Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 318 Luck Killer

Chapter 318 Luck Killer

If given a choice, the prairie people would not want to fight head-on with the Central Plains cavalry.

A large-scale cavalry group charges, and individual riding and archery skills are irrelevant.On the contrary, organization, discipline, weapons and equipment, and training are more important, and this is often the advantage of the Central Plains cavalry.

Especially organization and weapons and equipment are more deadly to grassland people.But the grassland regime that has solved this problem is generally very powerful, such as the Mongols—of course, when they started, they were poorly equipped, and at one time they could only use bone arrows to defeat the enemy purely by their superb riding and archery skills. Capture equipment and enrich your tactics.

Today's battle between the Shuofang Army and the Uighurs in Ganzhou, the core of the attack is the cavalry of the three armies and the leopard cavalry capital, a total of more than [-] cavalry.

The cavalry of the army has already retrieved the long horse from the supply camp.Not all of them have armor, and the horses are not as heavy as the weapons of the leopard cavalry, but they are still indomitable against the Uighur cavalry!

The Uighurs have learned their lesson this time.

The moment the two armies rushed up, everyone realized that they were no longer a tactic of breaking through the center and outflanking the two wings, but focused on the two wings.A large number of cavalry diverted from the center to the two wings. It seemed that they wanted to break the light cavalry deployed by the Shuofang Army on the two wings.

These light cavalry were mainly soldiers and horses from the Fan tribes, mainly from Longyou Tubo and Liangzhou tribes.Their weapons are very messy, some use riding bows and short weapons, some use Tibetan spears, and their training level is relatively low, after all, they are not professional warriors.

The arrows of the Uighurs kept falling.

From time to time, a colleague in the robe fell down with an arrow.The [-] cavalry soldiers of the Jinglue Army didn't realize it, shouting and speeding forward.

The Uighur on the opposite side had a hideous face.

The Chinese army has become an outcast, and no one needs to point this out.They know their fate, but it's getting madder.

"Boom!" The cavalry on both sides collided head-on.

Like an iron plow plowing the land, the cavalry of the Shuofang Army left a deep "mark" in the formation of the Uighur Central Army.

Almost all those who faced the vanguard were shot down and dismounted.

Jinglue Army, Leopard Cavalry Capital, Feng'an Army, and Tuqi Capital, one team after another, rushed the Uighur Chinese Army to pieces.

"Go to hell!" Because the density of the enemy troops in front of him was obviously low, Yang Hongwang waved his heavy horse spear and swept it horizontally.

The heavy horse lance hit the person without any suspense, and all the enemy soldiers who were swept fell off the horse.

This is the advantage of Ma Chan, which is heavier than a lance, and much heavier.In a melee, shooting people is more effective than stabbing people, and a large area can be wiped out in one go.

The Uighurs have long been psychologically prepared for this, and more and more people are diverting to the two wings at this moment.

"Commander, the Uighurs have changed their tactics..." On the high platform, Chen Cheng immediately noticed the change.

"Don't dare to confront our horse-lance cavalry, knowing that we can't beat them, so they outflanked our two wings, trying to go around and kick our asses." Shao Shude said.

The enemy has learned a lesson!The strain rate is actually quite fast.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the most basic quality for a general.The Uighurs know their strengths and weaknesses, so it is understandable that they want to make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

But this kind of play style of abandoning the middle and outflanking the back with the two wings is also very dangerous!

If one operation is not good, it will be directly separated into two halves.Although actively divided into two halves and passively divided into two halves, they are completely two concepts.But to be divided is to be divided, and the danger is not small. This is actually fighting.

Lord Wumu personally led hundreds of cavalry in armor, focusing on assaulting the left wing of the Shuofang Army from Huizhou, Minzhou, and Qinzhou.The intention was the same as what Shao Shude said, to break through the two wings, and then outflank the elite central army of the Shuofang Army to the rear, to take advantage of their strong mobility and high level of riding and shooting, and attack from the rear.

If there is a chance, you can even try to raid the location of Shao thief.Except for some cavalry pawns serving as reserves, almost all around him were infantry.

Although the front rows of the infantry were all wearing iron armor and their long spears were scary, but who knew how good those infantry were, what if they were washed away?

