten riders galloped between the two armies.

Yang Yue rode triumphantly on the horse, and the knight behind him shouted loudly in Tubo language: "Tuyuhun, Tubo, Dangxiang warriors, don't sacrifice your life for the Uyghurs. Your family has fallen into our hands. Defeat and kill the Uyghurs Those who have meritorious deeds are not guilty.”

"Ganzhou has been captured by the Long Family and the Guiyi Army. The [-] army is coming towards Zendan, and you are already under siege. If you don't surrender now, when will you wait?"

"Kill the Uyghurs and divide their wives and daughters, cattle and sheep, and goods!"

Lord Umm's eyes widened in anger.

Shao thief, every time he goes to war, he likes to play these dirty tricks!

That old man should be Yang Yue who was expelled a few days ago!This person ran around in the south, burning, killing, and looting. He was more like a prairie man than a prairie man. How could he look like a master of the Tang Dynasty?

Looking at the slightly noisy troops of his side, Lord Wumu signaled, and more than a dozen cavalry rushed out of the formation. While chasing Yang Yue and others who had fled far away with their bows, they shouted in the official Mandarin of the Tang Dynasty: "Hexi Dangxiang I have sworn an alliance with the Khan of Shunyi to attack Lingzhou with Tuoba Renfu as the vanguard, Shao Shude's wife will be captured by him, and your family members will also be held by him. Killing the thief Shao at this time will ensure the safety of the family."

There was no noise at all from the Shuofang army.

They are all veterans who have seen battles dozens or dozens of times, will they be shaken by your words?
There are [-] state soldiers in Lingzhou, [-] people in the Tielin Army, and the Yinshan and Pingxia Fan tribes can provide nearby support. Hexi Dangxiang will take the lead?
There may be incidents of invasion, but there will be no waves.

Arrows flew past his side.

Yang Yue leaned on his horse, suddenly turned his head and shot down a Uighur cavalry who was chasing closest.

Lord Wumu was furious, and sent more than ten people forward, intending to capture the old man alive.

This guy has killed thousands of minions, his hands are covered in blood!
"Boom, boom, boom..." The war drums beat.

Lord Umm turned his head abruptly.

Shao Shude climbed onto the high platform and looked around.

"Huh!" There seemed to be a roar, and hundreds of knights in the front row leveled their horses at the same time.

Leading the charge were five hundred cavalry pawns from the Economic Strategy Army.You Yi made Yang Yi, the son of Yang Yue.

Shao Shude looked at the cavalry general in silver armor.

Yang Can, an envoy of the Tianzhu Army, is also the son of Yang Yue.

The three father and son fought for themselves at the same time. Who could compare to this kind of loyalty?

No one knows how to please the Marshal better than Yang Yue.

The rhythm of the drums suddenly changed.

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded, and tens of thousands of knights suddenly shouted, rushing forward like surging waves.

 Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it may be interrupted for a day or two, and I will make up one by one later. There are many things at home, and I am too busy, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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