Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 370 Eventful Autumn

Chapter 370 Eventful Autumn
Li Yanling checked carefully over and over again.

The six flags and the five square flags are built in the middle battalion when they live, and accompany the army when they go out. They are symbols of military power.

The sergeants all wore new clothes.

The exquisite workmanship of Yili Hakama Nu, with its fresh white hair and bright red forehead, looks very refreshing.

Thirty Yamen officials, all selected from Binzhou and the shogunate, have arrived.

There are 30 silver knife officers, all dressed in military uniforms and equipped with silver knives.

Those with silver swords are also equipped with silver swords.

There are four kinds of swords, one is called Yi Dao, the second is called Zhang Dao, the third is called Heng Dao, and the fourth is called Mo Dao.

The silver ceremonial sword is the banjian of the Han Dynasty, the royal sword in the Jin and Song Dynasties, the long sword in the Northern Wei Dynasty, with dragon and phoenix rings, and it was loaded with gold and silver in the Sui Dynasty.

In short, in the Han Dynasty, Banjian was still made of iron, but in the Jin Dynasty it was changed to wood, and it has been followed until now.

When Shao Shude went to Xiazhou to meet Zhuge Shuang for the first time, Zhao Yu told him that he hadn’t found a craftsman to make a ritual knife. It wasn’t that the wooden knife was so difficult, but that the various carvings, patterns, and ornaments on it were complicated and took a lot of work. .

This kind of knife, of course, has no actual combat function, it is used in ceremonies.

"Tenth general Li, don't make any trouble later." Li Yanling said seriously when he walked up to Li Jin, the tenth general of Binzhou soldiers.

Li Jin, the eldest son of Li Yanling.

"Don't worry, Marshal, the last general will not make mistakes." Li replied after giving the military salute as there were no father, son or brother in the army.

Behind him there are fifty low-level squadrons such as team principals and team lieutenants, all lined up neatly, holding door guns, long spears, knives, shields, lances, bows and other equipment, each with different styles and numbers.

The door gun is decorated with leopard tail, and the spear is decorated with tassel brush.Everyone has a horse, and the saddle is decorated with gold.

Li Yanling continued to walk forward.

The colorful boxcar, also known as the building cart, is a four-wheeled carriage with a vermilion body and a colorful roof.At this time, the car was full of military musicians.There are also many drum stands next to it, and the drummers are listed on one side.

The last is a hundred rides.

The first fifty riders are "horse riders", who are selected from the army with excellent equestrian skills to perform and show off their horse skills.

The last fifty rides are called "shooting deer".

Archery is an important part of the Guochao Martial Arts Examination.

Long-distance static shooting, that is, "shooting long stacks".Those who can't shoot a strong bow will be eliminated directly, because the distance is too far, and your arrows can't reach the target.

There are three rings in the target, the first ring is excellent, the second ring is qualified, and the third ring and misses are eliminated.

Riding the horse and shooting with the specified number of arrows, all the arrows are excellent, half of the arrows are qualified, and the rest are eliminated.

Some people can play tricks during the exam, such as continuous shooting, bow left and right, lying down immediately, turning around and shooting, etc., and even those who don’t look back and just rely on their feelings are easy to win the favor of the examiners. Possibly rated as excellent, since these are all combat-worthy skills.

The third item is to shoot the strawman while running, which is actually very difficult.

Guochao's archery target is called "Luzi".The deer shooter is generally a knight with excellent fingering and archery skills.

In Ningbian town of Bining, there are always guards against Tubo, and the martial arts are strong. Naturally, there are many people who are both excellent in horse shooting and foot shooting. It is not difficult to find a hundred riders.If it is changed to a place where the armaments are slack, it is really not easy to get together.

After the inspection, Li Yanling heaved a sigh of relief, got on his horse, and quietly waited for the angel by the side of the road.

The Banner Team appeared in the distance.

Li Yanling took a deep breath, put away her fat belly, and put on a smile on her face, but her heart was full of worries.

Prime Minister Kong Wei rode on a horse and walked slowly under the guidance of the banner team.

"Welcome to the angel." Li Yanling dismounted ninety steps away and said loudly.

Kong Wei smiled, got off his horse and walked forward.

Someone behind him is holding a banner, which is a symbol of imperial power.Every few steps, the flags and banners on both sides are upright and stand solemnly.

"Li Shuai, please get on your horse." Kong Wei said with a smile.

"Angel, please get on your horse." Li Yanling replied.

Then the two mounted the horse together.

The silver knife officer and the Yamen officer were in front, followed by the boxcar, playing military music.

Li Yanling and Kong Wei walked side by side, behind him were his big banner, five-party flags, welcoming knights, angel entourage and so on.

The commander-in-chief travels with such majesty, the angel suddenly arrives, and the scene is grand.

"Li Shuai should know that the sage gave you the title of Jiedu Envoy of the Jingnan Army." Kong Wei asked casually, looking at the dusty houses on both sides.

