Chapter 483
"Li Ke used this person. I have been observing him for ten years. He is just a martial artist in troubled times. He is no different from the military leaders of all towns in the world. He is good at fighting, and his men are really talented. He was lucky enough to get the treasure land of Hedong, so he ruled the roost for a while. If he can win the world, I will immediately find a tree with a crooked neck and hang him." Feng Yanqing said unceremoniously.

"Grandfather!" Feng Xuan blamed.

"Do you think Li Keyong is ambitious?" Shao Shude asked again.

"This is the strange place." Feng Yanqing said: "It seems to have ambitions, but it seems to have no ambitions. After thinking about it, there is only one opinion. Li Ke's greatest ambition is nothing more than other feudal towns submitting to him. He is the master. He considers himself to be the clan, acting in the lineage of the eldest son, King Zheng, and has no unspeakable disobedience to the saints. If the world is peaceful, he may not send troops to attack the outer towns. However, the world is like this, the atmosphere is like this, He was also affected. He sent troops to attack the city, but he did not control the territory that could be captured. The three prefectures of Xing, Ming, and Ci were given to An Jinjun, and the two prefectures of Ze and Lu were given to Li Hanzhi. Germany, he will still seal it out, then withdraw his troops and return to Jinyang to live his own life."

Pure old school warlord!

Relying on family affection, kindness, and personality charm to win over subordinates, and after laying down the territory, wantonly distribute it.

The little brother is in trouble, if conditions permit, he will even come from thousands of miles to help, no matter the cost.

If the younger brother is disobedient, he will beat and scold him on the spot without mercy.

Be loyal to others, and if you owe favors, you must pay them back.

Others owe others favors, if it is not really urgent, you can not pay them back.

When you are in trouble, you may not open your mouth to ask others for help, because you can't save face.

This is the style of a big brother in the rivers and lakes!

Perhaps it was this true temperament that attracted many people to join him.And his reward and punishment model is quite attractive to warriors, after all, who doesn't want to be the emperor of the earth.

Compared with him, Zhu Quanzhong did not come from an old school warlord, so his approach is quite different.

Huazhou An Shiru, himself a Jiedu envoy, could not be included in the "reward and punishment incentive mechanism" of the Bian army, so he had to die.But the generals under him, such as He Delun and others, Zhu Quanzhong collected in the account, and used his talents, so he didn't worry at all, because these generals could be included in the incentive mechanism of the Bian Army.

If it was Li Keyong who broke through Huazhou back then, An Shiru begged for mercy, said a few soft words, put on a better attitude, and made some offerings, most likely he could continue to be a military envoy.

Being friends and brothers with Li Keyong is actually very good, and sometimes you can even take advantage of him.He is not stupid, he knows that you are taking advantage of him, but because of face, he may not show it.

Shao Shude admired Li Keyong very much, because he saw the shadow of himself when he was young, and he was also very loyal back then.

But since becoming a politician, people have gradually changed, compromising in the face of various realities, plotting various conspiracies and tricks, not being aboveboard at all, and becoming an old bastard.

The righteous brother is still the righteous brother from ten years ago.It seems to have changed slightly in recent years, I don't know if it is an illusion.

Brother Yi, don't compromise in the face of reality.I just want to see if the person can be consistent from the beginning to the end, and the persona is always the same persona, without any change.

"Ke Yong sent an envoy to invite you, how do you think you should respond?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's enough to deal with it." Feng Yanqing said directly: "Or send a team of partial divisions to go to the grasslands, it doesn't matter whether they fight or not. Or send a team of people directly to Jinyang, saying that they are sending troops to help the battle, and we can deal with it." thing."

Shao Shude nodded slowly.

Damn it, I knew that I would send Tuoba Renfu to Jinyang and let Li Keyong use it to his death.

This guy has already arrived in Henan, and he has not sent a single shot. He asks for food, grass and equipment all day long. As the saying goes, there is nothing left to eat and nothing to do.Expect him to fight Zhu Quanzhong recklessly?dream.

Shao Shude didn't really want to do that when he went to beat Shiwei and Xixi in black cars.Isn't this a cheap Abao machine?

Once the matter on the grassland is started, it may not be able to end within a few years, which is too time-consuming.Now the main energy is still on the Central Plains, and the encirclement net against Zhu Quanzhong will be tightened first.

"Brother Yi, I have to pay back the favor. As for how to pay it back, I'll think about it again." Shao Shude took the tea cooked by the beauty and gestured with his eyes.How did it happen?Serve tea to the gentleman first, where will the old father save his face?

Feng Xuan smiled and poured tea for Feng Yanqing.

Old man Feng's complexion was not very good-looking, and then he saw sharply that his daughter was wearing a very loose dress today, and as if realizing something in his heart, his complexion immediately relaxed.

"Let's talk about going back to the river." Shao Shude said again: "Do you dare to place a bet?"

"Pei Er is so courageous, he is still looking forward and backward, hoping that Xima Pei will come out first." Feng Yanqing sneered.

Feng Yanqing's impressions of Pei's behemoth were complicated.

The big clans of Feng, Pei, Xue, Wang, etc. are in Hedong, so naturally it is impossible to be harmonious, and there will always be conflicts of interests.The foundation of the Pei family is in Hezhong, and the branch of the Feng family is also in Hezhong and Shanzhou. There are also frictions and competitions between them. It is normal for them not to see each other.

