Chapter 484 Procedure
After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather gradually turns cold.

After the harvest of grain, the people of Shengzhou hurriedly prepared winter fodder for their livestock.

The cultural customs in the Northland are indeed very different from those in the Guanzhong. Herding livestock is an important part of people's life.

Thousands of households and hundreds of households from Woyang Palace also rushed over with the strong men of the tribe.

Shao Shude went out on horseback in person, leading thousands of strong men from Yulin and Woyang Second Palaces to ride horses and shoot and hunt, so as to enhance their relationship.

When he was a child, he read a book called "Quiet River Don".

The protagonist, Gregory, is a Cossack, during the period of the Russian Revolution, and within a few years, he will sometimes fall to cloth and sometimes fall to white.The Cossacks in the Don River Basin fought a bloody war with the Bupai for the Tsar.

The Cossacks were ignorant, barbaric, and backward. They were bought by the Romanov family for a long time and became the butcher knife in the hands of the family. They participated in almost all foreign expansion wars and participated in the suppression of domestic revolutions.

This is a good weapon in the hands of the royal family!

This year, the Henan Bian army captured more than [-] people. Shao Shude just ordered that [-] elites be selected and incorporated into the bodyguard army, including one thousand households and ten hundred households, and distribute their land and livestock in the Yinshan area. Armed forces directly under the Shaw Brothers.

Sun Dian of Fangzhou had just surrendered, and there were more than [-] soldiers under his command.

Zhe Zongben also captured many people in the battle of Xiaojiangkou.

Shao Shude was going to order again to select a thousand soldiers from Fangzhou and Xiangyang and send them to Feng and Sheng in the north to be incorporated into the bodyguard army.

In this way, the guards will expand to 6000 people.Usually farming and grazing, training during slack, and participating in war when recruited.

These people are black households to the shogunate, and they are managed by Yang Jue of the Protectorate. They are rewarded generously, and there is no shortage of land and livestock. Shao Shude will contact them from time to time.

For future generations, he can only do so much.

If you are still played to death like this, then I can't help it.

"Today's hunting, Murong Fu of Woyang Palace can be the first." The soldiers had already lit the bonfire and prepared the barbecue. Shao Shude brought a horse presented by Zhang Huaishen, and said: "This is the reward."

After finishing speaking, he took off his sword and cloak, tied the cloak on Murong Fu himself, hung up his sword, and said, "Warrior, I'm never stingy."

Murong Fu was from Tuyuhun, upon hearing this, he immediately shouted: "I swear allegiance to the Great Khan to the death."

After all, he held his head high and looked around at the envious and jealous people, his pride was beyond words.

"Woyang Palace still lacks a thousand households, right? Murongfu can be a thousand households." Shao Shude said again: "No one can order you, except me. You don't need to serve corvee, you don't need to make offerings, you just need to obey my orders and fight fight."

"I would like to obey the orders of the Great Khan." Everyone bowed one after another.

"Meng Baihu, you are not from the grasslands, but you are good at riding, which shows that you have worked hard. Now I will give you a brocade robe and a Chashan sword." After Shao Shude finished speaking, someone brought utensils and presented them to him.

"Swear allegiance to the commander to the death." Meng Zhixiang knelt down on the ground and shouted.

"Can't go back to Meng's house, do you regret it?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Xu is already the part of the commander in chief, with a bright future, and I have no regrets." Meng Zhixiang said without hesitation.

"Okay!" Shao Shude laughed loudly and said, "Since it's my part, you need to obey my orders. After I die, only the person I designate can inherit all of this, and the orders of others don't need to be ignored. If anyone dares to touch the palace The military authority is my son, you can kill him too, no crime for meritorious deeds."

"Follow the orders of the Great Khan/Marshal." Everyone bowed again.

"Zhang Baihu, the young man has a fierce spirit and good archery skills. I will give you a good bow." Shao Shude went to another person and said.

"Swear allegiance to the Marshal to the death." Zhang Chengfeng bowed.

Zhang Chengfeng is the son of Zhang Huaiding and the grandson of Zhang Yichao who was a hostage in Lingzhou. Currently, he is in charge of 99 households in Yulin Palace, managing [-] households, and farming and animal husbandry in Yulin County.

"Practice your martial arts well. If it's my new year, I want to conquer the Uighurs in the west. Then you will have a place to use your martial arts, or you can go to your home in Shazhou to have a look." Shao Shude said.

"I am already a part of the commander-in-chief, and Yulin Palace is my home. From then on, only the commander-in-chief's order is to follow. Wherever the commander-in-chief points his sword, I will go there, and I will never retreat. Whoever the commander-in-chief tells me to kill, I will kill." Who? Even if the emperor's relatives and prime ministers stood in front of him, he would not hesitate." Zhang Chengfeng said.

The "prime minister of the emperor" can be from the Tang Dynasty or from the new dynasty, everything is stated without saying anything.

"Good! Good! They are all good men, and they all have rewards." Shao Shude said with a happy smile.

He will hand over the guards to the army until he dies, and let thousands and hundreds of households rush over from the grassland to complete the handover of military power on the spot.

Li Tangbin has yet to fight a single battle with the two thousand bodyguards sent to Henan.

This doesn't work, I have to write a letter to dispel Li Tangbin's worries.

Yang Juan watched silently from the side.

In his opinion, this is similar to the pro-army, rear-building army, and house-yard army run by Zhufan towns, but it seems to be different.

I don't know what will happen in the future.

If the commander-in-chief dies and his son takes over the throne, if someone wants to usurp the power, the guards will gather in the palaces and then drive to Lisuo, will blood flow like a river.

The Iron Forest Army used to be the Marshal's de facto pro-army, the most trusted army.Now it seems that there are checks and balances.

