Chapter 363 Results
The Khitan, Xiren, Shiwei, Tatar, Uyghur, Tuyuhun and other tribes had always been the source of troops for which Li Keyong and Youzhou Town fought fiercely during the late Tang Dynasty.

Shao Shude looked at a rough map temporarily drawn by his subordinates and thought to himself.

Liu Rengong's "Eight Armies Behind the Mountain" and Later Tang's "Silver Saddle Khitan Straight" are typical examples.

On the grasslands north of Yinshan Mountain and Yanshan Mountain, just like the Hexi Corridor and Longyou area, there are a large number of foreign races living.There are many people, they are hard-working, and they are good at riding and shooting.The commanders of the Central Plains were fighting for hegemony, and their military strength was tight. From time to time, they went to recruit troops and became cannon fodder in the fighting field.

At present, there are three people who use the most ruthless Tibetan soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, namely Shao Shude, Li Keyong, and Li Kuangwei, representing the three major northern forces.

Chengde Town also has many Fan soldiers, mainly Xi people and Khitan people, which has something to do with their origins.

Although the Jiedushi who was born in Xiren was changed, the aristocratic group brought by Xiren Guiyi King Li Shi and Li Xiancheng's father and son slowly took root.After Sinicization, there is still connection with the grassland, and the horse administration is also very good. If Li Keyong wants to attack Chengde, he will probably have a lot of fun.

"Brother Yi can't go to recruit soldiers, which is a great loss to him." Shao Shude sighed.

The human resources in Hedong are just like that. Although there are a lot of them, they have been fighting all year round, not to mention the soldiers who died in battle. The economic depression caused by the war will make the population growth come to naught, or even drop sharply.

If you can't go outside the Great Wall to recruit soldiers, how can the righteous brother fight against Zhu Quanzhong?

The population under Zhu Quanzhong's rule was larger than that of the four towns of Shuofang, Longyou, Hexi, and Binning combined.He managed the local area well, and Zhang Quanyi's Henan Mansion was developing well. If things go on like this, it will be even more difficult.

Could it be that I interrupted Hedong's luck?Shao Shude was a little uncertain.

There is an unclear relationship between the righteous brother and the Tatar tribes, and he will definitely try to open up the grassland again.Or if you propose to go to the grassland to recruit soldiers, should you agree or not?

Shao Shude hesitated.

Let's talk about the situation.If he was really beaten too badly by Zhu Quanzhong, let him go.

On the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, Shao Shude returned to Xuanhongchi to form an alliance with the chieftains.

Because the black chariots Shiwei and Shanbeixi didn't come, most of the Tatars fled far away, and only a part of the Uighurs came, so the main thing was to rely on Tuyuhun to support the scene.

At this time around Xuanhongchi, there were tens of thousands of Tuyuhun people, all of whom ran away when Li Ke used the attack before, and now they came back one after another.The pastures in the Datong Basin are reluctant to give up. After all, it was the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and there is no doubt that the water and grass are lush.

The Uighurs and Tatars who were captured by the Shuofang Army added up to 4 to [-], and now they are Shao Shude's slaves.

For his third slave tribe, Shao Shude did not treat them badly, and specially picked a place for them: Yanchi (Daihai), Canhexing, and Canhebei.

This place is located between Shengle, the original capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Pingcheng, the later capital. The emperor went on hunting tours at any time, and went back and forth twice a year.There are fish in the salt pond, there are forests nearby, there are freshwater lakes, and there are rivers running through them. Fishing, hunting, planting, and grazing are all available. It is not a problem to raise them.

This land is in the blurred area between the Zhenwu Army and the Datong Army. After Shao Shude took him, it will no longer be blurred: Shuofang Army's!
With more and more tribes under his rule, Shao Shude also felt that some systems needed to be roughly established.

It had been discussed with the Lifan Academy and the staff of the military government before, and Shao Shude also gave his own plan. He felt that it was almost time to implement it, so he called Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng.

Chen and Zhao carefully looked at the draft that Lu Siye had polished.

In general, it is to regain the name of the Zhenbei Protectorate, which has existed in name only, and actually manage the Fan tribe.

Protector of Zhenbei was originally one of the titles of Jiedu Envoy of Zhenwu Army, but now it falls to Shuofang Jiedu Envoy Shao Shude.

In fact, he originally wanted to set up an institution called Beiya and set up a privy envoy, but he dared not.

