Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 369 System and Shangdang

Chapter 369 System and Shangdang

Yeli Jingchen was living a good life at the foot of the mountain, but when he heard that Shao Shude was going south to inspect Hengshan, he immediately left Lingzhou, returned to the mountain, and walked several villages with him.

"This sword is not bad." After Yeli Jingchen arrived, Shao Shude pulled out a sharp short sword and said.

These were made by Yeli's Workshop, a total of [-] pieces were sold to Shuofang Army.Some cavalry used to use swords as secondary weapons, so the military envoy Yamen purchased a batch of more than a thousand in total, mainly for private purchases.

Yeli's Workshop specially selected the five best swords for Shao Shude.

Marshal Shao was not too polite, he just accepted it, and can use it to reward the warriors in the future.

"The Chashan Iron Mine is uniquely blessed, and the swords forged are extraordinary. How about swords forged from Guanzhong or Hedong iron materials?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's not as good as it is." Yeli Jingchen didn't know what Shao Shude wanted to ask, so he answered truthfully.

"Why?" Shao Shude asked.

Nori Jingchen couldn't answer.

Shao Shude sighed, only skills, no theory, it's useless.

Of course, he doesn't understand the theory either. It must be that the iron ore in Chashan has a special content. Later generations of Xixia used this iron ore to make the Xia Renjian which is very famous.

But asking this question was really difficult for them, so they stopped decisively.

"Have you ever thought about making other ironware? In the past two years, I have been a little more generous. The shogunate Yingtian Division is buying iron farm tools. Currently, there are [-] pieces. The school is busy making iron armor, and there is no time to do these. The blacksmith shop makes a trial production of [-] pieces, and if they are useful, they will buy [-] pieces first and rent them out to the people." Shao Shude said.

It is said to be rented, but in fact it is the same as cattle, that is, to buy in installments, and it is enough to give corn and wheat after the autumn harvest every year.

Iron farm tools and ox farming have a long history, but they just cannot be popularized.Let alone now, even if the society developed into the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it still has not been fully popularized.

Nowadays, the curved plow used to irrigate the land by the river is astonishingly expensive.In order to preserve the moisture, the people who cultivated the dry land abandoned the curved plow and used the straight plow.But either way, the cost is not low.

In the past two years, the shogunate has a little savings, so Shao Shude plans to make some iron farm tools, and the supervisors are also recruiting people to domesticate cattle from a young age, striving to further popularize cattle farming and iron farm tools—don’t laugh, Lingxia Livestock There are many, but cattle are not fully popularized, so one can imagine what is going on in the Central Plains.

"Where did the Wei family get the iron?" Yeli Jingchen was a little puzzled.

The Wei family is the Wei Cai family. It has been making weapons for the military envoys for many years, and it has accumulated some accumulation, and the scale is not small.

"Wei's blacksmith shop has moved from Xiazhou to Lingzhou, and paid money to the shogunate to mine the iron in Helan Mountain." Shao Shude said.

Said to pay, in fact, very little, symbolic.But there are also conditions. Shao Shude asked them to reduce the cost without reducing wages.

This request is a bit strange, but it is good for them, Wei's blacksmith shop promised to find a way.

"It's not difficult to make farm tools." Yeli Jingchen said: "So, let someone make plows, rakes, hoe, and shovels, and present them to the commander-in-chief for appreciation."

"Okay, I'll wait." Shao Shude said with a smile, "Whoever makes farm tools that are easy to use and cheap, I will ask the Land Division to buy them."

"No problem." Yeli Jingchen said with a smile.

Fifty thousand pieces of agricultural tools are not a small business, and the benefits are huge.And these are trivial matters, the key is the purchase of weapons, which is more profitable.

Seeing Yeli Jingchen's excited appearance, Shao Shude wanted to laugh.

He didn't understand his intentions at all.

Travelers go to ancient times and invent something, is it useful?I dare not say all of them, [-]% or [-]% are useless, because there is no system, and there is no soil for its survival.

Shao Shude has seen the kind of push and pull double wooden fan bellows used in Lingzhou Metropolitan Academy.This thing existed in the Tang Dynasty, then disappeared, and it didn’t reappear until the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. As the co-author, you re-invented something that has been invented in history, right?
The most pitiful thing is that it has been used until the end of Qing Dynasty, for a whole 1000 years, without any essential progress.

The bobbin cart invented in the Sui Dynasty disappeared.Later, people rummaged through boxes and cabinets, looking for them from piles of old papers, and found a similar one hundreds of years later.

Why do inventions keep popping up, disappearing, and finally being reinvented?