In theory, Binning Town has made a lot of contributions, but it seems that it was all done by Zhu Mei.If the imperial court wants to give the title of Jing Nan, it should be given to Zhu Mei.Now that Zhu Mei is gone, you just ran over to give the Jingnan Army the title, how strange it looks.

"This is the emperor's favor, and I am ashamed and dare not take it." Li Yanling replied.

"It doesn't need to be like this." Kong Wei smiled gently: "Now that the new king has succeeded to the throne, the situation is very different from the past. The sage will not hesitate to reward anyone who is loyal to the king's affairs."

"I am really the Lord of the Kingdom today." Li Yanling said solemnly, with longing, longing, and gratitude on his face.

Kong Wei observed him carefully, saw that his attitude was respectful, not like the arrogance of ordinary warriors, so he immediately put down his heart.

The Wufu of Guochao is really hard to describe.

Let’s say they haven’t read a book, that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, many of them have learned Chinese since they were young, and they are proficient in Chinese and ink.But as long as they become warriors and become contaminated with the atmosphere of the army, they all become domineering and dare to do anything.

Kong Wei didn't want to come to Binzhou this time to bestow the Jingnan Army with the banner, so it is enough to send a censor, Yuanwailang and the like.

But the sage valued it, and the officials were eager, so he had to bite the bullet and act as an angel for a while—the conferring festival was second to none, and the most important thing was to win over Binning Town and let him vote for the court.

A group of people soon arrived at the camp.

After the imperial edict was read out and the festival was bestowed, all the generals in Binning congratulated together.It shows the majesty of the imperial power everywhere, although it only exists on the surface.

Kong Wei was arranged in the posthouse in the city.At night, a young girl came to serve. She looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was probably the family member of a criminal official or general.

This made Kong Wei more satisfied. Maybe Li Yanling really wanted the court?
On the second day, Li Yanling, the new envoy of the Jingnan Army, came to the post in person to greet him again.

"I don't know if Li Shuai knows Jingyuan and Zhang Jun?" Kong Wei asked in a low voice after dismissing the idlers.

"The general of the neighboring town, of course I know him." Li Yanling said.

"After Jing Commander Cheng Shizhong passed away, Zhang Jun took the post and stayed behind. The imperial court ordered Yushi Zhongcheng Xu Yanruo to be Jingyuan Jiedu envoy, and he was already on the way to the official. However, the Jing division was crazy and rebellious. In the past, he even knocked on the gate. If Zhang Jun instigates the soldiers to riot, fearing that there will be twists and turns..." Kong Wei paused to observe Li Yanling's expression.

"Master Jing made a disturbance, we should punish him." Li Yanling said loudly, "Otherwise, where is the majesty of the imperial court?"

Kong Wei's words didn't sound right to him.

It seemed to be showing loyalty, but it seemed that he hadn't said anything, and it even sounded like he was mocking.

"Li Shuai is loyal to the country, and the court knows it. If the sage issues an edict to attack Jingyuan, Li Shuai can lead an army out of Binzhou to cooperate with the imperial army to conquer." Kong Wei no longer circled around, and said directly: "As long as you send troops, you can If you have meritorious service, the imperial court will not hesitate to reward you, and the magnates are nothing to worry about."

Li Yanling understood.This is in exchange for the title, so that the Jingnan army will send troops.

To be honest, this one is quite tempting.Even if he is a xujue without a food seal, he still honors his ancestors.

But the problem is, he has no soldiers.

Marshal Shao is very stuck in military power.In the three states of Binning and Ningxia, only four thousand state soldiers can be commanded.All the passes in the town are currently garrisoned by the temporary expropriation of Tutuan Township Fulun.Although the combat effectiveness of the northwest frontier residents is not too bad, there is still a big gap between them and the government army.

After hundreds of battles in Jingyuan Town, how can they win?Unless the commander-in-chief sends Yajun from Lingxia.

"Bining is poor, and there are too many armored soldiers, how can we send troops." Li Yanling declined.

"Bingjia and rewards are not a problem. The Holy Son of Heaven is in power, so why can't these be considered?" Kong Wei said.

"The king of Lingwu County is Zhongyong for the country, and the angel came here, and he decided to send troops to the south. Jingyuan is ugly, isn't it easy to capture?" Li Yanling said.

Kong Wei's face froze.

People who don't know the times!The new king obviously has a heart to cheer up, which made them, the old officials, very happy. Even if King Ji succeeded to the throne, it would be nothing more than that, right?
Wufu has no courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame, so sincere!
"What do you think about the matter of Jingyuan?" In the Daming Palace, the sage summoned his most trusted minister, Prime Minister Zhang Jun.

"Your Majesty, please be at ease. As long as there is no chaos in the Jing division, if there is a chaos, a large army will be dispatched to conquer it, and it will be peaceful in ten days." Zhang Jun was also very helpless.

To be honest, at this moment, he didn't want to be disturbed by anything.

Brother Zhang Jun?What does that matter to me?I just want to arrest Li Keyong and ask him if he still remembers what he said back then?
Who is it that is causing trouble in the world?