The name of the organization and official position is exactly the same as the lair of the eunuchs in Chang'an. Are you trying to proclaim yourself emperor?

The guardian of Zhenbei was naturally appointed by Shao Shude himself.There are three major organizations temporarily set up in the Duhu Mansion, the Pro-Army Division, the Tribal Division, and the Commanding Army Division.

The pro-military division manages the three tribes directly under Shao Shude, namely the Tuoba tribe in Qinghai, the Liugu tribe (Shaojia tribe) in Liangzhou, and the soon-to-be established Yanchi tribe.

Each of the three departments sent five hundred warriors to Lingzhou to form a pro-army, and the pro-military division uniformly arranged training and garrison.

These three books are Shao Shude's private property.For this reason, he planned to move the Tuoba tribe back from Qinghai. It was too far away, and it was inconvenient to accumulate prestige by brushing his face.

After Shao Shude's death, these three parts were inherited by the eldest son.

The Tribal Department manages the civil affairs of the various tribes, including horse administration, tribute, and servants.

The Army Command Division is responsible for the supervision, management, recruitment and command of the tribal armies.For example, sending supervisors to various tribes, making general recommendations on the training of the tribe's young adults, recruiting troops, and so on.

Under the three divisions, they are the lowest-level tribes. In principle, they are in a state of self-government, with three positions: governor, inspector, and tribal envoy.

Tribes with a population of more than [-] have the post of governor, and those with a population of less than [-] have patrol envoys and tribal envoys.

Officials at all levels in the Duhufu can be held by Tibetans, or they can exchange positions with Shuofang shogunate, breaking the barrier between Fan and Han.But the premise is that you can write, speak official Chinese, and have a certain ability to handle government affairs.

From now on, the shogunate is only in charge of the householders, and the Duhufu is only in charge of the Fan tribe.One town, two systems do not contradict each other, and there is a certain limit of official exchanges between each other.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the Tibetans a chance to stand out in the system.

There have been some generals who have made meritorious service before and served in the Ya army, and now they have to be fixed from the system.

In the Duhufu system, if the tribes are well managed, they can also be the governor of the Han people.The governor of the Han region can also work in the Duhufu to experience how to manage the grassland tribes.

"Marshal, this Dufu Mansion is not the other Dufu Mansion." Zhao Guangfeng said after reading it.

It's purely trickery.This is entirely to provide opportunities for promotion within the system to the Tibetans and increase their enthusiasm.

"Marshal, after the establishment of the Protectorate's Mansion, how will the registration of households and Qimin be carried out?" Chen Cheng asked.

"In a land suitable for farming, gradually reduce the number of tribal envoys," Shao Shude said.

Chen Cheng understood that this was targeting tribes with a population of less than [-] and slowly encroaching on them.The big tribes and border tribes don't care about him. Several historical issues, such as the six inspectors and the two tribes by marriage in Hengshan, probably won't take action in the short term.

In fact, Shao Shude thought more.

Go out to fight, and the tribes who perform well can reward them with goods.Those who perform poorly will be fined and confiscated.

He has already planned to renovate the Yulin Palace in Yulin County, where Shengzhou is located, which was placed by Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.In the future, Dingkou, who was confiscated, will be resettled near the Yulin Palace as his direct tribe.

Strictly speaking, this has been exceeded.

The palace is only for the emperor.What qualifications does Shao Shude have to occupy the palace?It's just that no one really cares.

It is really important that the supreme ruler has a private tribe.

After the country is in peace, civil politics must be greatly promoted, so how to ensure that the emperor is not controlled by the civil system and the power is left behind?

First of all, safety must be ensured, and you must not die for no reason, such as being strangled to death by a maid, falling into the water, taking medicine and eating, and so on.

Then you have to have your own people, or you have to have your own people who are not controlled by civil officials. A directly subordinate tribe managed by the royal family itself is more suitable.Otherwise, the emperor, who can't even command the "Jinyiwei", can't do anything if he wants to, wouldn't he be aggrieved?

"This system starts with the selection of officials, and then slowly perfects it. In the future, there will definitely be more divisions, so I want to add a palace accounting division. If you want to solve the problem of the grassland once and for all, you can't just rely on killing." Shao Shude said.

Both Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng frowned, but they didn't have much resistance.

There are too many officials and generals in the dynasty.The imperial court didn't discriminate against them much, as long as they made merit, they could be promoted.Those who normally pay tribute and pay off are also the citizens of the Tang Dynasty, and the openness of the atmosphere is indeed surprising.