War is a factor.But this shows that it is not used widely enough!If a thing has many people using it, many people making it, and many people repairing it, then it is just needed, and even if there is war, it will not disappear.

A simple bobbin car, the person who invented it may not have made any money, and the person who manufactured and promoted it has not made any money. Naturally, everyone is indifferent. This is an important reason why there is no popularization and promotion.In short, the tinder did not spread.

Traveling through this kind of thing actually happened "real" in history.

During the European Age of Discovery, a ship sank off the coast of America. Several people survived and swam ashore, including priests, soldiers, and sailors.They were saved by the Indians, well, good luck.

More than ten years later, they were discovered by a British or Dutch merchant ship.When it was discovered, these people, together with the Indians, used stone farm tools to grow corn.It is incredible that they did not bring about the slightest change in Indian society.

How can the things invented by the traversers not be completely wiped out by the times, have the soil for their survival, and self-evolve, this is the problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Shao Shude is conducting an experiment to see if he can establish a system to completely solve this problem.

If the system can be successfully built, you don’t actually need to invent anything. It will operate on its own, relying on profits as the driving force and lubricant, and will continue to improve and introduce new ones, thereby driving the progress of the entire society.

Otherwise, your invention is just a toy, no one uses it, it will be left to eat ashes, and it will disappear soon.Hundreds of years later, someone repeated the "invention" again, and then disappeared, is it interesting?

System, system, or system, this is the core thing and the most difficult part.

"Does this sword have a name?" Shao Shude asked while holding a "Xia Ren Sword".

"I also ask the commander-in-chief to give you a name." Nori Jingchen said.

"Let's call it the Chashan Sword." Shao Shude said, "Your sword is so incomprehensible. If one day, Wei's blacksmith shop makes the Chashan Sword from Helan Mountain Iron, or a better sword, would you be ashamed?"

"This..." Ye Li Jingchen choked.

"Think about why Chashan Iron can make this kind of sword, but Hedong Iron or Guanzhong Iron can't. If you figure it out, I will reward you a lot." Shao Shude stood up and said: "The 'melting bag' (crucible) or It’s the reason, forging is the reason, the bellows is the reason, and the iron is the reason. In short, think about it. If you figure it out, don’t be self-conscious. I’ll ask other people who use this method to give you money, a lot of money .”

After finishing speaking, Shao Shude rode on the horse brought by the soldiers, and said: "Let's go, it's time to lead the boys to hunt. Gather all the Hengshan athletes and practice hard."

Tens of thousands of troops stationed here are naturally not for fun.

Now the situation is delicate, the opportunity has not come, we can only wait.Taking advantage of this opportunity, let the Hengshan party select athletes to practice and hunt together with the Yamen they brought over. It was just the right time—hunting has been a very military activity since ancient times, and it is good for marching and fighting.

In the next few days, tens of thousands of soldiers and strong men started large-scale drills on the vast and endless Hengshan Mountain.

While killing loudly, while weeding and grazing sheep, the two scenes that were originally incompatible unexpectedly merged in a strange way.

Plowing and fighting is so magical.

"Kill him!" In Luzhou, the sound of killing was also loud.

More than a hundred sergeants came to the front of the formation with bows, dense arrows flew out, and screams continued to resound.

"Come on! If you don't kill the two thieves Li and Zhao, none of us can survive." Wearing two layers of heavy armor and holding an iron hammer, the general charged forward immediately.

Encouraged by him, more than a hundred soldiers formed a formation and marched forward with guns.

"An Jushou, if you stop at this time, you still have a chance." On the other side, with disheveled hair, he shouted loudly.

"Bah!" An Jushou was not disturbed at all, and his hammer kept hitting several people down in succession.

"Don't listen to him, we have killed so many Hedong bastards, how can Li Ya'er let me go?" A small school shouted: "Kill! Kill them all! Take their heads and dedicate them to Dongping The king of the county will be rewarded with gold and silk."

The sergeants knew that there was no retreat, and they fought more bravely.The defensive side has fewer people and gradually cannot support it.

"I am the younger brother of the King of Longxi County. I can guarantee your survival. As long as you put down your weapons, you will be innocent." The disheveled general shouted while commanding the soldiers to resist.

"Whoosh!" An arrow struck, hitting the man's chest.Because he came in a hurry and was in the city, he was not wearing armor, so he fell down on the spot.

"Li Kegong is dead, kill him!" Encouraged by seeing this, Anju rushed to kill again and again, brave enough.

Seeing the main general hit by an arrow, the soldiers on the defensive side lost their morale. They couldn't resist at all and were immediately dispersed.

An Jushou trotted forward and ran to Li Kegong.