The scene of thousands of riders rushing together is spectacular.

Chen Cheng had also experienced many battles, but he still felt an uncontrollable trembling feeling when he saw the Uighurs rushing to the left wing so recklessly.

The sound of hooves was like thunder, and the arrows were like locusts. What if the Tibetan cavalry on the left wing couldn't stand it?Being rushed back by the enemy cavalry, disrupting the infantry formation?

The Uyghurs also had the same idea, but the reality disappointed them.

The [-]-odd cavalry on the right flank led by Lord Umm did not attack smoothly from the very beginning.They were facing the Baijia tribe in Huizhou, a nomadic upstart of the Han people who had risen rapidly in recent years. The organizational structure was actually different from that of the grassland tribe.

Strictly speaking, it is actually very similar to Linzhou Zhejia.Thousands of people were pulled out, the surnames were unknown, the cohesion was very strong, it was not easy to collapse, and they often fought to the end. They were the type that the enemy hated very much.

The Uighur cavalry shot arrows from a distance, and then drew out various weapons to greet them, with a very brave momentum.The Bai cavalrymen rushing to the front fell off their horses without even groaning, but instead of collapsing, those behind them rushed forward with red eyes, fighting with the Uighurs to death.

You can't break down all at once, and the opponent has more soldiers than you, so you will inevitably fall into the quagmire.

The speed of the more than [-] horses riding on the right wing of the Uyghur slowed down suddenly, and the two sides fought together, and the casualties began to increase sharply.

"The order is to leave the right wing alone. The Chinese army will turn around and attack the right wing of the Uighurs." Shao Shude clearly issued the order.

The warplane has appeared!
No matter how much the Uighurs struggle today, they are doomed to fail.

As long as he dares to fight head-on, instead of giving up Zendan King City and fleeing, he will be defeated. Commander Shao has this confidence.

It doesn't matter whether you concentrate the main force in the central army, or divide your forces to outflank your own buttocks. When you are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, equipment, and organization, all kinds of tossing is nothing more than a different way of dying.

The command flag was quickly hoisted up.

In fact, he didn't need to order at all.The big difference between a veteran and a novice is knowing when to do what.In other words, the ability to read the battlefield situation is strong.

After breaking through the enemy in front of them, the cavalry of the Shuofang Army ignored the remnant Uyghur soldiers who were still desperately entangled with their own side, and immediately separated a considerable number of people to attack the most elite right wing of the Uyghurs and assist their left wing.

Someone wanted to kick Marshal Shao's ass, but he overestimated himself and underestimated others, so he got his ass kicked.

Zhou Yiyan stood on the top of the wall and slowly closed his eyes.

He is at a high place, and the entire battlefield is unobstructed for him.

Khan's central army hardly played a blocking role, and more than [-] riders were directly rushed to the ground.The horse cavalry of the Shuofang army did not use bows and arrows at all, but relied on armor to carry them hard. After enduring the initial casualties, they directly pierced Khan's central army.

The right wing was in a melee.

Under the guard of the core elite, Umm Lord Khan kept rushing forward.But there were people everywhere, and they couldn't get up to speed at all, and they were about to be surrounded.

The left wing played fairly well.Opposite them should be Yan Mo and other Liangzhou tribal soldiers. Their morale is average. Even though they have an advantage in numbers, they are still tightly suppressed, and the casualties are not light.

If the left wing is given a little more time, maybe they can achieve greater results, and it is not impossible to defeat Yanmo.

But what is lacking most now is time!
Shuofang's central army had divided into hundreds of people to turn around and attack Khan's army from the side and rear.What will happen next need not be said at all.

The central army has collapsed, and the right wing is about to collapse. Even if the left wing has the upper hand, what is the use?What's more, the Yanmo people are also fighting desperately, gradually regaining a little disadvantage.

This match is doomed!
There was another loud clatter of horseshoes in the distance.

Zhou Yiyan's heart was pounding, could it be that reinforcements came?

If you look closely, it's coming from the southwest, about two thousand horses.

After the cavalry formed a group on the periphery, it immediately began to accelerate and rushed towards the battlefield.

Their figures became clearer and clearer, and Zhou Yiyan's heart sank: Brown cloth military uniforms, this is Shuofang Army!
It's finished, the central army is finished, the left wing is finished, and the right wing will soon be finished.

