Chapter 364 The Base
On May [-]th, outside the Yulin Palace, it was full of heat.

Shao Shude inspected the local farming and animal husbandry in Dongshoucheng City on the other side of the river.

When I passed by last time, because I was busy with military affairs, I didn't take a good look at it. Now that I am a teacher, I should check it out.

The Shanyu Duhu Mansion of the former Zhenwu Army has been abolished, and Jinhe County under its jurisdiction has been merged into Shengzhou.The state's population is also quite large, with more than 4 people, of which [-] are descendants of Liugu Tubo who moved from Liangzhou.

The northern tour has ended, and the returned masters have started to rush to plant.

"Deputy envoy Song, Shengzhou is a good place, do we need to set up two more counties?" Shao Shude felt very relieved looking at the completed field ridges.

Fortunately, the farming season was not delayed too much, otherwise, wouldn't the common people want to drink the northwest wind.

The Qiantao Plain is now slowly beginning to implement the three-crop crop rotation system.In this matter, the Hexi tribes and Qingtang Tubo made great contributions and contributed too many large livestock.

In Lingzhou, grain production has increased considerably in the past few years, but the sown area of ​​millet and wheat has seen a limited increase.This is still when a large number of people have been relocated, and each household has been granted [-] mu of land.The reason is that there is more and more fallow land for pasture and beans. Out of the [-] mu, only [-] mu is used for growing staple food.

More and more families keep more than ten large livestock.The large livestock such as cattle, horses and camels seized by the Western Expedition were sold to the people in batches for a period of ten years, and only [-] yuan a year, or corn and wheat of the same value would be enough.

The cattle farms run by various grassland ministries are also continuing to rent cattle, which constitutes the foundation for the great development of agriculture in Lingzhou.

Not only the increase in grain production, but also the more important output of meat, milk, leather, horns, and tendon.

In fact, it is not yet time to enjoy the fruits.

Because the implementation time is still too short, less than ten years, and the cattle in private households have not yet reached saturation.Wait another five to ten years, and there will be a large number of old cattle waiting to be slaughtered on the market, and the price of beef will inevitably drop year by year. Now the price of cheese and the like has been falling for several years, and it has gradually become an important food for the people of Lingzhou. .

Settling down, planting high-yielding grass, and raising livestock are the big killers against nomadic tribes in areas suitable for pasture and farming.Anyone who settles down will be gradually assimilated. This is an objective law, unless the Shuofang shogunate falls and the process is interrupted.

Shao Shude intends to gradually replicate the successful experience in the Xitao Plain to the Qiantao Plain.

Jinhe County (Hohhot), Dongshoujiang City (Tuoketuo), Zhongshoujiang City (near Baotou), and Yulin County (near Junggar Banner) are the top priorities.

"Marshal, the number of household registrations in Dongcheng and Zhongcheng is increasing day by day, and it is possible to set up counties." Song Le looks much older, but he is in good spirits.In the era of cannibalism, it is very precious for people in troubled times to have a piece of idyllic and pure land.

In recent years, Song Le has also written some agricultural poems, such as "The East City of Shengzhou Presents the Land to the Old Man", "Meet the Farmer in Mid-Spring", "A Journey to the Good Field", "The Song of the River Bank", "Tiye Old Farmhouse" and so on.

Shao Shude saw it and thought it was good.The Feng sisters also think it is good, the rhetoric is not gorgeous, which may have something to do with Song Le's personality, but the feelings are sincere, and there are many details of farming activities, which shows that this is the style of the practical school.

"Three Shoucheng, Tiande Military City, how many counties can be established?" Shao Shude asked.

Xishoujiang city used to be the Tiande military training center, Shao Shude's hometown, there are still several thousand people.

Tiande Military City was established later, with a huge population of more than [-] people, almost all of whom are family members of sergeants, much more than Fengzhou City.

The population of the middle and eastern cities is not large, originally there were 4000 to [-] people each.In the past few years, some Heyi Dangxiang tribes have been absorbed, and the number of households exceeds [-]. At the beginning of the year, [-] Shu people were divided into each household. It is indeed possible to set up a county.

"All counties can be set up," Song Le said.

"Since that's the case..." Shao Shude pondered for a while, and then said, "We set up Da'an County in the West City, Tiande Army set up Tiande County, and Zhongcheng..."

Shao Dashuai still had a limited level of education, so he couldn't think of a good name for a while.

The name "Da'an" in Xicheng comes from the Tiande Army, because when the army was first established, Xuanzong bestowed the title "Da'an Army", which was later changed to the Tiande Army.