Li Kegong was injured and survived. He was lying on the ground and was about to say something when he saw An Jushou hit him with a hammer, causing his head to collapse.

The other sergeants rushed into the post house shouting and killing, and searched the rooms one by one.

Soon, one will be brought out.

He was wounded and unable to move, so he didn't panic when he saw this, but laughed and said: "An Jushou, if you kill me today, you will be punished by the King of Longxi County tomorrow. I will wait for you underground. .”

"Noisy!" An Jushou slammed down another hammer, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Li Kegong and Li Yuanshen are dead, and Hedong can no longer accommodate us. Now we have no way out except for the Xuanwu Army in Heyang." An Jushou turned around, looked at the soldiers, and asked, "You What do you think?"

"Since you killed the son of a bitch in Hedong, what else is there to say? Li Ya'er is stupid, don't think about our hardships, and go to Dongping County King."

"Quickly cut off the heads of the two as a meeting gift."

"I'm afraid the first level is not enough. Why don't you sacrifice the city and surrender after General Yong'an stays in Zhaoyi Jiedu."

"That's right, Shangdang is in my hands. If Bian soldiers go north to meet them, there will be no worries."

"Where are the Bian soldiers?"

Everyone chattered and started arguing.

Obviously, this kind of rebellion is a "passionate rebellion", and they didn't think about it beforehand.

It's just that Li Ya'er has gone too far!

Meng Qian raised Xingzhou and surrendered, so it’s fine if he didn’t kill him, but he was allowed to be the Marquis of the shogunate of Zhaoyi Town, and none of Meng Qian’s cronies were affected, and all of them were awarded general posts, which is outrageous!
You know, back then Meng Fangli insisted on going his own way and decided to move Zhaoyi Lisuo to Xingzhou, which caused civil strife.An Jushou waited for General Zelu to rebel directly, and led the Hedong army into the country, allowing them to easily occupy Erzhou.

now what?Meng Fangli's younger brother Meng Qian came back with someone, and he was the immediate boss of these former rebel generals, which immediately made them panic.

Will Meng Qian retaliate?Most definitely.

That being the case, it is better to do the opposite and take refuge in Zhu Quanzhong, the king of Dongping County!

"Everyone—" An Jushou cleared his throat, and said, "Our army only has more than [-] people, and I'm afraid it won't be able to defend such a big Luzhou. Now Bianbing is still far away, and Hedong is close at hand. How can we obey the law? Gotta say it."

"What do you think, General An, but please speak up." Everyone said one after another.

"A certain heard that General Feng Bafeng injured Li Yuanshen and recruited troops in Qinshui. Now there are more than [-] people. You might as well invite him to join the Shangdang, it will be much safer." An Ju accepted.

Feng Ba is also a general of Zhaoyi.

A while ago, Li Keyong asked someone to select Zhaoyi's elite soldiers, Jiedu envoy Li Kegong immediately followed suit, carefully selected [-] elite soldiers, and sent Li Yuanshen and Feng Ba to take them to Jinyang.

Unexpectedly, Zhaoyi's elite soldiers were not willing to leave their hometown at all, and they made a lot of noise halfway.The escorting sergeant was caught off guard and was killed and defeated. Li Yuanshen fled back to Luzhou in embarrassment and suffered serious injuries.

After Feng Ba wounded Li Yuanshen, he led his troops westward to Qinshui to recruit people and strong men to join the army. Now there are more than 3000 people, so Anju wanted to invite him to Luzhou to fight against Li Keyong.

Li Kegong was the envoy of Zhaoyi Jiedu. He saw Li Yuanshen escaped with injuries, so he came to visit him. Unexpectedly, there was another rebellion in the city, and he died together with Li Yuanshen. It's pitiful!
And this rebellion, like a signal, quickly spread to Jinyang, to Bianzhou, to Chang'an, and to Commander Shao's ears.

Everyone realized that the first battle of the siege of Hedong had already been waged by these rebels.

The bloody curtain is about to officially open.

In Bianzhou City, Zhu Quanzhong suddenly got up.

"The order is that after Heyang stays, Zhu Chongjie will immediately lead the army to aid Zelu."

"As ordered."

The generals in the hall were also very excited.

Zhu Quanzhong took a glance: generals Zhu Zhen, Pang Shigu, Ding Hui, Deng Jiyun, Guo Yan, Li Di, Huo Cun, Ge Congzhou, Yang Yanhong, Li Si'an, Wang Tan, He Delun were all there.

The four generals Zhu, Pang, Ding, and Deng are old men who have become confidant generals.

Guo, Li, Huo, and Ge are the four generals of the Chao army, who are deeply affectionate and trustworthy.