On the tenth day of May, Shao Shude ordered the Yulin Palace to be renovated.The various ministries of the Huimeng sent out some Dingkou, collected [-] households, and moved them to the vicinity of Yulin Palace in Shengzhou to graze. The daily civil affairs will be managed by the soon-to-be-established palace accounting department, and the pro-military department will be in charge of the military affairs.

The leaders of the ministries were somewhat reluctant, but this was actually equivalent to recruiting soldiers, and they had to obey if they didn't.

Helianduo was worried about Shao Shude's increased influence among the tribes of Tuyuhun, but Bai Yicheng had nothing to do with it. Instead, he privately advised Helianduo to be careful: if Li Keyong attacks again, who will save him?Shuozhou was recovered with the help of Shuofang Army.

On the twelfth day of the fifth month, the armies set off one by one.

In this expedition, more than 70 cattle, sheep, horses and camels were seized, and more than 160 were donated by the ministries of the League, a total of about 13 head, converted into sheep, about [-] million sheep units.Rewards for [-] troops are so-so.

The biggest achievement is to enhance the influence in Yunzhou.

Bai Yicheng secretly confessed his sincerity, and Helianduo swayed between Youzhou and Shuofang, but actually preferred Shuofang more.There is no way, Shao Dashuai has so many soldiers, it is too scary.


When they arrived at Jinhe County, they heard an urgent report from the Watch Department: the sage had passed away.

"Bring Li Hang here." Shao Shude ordered immediately.

Li Hang had returned to Xuanhongchi from Jinyang before, and had been listening to Shao Shude's orders, so he immediately rode to the side of the car.

"Biejia Li, news came from the middle of the capital that the sage had passed away, and the officials of the Northern Division appointed Shouwang as the emperor's younger brother to supervise state affairs." Shao Shude said: "At this meeting, the ceremony of the new emperor's ascension to the throne may have almost been prepared. .You go to Chang'an immediately, find Prime Minister Zhang Jun and Shimen Rongshi Ximen Chongsui, and find out about the situation."

"The commander-in-chief is not satisfied with Shou Wang?" Li Hang asked directly.

"No, King Shou is fine." Shao Shude said.

The guards were on the sidelines, as if they didn't hear the conversation between the two.

Openly commenting on the supervisor of the prince, as if he would be replaced if he disagreed with him, it is really not a "loyal minister"!

"Look for Zhang Jun first, and ask about the establishment of Weibei Town." Shao Shude urged again.

"Obey." Li Hang took the order and left.

In Weibei Town, Shao Shude's minimum goal is Fu, Fang, Yan, Dan, and Tongzhou. He can leave a Huazhou for the imperial court. This is also the limit that Li Maozhen has obtained in history.

At that time, the two towns of Baosai and Baoda (the four prefectures of Yanyan) were controlled by Li Maozhen, and his brother Li Maozhuang was the governor of Tongzhou.The governor of Huazhou is Han Jian, and this is the only hole he left for the court.

Besides Weibei Town, there is also Jingyuan Town!
After returning to the division this time, most of the tribal troops can be dismissed.

There is no strong enemy in Guanzhong, and it does not require a hundred thousand troops to seize Jingyuan Town.

Once Weibei Town is established, there may be some small disturbances in the four states of Fufang, but how much opposition can there be in the land of the four states that have lost their elites?Sending an army in can basically suppress most of the opponents, and the rest is to slowly clean up people's hearts.

"Decree, the five armies of Tielin, Tianzhu, Tianxiong, Yicong, and Feixiong will follow me south to Yanzhou." Shao Shude lifted the curtain of the carriage and said.He wanted to see if anyone dared to challenge him after showing off his muscles!
"Marshal, which route to take?" Lu Ming, the tenth personal soldier, asked.

"From Shengzhou to the south, enter Yanzhou through Lin, Yin, and Sui."

"Obey." Lu Ming quickly sent someone to deliver the order.

This route is the post road from Chang'an to the Zhenwu Army, basically along the Yellow River and the Wuding River.After leaving Suizhou, entering Yanzhou was also the route Shao Shude used to go south to Guanzhong to seek Huangchao as the governor of Suizhou and the military envoy of Tielin.

It must be a lot of emotion to revisit the old place ten years later.

(End of this chapter)

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