In the case of the surrendered city in the middle, is it necessary to use the allusion of Li Yideng's "conscripted people overnight" when he was surrendered to the third city?No, this is too embarrassing and not good for the morale of the army.

"The middle city is called Anbei County." Shao Shude clapped his hands, thinking of it.

In the second year of Kaiyuan, Zhongcheng was the ideal place for Anbei Duhufu.

"The east city is called Yunzhong County."

"In this way, Shengzhou will lead the five counties of Anbei, Yunzhong, Jinhe, Yulin, and Hebin; Fengzhou will lead the four counties of Jiuyuan, Yongfeng, Tiande, and Da'an; The three counties of the city are all paid to the king."

Of the three major plains in Hetao, Xitao is already under development, and Qiantao has just started.

I used to be afraid that if we want to build here, it will be in vain.But after such a mobilization, more than [-] troops marched eastward to Yunzhou, and Commander Shao felt that he could do it again, and Shengzhou seemed to be able to enter a state of key development.

The Han people in the Shu region in the south, the descendants of Tubo who registered households, and the slowly digesting Heyao party items, let's get started first.

In the Xixia era, most of Shengzhou was in the hands of the Liao State, and Fengzhou was the front line. These two plains were not developed, and only Lingzhou became the core money and food base of Xixia.

Now, Fengzhou will leave him alone, and Shengzhou can do it.In the future, if something happens in Hedong, Shengzhou can also become a forward base to supply grain, beans, pasture, cattle and sheep.

"People in Fengzhou and Shengzhou should be encouraged to raise horses. I remember that during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, there was a law in the imperial court that those who raised horses and cattle in private households were not included in the tax collection. Fengzhou and Shengzhou can do so? Well, this matter Make up your mind." Shao Shude said again.

To put it simply, Xuanzong introduced a policy to encourage people to raise horses and cattle, that is, these large livestock are not included in the total wealth of the people and are not taxed.If you raise it, it will be all yours, and you don't have to worry about being overwhelmed by exorbitant taxes.

During the heyday of the Kingdom, the 48 official herdsmen raised a total of more than 76 horses.After the implementation of various policies, the number of private horses has reached 40 to [-]. The post stations have vigorously purchased horses from private households, and the common people have really benefited a lot. made.

"The commander-in-chief has orders, how dare you disobey them?" Song Le laughed.

"Let's also take on the post of Deputy Chief Protector of the Northern Protectorate. Feng, Sheng, and Lin prefectures have a large number of Tibetans, so they must be well managed." Shao Shude also said with a smile.

The various positions in the Zhenbei Dufu Mansion are actually equivalent to the northern officials of the Liao Kingdom.

Some places are not naturally suitable for farming. It is not impossible to forcibly develop and cultivate the land, but this is too rough and the environment will be destroyed sooner or later. It is better to continue grazing.

Rule the tribes with the law of the tribes, fully take care of their people's feelings and customs, and then give them the opportunity to stand out in the system, so it can be more or less stable.

"Does the palace accountant have suitable candidates to recommend?"

"Marshal..." Song Le had also just read the draft of the Zhenbei Protectorate's system, he hesitated for a while, and said after a long time: "Yang Yu (yuè) seems to be suitable for this position."

Yang Jue is the head of the Yang family in Linzhou.

The Yang family is now quickly approaching Shao Shude and is very trusted.Otherwise, this time he would not be temporarily appointed as the Envoy of Youyi along the River in the Second State of Shenglin.

The Yang family has rooted in Linzhou for a long time, and there are many vassal Dangxiang tribes under their sect, and they are very familiar with the affairs of the Fan tribe.

The Zhe family who had been suppressing them had already begun to move to Fengxiang Mansion, but Shao Shude still didn't dare to hand over the local position of governor of Linzhou to the Yang family.

Isn't the local wealthy family a semi-independent force when they are governors again?

However, the post of magistrate of the Palace Account Division is very suitable for Yang Jue, because it is a secret post, and those who need to be an official in Lingzhou can just use it to win over the Yang family.

The current main job of the palace accounting department is to help Shao Shude take care of private property.

The three directly subordinate tribes, if we look at the situation of the Liao Kingdom in the future, they are "Sanhan Ruduo".

"Han Ruduo" is a Turkic language, which means palace tents. It has jurisdiction over prefectures, counties, Tijutsu, Shilie (county), and Moli (township). It has management agencies, herdsmen, slaves, and troops.

"Sort" means confidant.