Yang, Li, and Wang, former generals of the Xuanwu Army, have worked diligently and fought bravely in recent years, which is not bad.

He Delun is a descendant from Huazhou, a general of An Shiru, but he has shown his loyalty many times, so he can still be used.

"Luzhou is in the north of Zezhou." Zhu Quanzhong looked at the generals, and slowly said: "Li Hanzhi, the tiger general, is in Zezhou. He is isolated from the inside and outside. He has to take it. Who can go?"

Pang Shigu stepped forward and said, "The final general is willing to go."

He had just returned from Huainan's defeat, with more than [-] soldiers, claiming to be [-], he was defeated by Sun Ru, and his reputation in the Xuanwu Army plummeted.

Zhu Quanzhong was also very annoyed by his defeat in Huainan. He was not happy in his heart, but his face was calm, but he said: "Go to the aid in advance, why do you need my generals to go out? Deng Jiyun, you lead an army and set off soon , Heyang has few soldiers, I fear that Zhu Chongjie will make a mistake."

"The general will follow orders." Deng Jiyun came out and responded.

"The rest of the generals, each go back to rectify their troops and go out in three days. This is a golden opportunity, Ze Lu, Jinyang has no danger to defend, this battle, wins and never loses, you know?" Zhu Quanzhong sternly Come and ask.

"The end general will know." All the generals responded one after another.

After the generals retreated, Zhu Quanzhong left behind Sima Jingxiang, the left marching army.

Jing Xiang had expected it a long time ago, so he didn't leave just now, and kept waiting there.

"Jing Sima Guo is my son's house." Zhu Quanzhong said with a smile.

"The commander-in-chief doesn't send two generals, Pang and Ge, but sends Deng Jun to fight alone. It will be successful." Jing Xiang also laughed.

Zhu Quanzhong was surprised and said: "Jing Sima actually knows my strategy?"

"It's nothing more than a word."

"What's the point of this?"

"Why does the commander make a fuss?" Jingxiang said: "The towns are planning to attack Hedong. Now there is a military chaos in Luzhou, and the city is surrendered. The commander sent Zhu Chongjie and Deng Jiyun to help. But where are the soldiers and horses of Youzhou, Chengde and Datong? ? I haven’t left my teacher yet! So I need to wait.”

Zhu Quanzhong laughed when he heard the words, and said, "It's ridiculous."

Jing Xiang was unmoved, and continued: "One more thing, the three generals Ge Congzhou, Li Di, and Li Chongyin..."

"Hold on! I'm just the ear of the old story!" Zhu Quanzhong quickly reached out his hand to stop Jing Xiang's words, and laughed loudly: "I really can't hide anything from Jing Sima."

Jing Xiang shook his head and said: "My lord, this battle still requires full strength. If you can occupy Zelu, it will be like a sword reaching Sha Tuo'er's neck, making him restless day and night. I see that my lord is not determined to fight, Why?"

"Jing Sima sees Weizhi's works, and I admire them." Zhu Quanzhong praised: "The battle between Xu and Yang has just come to an end, and there are two Zhus in the east. How can we attack Jin with all our strength?"

"As the lord said, this is a golden opportunity that comes only once in a thousand years. The siege of several towns means that you can't use your own resources to support you." Jing Xiang was a little anxious, and persuaded: "The two towns of Yun and Yan, the dog guarding the household, Sun Ru in Huainan, drunk and dreaming, Wu Ning Shi Pu has lost all courage, if he doesn't take advantage of this golden opportunity to attack Hedong, it will eventually become a disaster!"

"However, Yan and Zhao Zhibing don't know where they came from. It may be difficult to rely on Xuanwu alone." Zhu Quanzhong said.

"My lord, it's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. If there are other feudal towns, it's fine. There are mountains and rivers in the east of the river. If you go south in another day, Huai, Meng, Luo and other places will have no danger to defend. Jing Xiang raised his voice and said, "Even if there are strongholds along the river, but the river freezes in winter, Jin soldiers can choose to cross the river at will, and it is difficult to defend because they are driven by iron cavalry."

"This is not a good opportunity for a decisive battle with Shatuozi." Zhu Quanzhong also sighed: "I don't know the benefits of destroying Hedong in the first battle and cutting off the enemy."

"Maybe we can send envoys to contact Shao Shude, the king of Lingwu County, and ask him to send troops to destroy Hedong together." Jing Xiang suggested.

"Jing Sima's words are reasonable. I will send envoys to Lingxia and his party. Let's see if it works." Zhu Quanzhong said: "Li Kuangwei and Wang Rong also have to send envoys."

(End of this chapter)

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