The Iron Forest Army is in the clear and belongs to the standing army.

The bodyguards are very well-prepared and live scattered in the grasslands of the palaces. They only assemble when they are called and are located in the dark.Moreover, they can even kill the commander-in-chief's own son. Usually, no one would dare to contact the guards' pro-army privately, so there is no friendship.

Even if the commander-in-chief's successor is not capable enough, he has a righteous name in the town, he also has the commander-in-chief's legacy, and he has his personal backing.It is not impossible to succeed in usurping power, but the difficulty has been greatly increased, dispelling the unreasonable thoughts of many people, including the commander-in-chief's own son.

Perhaps, there are also Zhejia?Zhejia is too dazzling, the commander should be under pressure.

Protons like Meng Zhixiang and Zhang Chengfeng are indeed smart enough.Joining the bodyguard army is their best way out.

The rewards are constant and the life is good.If you are lucky, after the new dynasty is established, you can still marry the royal family, and it is very possible to become a son-in-law.

After the rewards were over, everyone sat around and had a feast.After Shao Shude drank a round of wine, he got up and left, returning to Yulin Palace.

"Liu Gongjian came here in the starry night, why?" The kumiss was still strong, Shao Shude was a little drunk, looked at Liu Jishu standing in front of him respectfully, and asked: "But there is a problem with the appointment of the envoys?"

Jiedu envoys are generally given the honorary title of Tongzhong Shumenxiapingzhangshi, so they are also called envoys.

A while ago, Shao Shude sent Zhao Guangfeng to Chang'an to go through a bunch of "procedures".

The appointment of Li Yanling, the envoy of the Zhaoxin Army, Li Bai, the envoy of the Jingnan Army (Bining), Zhe Zongben, the envoy of Tang and Deng Sui, and Zhe Silun, the envoy of Fengxiang, all required the imperial court to issue an order and then send angels to As a matter of course, grant festivals, guards of honor, and books.

Zhao Kuangning, the Jiedu envoy of the Loyalty Army, also needs to send an angel again, because the jurisdiction has changed and a new map needs to be granted.

With so many procedures to be done at once, it is impossible to say that the court is calm.

That was an uproar!
"There are so many envoys changing all at once, all the officials are uneasy, and the sage asks..." Liu Jishu couldn't continue because he found that Shao Shude's face was not good.

Bad luck, bad luck!How did this bad luck happen to me!
The King of Lingwu seems to have been drinking?Liu Jishu secretly complained, what a pity!

"But it can't be done?" Shao Shude asked.

The appointment of Li Yanling has been completed, and now there are still four people left: Li Bai, Zhe Zongben, Zhe Silun, and Zhao Kuangning.

Generally speaking, the imperial court is still "obedient".The promotion of Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin, the reappointment of Shi Pu, and the fact that Du Rang was able to leave the town of Hexi all went smoothly.

Why did things go wrong again when the situation in Shannan Dongdao changed?

Beads of sweat appeared on Liu Jishu's forehead.He felt that his body was a little out of control and wanted to tremble.

"Is it the sage who disagrees, the prime minister who doesn't want to, or the Ximen palace supervisor has an idea?" Shao Shude asked again.

"The King of Lingwu County calm down..." Liu Jishu tried his best to control his body, not wanting to make a fool of himself on the spot.

"It seems that some people have lost their memory." Shao Shude sneered, and said, "The Ximen palace supervisor was forced by Yang Fugong back then, who helped him solve the problem? Prime ministers, don't even think about who is making the confession now."

Shi Pu's son, Shi Zan, had entered Beijing and was appointed as the capital in the Shence Army.Three thousand children of General Xu Zhen's school were incorporated into Yushan Capital.

Does the saint feel confident?

"How about this, this year, Shuofang Town will send another hundred carts of salt, two thousand cattle, and thirty thousand sheep to the Shayuan Supervisor in Tongzhou, so we can do all of these things quickly." Shao Shude eased his tone, and said, "If you don't send them back before the end of September If there is no movement, it will be difficult to end. I will go south to Tongzhou in October, does the saint want to summon me?"

This year, I have been handling government affairs in the town, and I have also engaged in sacrifices to heaven and hunts with various tribes. It is true that I have not moved for a long time.The Xingde Palace in Tongzhou is maintained by people all the year round, and Shao Shude can live there at any time.

Could it be that Xingde Palace is too far away from Chang'an, and you want me to live in Xingdaofang?

Liu Jishu wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

The sage doesn't want to see you all his life, but there are some things that you can't be reconciled to if you don't struggle.

"Liu Gongjian, please go back, do as I said, Chang'an is fine." Shao Shude said: "Guanzhong has been in peace for many years, Helongfan people have paid tribute, and even envoys from foreign domains have entered the court. The sage is not excited about such a revival. ?”

In the middle of this year, Yuchi, the lord of Khotan in the Western Regions, sent an envoy to the court to meet the Emperor of Tang.

Subsequently, the Gaochang Uighur "Lion King" also sent envoys to the court, requesting the canonization of the Khan.

These two waves of envoys all passed through Shao Shude's territory, so he naturally knew about it.

At the meeting of the first emperor, Marshal Shao regained the lost land in Helong, which created the revival of Xi Zong Dynasty.

At this meeting today, envoys from foreign feudal vassals paid tribute and asked for canonization, and Commander Shao also captured some rebellious Hexi Dangxiang and Yinshan Tatar chieftain Haojian from time to time and sent them to the capital as captives. Isn't this the phenomenon of Zhongxing?
What is the saint thinking?There must be a treacherous minister by his side!
After sending Liu Jishu away, Shao Shude felt a little unhappy, so he ordered: "Let Pei Zhenyi come to Shengzhou to serve."

(End of this chapter)

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