The tribe directly under it must be more trusted by the general than the general tribe.The [-] pro-army divisions of the Zhenbei Protectorate's Pro-Army Division will come from these three tribes.

The [-] Tatar, Tuyuhun, and Uighur herdsmen who moved to Yulin Palace are also directly subordinate tribes, and they will send people to join the pro-army in the future.

In fact, it is a means to weaken the strength of various tribes.The emperor of the Liao Kingdom reduced the Dingkou of the big tribes by various means, and these Dingkou were incorporated into his direct subordinate "Han Ruduo" and grazed near the palace.

The emperor lived in the palace from time to time to strengthen his prestige in the directly subordinate Han Ruduo. To put it bluntly, it was the centralization of power, which is what the Liao history said, "cut off households to strengthen the weak branches."

After the death of the old emperor, the direct subordinate Han Ruduo was led by the new emperor, just like the succession of the headman on the grassland, which fully conforms to the values ​​​​of the herdsmen.

And the successors will often practice the palace and continue to do so.

In the Liao Dynasty, twelve palaces were built, including Hongyi, Changning, Yongxing, Jiqing, Yanchang, etc., plus a mansion of Prince Wenzhong, that is, the twelve palaces and one mansion.

Take the Hongyi Palace placed by Abaoji as an example. The palace directly governs "[-] Zhengding, [-] Fan Han Zhuanding, and [-] cavalry troops."

The army formed by the twelve palaces and one government is called the "Palace Guard Army", which is the capital of the emperor.

These palaces and palaces are being cut down day by day, the tribes have been made miserable, and the strength of the central government has greatly increased.Otherwise, do you think that the Khitan people who started in the grasslands can establish a country for more than 200 years?

In the area of ​​Shenhexing and Yanchi, Shao Shude had already communicated with Song Le, and planned to build a Woyang Palace, which was located in the ancient city of Hanwoyang and Shenhe County in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Yanchi Department was grazing there.

No, there will be no Yanchi Department in the future, and they will be collectively called as the subordinate department of Woyang Palace, and the leader will be Shao Shude.After his death, he was inherited by his eldest son.

In Woyang and Yulin Palaces, the civil affairs are temporarily managed by the palace accounting department, and the military affairs are temporarily under the jurisdiction of the pro-military department.

As for the Tuoba tribe in Haixi and the Shaojia tribe in Liugu, Shao Shude hasn't figured out how to deal with it yet, so let's talk about it later.

Of course Song Le understands the importance of this job, this is a close job of a confidant!
If Yang Juan managed the Woyang and Yulin Palaces in an orderly manner, and the cattle and sheep were wild, it would be no problem for him to flourish in the future.

In order to rule the grassland, the commander-in-chief really uses all kinds of tricks!
"Yang Yu?" Shao Shude laughed as soon as he heard it, and said: "The Yang family started from him, and the heads of the family are all scholars. Although he has not been an official, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a scholarly family. Only his generation practiced martial arts diligently. He is skilled in bow and horse, and has great prestige among the party members. He is indeed the most suitable candidate, and he is the only one. I was about to lead the army to the south, and when I passed Linzhou, I called him over to ask."

As for the generals of the Yang family, it sounds like a family of generals.But as you can imagine, Yang Juan's father, Yang Anzhen, was still a scholar without the strength to restrain a chicken.His father, Yang Anji, was a bit skilled in martial arts, and Yang Anji's son, Yang Hongwang, is now an envoy of Feixiong.

In the great era, the Yang family is also transforming from a traditional farming and studying family to a local tycoon.Like the Zhe family, the patriarchal family ruled the family with strong cohesion. Now the martial arts are also very prosperous, and they also take the initiative to intervene in the affairs of the tribe and vassalize some party tribes. They are party people.

But the wealthy families in the frontier, it is impossible for you not to be silly, they have been wiped out long ago.

"It's a blessing for the Yang family to be able to manage the palace tents for the commander-in-chief." Song Le said with a smile.

"In the future, I will have to go to the palace more often." Shao Shude sighed: "Work hard."

In a dualistic regime, there are too many differences in ethnicity and customs, so we have to be careful, otherwise there will be wars everywhere in the rear, and people will rebel every day, and we will fight for the world.

However, Shao Shude is not very sure. If one day he takes over the Central Plains, for example, becomes the emperor in Luoyang, will he gradually lose control over these palaces?

My heirs can't just live in the city, they have to patrol everywhere, no matter how big the resistance is, they must be carried out.The palace was built, not to let it eat ashes, if anyone can't bear this hardship in the future, then he is not qualified to be the heir.

(End of this chapter)

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