The last fight of tens of thousands of cavalry came to an end.

Zhou Yiyan seems to have realized something.Perhaps Khan's biggest mistake was to spend a lot of effort and effort to build the Zendan King City.

If there is no such city, maybe you can make up your mind early and withdraw to another place.

When the Uighurs first arrived in Ganzhou, they were not strong enough and were defeated by the Guiyi Army.

Later, the attack on the sandy land was defeated again, and thousands of elites were wiped out by the Hexi Dangxiang and the Tatars.

These two failures were not disasters.The reason is that they can afford it and let it go, they leave as soon as they say it, and after the rectification is completed and their strength is restored, they return to Ganzhou again.

No matter it is the Guiyi Army, the Long Family or other forces, in the end they can only make peace with them, otherwise they will not be disturbed at all.

There is no place to save, and you can leave as you please, which was the advantage of the Uighurs in that era, but it does not exist now.

Building a city and establishing a system is the inevitable road from a tribe to a country.If you can pass this hurdle, the future will be smooth. If you fail to pass it, it may be the same as today's situation, and you will be forced to fight a decisive battle and lose a lot.

Zhe Congyun and Wang Chong each led a hundred iron kites, which were pierced into the Uighur's buttocks like iron cones.

The charge of armored cavalry is brave. Even if there are only two hundred cavalry, they still stunned the Uighur cavalry who were rushing forward from behind.

At the same time, two thousand cavalry suddenly appeared in the southwest and quickly approached the edge of the battlefield.After identifying the target, they stabbed directly at the left flank of the Uyghur cavalry, that is, the three or four thousand cavalry who were rushing to kill Yanmo.

"Where did that come from?" Shao Shude was a little surprised.

The brown camel hair military uniform is obviously Shuofang Army.

"Marshal, maybe they are the subordinates of General You Yitian of the Tiande Army." After thinking for a while, Chen Cheng replied: "Only they can appear on the battlefield at this time."

"Didn't they let them attack Ganzhou?"

"Perhaps the Guiyi Army and the Long Family missed the appointment, and General Tian couldn't wait, so he led his troops to delete Dan."

"Perhaps." Shao Shude said, "Zhang Huaishen and Long are just two people, and this is their knowledge, so it's nothing to worry about. When the Ganzhou Uighurs are settled, I want to meet these two people. In the future, the situation in the Hexi Corridor will have to be resolved." They help, otherwise it will be unstable."

In fact, whether Tian Xing comes or not, the battle will be won.However, their appearance has indeed accelerated the defeat of the Uyghurs, and Shandan and even Ganzhou can fall into their hands faster.

The Ganzhou Uyghurs, who separated Ganzhou and Suzhou and became vassals to the rebels, established their country for more than 100 years and fought against Xixia and Liao for a long time, are almost finished like this.

Counting forward, the Han family, which has ruled Shuofang Town for more than 40 years, has also collapsed.

Not to mention, Xixia's national fortune of more than 300 years is also in his own hands.

It's really a luck killer.

"Next, it's Zendan City, I hope the generals will know each other." Shao Shude said calmly.

The most important city in Ganzhou is not the state city, but Zendan.

This is where the Uighur Yazhang and the capital are located, and where their tribes are concentrated.

Although the Ganzhou Uighurs have been defeated twice since the expedition, Shao Shude still did not change his evaluation of the Uighur cavalry: good soldiers.

It is not the correct way to use troops to pit the Uighur cavalry who are good at riding and shooting against the Shuofang army who are good at close combat.

Ganzhou Uighurs must recruit at least a few thousand people to go, which can not only weaken their strength, but also give themselves another trump card to fight everywhere.

Marshal Shao never had any objection to using soldiers from other places or even from other races.The infantry went to Henan to recruit wantonly, and the cavalry can be recruited wantonly on the grasslands, so happy!
 Only to find out that if the update is interrupted, you will not be able to participate in the starting point lottery.I coded a chapter in a hurry, just for four lucky draw chances. . .

  The above was just a joke.This chapter was coded in the hospital, like a thief, for fear of being seen by others.I really don't have time to take care of patients, so I'll make up for it in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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