But in the face of the big event of seizing Hezhong, Feng Yanqing still hoped that Mrs. Pei could join in, because she had greater confidence.But those people are really depressed, and they can't unify their opinions so far, and they are absolutely dead.

"Maybe I need to persuade you to save face." Shao Shude said: "If you have Pei's support, you can quickly cut through the mess and quickly control the situation in Puzhou, which will be very useful."

"Forget it, I'll write a letter to Pei Er." Feng Yanqing said.

"There is still time." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Wang Yao is so eager for his grandpa's death, but he has to admit that he won't be able to die for a while."

"Pfft!" Feng Yanqing directly sprayed the tea out of his mouth.

Father is kind and son is filial, brother and friend are respectful, these warriors!


In August, Shengzhou has entered the harvest season.

Surprisingly, immigrants from central Sichuan have planted a lot of rice in Shengzhou, and harvesting has already begun.

Of course, wheat is the most sown area, followed by millet.

Shao Shude came to Yulin Palace and received all the nobles and nobles under Yulin Palace.

It was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he rewarded some brocade robes and ribbons, and everyone was beaming with joy.

Xun asked about farming again.

"Great Khan, this year we also started farming. We set up some land by the river and planted Uighur beans."

"I have grown turnips and alfalfa, so I don't have to worry about having no grass to feed the livestock in winter."

"I sent people to plant some melons and vegetables, and the harvest was okay."

After hearing this, Shao Shude had only one feeling: people yearn for a better life, and farming can lead to a better life. The subordinates of Yulin Palace couldn't resist this temptation, so they changed part of the grassland into farmland after grazing. Clumsily ask the Han people and party members for advice on farming techniques.

This was somewhat beyond his control, which made him feel very complicated.

The subordinates of Yulin Palace now total more than 39 households, mainly Tuyuhun, Uighur, and Tatar.It is compiled into four thousand households and [-] hundred households, dividing their respective pastures, and no crossing the boundaries is allowed.

Originally, they were expected to focus on shooting and hunting nomads, but unexpectedly, they also started farming.Changes in production habits will inevitably affect culture and customs, which is unavoidable.

That's it, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, these people have not been incorporated into Shuofang Town's household registration, and they don't plan to register as household registration. They just need to register with the Duhu Mansion.They are all Shaw's private parts, and Shao Shude does not intend to hand them over to the shogunate.Even if they win the world in the future, they don't plan to hand it over to the imperial court for management.

The ruler, or the emperor, is always a loner, a lone husband and a traitor to the people. They only recognize interests and nothing else.Do what is beneficial to the rule of the Shao family, and do not necessarily do what is not conducive to the rule of the Shao family, even if it is beneficial to the world.

Around the royal family, there must still be people of their own, people who are outside the control of the imperial court.

In the future, the captives captured in various feudal towns can also be selected and compiled into Shaw's private parts.

It's not that you have to rely on these people, it's just an extra layer of protection, an extra choice, and it may be miraculously effective at critical moments.For example, in future generations, if there are incompetent descendants and the power falls to the side, if it is necessary to kill powerful officials and other people are unreliable, the existence of these people will provide an additional choice, although these people may not be reliable by then.

"You are all bodyguards, and I have always trusted you. There are plenty of places for you to use in the fierce battle in the Kanto. The bodyguards currently have 2000 people, and I want to expand the army to [-]. Yulin Palace will send [-] people, and you will choose when you go back. , there must be no mistake."

"As ordered."

The guards will be expanded to 4000 people, and there will be [-] infantry and [-] cavalry.These people still have to see blood.

A few days ago, Li Tangbin reported that the Shanguo, Heyuan, and Jishi armies had fought bravely and had broken through the Bian army's earth moat.He conscripted tens of thousands of soldiers and built a city on the basis of the original village, and asked Shao Shude to give him a name.

Shao Shude replied that the city was named Dawu.

Dawu City used to be the governor of Mianchi County in the Sui Dynasty. It was in the north of Mianchi County, but it has been abandoned now.

Tuhaozhai is less than [-] miles west of Mianchi County, so the name is appropriate.

The construction of Dawu City is almost complete, and it will be completed in at most ten days.Shao Shude planned to send [-] cavalry of the bodyguards to this city to let them see blood.

After a period of defense, change.

With Dawu City and Xiaozhai in front, Xiaoxian County in the rear can resume production with peace of mind.

In fact, the association is already clearing the ditches dug during Zhang Quanyi's time, and the land surveying work is also going on simultaneously.

There are still many people applying for the Huazhou Master and Hengshan Dangxiang, and the household registration in Xiao County will soon be filled.

In fact, Shao Shude hoped that more masters from Huazhou would apply.There are too many people here, and the Heyuan Army and the Jishi Army are stationed in the Tong and Hua prefectures as outer town troops, which will inevitably make the competition more intense.

Thinking about relocating the people of Henan Prefecture to Huazhou last year, and wanting the people of Huazhou to go to Xiao County this year, the world is so bizarre that people can't say it.

With the stabilization of the three strongholds of Xiaoxian County, Huguo, and Dawu, the Shuofang Army finally gained a firm foothold in the northwest corner of Henan Prefecture.

In the direction of Shannan Dongdao, Tang Deng Sui and other states are in full swing to complete the transfer of power.

Zhu Quanzhong must have known the news, but he didn't know how he felt and what countermeasures he would have.

Shao Dashuai is looking forward to his response.

(End of this chapter)

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