Who in the end can only talk but not practice?
But accidents happen frequently!The Jingyuan army actually embraced Zhang Jun as the queen, and presented to the imperial court, asking for the imperial festival.

100 years ago, most of the imperial court would not recognize it. 50 years ago, they may or may not recognize it. At the meeting of the first emperor, most of them would recognize it.

But the new emperor is determined to forge ahead and will not tolerate such domineering actions, so he will definitely not admit it.

If Xu Yanruo, Yushi Zhongcheng, is still on the way to Zhiguan, what may happen to him.If he is expelled or even killed, according to the saint's mind, he will probably be punished.

This can be a delay!
The Luzhou army was in chaos, and Feng Ba took refuge in Zhu Quanzhong of Xuanwu after he was appointed Jiedu.

Zhu Quanzhong has dispatched troops and generals, ready to fight Hedong.

Youzhou and Datong were encouraged, and they went to the table again and again, ready to fight.

There is no news about Cheng De Wang Rong, but he should also send troops if he reminds him.

What a great opportunity!
Li Ke faced the enemy on several fronts, if the imperial army presses through the river again, it will surely be broken!
But Yanying asked right a while ago, Prime Minister Kong Wei insisted that the Jingyuan issue should be resolved first, and then go to Hedong.The reason is also very good, first easy and then difficult, after controlling Jingyuan, conscript its soldiers to go east, together with Tongzhou soldiers, Huazhou soldiers, and Jinshang soldiers, cooperate with [-] Shence troops to enter Hedong with the momentum of Mount Tai, and seize the land. Occupy Jinyang.

The saint seemed to be persuaded by him, and was a little moved.

"Can it be flat in ten days?" The saint was a little excited.

He has no military knowledge, and he doesn't know whether the Jingyuan army can fight.The Shence Army doesn't seem to be able to fight, but the victory lies in the large number of people, 5 people fight 8000 people, how can they lose?
Furthermore, Kong Wei is also trying to win over the Guanzhong feudal town, such as Binning and Li Yanling.The gold merchant Li Xiang will also go there. Li Qing has donated large trees every year to help the imperial court repair the palace.

"If Jingyuan is to be conquered, would Zhang Qing be willing to be the commander?" The saint's interest was lifted, and he wished that those domineering feudal towns could be leveled now.

The former emperor misled the country!Playing balls and cockfights all day long, drinking beer with beauties, seeing how corrupt the world has become, I still have to tidy up a little bit.

"The minister's intellect is short, so he shouldn't be responsible for such a big task. However, your Majesty is in the prime of life and Yingrui, but he is forced by the strong minister internally and externally. Every time I think about it, I am so sad that I cry blood." Zhang Jun looked grateful, Said: "The minister is reluctant to do what he can, and supervises the army to discuss Pingjingyuan."

Forget it, Pingjingyuan won't take much time.

Zhu Quanzhong had just submitted the form, Luzhou was newly attached, and asked the imperial court to select officials and appoint commanders. Once the new commanders took office, he would return the two states to the imperial court.

It seems that the Bian soldiers can still fight, and they must end the war in Jingyuan as soon as possible and lead the army eastward.

"You are in charge of the army, and when the division arrives, the thief will be defeated." The saint said happily.

Zhang Qing is very talented, and even Beisi has some people supporting him, who specialize in searching and replenishing soldiers, recruiting and training, and conquering the world with strong soldiers, just like the Shence Army was at its most glorious time.

After flattening Jingyuan and taking over Hedong, the next step is to call Shao Shude into the court.

This person came from such a lowly background, he was just a guard against others, it was a fluke for him to be promoted to be a scholar and then to be a general.Still not satisfied, he still wants to get involved in other towns, his ambition is obvious.

These domineering army leaders will be cleaned up one by one sooner or later.Those who make troubles in the world are such people.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Quanzhong, the envoy of the Xuanwu Festival, has come to the table. Luzhou has already fallen, and he is rushing to attack Zezhou. Li Hanzhi sits in the city of sorrow and is in constant distress, and his ability to use it is declining." Zhang Jun suddenly said: "My minister please dismiss ( chǐ) Seize the key and use it as a job, and the thieves will have doubts, and doubts will lead to chaos, and it may help great things.”

The sage hesitated a bit, and said: "The merit of regaining Chang'an should be used first. If you fall into a well and take away its title and honor, what do the princes of the world call me? There are also people in Beisi who say that even if we win Taiyuan, I am afraid it is not owned by the country... ..."

Zhang Jun was a little surprised. The saint is afraid of ruining his reputation. Does he want his courtiers to take the blame?

Also, why are those eunuchs in Bei Si doing bad things everywhere?Li Kegong is dead, Luzhou has fallen, and Zezhou is about to be destroyed. Zhu Quanzhong asked the court to choose a commander to serve as Zhaoyi. Isn't this a good thing for nothing?
Even if Taiyuan is won, it is not owned by the state?According to the land, recruit its soldiers, reward production, and provide comfort to the soldiers, and naturally all the people will return to their hearts, what is there to be afraid of?

(End of this chapter)

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